fix articles 34269, patriotism Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : patriotism


The Hypnosis of Patriotism (tags)

Patriotism is an unnatural,unreasonable, harmful feeling for our times, which causes much of the evil from which mankind suffers.

Whistleblowing: Exemplary Patriotism (tags)

police state

Robert Jensen Challenges Patriotism, Industrialism (tags)

University of Texas journalism professor Robert Jensen spoke in San Diego February 21. His talk was billed as a challenge to the idea of patriotism, but he also said flatly that the industrial mode of production and the way of life it has allowed are no longer sustainable and the world's population will have to live in small, self-sufficient local communities. His speech also attacked "the coarsening of the culture" represented by the easy availability of pornography.

Cowardly Service (tags)

When I was a student at the University of Connecticut I experienced an assortment of racist and bigoted behavior. The behavior was directed at myself primarily and had to do with post – 9/11 bigotry. Much of it centered on feelings of patriotism vs. non-patriotism. Some of the inspiration for this mood can even be attributed to the paranoid sentiments of false patriotism spread by the now outgoing administration.

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.

Some thoughts on "patriotism" written on July 4 (tags)

Incidentally, the American soldiers who have refused to serve in Iraq are the ONLY ones with the Rule of Law on their sides. The rest have only duty, patriotism on theirs ...

Save Our State Publicly Supports Nazi Skinheads (tags)

On a video posted on Youtube several Save Our State members thank Nazi skinheads for their patriotism.

Vietnam All Over Again (tags)

Like so much of humankind's history, our government will send the poor to kill the poor.

Jethro Tull singer blasts false patriotism (tags)

When Ian Anderson made statements against the miserable war mongers and their rape of Iraq... the troglodyte right-wing attempts to shout him down.

Life after Patriotism: The Brain behind the Brainwash (tags)

"Imagine a world where disagreement was okay. Where you could support people you disagreed with, where tolerance for difference was the norm. Where critical thinking and raising questions meant respect and discussion." from Slingshot

Kerry attacks Bush on 'communitarian' grounds (tags)

The core divide in American politics now is not between liberals and conservatives, or between capitalists and socialists. It is between libertarians and commun-itarians.

If love is blind, patriotism has lost all five senses (tags)

From "Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower," by William Blum

Stop being fooled and wake up... (tags)

All money is controlled by the Vatican and all politics are controlled by money and religion. You are fighting the smoke screen people while the Mystery Caesar continues the successful deception and enslavement of the entire world!!! The time has come to finally GET A CLUE...

Nothing new in Disneyland (tags)

American citizens must learn from old european sad history.

Disentangling the Antiwar Movement from the American Flag (tags)

(A downloadable PDF version of this essay is available at; feel free to copy and distribute this 8.5 x 11, 2- sided flyer)

Patriotism (tags)

The definition of patriotism

More (imp)Unity/Whose bloody axis of evil? (tags)

Shortly after 9/11, this advertising display went up outside Macy’s at Santa Monica Place mall, and stayed up for several months. I was never sure if they were using patriotism to sell men’s shirts and ties, or men’s shirts and ties to sell patriotism. Beneath the obvious and rather crude commercial message, I discerned a subtext, a kind of subliminal and perhaps subconscious story hidden behind the advertising burka. I’ve tried here to unveil that message.

Dissent In Pursuit Of Equality, Life, Liberty And Happiness (tags)

Sharon Basco is executive producer of Howard Zinn is an historian and author of A People's History of the United States. Sharon Basco interviewed him for

23: Patriotism and loyalty (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

All Hail the State (tags)

Reflections on compulsory patriotism in schools, patriotism itself, and the so-called War on Terroris.

LA Billboards: Patriotism or Pollution? (tags)

Another example of God-Bless-America propaganda? A self-serving ploy for a Disney-employed billboard artist who hides his commercial interests behind "patriotism" and the (misguided?) protection of the ACLU? Or just another piece of pollution on the landscape of the Los Angeles mental environment? Whatever the true nature and intent of this Westwood billboard, it has made a new, hard-to-ignore contribution to our blighted mental landscape of countless billboards and ads.

The New Patriotism under President Bush (tags)

The President has used the time of crisis as an oppurtunity to to try and push his right-wing agenda through congress. A lot of issues he was challenged on earlier in his administration (fast track approval of trade agreements, higher tax cuts)now has gained some steam because of the calls of patriotism. We all know where this could lead

Patriotism & Loyalty (tags) on Patriotism & Loyalty

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