fix articles 33033, manuel Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : manuel


A Coalition of Mothers, Family and Community Members Fed Up With The Injustices By Anaheim (tags)

Family and community members demonstrated near Manuel Diaz’s memorial last Sunday as they continue to build momentum in their fight for justice for Manuel and all victims of the recent Anaheim shootings

"This Is What a Police State Looks Like" (tags)

Protestors confront Anaheim's notorious killer cops.

Community Forum (tags)

Community Forum on ICE/Police Repression

Manuel Jamines Protest Photos ( both factions) (tags)

Set of Photos from the Sept.18th protests for Manuel Jamines which started at 6th & Union Ave.

Sept. 18, March to Support Manuel Jamines (tags)

Manuel Jamines was murdered in cold blood by an LAPD officer; and today several hundred people from many established Los Angeles activist groups came together in support of justice, and in protest against a police culture which has long supported brutality and killing of members of vulnerable communities and communities of color.



Justice for Manuel Jamines (tags)

Demandamos que el Procurador Cooley Ponga Cargos de Asesinato y despidan a el policia Hernandez! Alto al Terror Policiaco en las comunidades Afro-Americanas, Latino and Migrantes. Alto a las Redadas de la Migra! Legalizacion total para todos!

March & Rally to Demand Justice for Manuel Jamines! Stop Police Killings! Justice Now! (tags)

Saturday, September 18, 10am - March & Rally to Demand Justice for Manuel Jamines! Stop Police Killings! Justice for Immigrant Workers! Gather 6th & Union Ave., Los Angeles March to City Hall (1st and Spring St.)Arrest LAPD officer Frank Hernandez for murder!

Pico Union/Westlake Rebellion after Rampart Police Murder Manuel Jamines - Indigenous Man (tags)

Manuel Jamines was murdered by Rampart police on Sunday, September 5th, 2010. He was a 37 year old indigenous man from Guatemala, who didn't speak English or even Spanish very well

Steve Murphy Sentencing on Monday! (tags)

Please join us in the courtroom on Monday!

A Colombia, A Nuestra América (tags)

Tres vidas, un mismo camino y Febrero el mes de su partida (El Camilo 15/66, el 14/98 Manuel el Oscar y 11/2006), nos convoca al reencuentro con su pensamiento y obra.


Fernando Lugo tras los pasos de Manuel Zelaya

Religious Leaders Demand Justice in Oaxaca (tags)

I am part of a group working in Oaxaca on behalf of the innocent man, Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno, who has been held in prison for some months and just yesterday was formally sentenced by the judge for the murder of Brad Will.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, adds its voice to the world’s condemnation of the military coup in Honduras that forcibly removed its democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya, Despite people’s protest, the military blocked the return of Zelaya and pounced on the more than 500,000 Hondurenos who rallied for his return. The military blocked the airport and forced Zelaya’s plane to Nicaragua last Sunday, July 5.

Demonstration at the Honduran consulate/Manifestación en el consulado hondureño (tags)

Monday, June 29, 2009 LOS ANGELES--Small groups of demonstrators gathered at the Honduran consulate on Wilshire Avenue to express their displeasure with the coup d'état against the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya. Lunes, el 29 de junio, 2009 LOS ÁNGELES--Pequeños grupos de manifestantes llegaron al consulado hondureño en la Avenida Wilshire para denunciar el golpe de estado contra el presidente Manuel Zelaya, quien fue elegido a través de un proceso democrático.

Judge removes FACLA officials, orders new election May 31 (tags)

Complaint alleged defendants conducted a fraudulent and improper election on Nov.16, 2008.


The new FACLA Board for 2009-2011 led by the new FACLA president Rizalino Manuel of Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) was sworned –in to office last Sunday,January 4. 2009 at FACLA Community Hall. Attended by more than a hundred guests and FACLA members,sworned in as new executive officers were Rizalino Manuel, President;Adolfino Aguayon -1st Vice Pesident; Terry Herrera as 2nd Vice President; Gloria Resureccion as 3rd Vice President; Darlene Salvador as Secretary; Cris Florendo as Treasurer and Romy Jaravata as Auditor.

Manny Gonzales the kid everyone forgot in the CA prison system. (tags)

Seventeen year old Manuel Gonzales was convicted of attempted premeditated murder with a handgun April 11, 2005 in Van Nuys CA. Manuel was sentenced to serve 27years in a CA prison without any possibility of early parole. The 23year old victim in this case was shot at three times and nicked on top of his shoulder requiring a two hour hospital visit (no stitches ) and was released with pain medication.

Photos - Rally to a protest against President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City (tags)

Thousands of supporters of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador stand at Mexico City's Zocalo square during a rally against Felipe Calderon, December 1, 2006

“López Obrador instaurará una izquierda sin excesos dogmáticos de delirio” (tags)

Ciudad de México.- Uno de los principales estrategas y hombre de confianza del candidato puntero a la presidencia de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, del PRD, es sin duda Ricardo Monreal, ex gobernador del estado de Zacatecas. El hoy relevante constructor del tejido de las redes ciudadanas extendidas por todo el país en apoyo del presidenciable tabasqueño, en la primera etapa de la campaña hacia las elecciones presidenciales del 2 de julio, define ideología política, similitudes y distancias con las izquierdas latinas, y aclara los vínculos o diferencias con las mismas.

Interview with Bus Riders Union Rep. Manuel Criollo Speaks on the Bus Strike (MP3 Audio) (tags)

Interview with elected Bus Riders Union representative Manuel Criollo on the Los Angeles Bus Strike. This interview took place today, Monday, November 10th around 4pm at a BRU demonstration in front of the County Board of Supervisors.

Borderhack 2.0: "They're bad, they're dangerous, and they have guns." (tags)

"They're bad, they're dangerous, and they have guns." Apparently, this is the U.S. Border Patrol's assessment of Borderhack 2.0 activists (including this reporter) who met and camped out on the beach in Playas de Tijuana this weekend.

26TH of JULY, 1953 The only way (tags)

JULY 26, 1953 saw a singular event in 51 years of the island’s republican history. The country was shaken by rumors of an armed assault on the garrisons of Moncada in Santiago de Cuba and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes in the city of Bayamo. There was talk of a group of around 120 youths, approximately 60 of whom were massacred during or after the event.

Manuel Pic For May MTA Protest Story (Hidden) (tags)

Manuel Pic For May MTA Protest Story (Hidden)

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