fix articles 33238, hearings Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : hearings


How to Solve the US Housing Problem and Avoid a Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC (tags)

In 1933, Congress passed the Glass-Steagall Act, which banned banks from underwriting securities. Financial institutions had to choose either to be a simple bank lender or an underwriter (investment banker or brokerage firm).

Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it (tags)

"He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer.

Fbi pure evil & immorality (tags)

Fbi thugs & cowards delete this post from New Zealand Indymedia

Retired LAPD Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey explains how the LAPD's Board of Rights hearings work (tags)

Retired LAPD Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey explains how the LAPD's Board of Rights hearings work

Portland's Austerity Resistance Movement Sparks Changes to City (tags)

On June 20, Oregon’s Portland City Council unanimously voted to approve a budget that had been one of the most grassroots-contested examples of austerity in recent memory.


The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) stands with our fellow US Muslims who say they are being unfairly singled out in the US Congressional hearings. The EPCC condemns the fact that the hearing conducted by the GOP in the House has become like a witch-hunt,. The EPCC asks: " Why is there no hearing on racist and white supremacist rightist groups? Why are they so quick to brand Muslim terrorist and soft on terrorism and quiet on the White guy who shot Rep. Giiffords and the conservatives quick to call him just "crazy"?

Rainbow Family Continues in spite of selective punishments by enforcers of "laws" (tags)

PRESS RELEASE: Rainbow Gatherers Ordered to Albuquerque for Ticket Hearings Monday. for updates see Rainbow press crew's website below.

Iraq Winter Soldiers and Families Testify in Pasadena (tags)

Iraq War Veterans tell of American abuses. inefficiencies and greed in the Iraq and Gulf wars.


Familias Unidas, Jamas Cerra Vencidos! (Familes United Can never be defeated) Hundreds of immigrants and advocates packed the old La Placita Olvera Church to hear testimonies from people who are affected by the broken immigration laws of the US and attend a congressional hearing on immigration reform law. Present at the hearings were Assistant Speaker Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswomen Grace Napolitan0, Lucille Royal-Allard and Diane Watson. They were members of the Latino and Black Caucus. They also presented people from their district who spoke on their concerns on immigration reform.


Familias Unidas, Jamas Cerra Vencidos! (Familes United Can never be defeated) Hundreds of immigrants and advocates packed the old La Placita Olvera Church to hear testimonies from people who are affected by the broken immigration laws of the US and attend a congressional hearing on immigration reform law. Present at the hearings were Assistant Speaker Congressman Xavier Becerra, Congresswomen Grace Napolitan0, Lucille Royal-Allard and Diane Watson. They were members of the Latino and Black Caucus. They also presented people from their district who spoke on their concerns on immigration reform.

Big business hits Philippine SC ruling (tags)

The influential Makati Business Club (MBC) on Thursday said the Supreme Court decision on executive privilege did not conform to the “progressive standards of transparency” and restricted the ability of the legislature to check presidential abuse. In a statement, the MBC said it was “very concerned” about the tribunal’s ruling on the petition of then Director General Romulo Neri of the National Economic and Development Authority to stop the Senate from questioning him further on the $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp. “Their decision gives greater value to executive privilege than to the public’s right to know, which is not in keeping with progressive standards of transparency. It also has the effect of restricting the ability of the legislature to act as a countervailing force against executive abuse,” the MBC said.

Hold the Bush administration accountable - no more nukes! (tags)

We need to Implement the directives of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to end the Bush Doctrine of refurbishing our nuclear arsenal to support plans for wars of aggression around the world.

BTL: Bush Vetoes Torture Bill; Winter Soldier Hearings; Nader VP Running Mate (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Impeach Cheney -- take action (tags)

Please join 100,000 of us, sign Congressman Wexler's online petition calling for impeachment hearings.

Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Signitures to Congress Tomorrow. Please Sign his Petition (tags)

Al Gore Seeking 500,000 Messages to Congress by the Time He Testifies There Tomorrow. Email from Al Gore, March 20, 2007.

Pfizer, Halliburton Grab Democrats as Hearings Loom (tags)

Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Pharmaceutical companies and Iraq war contractors, both heavy Republican contributors, are among the companies scrambling to hire lobbyists with Democratic ties as they prepare for congressional investigative hearings next week.

