fix articles 3422, la voz de aztlan
Scoundrel Media Afghan Massacre Cover-Up (tags)
Internet ShutDown comming (tags)
Internet ShutDown comming
Jewish Journal Clears South Central Farmers of Anti-Semitism (tags)
Did Anti-Semitism Take Root at the South Central Farm?
Coming Next: "El Gran Boicot" (tags)
Pro-immigrant coalition to paralyze US economy
Minutemen Take Civics Lesson From ACLU in Costa Mesa (tags)
A tiny portion of Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's claimed 240 million followers made a surprise showing this Saturday at a Costa Mesa community forum on constitutional rights and immigration law. They were welcomed by Coyotl Tezcalipoca of the Colectivo Tonantzin, which sponsored the event primarily with Costa Mesa's local immigrant population (which has been the target of hate and harassment from the city's Minuteman Junta) in mind, but was happy to discover what it hopes is a new-found interest by the border vigilantes in civilized behavior and basic human rights.
La Voz and the Secret Service (tags)
Mexican-American news service falls victim of government surveillance and intrusion
Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the (tags)
Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the
Disney KABC Radio in Los Angeles Targets Mexicans (tags)
Help STOP Anti-Mexican Hate Radio
The Scalping of Cherokee Indian Ward Churchill (tags)
Chairman of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder forced to resign
La Voz de Aztlan: Spreading Disinformation and Hatred (tags)
They have been the main site promoting the bogus "Iraqi Rape" photos that have been circulating around the web. These photos are actually from a bad porno produced before the invasion of Iraq, called "Baghdad Babes," which is available on the Web.
Children of Iraq are Suffering Horrors! (tags)
The brutal "Shock and Awe" military strategy devised by the Zionist Harlan Ullman is taking a horrific toll on the Iraqi children of Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. Ullman is a Jewish “defense intellectual.” He was the Navy's “head of extended planning” and taught at the National War College. One of his students was Secretary of State Colin Powell, who says he “raised my vision several levels.”
Family of Rachel Corrie to Attend Vigil in Front of Israeli Embassy (tags)
The family of the 23 year old peace activist who was deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer on Sunday in the Gaza Strip, will be attending a candlelight vigil in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington D.C. this evening at 5:30 P.M. (EST).
Catholic group to U.S. Soldiers: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!" (tags)
Catholic Group Pours Human Blood in Front of Military Recruitment Center. They call upon Catholic US soldiers to: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!"
Arab Youth Attacked in Yorba Linda, Ca.; Interview With Father (tags)
Flashpoints mp3
A preview of what is to come in America.... is a family friendly web site. We believe in human rights for all people, regardless of age, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, or political belief. Maybe that needs changing to,'abandon hope all ye who enter here.'
Anti-War Activists Burn Recruiting Office in San Jose (tags)
A "pre-emptive strike" on a San Jose military recruitment center
Zapatistas deny Marcos is sick, wounded or dead (tags)
For the past two weeks there have persistant rumors that Zapatista rebel leader Subcomandante Marcos is ill, wounded or dead. Zapatista leaders deny the rumor as a lie by the Mexican Government.
La Voz de Aztlan exposed (tags)
OC Weekly article on La Voz de Aztlan
Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action (tags)
"We can not remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc
Matthew S. Taylor (a.k.a. Arrested! (tags)
The cyber terrorist Matthew S. Taylor a.k.a and has been arrested in Australia
$25,000 REWARD - La Raza Defense Committee (tags)
$25,000 REWARD for information leading to the arrest and conviction of cyber terrorists
After reading some of the posts about La Voz de Aztlan I thought I should write to them and ask what was up... here's what they said:
La Voz de Aztlan Should Join Up with white Neo-NAZIs (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan doesn't represent the views of Mexicans-- only the views of Hitler lovers
Remove Fascist La Voz de Aztlan From This Site (tags)
I demand that Los Angeles Independent Media remove all postings by the fascist thugs, La Voz de Aztlan (LVA), from this website TODAY.
La Voz de Aztlan Calls for the Murder of Gays, Lesbians (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan website calls for the murder of gays, lesbians
How Our Ancient Indigenous Ancestors of Mexico Viewed and Punished Lesbianism (tags)
Estimada Raza de Aztlan
La Voz de Aztlan No Se Representan La Gente Chicana (tags)
The opinions of La Voz de Aztlan do not represent those of the Chicano community and people.
Lesbians Insult "La Virgen de Guadalupe" (tags)
Who is behind these destructors of cultures and religions?
Latinos and Jews: A Perspective on MALDEF and La Voz "Anti-Semitism" (tags)
La Voz de Aztlan received a threat over the weekend from the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) because of an editorial published recently with the title: "La Raza and Jews on Collision Course in Alta California." Thomas A. Saenz, National Senior Counsel of MALDEF, sent a strongly worded message that requested La Voz de Aztlan cease from publishing articles on Jews in California. La Voz addressed the controversy in an IMC posting (see April 2) that can be problematically read as "Anti-Semtic," and demands a clarifying opinion, offered by this anonymous author.
MALDEF sends threat to La Voz de Aztlan over article on La Raza/Jewish Relations (tags)
Los Angeles - April 2, 2001 -(ACN) La Voz de Aztlan received a threat over the weekend from the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) because of an editorial published recently with the title: "La Raza and Jews on Collision Course in Alta California." Thomas A. Saenz, National Senior Counsel of MALDEF, sent a strongly worded message that requested La Voz de Aztlan cease from publishing articles on Jews in California besides asking for a public apology for our comments previously published on the subject.