fix articles 3259, regime Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : regime


De-escalartion instead of war of attrition (tags)

The call for negotiations alone is no longer enough. In a situation in which parts of the Western alliance are struggling to find ways out of the war & at the same time more & more heavy weapons are being supplied for a war that will last for years, the social left should campaign more strongly than before for "mutual de-escalation" & security guarantees, for European independence

The Unbroken: Evo Morales (tags)

Recent events give hope for a resurgence of the left on the continent. Morales points to recent electoral victories in Peru, Chile, Colombia, as well as Lula's soon expected return to the Brazilian presidency. "These times are coming again," he says.

Putin's authoritarian regime poses as resistance fighter (tags)

After the collapse of ‘really existing socialism,’ the liberal fairy tale we were told had it that democracy and a market economy would open the way to freedom and prosperity for all members of world society. This illusion has disgraced itself miserably.

The window of opportunity is closing (tags)

Oscar Wilde wrote: "A map of the world in which Utopia is not marked is not worth looking at, for it undercuts the shore on which mankind will eternally land." "Disobedience, for anyone versed in history, is man's true virtue. Through disobedience came progress..." (Wilde 2014)

Sanction the oligarchs, not the people! (tags)

It is time to develop a new kind of sanctions. They must be targeted specifically at the oligarchs who have become wealthy as a result of the regime. This would require the establishment of an international financial registry, a measure that will not please the Western wealthy.

Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)

Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...

November 2020 Honduras Coup, Hurricanes and Pandemic Update (tags)

Not only do Hondurans continue to suffer the repression and impoverishment of living under the JOH dictatorship for years following previous coup regimes, and suffer through the pandemic while the regime redirects resources meant for health care and public health to the pockets of politicians and big business; Hondurans are now additionally suffering from two hurricanes that have devastated them. The regime and politicians - who just a week before were visiting communities with their political campaigns - not only are largely absent in rescue, refuge and rebuilding efforts, but actively impeded Hondurans who autonomously organised to help with rescue and food, and equally impeded the entry of donations and rescue volunteers from neighbouring countries. Hurricane Eta arrived in Honduras on 4 November 2020, and Hurricane Iota followed in on 16 November 2020. Amidst the disasters, flooding, and heavy winds that ravaged the people and land and crops, political persecution did not rest in this time; hitmen made an attempt on the life of CNTC (National Confederation of Campesino Workers) treasurer of the Santa Barbara branch, only to five days later assassinate the son of an organiser of the same branch of CNTC. Also in November, ex political prisoner Raúl Alvarez was stabbed by attackers, having been released on bail in August 2019 after imprisonment for 18 months together with Edwin Espinal and towards the end with Rommel. Meanwhile, there have been some absolute heroes this month within communities in Honduras with their autonomous actions of solidarity in both rescue and sharing what they can. All this and more:

July 2020 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This July 2020 in Honduras we saw many killings and disappearances against activists and we saw many COVID-19 deaths including of a political prisoner, an organiser, health care workers and jorunalists. Living under a dictatorship regime where global and national capital, together with regime leaders, continue to profit through laundering and exploiting the people and the land – when you put a pandemic into that equation it’s a disaster, as we can see in Honduras. Government offers no protection for its poor majority, the money officially designated for healthcare doesn’t translate into actual healthcare, and there is no welfare to enable people to stay home, but the military is controlling the streets and spreading the illness. Communities and organisations continue to campaign for the ‘Where is the money?’ campaign, with voices reverberating from zoom conferences, to managing to stage large letters across highways, printing the question on roads for drivers to see, and on walls for passers-by – people must have found holes in the militarisation. They paint their pained words about losing increasing numbers of fellow Hondurans to death from COVID-19, lives lost due to government’s greed and lies. This July 2020 we saw many attacks against people and organisers, and we continue to see that on the other hand, big businesses that don’t even have environmental permits are free to move around, operate, and act in ways that are harmful to people and environment. And similar to discourse familiar to all of us worldwide about balancing the economy over staying home, this regime, like others, is broadcasting that the nation only has a chance of surviving the pandemic, if ‘development (mega) projects’ of mining, logging, energy etc go ahead and if people also put up with low wages (not to mention threats, killings, and arrests to impose opposed projects) so that large profits can be made from them. International development finance organisations also continue to ignore the violence meted out by capital and by the regime and fuel this fire, passing loans to the regime and ignoring cries from communities who dream of a different kind of ‘development’.

