fix articles 3427, sometimes Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : sometimes


What is literature for? (tags)

Since 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, humankind has made a tremendous leap backward. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, the atomization of the working class, the collapse of union membership, the abandonment of any attachment to republican principles. Mainstream discourse encourages us to resign.

18 Ways US Chickens Are Murdered (tags)

They are run into chippers, dropped into eviscerators, crushed into paste, crushed on loading docks, die of thirst, of freezing, of baking, are smashed in tornados, strangled on farms, buried alive by bulldozers, dropped into streets, die of total abandonment neglect

Hate Crime Training for Police Is Often Inadequate, Sometimes Nonexistent (tags)

Hate Crime Training for Police Is Often Inadequate, Sometimes Nonexistent

A Disgrace : USA (tags)

This report is at once a summary of our shared predicament and an update on my particular challenges.

Fbi methods are unconscionable (tags)

As of today the terrorist methods of the fbi are almost unheard of.

American Oligarchs: Thieving Koch Brothers (tags)

sometimes secretly, sometimes with public ads and contributions, the Koch brothers are suborning democrac

Labor Laws Learned by Studying OUR Walmart #1 (tags)

I'm not a labor lawyer, so this article doesn't condone anything or give legal advice. You should double check everything here.

National Public Radio Cruelty To Animals (tags)

The more the average animal flesh consumption in the world plummets, the more desperate NPR (there is nothing public about "Public" radio) is to promote its fast food stock. CEO Gary Knell continues to toll the animals' funeral knell.

Attacks on critical thinking vs. cheers for scapegoating (tags)

The different responses between Occupy and the “Tea Party” lie in their messages.

Asking for Your Blessing (tags)

In honor of Martyrs Memorial Day.

Diversionary's "Next Fall": Fun and Thought-Provoking (tags)

"Next Fall," playing through March 25 at Diversionary Theatre in University Heights, San Diego, is a sometimes funny, sometimes wrenching, sometimes thought-provoking play in which an auto accident involving one member of a Gay male couple provokes confrontations between his partner and his blood family and triggers a series of flashbacks highlighting the conflict of faith between the victim, a devout born-again Christian, and his non-believing lover.

Connor Maddocks Teaches "Trans 101" to Queer Marriage Group (tags)

The Queer community is increasingly referred to by the awkward acronym "LGBT" ? which stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender" ? but few Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals really understand the needs, struggles and the rights of Transgender people. To bridge that gap, the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) invited Connor Maddocks, facilities manager at the San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Community Center and a female-to-male Transgender person, to make a presentation at their March 8 meeting. Maddocks' talk spanned a number of issues, from the physical aspects of a gender transition to the ways Transgender people are discriminated against and the hostility they sometimes face not only from heterosexuals but other Queers.

The Five Dirtiest Businesses in Orange County (tags)

Some Orange County Customers are losing money, funds and worse at some of the OC businesses.

Peace. (tags)

hey. it's me.

Sons of Satan. (tags)

Question. Who was the only individual ever to have the death sentence commuted by Governor Bush? -He mass murdered over 100 people with his other friend. In these murders, Lucas and his friend (and sometimes forcing children they bring along to participate and watch) group-murdered, flayed, hacked, cut, disemboweled, and decapitated over 100 people. Sometimes this involved necrophilia and cannabalism.-

sometimes honour means 'disassociation' (tags)

a diatribe on vampires

"so they can vent their ignorance with confidence" (tags)

homeless radical interviewed by kids' journal (tags)

QUICK! Go outside (or imagine yourself outside) Then look up into the sky. Then imagine yourself jumping straight up faster than the speed of light, faster than anything, for the rest of your life!

IMC Trolls (are starving) (tags)

With the loss of the 'latest comments' and the Deny Feature our favorite campers are (as with any gov' subsidized program) now scrambling to fill out their time cards. Anyone noticed the lack of participation in the Newswire? People are reading the topics that interest them and not being harangued by the pesky harpies and morons and spin technicians that have engaged in an on going attempt to disfunctionalize this free newswire.

elliott smith remembered (tags)

my thoughts as I visited Elliott Smith's memorial in LA


I really don't know what has happened, quite possibly harrassment or threats from you know who, there has even been a journalist from Narco News murdered. Whatever is going on, Narco News needs our support and help! Support real journalism! Support Narco News Bulletin! Please distribute and get active!


Many folks travelled from around the world to Cancun to protest the WTO. Many of those same people will be returning home tired, energized, impassioned and with RED EYES, from a virus that causes pink eye, or conjunctivitis. Read here for information on treatment, as well as how to prevent spread to others.

Activist Psychological Study - Please Participate! (tags)

An exploratory study is being done to determine if there are unique psychological attributes of people working for social change which differ from the general population.

Hollywood Peace Demo...4/13/03 (tags)

Summary: Are the smaller numbers at Sunday's Anti-War Demo a sign that the Movement is losing momentum, or is it just taking breath while it figures out what to do next?

3-23-03 LAPD Brutalizes Breakaway March (tags)

LAPD lies and brutalizes peaceful protesters

Lidded subjects! (tags)

Sometimes it's really hard for our dear leader to dispose his lidded subjects.

LAPD Raids on the Homeless (tags)


israeli antisemirism (tags)

innocent palestinians treated worse than criminals. Rare case of an isreali with a conscience


One Afghan, shown in battle fatigues, says of the treatment of prisoners in the Shibarghan camp: “I was a witness when an American soldier broke one prisoner’s neck and poured acid on others. The Americans did whatever they wanted. We had no power to stop them.” Another Afghan soldier states, “They cut off fingers, they cut tongues, they cut their hair and cut their beards. Sometimes they did it for pleasure; they took the prisoners outside and beat them up and then returned them to the prison. But sometimes they were never returned and they disappeared, the prisoner disappeared. I was there.”

Anti-War Statement at Renaissance Faire (tags)

An astonishingly dramatic statement against war was made at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire last Monday.

Argentina Erupts--Day 2 (tags)

An anarchist perceptions of the current situation in Argentina. Day 2

Recovering Censored or Disappeared Information (tags)

In times of crisis, information sometimes "dissappears" under pressure from governments, enemies, and even allies. on the web, it's sometimes possible to recover this vanished data. Instructions below.

Good bye. (tags)

Good bye.

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