Horowitz on Campus (tags)

The debate was decidedly one-sided, with Horowitz offering one misstatement of fact after another, and Smith batting them down with the dispatch of a seasoned squash player.

Fanning the Flames of Resistance (tags)

A benefit for those resisting the green scare

Media Non-event of 6/26/2006 (tags)

An important story was buried by the mainstream media last week: the 6/26 Senate Democrats hearing on Pre-Iraq War Intelligence. I offer this analysis of the media non-coverage of that damning (ergo, ignored) event. I hope you find it both enjoyable and informative -- and lament that no one else has done this bit of writing yet! Your servant, CPTMAY

america going down the drain (tags)


Sub-Committee Hears Legislation That Could Dismantle Community Access TV. (tags)

House Subcommittee on Commerce hears legislation that could severely damage local community access TV. Community media advocates call for intensification, in the coming weeks, of efforts to defeat this legislation.

ACT NOW - US/UK Extradition Treaty Goes to Hearings TUES. NOV. 15th (tags)

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has announced hearings for the proposed US/UK Extradition Treaty. The hearings are to take place TUESDAY NOVEMBER 15th 2005. PLEASE ACT NOW.

The Senate and the real John Roberts: Workers World editorial (tags)

With such a horrendous record, the hearings in the Senate should be quite simple. If this were not a club of millionaires, the exposures and questions would be straight forward. Roberts would be charged as anti-woman, racist, anti-labor, anti-environment and a tool of big business.

Dog Bites Man! Roberts Vows "Open Mind"! (tags)

The media have treated Judge Roberts’ Senate hearing platitudes about restraint and having an open mind as if they were divine wisdom—as if, indeed, they meant something.

Watergate: First in a series of ‘very American coups’ (tags)

WASHINGTON — Suddenly, the Watergate conspiracy is back in the headlines with the revelation that former FBI officer, W. Mark Felt, is the mysterious “Deep Throat” who fed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward tips on the plot that gripped the nation in 1973-74.

After Downing St. Rally at KTLA (Report with Pix and Video) (tags)

A rally was convened on just one day's notice to support the hearings convened by Rep. Conyers and over 100 other Members of Congress to investigate the Downing St. Minutes. These recently-leaked minutes detail Bush's illegal conspiracy with Tony Blair to invade Iraq almost one year prior to the official invasion.

Action alert: Ask C-SPAN to carry Thursday's Conyers' DSM Hearings (tags)

John Conyers' Hearings on the Downing Street Memo, with members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, will occur this Thursday at 2pm ET. Please contact C-SPAN and ask them to carry the hearings live.

Intelligence Committee in Maneuver to Pass Even Worse PATRIOT Act (tags)

With no announcement, the Senate Intelligence Committee has scheduled a closed door session to approve a version of the Patriot Act that would be even worse than the present act being considered by the Judiciary Committee. The hand of the White House seems to be behind the sneaky maneuver.

Congress on Steroids! Watch No-Nonsence Representatives Get Tough on Witnesses! (tags)

In the baseball steroid hearings, we saw aggressive questioning by representatives, but when it involves anything important, like war funding or CIA torture, members of this Congress are nothing but yes-men and neutered pussycats.

$9 Billion is ’Missing’, and Republicans Refuse to Investigate (tags)

Certain Congresspeople are refusing to investigate this theft of $9 billion, doesn’t that make them accessories to the crime? According to The Constitution, it is the duty of Congress to investigate these crimes. Their purpose is to provide ’checks and balances’ to the Executive Branch, expressly to be something other than a horde of rubber stamp lemmings.

Waxman calls for hearings on new 911 evidence (tags)

Reps Henry Waxman and Carolyn Maloney have called for hearings based on the new evidence of that the FTAA received 52 warnings mentioning Osama Bin Laden between April and September 10, 2001. Also, in the summer of 2001 the FAA sent a CD-ROM alert to airports mentioning the possibility of suicide hijackings.


Gross Corruption reported to CONGRESSMAN HUNTER and others only met with retaliation by Federal Agencies.. Federal Officer prosecuted for "medical/ mental incompetence" for whistle blower letters to Congress.............

9/11 Commission Hearings: The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

Countless eyes were glued to the days of public testimony on March 23 and 24 before the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States." The ten-member panel grilled policymakers from the Bush team and the previous Clinton administration. There were angry outbursts and finger-pointing. For days, charges and countercharges echoed back and forth outside the commission hearing--through the power structure and the intensifying electoral arena.