April 2020 Honduras coup and pandemic update (tags)

The finance-dominated regime of accumulation and the crisis in Europe (tags)

Prof. Demirovic gives us charts on profits, private indebtedness and wages that show profits explode and wages and investments stagnate in 40 years of neoliberalism.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

1 year later, Viva L'Iranian People's Revolution To Gain Freedom, From the Dictatorship of the Mullahs

The US, the Dollar, IS and Saudi Arabia (tags)

The US treats IS and the Saudi royal house differently. For decades, Saudi Arabia has been the US' closest ally in the Middle East and therefore enjoys Washington's unrestricted solidarity despite all its crimes.

February 2018 Honduras Coup Again update (tags)

Much repression continues as the fraud dictatorship JOH regime continues in Honduras as does resistance against it. At least 3 have been assassinated this month, including a 40 years old community leader, a 33 year old organised farmer, and a 16 year old environmental activist. Read on for details about these and other attacks against a people resisting this dictatorship

Last Time Iraq, This Time Iran, Time For Purim (tags)

This article reviews Iraqi & Iranian behavior toward Israel, in the light of Purim.

Part 4: Honduras Coup Repeat Update 1-15 January 2018 (tags)

A summary of the assassinations, disappearances, protests attacked by gunshots, smear campaigns, at the barricades, on the streets and in the homes in Honduras these first 2 weeks of 2018 following the November 2017 election in which the president in power who people could not stand anymore decided that he won the election even though he didn't and is taking the power and has worsened repression since to take the power by force.

Part 3: Honduras Coup Repeat Update 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 (tags) Its a summary of killings (19th to 31st people killed by current dictatorship within this time period) and other human rights violations for the dates 15 December 2017 to 31 December 2017 Throughout, people are blocking highways everywhere, burning tyres and stopping vehicles from passing through, with the intention of paralysing the economy and Honduran production until the JOH dictatorship regime collapses. Read on to know about the abuses and also of the determination of people to kick out the JOH dictatorship.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Honduras Coup Repeat Update 26 November 2017 to 14 December 2017 (tags)

This is part two of a news summary in Honduras, of the resistance against this again-coup following yet another fraudulent election, the repression is heavy, the military is constantly pulling out and firing their guns at people in barricades and protests, the curfew has been there, and hundreds have been arrested. Despite the danger the resistance and actions are immense and growing.

Fbi agents go too far in their crime spree (tags)

See this summary of incredible crimes committed by fbi punk-agents against this combat war vet.

PHILIPPINES: Call for a National Conference Against Dictatorship (tags)

Since he assumed office, President Rodrigo Duterte has still failed to fulfill his promise to “provide for those who have little”: Workers still continue to receive low wages and experience job insecurity because he has failed to fulfill his vow to end contractualization.

The Missile Attack Ordered by Trump is a Serious Crime (tags)

Assad's regime defends itself against an international alliance that seeks his overthrow in violation of international law. Whoever wants to see Assad overthrown should answer the question whether we would rather see the Nusra Front in power.

Philippines: Unity Statement by February 25 Coalition (tags)


Inevitable Conclusion (tags)

After 50 years of association with the USA government, I offer a few comments herein.

Ethnic Cleansing in Syria (tags)

A guide to who's who.

Secession (tags)

Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump. States, regions, counties, towns, and cities should secede from the United States. Cities and states where most people did not vote for Trump must secede from the US. The United States is not worth saving.

News from geral (tags)

For most people real news is a commodity in rare supply. I offer data that is disturbing but accurate and is intended for the benefit of all.

Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)

This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

Philippines: The Contradictions of the Duterte Regime (tags)

Based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of BMP-Sanlakas-PLM at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.

Treason is the true name of the USA overthrown regime (tags)

While Americans accept the ruthless police state USA, the rest of the world does not.

USA's inhumane power grab (tags)

One must understand the nature of the beast (USA) in order see recognize the overthrown regime of the USA the way most of the world sees it.

Our Lost Nation (tags)

While the people sleep with eyes wide open , the government of the United States of America continues a bloody and cruel crime spree globally.

Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.

Kerry and Abbas Conspire Against Palestinians (tags)


Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make (tags)


Obama Approved Israeli West Bank Violence (tags)


Syria's Future: Another One-Sided NYT Debate (tags)


Ukrainians Overwhelmingly Oppose Junta Rule (tags)


Israel Flagrantly Violates Core International Law (tags)


Egypt's New Anti-Terror Law Targets Dissent (tags)


Donald Trump Makes Ukraine's Enemies List (tags)


Facade of Diplomacy Masks Same Old US Latin American Policy (tags)


Kiev Calls 567 Artists Threats to National Security (tags)


Sergey Lavrov Says US Spreads Global Terrorism (tags)

state terror

Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria (tags)


Phony Claims About Syria Retaining Chemical Weapons (tags)


Troika Plan for Greece: Endless Pillage and Regime Change (tags)


Irresponsible US Iran Bashing (tags)


Uncivilized Western Civilization (tags)


Washington Post Editors Urge Aiding Ukrainian Fascist Tyranny (tags)


Former Police State Leader/Wanted Man Appointed Ukrainian Governor (tags)


Ukraine: Gangster State (tags)


Heading Toward Financial Maidan in Ukraine? (tags)


Israeli Defense Minister Threatens to Nuke Iran (tags)


Despotic Saudi Regime to Execute Prominent Cleric (tags)

police state

Ukraine's Latest Big Lie (tags)


Kiev's Ongoing Aggression on Donbass (tags)


Palestinian Authority Hypocrisy (tags)


Ukraine on the Boil: Washington Prepares for Greater War (tags)


US Diplomats Paid to Lie (tags)


Kiev Breaches Minsk Agreement (tags)


NATO Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


US Orchestrated Coup Plot in Venezuela? (tags)


Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change (tags)


Lavrov: West Wants Regime Change in Russia (tags)


Down with the Imperialist War in Iraq and Syria! (tags)

In early August the American government decided to launch a limited “humanitarian action” – in the form of mass bombing! – in Iraq, after an international campaign to mobilize public opinion over the plight of the Yazidi and Christian minorities who have been threatened with “genocide” by the advance of Islamist rebels of “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (better known by the acronym ISIS).

Obama Wants Regime Change in Russia (tags)


Enlisting Support for Imperial War (tags)


Propaganda alert: US and UN object to the holding of presidential elections in Syria (tags)

Both the Obama administration and the United Nations are fully aware that the June presidential elections in Syria will, in all likelihood, result in a landslide victory for President al-Assad and thus pave the way for a decisive end to the three-year long NATO-led genocidal war on Syria.

Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)

Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.

Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Vienna (tags)


Obama's Multiple Regime Change Fronts (tags)


Syrian Opposition Regime Change Plans (tags)


Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


"Syria's holocaust": The British media totally lose the plot (tags)

At no time in history has the perversion of the truth been so extreme. Once the NATO-led genocide on the people of Syria comes to an end, The Guardian and the entire British media establishment must be tried for crimes against humanity.

Talking Peace, Waging Wa (tags)


Obama Sabotaging Syrian Peace (tags)


Debating Syria (tags)


The Iran Sanctions Game (tags)


Philippine Debt Repayments from Marcos Regime Overshadow Typhoon Relief Funds (tags)

Two weeks after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the world has responded with astounding generosity, donating tens of millions of dollars to aid in the recovery effort--$37 million from the United States government alone. Unfortunately, since the typhoon struck on November 8th, the Philippines has spent more than $310 million paying off overseas debts, and it will spend a total of $6.7 billion this year alone. Some of those debts are from the corrupt and abusive regime of Ferdinand Marcos.

Greenpeace International Supporters Tell Russia's Putin "We Are Our Own Sovereign Nation " (tags)

Japan & Russia might be having problems over who gets which islands,but they both conspired to teach Greenpeace Activists a whale of a lesson..

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism (tags)

Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism, second book of 5-book series by Jose Maria Sison under the general title Continuing the Revolution

Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain (tags)


Decriminalizing Bashar al Assad: Towards a more effective anti-war movement (tags)

Building a phoney case for imperialist regime change is, of course, not unusual. What is really curious is that the leadership of the anti-war movement in the west – the people whose clear responsibility is to build the widest possible opposition to war on Syria – has been actively participating in the propaganda and demonisation campaign. Whilst opposing direct military strikes, they have nonetheless given consistent support to the regime change operation that such strikes are meant to consummate.

