fix articles 337688, national snow
The clathrate gun has been fired (tags)
The U.S. has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely brutal, 30 to 40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasise more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following .
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using out-dated data to form it's report. The deadline for data was over a year ago for info from scientific research. That means all of their predictions are too rosy. And yet, the politicians in the IPCC are softening the language of the report. That's just great. Keep the public stupid about the facts.......they can't handle the truth.
Arctic Ice Shrinking AND Thinning - Reports (tags)
A research team from the National Snow and Ice Data Center, part of the University of Colorado at Boulder published their report of the annual 'Arctic Ice Minimum' last week which tells the extent of the summer melting. It broke the previous record set in '05, but it did so by a huge margin. The area that melted this year is 26% more than the '05 record.
Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "It's the Crude, Dude" (tags)
War, oil, Iraq, Big Oil, global warming and more in one package.
Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)
Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.