911 Commission Hearings--The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

The recent 911 Commission hearings reveal the grim truth--the rulers--both Republicans and Democratcs--actually plan to, if anything, more aggressively pursue their war against the people of the world in the name of their "war against terrorism"

KPFA: Ralph Schoenman's analysis on 9-11 hearings and BIG PICTURE (tags)

Ralph Schoenman provides a sharp summary of state-sponsored terrorism, 9-11 and this week's Congressional hearings in context; 30 minute informal talk with Bonnie Faulkner, KPFA producer of "Guns & Butter," broadcast today on KPFA/KFCF (mp3 format). You may not agree with all of his views or analysis, but as a practice the methodology of review of "threads" reported in mainstream media and assembled into a picture--even if others squawk conspiracy theory--provides insight into the ruling elite dynamics, even if you don't subscribe to the full breadth of any given "conspiracy theory." It's important to question and dig - to keep an open mind - this information is presented in that spirit as you'll never find these views in the mainstream. Older talks / radio programs can be found at the "Taking Aim" link herein


911 was not a surprise attack according to testimonies given at this week's hearings. HAMMAS calls for an ARMISTICE with the former US. Barbera Bush threatened her husband. CHINA and JAPAN attempt diplomacy. Tenet and Hamilton commit perjury, ALL ACCORDING TO FOX NEWS CHANNEL.


A WALL AS A WEAPON By Noam Chomsky New York Times, Opinion February 23, 2004

U.S. Intelligence: Premature Extrapolation (tags)

Several of PNAC's most powerful advocates are now senior members of the Bush administration, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libbey, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, and Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

Libertarians say hearings into Iraq's weapons program are pointless (tags)

"Do we really need a congressional hearing to discover that politicians are adept at using words as weapons of mass deception?"

July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

On July 3, cities across the country will hold independant Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.

911 Families, Investigators Demand Truth About Air Security (tags)

Senator Robert Graham (D-FL), head of the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the incident is calling the Bush administration's refusal to release the report of the Congressional joint inquiry to the Commission a "cover-up".

July 3, National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act (tags)

On July 3, cities around the country will hold National Public Hearings to Repeal the Patriot Act.

Activist Backgrounder to Tuesday's FCC event (tags)

Taken from answers to a several questions asked by IA-IMC to this San Francisco Media Activist. A backgrounder to the event and what activist are doing and can do.

Israeli (tags)

Israel kicks Arabs out of its parliament


Greens demand that critics of Bush's intended invasion be included in hearings, especially UN weapons inspectors

Bush - Enron Connections Exposed (tags)

Bush - Enron Connections Exposed

Photo: Public Power Activists Crash Democratic Party Energy Hearings in Oakland (tags)

While Bush did his thing in Southern California - Democratic Congressional Representatives did their thing at an "Energy Hearing" in Oakland. (Republished from SF Indymedia)

Photo: Public Power Activists Crash Democratic Party Energy Hearings (tags)

While Bush did his thing in Southern California - Democratic Congressional Representatives did their thing at an "Energy Hearing" in Oakland, CA.

Pacifica Hearings In Congress: Webcast 11am-2pm (tags)

Congress is holding hearings on Pacifica Radio, community radio, and WBAI NY.

Congressional Hearings on New Internet Domains (tags)

In November, 200 the Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) selected 7 new domain extensions (TLDs) and companys to operate them. The US House Committee on Energy and Commerce will hold hearings on the selection process which has been criticized for its bias toward big business and trademark owners.

Cyber-Rights Groups Call for Hearings on Internet Domain Name Decisions (tags)

A group of Cyber Rights advocates including the ACLU, CPSR, EPIC, ACM and several distinguished law professors sent a letter to Secretary Norman Mineta of the United States Department of Commerce expressing concern over the lack of process and public oversight in the publication of Top Level Domains (TLDs) on the Internet.

COUP WATCH: NAACP Hearings On Violations of Black & Hispanic Voting Rights (tags)

While the corporate media retained a narrow focus on a very few issues, mostly in Palm Bqeach County, CSPAN broadcast NAACP hearings dealing with widespread violations of minority voting rights. Here’s what one political progressive who watched had to say about what she saw.

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