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it can

D'un esclavagisme l'autre (tags)

Le capital ne peut se réformer...

It Can’t Happen Here! Oh Yes It Can! (tags)

CoronaVirus Pandemic, Growing Anti-Semitism, Economic Collapse; What Will It Take To Become Jew-woke, And Move Back to the Homeland, To Israel?

Tor: If it can be done to me, it can be done to you (tags)

Recent experiences with someone being able to hack into Tor. Seeking techie input!

Who Says It Can't Happen Here? (tags)

We have endured 40 years of creeping authoritarianism and it now appears that it may run right over democracy. We must resist and act in solidarity.

US Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Flounder (tags)


Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)


Debt Ceiling Hype (tags)

class war

Obama's War on Syria: Dissent in the Ranks (tags)


They Cannot Win (tags)

Being in a situation where it feels as though the odds are stacked against you, and people are interested in seeing harm come to you in one form or another can be hard to deal with, there's no doubt about it. When it feels as though amount of support, at least directly within the situation in question, is tipped way in favor of those against whatever it is you are doing there, in terms of your goals and needs in the situation, it can easily bring about pangs of despair. It can feel as though there are no options, it can feel as though there are no chances and it can feel as though you might just have to take an “L” on whatever it is. We all have been through similar feelings to one extent or another in life, especially the longer we live it.

The Guy That Just Said, “Yeah? No Thanks.” (tags)

Standing up to conflict and harassment can seem a difficult thing. It's never easy for anyone and really who can say they've truly faced all that life has to offer in the way of trials and tribulations without having gone through some measure of harassment or maltreatment at least once? Of course harassment is relative and what is harsh treatment to one person, or deemed behavior that crosses a line, is merely everyday stuff to another. But there are laws and institutional regulations that define boundaries and denote specific behavior as going too far. Additionally there is the common sense most of us developed over our lifetimes.

Trump Cards, Fig Leafs and Ludicrous Insinuations (tags)

For people going through harassment and discrimination within a structured environment like a job, school, religious organization, etc it can be a nerve wracking experience. This is especially true at first, as the person being harassed will feel as if they are suddenly being treated in a way they didn't expect. It can feel harsh and emotionally jarring. There can be stress caused not only by the harassing and discriminatory actions themselves, but also by the psychological toll. By emotional toll I mean the worrying, the stressing over what happened and the emotional toll caused by being unsure about what will come next.

Fascism in America (tags)


Israel's Operation Summer Seeds (tags)


Hard Right Extremism in America and Europe (tags)



Brazilians want more journalism and less Israeli propaganda.

Breaking news: Anti-Nazi rally right now in Riverside (tags)

Counter-protest against Nazis happening right now in Riverside, California (9/26 @ 11 am)

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope (tags)

The story of anti-fascist freedom fighters.

5th Generation Warfare (tags)

Information war. The not so silent, response to the manufactured 4th Gen. warfare of the pentagon which is a mere treatise of tactical response to civilian insurrection against an occupational force.

HOT BREAKING NEWS: Poison Gate Update Now Linked to Plame Gate (tags)

Alexander Litvinenko, the poisoned Russian spy, has now been directly linked to the Chechnya-Mudjahadeen which of course is allied with Al Qaeda. It can now be reported that the U.S. FBI has tied Litvinenko to the sale of nuclear material to the government of Israel through Zurich, Switzerland. The bagman for all this is none other than Marc Rich. Litvinenko, with ties to Chechnya and elements of the Russian Israeli Organized Crime Teams was an important individual. His death is not to be dismissed. It can now be reported that Litvinenko was...


It can now be reported that the FBI has launched an investigation fingering an ex-employee of U.S. Homeland Security, and has linked Alexander Litvinenko, ex-KGB agent, to the Poisongate scandal in England. It is important to note that Michael Chertoff, Mossad agent outsourced U.S. Homeland Security contracts to Russian FSB services. It can now be reported that financial funding for a domestic Russian Israeli Gestapo on both American and British soil are linked to noted disgraced mega Mossad lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

UPDATE: AnthraxGate and MurdochGate (tags)

Anthrax case getting legs again. It can now be reported that Russian microbiologists working with rogue U.S. CIA and British Intelligence aka Gary Best Inc. had anthrax in frozen form transported to the U.K. in late Sept. 2001. The anthrax in perfume vials then found its way to none other than Pier 92 New York City, New York. Pier 92 linked to the FEMA Command and Control Center during the 9/11 Attack on America. Reference: Is it a coincidence that Bush had lunch with Putin in Moscow today on his way to Vietnam? What was the desert? Anthrax a la mode.


It can now be reported that major political and media types are now being linked to an expanding spy scandal tied to the MOSSAD riddled Pentagon and the procurement and theft of U.S. Treasury Funds designed for the expenditures of the War In Iraq. Grand Jury sources have now fingered former Republican Senator James Thompson (R. Tenn. Gay-in-the-closet) along with current Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana (gay-in-the-closet) as major targets of the FBI Justice Dept. inquiry....

HOT INTEL: 9/11 Now Exposed (tags)

It can now be reported this morning that a U.S. Justice Dept. warrant and an Interpol Red Notice has been issued for Israeli Mossad agent Jacob Coby Alexander. Alexander linked to the noted Urban Moving Systems/Odigo Mossad Group which operated in the New Jersey, New York area pre-9/11. Fact Not Fiction: An SEC case issued against Alexander (Docket 19796 Aug.9/06) has accused Alexander of backdating Put Options on United Airlines and American...

Admit It: The US Has Been Defeated in Iraq (tags)

Congressman Murtha is right to call for a withdrawal from Iraq, as no amount of further combat will change the truth. This war is lost. Now it’s time to assign blame for the disaster and to punish the culprits.


Bill Cristol, forot to tell the lie, the universal lie, that was repeated by FOX NEWS CHANNEL, CNN, and other terrorist networks like DISNEY who also make cartoons like DAVE THE BARBARIAN. They forgot they played the BLAME GAME with me and BILL CLINTON for 25 years at least.


Take the Power back from corprate crooks and dirty politicians. How to stop war, heal yourself and the environment, and revive the economy.

Humanity Lost on CBS Executives (tags)

Jan. 7, 2003 -- In 1906 the Bronx Zoo put a tribesman from the Congo on display in a cage with an orangutan and a parrot. Though the African-American clergy in the city vehemently protested, Zoo officials and even the mayor of New York refused to stop the spectacle. Crowds filed by to see this man not as who he was, but as who he was advertised to be, a pygmy cannibal from the African jungle.

World War! (tags)

Beyond War.

COUP WATCH: Trust The People Rally In Westwood-One of Dozens Across the Nation (tags)

Organized almost entirely over the internet (I know there were some cell phone calls!) Trust The People turned out a decidedly mainstream leaderless protest in Westwood Saturday afternoon.

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