Syria Gas Attack: Assad Wrongfully Blamed (tags)


Media Scoundrels Wrongfully Blame Assad for Gas Attack (tags)


Obama's War Plans on Syria Unchanged (tags)


The Egyptian Revolution’s Next Barrier (tags)

When the Egyptian army first began its offensive against the Muslim Brotherhood, many speculated that such an assault would likely be extended to the same revolutionaries who demanded — in massive demonstrations — that President Morsi be evicted from office.

Obama’s War Grows as Support Shrinks (tags)

Some careful listening has exposed the lie that a U.S. attack (war) against Syria would be, as Obama put it, “a shot across the bow,” i.e. a “tiny war.” But even before the first missile is launched the birth of Obama’s baby war began to grow, and when it’s eventually unleashed it will resemble any other fully matured war, complete with massive destruction, the death of untold innocents and yet another Middle Eastern nation torn to pieces.

Stop Obama's War on Humanity: A Personal Statement (tags)


Obama's Planned Lawless Aggression Based on Lies, Damn Lies and Big Lies (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and John Kerry Lies (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


John Kerry's Colin Powell's Moment (tags)


War on Syria Looms (tags)


Who Killed the Syrian Peace Talks? (tags)

The long awaited Syrian peace talks — instigated by power brokers Russia and the United States — had already passed their initial due date, and are now officially stillborn.

US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Target Syria: Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use (tags)


Escalating Syria's War (tags)


Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)


Let us celebrate the NDFP's Declaration on Children of the Philippines (tags)

The leadership and entire membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), all Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA), people’s militias and revolutionary mass organizations welcome the issuance by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) of the Declaration and Program of Action for the Rights, Protection and Welfare of Children.

The Marcos’ Legacy of Fraudulent and Illegitimate Debts (tags)

AS THE NATION remembers today the declaration of Martial Law and the imposition of the Marcos fascist dictatorship 40 years ago — we recall not only the crimes and abuses, but the valiant struggles of our people to end the tyrannical regime.

Boycott arab american day festival (tags)

Stop complicity in the Syrian genocide

Qaddafi lies live on after him (tags)

While no one deserves to die in a war, of the estimated 30,000 Libyans to die in the struggle to overthrow Mummar Qaddafi, no one else can be said to have had it coming more than Mummar Qaddafi. Not only did he rule for more than 40 years by using terror, he had tens of thousands murdered, he conducted his 10 month campaign to stay in power with the utmost brutality. Most of those 30,000 souls were Libyan civilians killed by Qaddafi with artillery, tanks, snipers and cluster bombs. He targeted civilian to the end and so made the UN mission to protect them synonymous with ending his rule. So I find it odd that many on the left single out the killing of Mummar Qaddafi to demand investigation and justice for.

Bahrain Imprisons Human Rights Leader (tags)


The geopolitics of the Syrian uprising/insurgency (tags)

The continuing mass uprising against Syria’s Bashar Assad dictatorship on the one hand, and the growing intervention by the reactionary Gulf monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, along with Turkey, on the side of the growing armed insurgency on the other, has led to a situation where many on the left are sharply divided over who to “support”.

The Syrian revolt enters a new phase (tags)

The armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an alliance between the Sunni middle class and the Alawite regime, signalled by the spread of the revolt to Aleppo. And defections from the state-capitalist power bloc continue. Indeed, Juan Cole has suggested that such divisions must run deep in the Syrian state for the opposition to be capable of planting a bomb that can kill a senior minister.

Syria: Assad regime close to over amid rising violence (tags)

The 50-year rule of the Ba’ath Party in Syria looks to be effectively over.

Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, is a jingoist, pseudo-democrat, pseudo-feminist Stalinist demagog (tags)

Like Stalin, Sison's understanding of Marxism is pseudo-scientific and quasi-religious

Libya and Syria: When Anti-Imperialism Goes Wrong (tags)

Reflexive opposition to Uncle Sam’s machinations abroad is generally a good thing. It is a progressive instinct that progressively declined in the 1990s, as presidents Bush Sr. and Clinton deftly deployed the U.S. military to execute “humanitarian” missions in Somalia, Haiti, and the Balkans and progressively increased in the 2000s, as Bush Jr. lurched from quagmire to disaster in transparent empire-building exercises in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Syria Threatens No One (tags)


Philippines: Sorry state of labor presented in pre-SONA forum (tags)

Workers groups today presented the “sorry state of labor” in a forum that served as a buildup activity to the coming counter-SONA protest on Monday. “In his forthcoming SONA (State of the Nation Address), President Benigno Aquino III (P-Noy) will boast of his administration’s so-called inclusive growth. But to workers and the poor, GNP growth only means more ‘Gutom Na Pilipino,’” averred Renato Magtubo, national chair of Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party - Philippines).

