fix articles 33951, beings
We are part of the universe and the earth and must live in accordance with the laws of the universe as well as the earth. The most basic law is the realization that we share the planet with other beings and that we have a duty to care for our common home.
The expanding inhumanity of world governments (tags)
Discover the wars within the wars that are waged against our brothers & sisters the world over.
Anti-Zionism is a hateful ideology. It has no place at UC (tags)
Judea Pearl is Chancellor's professor at UCLA, specializing in artificial intelligence and human reasoning. He is the president of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, named after his son.
Declarations of Independence (tags)
See the modern day version of the Declaration of Independence.
The Murderous Government of the United States of America (tags)
This is a report that should stir all human beings on earth to raise a fist in defiance of the inhumane tyranny of the USA.
Obama Wants To Be Czar... Asks For More Powers Of War (tags)
Obama has asked for war powers to bomb civilians, adults, voiceless beings with more tens of billions stolen from US taxpayers.... while 66,000 bridges at home need repair... etc etc
Intel Agencies Method Is Madness (tags)
See the threats and horrors facing all of mankind:
Cooperation is not only a good idea, it already works in practice (tags)
Cooperative enterprises, in which all employees share in all the decision-making and manage themselves, are not pie in the sky. They already exist.
Video Tsunami of Rationality I (tags)
The expression of joy of a former Muslim turned an atheist and a humanist on his liberation from shackles of Islam.
World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 January 2012 (tags)
The next WWAM will take place from 23 to 30 January 2012 and coincides with the World Day for the Abolition of Meat on 28 January 2012.
Abolition of Meat: Closing release for the May 2011 WWAM (tags)
Throughout the world, individuals, groups and organizations stand up to proclaim their dissent. We demand the banning of animal agriculture, fishing and hunting.
In the profundities of the Brazilian jungle it does survive the old Greek pictorial culture?
fbi/cia illegal funding of their global crime spree (tags)
The financial markets must find new global leadership because the NYSE, SEC and other government bodies (like Congress) allow the USA intel services to defraud the world in order to finance their ongoing crime spree worldwide.
Albert Einstein was a socialist (tags)
Famous physicist Albert Einstein wrote the essay entitled "Why Socialism?" for the first issue of left-wing magazine "Monthly Review" (May 1949).
The Top Twenty Forbidden Truths of Humanity (tags)
The human species is diseased, devolving, and doomed to extinction. Here are the top twenty Forbidden Truths of this pathetic species, that prove the argument that humanity is unworthy of continuing to exist.
The new Enlightened Beings (tags)
The new enlightened beings of our future will contain a natural state of compassion and gratitude with each human being
Why Socialism? (by Albert Einstein) (tags)
This essay was originally published in the first issue of Monthly Review (May 1949).
Jesus Christ Martin Luther King John Lennon Sarah Dylan Peace Dreamers (tags)
They showed us the way to everlasting peace on earth.
Plans for Brothel in Vancouver (tags)
The mayor of Vancouver, some persons and groups favorable to the decriminalization of prostitution, pimps and johns, the New Democratic Party’s deputy and some other neoliberals support a project to create a brothel, legal and administered by women in prostitution, for the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.
Exodus - It's Official - We're Past the Tipping Point. (tags)
Earlier this year it was reported that the southern oceans were now releasing carbon dioxide
Lindsay Lohan Suffers from Americanitis (tags)
The solution to your problems is right in front of your nose.
A Story from an ICE Detention Facility (tags)
Read below:
Leonardo Boff: Eternal Rebel and Liberation Theologian (tags)
Francis called all beings and living organisms brothers and sisters.. Francis lived hundreds of years ago but may be more current than many people nowadays. He is a new person and we are old in the sense of this ecological attitude.
Dershowitz and Grades of Human Beings (tags)
So you see, one reason that you can just bomb the hell out of the Lebanese in general is that they aren't human beings at all. They are "animals."
True Nature of Obscenity (tags)
We are daily surrounded by capitalist obscenities such as poverty, war, injustice and inequality. Insult is added to injury when bourgeois spokespersons such as Billy Graham blame God and human beings. It is enough to make a person swear.
I*L*L*E*G*A*L Spells Apartheid (tags)
And people wonder why they/we protest?
Out-thinking them, not out-fighting them: heart analysis sheds decisive light (with art) (tags)
Visionaries, 'idealists', and others daring towards their desires must move beyond shared powerless feelings. We are here for a reason, we have created and are creating our crucial projects. Understandings of reality and its origin are the keys to open the illusively impossible doors of fear and perpetual, everyday war. This article, with art included, goes over important truths while escaping 'Us vs. Them' constructs and at the same time promoting spirited *resistance consciousness*!
The Opposite of Good is Apathy (tags)
Hold your vigils and marches in relevant places: such as warmongering local Congressional offices. So many Senators and Congresspeople come to mind. Or in front of a recruiting station. Or Federal Buildings. Or military bases. Then instead of going home and cracking open a beer, or uncorking a bottle of wine, sit down and say "we aren’t leaving until you call for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq." Put your butt on the line for humanity.
30 sec. Leather back sea turtles have been on earth for 150 Million years. Longline fishing and corporate politics are killing these gentle beings. In the Pacific, these volkswagwen sized turtles lay eggs in Malaysia and eat Jellyfish in San Francisco, in between they navigate the entire width of the Pacific along turtle highways. These gentle beings may all be extinct in 10 years. Please support Leatherback preservation efforts.
Move over creationism, here comes Intelligent Design (tags)
Intelligent design is the new & improved version of creationism that doesn't try to disprove evolution, instead intelligent design supporters advocate that biological complexity is evidence of a "Creator God" that happens to be the same God of the Bible..
Returning To The Ancient Ways (tags)
Do Illuminati Lizards Rule? (tags)
One of's widely-read contributors is author and lecturer, David Icke. In his books, David writes about the Illuminati and all their connected secret groups and how they are the ones manipulating world events for their benefit. Who are the super rich "elite" Illuminati and their associates?
The Politics of the Gang (tags)
Haiti should be a sobering lesson to those who entertain the fantasy of libertarianism. If the state is the ultimate source of evil, then what is turning all these boys into butchers?
"The Corporations Are Coming! The Corporations Are Coming!" (tags)
integrity is evidenced from his remarks in an interview about sitting in on democratic meetings and seeing what goes on, he said they make all their decisions based on polls ?? "It's Sick", he said. I have a message for these wayward writers who are taking turns, in a deliberate, orchestrated smear campaign to impugn a modern-day prophet and refuse to recognize, and hence INSULT, the burdgeoning grassroots movement arising from the awakened masses. HERE is The Message---this beautiful movement can only be delayed ,Never stopped because it has Founding Father energy and LightWorkers and healers who Love this Land and the principles of Liberty, Equality and Unity and are working very hard to co-create a New Covenant to give to posterity ! We are alive, real and in tune with the higher cause of our existence.
The Forbidden Truths of Human Economic Systems (tags)
A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil economic policies and structures that all human governments and societies inflict upon their citizen-slaves.
The Forbidden Truths of Sex within Human Society (tags)
A Truth-based dissection of the genocidally evil methods and doctrines that human societal and governmental leaders use to define, dictate, manipulate, and control the sexual beliefs, attitudes, and practices of their citizen-slaves.
A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika (tags)
Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.
Do Matters Have Feelings? (tags)
Since the evolutionists dare say that all living creatures, including human beings, developed evolutionarily, they should also have the courage to admit that the feelings and wills that exist in human beings must have originated from what nature has in it.
Why Socialism? By Albert Einstein (tags)
Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition.