fix articles 342645, green party usa
The Green Party USA calls for activists and Greens worldwide to join in solidarity against the illegal U.S. war on the people of Afghanistan. We have urged a "hands off" policy in that region, but now we are disappointed to find some European Greens in government breaking solidarity and supporting our agressor government against Green values. We urgently call on Die Grunen, the German Green Party, to come home, to reverse their vote and withdraw from their government coalition supporting this war.
Green Party USA elected Coordinator targeted as "terrorist"-denied rights (tags)
GREEN PARTY USA ELECTED COORDINATOR DETAINED AT AIRPORT-PREVENTED BY ARMED MILITARY FROM FLYING TO GREENS GNC MEETING IN CHICAGO IL USA Nancy Oden,an elected Green Party USA coordinator,has been denied flying privileges and her constitutional rights, because of Green Party USA opposition to the bombing in Afghanistan. The new "terrorism" laws have just removed all our rights and have created new "enemies lists"-WHO WILL BE NEXT??