fix articles 333362, central oregon
Union Loss in Bend, Oregon (tags)
The game is rigged, but not the fight.
In the spring of 2011 a Bureau Of Land Management rangeland supervisor working for the Prineville Oregon BLM was caught red-handed subleasing his own cattle grazing permits issued for federal land allotments on Rudio Mountain. This BLM employee was breaking the law and BLM is keeping this confidential to protect themselves. The guilty BLM employee lives nearby. He is well known as an avid mustang hater. In his opinion cattle should not have to compete with mustangs on federal grazing allotments. He would like to see all mustangs hauled to slaughterhouses. This guy provided input and was one of the preparers for BLM's new management guidelines for Central Oregon federal lands titled "John Day Basin Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement". The record of decision for this new management plan is due out in the near future. Then one late summer morning a band of mustangs were resting on a high plateau in a remote place on Rudio Mountain overlooking the John Day River. Suddenly the sound of rifle shots exploded across the high mountain meadow. The proud black stallion ran frantically to get his herd onto their feet and they ran for their lives across the plateau some falling to the ground and thrashing with death throws as the bullets ripped into them taking them down one by one. The first mustang to topple was only a baby not more than 6 weeks old. During the following days the smell of blood and rotting flesh attracted scavengers and birds of prey that fed upon the bodies of the murdered mustangs. It was during this time that hikers visiting this remote part of Rudio Mountain came across what has been dubbed (THE RUDIO MOUNTAIN MUSTANG MASSACRE.) The band of mustangs were killed smack dab in the middle of a remote section of federal land managed by the BLM as a cattle grazing allotment and to add insult to injury the cattle grazing allotment where the mustangs were murdered was being utilized by none other than our notorious untrustworthy BLM employee.
$100 million for Section 8 housing crisis falls short (tags)
$100 million in extra federal funding helps to save the nation's Section 8 housing program in Berkeley, Alameda, San Jose, Los Angeles and elsewhere! According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), a whopping 15% of 2,400 Public Housing Authorities nationwide, are currently experiencing funding shortfalls in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program! HUD is currently trying to release an additional $400 million to assist section 8 programs across the nation. See full list of troubled Public Housing Authorities, further below!