fix articles 34193, reception
Closing Reception: Ruth Chase: West of Lincoln Project (tags)
Venice Arts presents the closing reception for Painter Ruth Chase’s first solo exhibition, The West of Lincoln Project. At 10:30, Ruth Chase will be giving a brief talk about how the West of Lincoln Project happened and what it means to use art for positive social change. Following, Ruth will be available for any questions about the work.
Localicious Gala: 30 Years, 30 Chefs, 30 Farmers (tags)
Opening Reception for Gwyneth Scally (tags)
Who: Gwyneth Scally “The Rise of the Original Eden” What: Opening Reception Where: Cella Gallery, 5229 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601 When: Saturday, November 21st, 7-11 pm Exhibition Dates: November 21st – December 23rd, 2009 Cost: FREE (please RSVP to the Opening Reception:
CA Constitutional Convention event in Santa Monica, Friday evening, July 17th (tags)
Free Reception and Closing Exhibit of Allensworth: 100 Years of the California Dream (tags)
National Black Farm leaders travel to Los Angeles to celebrate Gumption at the Junction: Allensworth and connect the historical legacy of Black Farmers in California to the new released report "A Seat at the Table: Diversity and the 2008 Farm Bill. New opportunity to grow fresh fruits and vegetables in our communities expanding job creation, technical education and economic development in partnership with USDA, CDFA and regional organizations.
Art Exhibit: Subvertisements (tags)
[ Image: "iRaq" - Forkscrew Graphics, Silkscreen, 2004, Los Angeles, California ] Poster from the exhibit, "Subvertisements: Using Ads and Logos for Protest", a must see exhibition for all readers of Indymedia.
Action Alert: Republican Convention in LA this Weekend. (tags)
This is an open call to protest the political agenda of the Republican Party this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Location: THE HYATT REGENCY CENTURY PLAZA HOTEL, LOS ANGELES 2025 AVENUE OF THE STARS LOS ANGELES , CA 90067 Dates: AUGUST 18-20, 2006 Source:
Local Marine, Jason Morrow, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Cpl. Jason W. Morrow, 27, a Marine from Riverside died of wounds he suffered in combat in Iraq. He was wounded in Al-Anbar province on Monday and died of his injuries Tuesday, June 27, 2006.
Opening Reception Saturday June 17, 2006 7:00-10:00 p.m
25.35 @ Transport Gallery (tags)
Tranport Gallery presents 25.35 - opening reception this Saturday 8/20/05 6pm to 10pm (exhibition runs thru Spet 24th!)
Drawing Resistance, June 12th not 5th (tags)
Drawing Resistance reception at Flor y Canto is on Saturday June 12th, not the previous date of the 5th.
Kucinich California Tour (tags)
Democratic Presidential Candidate, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will appear and speak at the following California events:
Kucinich coming to Orange County (tags)
Everyone come out and support Dennis Kucinich and show the media we know the real progressive!!!!!
Here's a chance to support Artists and two wonderful social change organizations, while purchasing some Fine Art for yourself! At this upcoming Benefit, you'll be able to view and acquire the works of socially conscious L.A. Artists both new and established. The prices will be affordable to Proletarians... so come and support the Artists who support you! (Photo from the Arts in Action Grand Opening).
Mark your calendar for this one... and spread the word to all Los Angeles Artists and Labor Activists! Avenue 50 Studio in L.A. will be presenting an important Art Exhibition on Immigration, Exploitation, and Sweatshop Labor. The Exhibit Reception takes place on Saturday Jan. 12th. Listings of other Cultural events can be found on the ART FOR A CHANGE Website.
Fight Back Big Money Media (tags)
Put counter friction on the machine. Hit Big money Media where it hurts, MONEY