fix articles 330468, british daily telegraph
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds D.C. Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! (tags)
'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
Limiting the Catastrophe (tags)
Leslie Gelb in Time Magazine writes that admission of a defeat in Iraq is not the worst thing but rather serves to minimize the extent According to the Italian La Republica, the pyromaniac is forced to become the firefighter.
Kerry and the War Issue: Seymour Hirsch (tags)
"The rapid ascent of the neoconservatives surprises him.. They thought the march to Baghdad was essentialf or the war against terror and that afterwards democracy would flow like water from a fountain!.."
From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek (tags)
Barely into its second week Operation Easy Sailing is in big trouble. One simple way of measuring just how big is by adding up all the time you hear the phrases “all according to Plan”, and the “Our strategy is sound”.