Uphold and protect the rights of Filipino children (tags)

Let us celebrate the NDFP's Declaration on Children. The leadership and entire membership of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), all Red commanders and fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA), people’s militias and revolutionary mass organizations welcome the issuance by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) of the Declaration and Program of Action for the Rights, Protection and Welfare of Children.

Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)


Clinton: Assad's Days Are Numbered (tags)


US secretary of state warns Russia, China over Syria (tags)

A meeting about the Syrian crisis attended by representatives of more than 100 countries, including the United States, big European powers and the Arab nations, called in its final statement President Bashar al-Assad to step down as part of a transition in the crisis-torn nation.

Cold War Politics Redux (tags)


Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship (tags)


Pressure Builds for War on Syria (tags)


Stepped Up Media War on Syria (tags)


Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric Promotes War (tags)


Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)


Brookings: A Reliable Imperial Tool (tags)


CPP joins Filipino women in marking International Women's Day with protests (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today expressed support and solidarity with the Filipino women in marking the 98th anniversary of International Women’s Day with mass protests against oil price increases and intensifying American military intervention.

Syrian Insurgents Violate Ceasefire (tags)


Obama Wreaks Duplicity (tags)


The View from Istanbul (tags)


Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria (tags)



The Alliance News today learned that o March 29, 2012: During the 43rd Anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA), the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) had praised the leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its peace panel for their steadfastness in asserting the right to self-determination of the Moros in the face of consistent plot of the Philippine government to hoodwink them to capitulating.

No Letup in Western-Backed Syrian Violence (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (tags)


Washington Plans War on Syria (tags)


Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)


Heading for War on Syria (tags)


New York Times-Style Journalism (tags)


Arab League Arrogance (tags)


Anti-Syrian Pack Journalism (tags)


The Twilight of Capitalism (tags)

Those who defend more capital will be the instrument of destruction of capitalism.

Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)


Obama's New Military Strategy (tags)


Shooting the Messenger in Syria (tags)


Filipino Militant groups commemorate Bonifacio Day with mass protest (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—Various militant groups from the labor sector commemorated the 148th birth anniversary of Philippine national hero and revolutionary Andres Bonifacio Wednesday with mass protest action at the historic Don Chino Roces (formerly Mendiola) Bridge.

Target Syria (tags)


Election 2012: Alexander-Mendoza Campaign Calls for Lifting Sanctions on Iran (tags)

“The sanctions don’t hurt the Iranian government, they strengthen it,” explains Stewart Alexander, “They hurt the working people of Iran.”

America's Media War on Syria (tags)


Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)


Selected Writings of Jose Maria Sison (tags)

These are important writings of Jose Maria Sison, founder of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and New People’s Army (NPA) and current political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and Chairman of the International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS)

Making Sense of Syria (tags)


Jose Maria Sison: On the Commemoration of Sept 21. (tags)

More than a year before, he had staged the dress rehearsal for the declaration of martial law by proclaiming the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus on August 21, 1971 when without evidence he blamed the Communist Party of the Philippines and Benigno S. Aquino for the Plaza Miranda bombing immediately after it happened.

ILPS Condemns US, NATO and puppet forces for their barbaric attacks on the people of Libya (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples? Struggle (ILPS), condemn in the strongest terms the US, NATO and their puppet forces for their barbaric military campaign against the people in the whole of Libya since several months ago and in Tripoli currently. The combination of escalated NATO air bombardments and ground movement of Libyan puppet forces and NATO special forces against Tripoli since 20 August aims to deliver the final blow on the Gaddafi regime.

Is Syria Next? (tags)

regime change

Destabilizing Syria (tags)



A YEAR after the US-Aquino2 regime took power, the miserable situation in the Ilocos-Cordillera region mirrors the dismal state of the nation. From the impoverished tobacco and palay farmers in the Ilocos provinces to the indigenous people plowing hybrid corn fields, vegetable gardens and rice terraces in the Cordillera, the empty promises of the Aquino regime are reflected in the continuing violations and betrayal of the people?s right to land, livelihood and resources. The real boss of the Aquino administration turns out to be not the Filipino people, but US Imperialism as it furiously expands its economic interests as well as large scale corporate mines and geothermal and hydroelectric power projects in Northern Luzon and rams down the nation?s throat its Oplan Bayanihan (OPB), the so-called internal peace and security plan. It is these that exacerbate and continue to heighten the national oppression that reached ethnocidal proportion being suffered by indigenous people of the Cordillera and the Filipino people in general. Indeed, Aquino?s Daang Matuwid turns out to be no different from the substandard Halsema Highway with its erosions and slides, close-open status and serving mainly foreign interests in extracting super profits from the region?s resources. Oplan Bayanihan: Furthering the National Oppression of the Indigenous People Despite it?s deceptive psy-war features, Oplan Bayanihan (OPB) is fast showing up it?s true vicious character compared to its failed predecessor, Oplan Bantay Laya 1 & 2 of the unheralded and despicable US-Arroyo regime. The 5th IDPA and the NOLCOM of the AFP have overzealously applied its age-old imperialist master?s tactics of ?divide and rule? by exploiting indigenous social, economic and political systems in its counter-insurgency operations. They target not only combatants but more so innocent civilians including minors and the elderly. Coining nice sounding contraption to hide the harshness and vileness of Oplan Bayanihan does not succeed in erasing the notoriety of the AFP as armed units of the ruling class. Changing its notorious ?Reengineered Special Operations Teams? to ?Peace and Development Operations Teams?does not do the desired trick. It succeeds though in sowing intrigues and beclouding clear provisions of peace pact pagta where armed units (AFP/PNP and/or NPA) are not covered. Operating troops continue to quarter in schools, day-care centers, barangay halls and clinics, private homes and other public and sacred places contrary to clear provisions of CARHRIHL and Protocols of the Geneva Conventions. In many cases, families are broken up as a result of soldiers? womanizing. Young female students are also vulnerable to abuses especially where detachments are near schools. In one case, the whole tribesmen of a young lass have to be mobilized to demand accountability of the soldier?s tribes mate when a married soldier impregnated a young first year college student. Also drunken soldiers always spark troubles with youngsters even at the flimsiest of reasons.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberating Wars (tags)


Turkey?s final warning to Syria: Tomorrow may be too late for reforms (tags)

What is unfolding in Syria is an armed insurrection supported covertly by foreign powers including the US, Turkey and Israel.

The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part II) (tags)


Torturing Bahraini Doctors (tags)

state terrorism

On the former Philippine President Marcos burial issue (tags)

Open letter to Vice President Jejomar Binay on the Marcos hero's burial issue

Turkey cancels participation in Free gaza Flotilla (tags)

Turkey has disallowed local participation in teh Free gaza Flotilla, scheduled for late June

Al Jazeera's War on Syria (tags)


US Intervention in Syria (tags)


Planned Regime Change in Libya (tags)

naked aggression

No to imperialist military intervention in Libya! (tags)

Since Saturday, March 19, a US-led military coalition, including, besides English and French Forces, participation by Canadian, Italian, Spanish, and other countries, commenced the bombardment of military installations and concentrations of troops loyal to the Gaddafi government. The stated purpose of this military intervention which has been endorsed by the Security Council of the UN and the Arab League, is to get government forces off the offensive against the rebels, in order to avoid a “massacre of the civilian population”.

End the US-led Armed Intervention in Libya (tags)

Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) supports the democratic opposition in Libya that seeks to end the 43-year-old dictatorship of Muammar Ghadafie. It cannot, however, support the massive armed intervention launched by the United States, France, and Britain on Sunday, March 20.

America's secret plan to arm Libya's rebels (tags)

"These “actions” by the US military can not be explained/excused away as “terrible, unfortunate. accidents. As was the case of the collateral murder release, the capacity of present day optics used by US pilots and gunners would have left no doubt that the human beings targeted were unarmed, often children. The US is simply engaged clearing vast areas of unwanted human populations. This is also known as imperialism."


To read and to think.

Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

PHILIPPINES: Marcos' legacy cannot be rehabilitated (tags)

Akbayan Youth on the 25th Anniversary of EDSA and the Marcos burial issue

Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)

“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”

Democracy promotion: America’s new regime change formula (tags)

"By the 1980s, the reign of terror that blazed across Latin America was too much for most people to stomach. From death squads to torture chambers and various massacres, the Latin American generals who trained in the US to spread democracy around the world quickly gained reputations for major human rights abuses. To replace the overt support for dictatorships, a new concept for regime change was born; one that sounds and looks better – democracy promotion."

Middle East Protests Continue (tags)

liberating struggles

'The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage' and more (tags)

"The struggle that is now unfolding in Egypt will be of a protracted character. The responsibility of revolutionary Marxists is to develop among workers, as they pass through colossal political experiences, an understanding of the necessity for an independent struggle for power. The revolutionary Marxists must counsel workers against all illusions that their democratic aspirations can be achieved under the aegis of bourgeois parties. They must expose ruthlessly the false promises of the political representatives of the capitalist class. They must encourage the creation of independent organs of workers’ power which can become, as the political struggle intensifies, the basis for the transfer of power to the working class. They must explain that the realization of the workers’ essential democratic demands is inseparable from the implementation of socialist policies. Above all, revolutionary Marxists must raise the political horizons of Egyptian workers beyond the borders of their own country. They must explain that the struggles that are now unfolding in Egypt are inextricably linked to an emerging global process of world socialist revolution, and that the victory of the revolution in Egypt requires not a national, but an international strategy. After all, the fight against the Mubarak-Suleiman regime and the Egyptian ruling class is, in the final analysis, a struggle against the entire Arab bourgeoisie, the Zionist regime in Israel and American and European imperialism."

Mubarak's Failed Bait and Switch (tags)

liberating struggles

Essentials on the situation in Egyp (tags)

"Then, over the weekend, came the public statement by Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Cairo tapped by the Obama administration to serve as its envoy to Mubarak. Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Wisner declared, “President Mubarak remains utterly critical in the days ahead as we sort our way toward the future.” He added that the dictator “must stay in office in order to steer those changes through.” The State Department immediately responded that Wisner was speaking in a personal capacity and had not cleared his remarks first with the US government. While mortified that Wisner had the audacity to say publicly what the administration—behind all its phony rhetoric about democracy—is actually doing, no one disputed the content of Wisner’s statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs found a somewhat more elegant way to echo Wisner’s view, declaring that the issue was one of “process not personality.”

Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship (tags)


End Game in Egypt (tags)


Heroic resistance in Cairo to state-orchestrated repression (tags)

"A significant piece of direct evidence of collusion is the texts sent out by the government via various mobile phone networks to rally its forces. One published on Flickr gallery states, “The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor and our precious Egypt.” The fact is that the army and the police are headed by the same people who control the government, with Mubarak's newly appointed vice-president, Omar Suleiman, acting as the prime culprit."

Pro-Mubarak Thugs are Traitors to Egypt! (tags)

The pro-Mubarak thugs in Egypt attacking peaceful pro-democracy protesters are traitors to their people and nation. The pro-Mubarak thugs are most likely plainclothes police fearful of losing their favored status once Mr. Mubarak accepts his status as a deceased dictator and steps down ASAP. Here in the U.S., we question our government's funding of Egypt's military and CIA collaboration with a thirty year tyrant!

Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing Regime Change? (tags)


Revolutionary Change in Egypt: Internal or Made in USA? (tags)


Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)

sweeping change

Open letter from ANONYMOUS to the people of TUNISIA [HQ VIDEO] (tags)

Congratulations on your brave stand against your dictatorship! You have won! Well - You have defeated the dictator - now you must defeat the dictatorship! Keep up the fight for freedom! RCD members are everywhere, with bloody hands...

Wikileaks Cablegate Documents (tags)

The Christofascist terrorists are attempting to suppress the latest Wikileaks evidence of mass human rights abuses and international terrorism committed by the Bush regime and now the Obama regime.

Are the United States and NATO are losing the War in Afghanistan? (tags)

In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.

Prof. Jose Maria Sison: On the Commemoration of September 21 (tags)

PHILIPPINES: Ferdinand Marcos himself designated September 21, 1972 as the date for Presidential Proclamation 1081, declaring martial law. In previous days, he had set in motion the imposition of fascist dictatorship on the people, including the mobilization of his armed minions, the murder of a whistle blower in his own intelligence agency, the fake ambush on his defense secretary and the mass arrest of his opponents and critics.

