fix articles 34165, pax romana
The way to international security leads over the unconditional renunciation of the states of a part of their freedom of action or sovereignty, and it should be undoubted that there is no other way to this security... (P)owerful psychological forces are at work paralyzing these efforts.
Dorothee Soelle: Teacher of God and Prophetess (tags)
Twenty years ago Dorothee Soelle warned of that totalitarian religion in North America that is in power today. She spoke of “Christo-fascism” and meant the “Christian” glossing over a capitalist system that goes along with murder, exploitation and destruction.
The "ABCs of Alternatives" published in May 2013 includes chapters on democratization, globalization criticism, global social rights, good work, Keynesianism, knowledge commons, liberation pedagogy, no person is illegal, peace, rebellion, redistribution and the WSF,
I have honestly and strongly criticized the objectively cruel methods of kidnapping and retaining prisoners under the conditions of the jungle. But I am not suggesting that anyone laid down their arms, when everyone who did so in the last 50 years did not survive to see peace…
A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis (tags)
A review of how the US is passing from a republic to tyranny
The main characteristic of the hairspliter is reversal of the burden of proof.. We are at the next stage of the suspension of international law created after 1945 and its replacement by the right of the stronger.
Open Words about the Empire (tags)
Everyone who rises to prominence learns to think in the obsequious sentences of an English butler serving cookies to the Prince of Wales.. Wars as the US waged in the last 60 years always serve to prevent democracy at home.