fix articles 332881, antigovernment
Lawless US Sanctions on Venezuela (tags)
New York Times: Supporting US Imperial Lawlessness (tags)
Constructing "Venezuela" protests: a photo gallery (tags)
There is no flabby pretense of “objectivity” on the part of the international media when it comes to Venezuela. That country poses a stark threat to the hegemonic order, characterized these days by tame Latin American states, emerging from US-backed military dictatorships, now gamely accepting neoliberal economic policies like good little boys and girls.
It's easy to file false papers and harass government aids (tags)
It's easy to file false papers and harass government goons and thugs. And its next to impossible for the government to stop it. You can make it hard for government goons to sell their homes or get credit.
Washington Post: Charges to be Dropped Against Raise The Fist (tags)
Newsbytes, the tech section of the Washington Post, reports that "Federal Charges will be dropped against the teen-aged operator of anti-gobvernment site"