fix articles 33426, yedioth ahronoth
Jonathan Pollard for President of Israel (tags)
Pollard For President In Israel, Now That He's Home.
Pollard for President of Israel (tags)
Pollard for President of Israel, Give Him Justice
Purim, Dr. Goldstein, Hebron, Twenty Five Years Ago (tags)
Something happened in Hebron twenty Five Years ago. What Exactly Occurred? This Article Reviews The Facts And Evidence.
The Goldstein Incident in Hebron, Twenty Five Years Later (tags)
After 25 yrs. its time to investigate what really happened in the Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque, in Hebron/al Khalil.
Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)
1 year later, Viva L'Iranian People's Revolution To Gain Freedom, From the Dictatorship of the Mullahs
Reality Check: Palestinian-Israeli Coexistence is a Big Lie (tags)
This article looks at the issue of Palestinian-Israeli coexistence.
Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)
This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.
Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)
This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.
The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)
The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.
New York Times Promotes War on Syria and Iran (tags)
Heading for War on Iran (tags)
Former US Policymakers Promote War on Iran (tags)
Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)
Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)
"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."
Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)
sweeping change
Lurching Toward Gomorrah: Growing Israeli Fascism (tags)
many in Israel are worried.
The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign and... (tags)
“But Israel clearly cannot afford to risk a war with Iran without the assurance that the United States being committed to participate in it. That is why the Israeli lobby in Washington and its allies argue that Obama should support an Israeli strike, which would mean that he would have to attack Iran with full force if it retaliates against such an Israeli strike. The knowledge that Israel could not attack Iran without U.S. consent makes Israeli officials extremely sensitive about the possibility that Obama would explicitly reject an Israeli strike.”
They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)
They're coming until the Gaza siege ends
Vilifying Justice Goldstone (tags)
Israel attacks truth
The liberation struggle continues.
UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)
Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.
Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)
Israeli crimes of genocide
Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)
During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.
Principal says child has ‘stain’ in genealogy (tags)
What is apartheid coming to? Palestinians are separated from Israelis by walls and checkpoints.... now Jews of African and Spanish origin are separated from Jews of Eastern European decent by school boards.... Did anyone hear Foxman scream DISCRIMINATION??? I didn't...
War for Water on the Golan Heights (tags)
Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections. Talk with a Syrian General on likelihood of Israel-Syria war QUNEITRA, Syrian Golan Heights Trucks of every size were queued up for miles and some hadn't budged in days. At the end of the line, drivers resigned to a long, hot ordeal set up camp waiting for inspections.
CUFI's Christian Zionists convene for Holy $$ War in DC (tags)
Right-wing Christian Zionist evangelicals of CUFI are fanning the flames of war with Iran, citing defense of Jews in Israel. CUFI depends on bribes to influence politicians and resettle Jews to Israel. However, Iranian Jews refuse cash offers in exchange for resettlement to Israel and remain a cohesive Jewish community in Iran.
Was Racism and Fundamentalism a Factor? The Massacre at Qana (tags)
This often ignored menace of Jewish fundamentalism needs to be addressed as seriously as other forms of fanatic religious thought which sows racial hatred, animosity and war mongering. While adhering to moral principles alone will certainly not bring any of Qana's murdered children back to life or compensate any bereaved parent or loved one anywhere, perhaps insisting on the equal worth of all human lives, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and rejecting racism from any source, including from sanctimonious former victims, can help diminish the chances of such ruthless crimes recurring in the future. Irrespective of the Holocaust, or precisely because of it, Israel should not be allowed to get away with its racist, at-will flaunting of international law and its state terrorism against defenseless civilians. It is time to go beyond mere condemnation to properly channel irrepressible grief and simmering anger into morally sound acts of intervention. Just as it worked against apartheid South Africa, a comprehensive regime of boycott against Israel is urgently called for. People of conscience everywhere share the responsibility of stopping this unrestrained behemoth before it scorches everything in its blind quest for hegemony and colonial control.
Will Americans Join Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians as Neocon Victims? (tags)
The Unfolding Horror Show
We Are Seriously Concerned About the Fate of the State of Israel (tags)
"The best thing now is to convince and create public opinion that will come and say: This is what we want. We want to withdraw from the territories" The Yediot interview, with four former Shabak (Security) heads who sharply spoke out against the way our government handles the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, attracted worldwide attention. Here is Full Translation.
Zionist Savagery At Jenin Recalled (tags)
rimes that cry to heaven were committed in Jenin by the IOF. By way of illustration, despite the desperate pleas of Ulm Jamal, a 68-year old woman, the Israeli thugs bulldozed a house, where her paralyzed son was trapped. His last words from underneath the tons of rumble were, "Oh Allah, Oh Allah" (See pp.149-151, "Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion," Ed. by Ramzy Baroud.) The callous bulldozer driver called the mother, and others who were begging for him to stop, "Whores!"
The Elites Know We're Right (tags)
The Elites Know We're Right
Palestinian olive trees sold to rich Israelis (tags)
Palestinian olive trees uprooted to make way for a security fence are being sold illegally to rich Israelis