fix articles 336985, hr 676 Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hr 676

hr 676

HR 676 Is A Single Payer Health Insurance Bill That We Need (tags)

Single Payer Health Insurance Is a great thing to have in this country.

Paper Petition For Single Payer Health Insurance Read And Sign It (tags)

Its time that we have single payer health insurance here in America.

There Is A Petition For Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)

Read about this petition then sign it and tell everybody about it.

Single Payer Health Insurance Is The Best Deal (tags)

Single payer health insurance is much better than private health insurance.

HR 676 Is Single Payer Health Insurance With No Premiums (tags)

Single payer health insurance will save you money.

HR 676 Cosponsors (tags)

Why don't Rep. Pelosi & Your Rep. Sponsor HR 676 for single payer healthcare? (tags)

The obvious question after viewing the outstanding movie exposing the bankrupt US healthcare system, Sicko, is what is Congress doing about this? The answer is there is HR 676, a bill for single payer healthcare. Believe it or not, Rep. Pelosi is not listed as a sponsor, and neither is most of the California delegation. If you cannot find your representative on the following sponsor list, call them and demand they sponsor HR 676 now.

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