fix articles 34544, nuclear obama
Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack (tags)
Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own.
9/11 Truth KO's Vibrant Response False Flag (tags)
Alarmed by what they saw as the dangers of national WMD terror exercise "Vibrant Response," 9/11 Truth veterans issued an alert. A simple chronology shows that their concerns are warranted.
Exposed "Vibrant Response" Ends Early! (tags)
Captain Eric H. May and 9/11 Truth colleagues up here to have interdicted a false flag operation being run out of Ft. Leavenworth -- and military publications support the case!
Nuclear Obama's "Vibrant Response" (tags)
These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell not easily conquered. -- Patrick Henry, December 23, 1775
CHICAGO, NEW YORK, HOUSTON -- 2009 Top 9/11-2B Targets -- (tags)
CAVEAT CHICAGO -- Ogre Ognir w/ False Flag -- (tags)
Captain Eric H. May makes a strong defense for the growing opinion that Chicago is the next false flag target by presenting the ultimate credential: proof of a previous valid false flag prediction.
ALERT: Chicago's Nuclear Obama -- False Flag Unfurled (tags)
An all-star set of intelligence experts announce and defend a well-considered argument that the Obama administration is no different from the Bush administration in the key areas of the global war, the Homeland State and false flag terror.