Human Rights Violations under the US-Aquino III Regime Spikes Up (tags)

The Alliance-Philippies (AJlPP) vehemently denounces the crescendo of human rights violations perpetrated by the US-Aquino III regime’s armed forces and police units since they extended the Oplan Bantay-Laya II last June 2010. The Alliance said “"The attacks against civilians violate the Geneva Conventions and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CAHRIHL), which give primacy to the protection of the rights and welfare of unarmed civilians in the course of the war"


Brazil will begin to change soon.

AFP Launches the biggest military offensive in the Philippines (tags)

"When they (the reactionaries) speak of peace, they wage war." The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expressed its utmost concern about the intention of the newly installed US-Aquino Regime as the AFP launched its biggest general offensive in Mindanao. The AJLPP learned that Jorge Madlos of the NDF-Mindanao said; " All the four divisions under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) based in Mindanao are currently conducting massive and widespread military operations against the revolutionary forces in all the five NPA regions in the whole island, particularly more intense in the Southern Mindanao Region."

US-Aquino Regime Dismisses MILF Threats as “Posturings” (tags)

The Alliance News of the AJLPP noted today that in apparent bid to dismiss or ignore the warnings of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) warning that it is preparing for war in case the peace talks do not resume soon, the US-Aquino spokesman called the warnings “posturing.” “I guess it’s just posturing on their part,” said presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda. “We get positive information from them that they are also eager to pursue the peace process. “Maybe they are worried that the peace process wouldn’t push through,” Lacierda said of the remarks attributed to MILF chair Ebrahim Murad.

Neoconned Bush regime covered up fatal Taliban Chinook missile strike (tags)

Neoconned Bush regime covered up fatal Taliban Chinook missile strike


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA), a human rights, environmental and a peasant advocacy group based in Los Angeles condemns the latest rounds of extra-judicial killings under the new Aquino III regime. At the the same time, Pesante -USA supports Anakpawis Party-list Representative Rafael Mariano call to President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to make a “decisive action” against the military in connection to the killing of a peasant leader in Nueva Ecija. Pesante learned that seventy-eight-year old Pascual Guevarra was shot dead by a lone gunman on Friday.Guevarra was head of the local Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association and the Alyansa ng mga Magbubukid na Nagkakaisa.

Cuba: dialogue ... and debate (tags)

* We present the no. 16 issue (July 2010) of CUBA LIBERTARIA, edited by GALSIC (Grupo de Apoyo a los Libertarios y Sindicalistas Independientes en Cuba). You may obtain a .pdf file of this edition in Spanish at

Death Squad Terror in Honduras (tags)

terrorist killings

Analysis of the RP 2010 Electiion by Prof. Jose Ma. Sison (tags)

The conduct of the 2010 elections shows the rottenness of the US-dominated ruling system of big compradors and landlords. It was a process dominated by the coalitions, parties and candidates of the reactionary ruling classes. Beforehand, it excluded the leaders of the working people who were repressed or who were without campaign funds. It was merely a personality-based contest of the political agents of the same exploiting classes. They did not offer any strong differences in terms of program. They mouthed slogans against poverty and corruption and the need for change. But they said nothing about overcoming the three monsters of foreign monopoly capitalism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism which exploit, impoverish and oppress the people. They gave no serious attention to the worsening crisis of the domestic ruling system and the world capitalist system.

Deathblow to the US-Arroyo regime! Advance the People's War !-NDF (tags)

The Pesante News learned today that on the occasion of its founding anniversary today, April 24, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Southern Mindanao salutes the toiling Filipino workers and peasants and all the patriotic and revolutionary members who belong to the 17 NDFP allied organizations. Thirty seven years ago, the NDF was born out of the people's active resistance to a fascist bankrupt regime; and out of the revolutionary people's movement. This was the gist of the statement of Rubi Del Mundo,Spokesperson of National Democratic Front-Southern Mindanao on April 24, 2010

US-Arroyo Regime practices brinkmanship, Provokes public outrage. (tags)

“ The US-Arroyo regime continues its game of brinkmanship. It continues to anger and provoke the public outrage.” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) adds it strong voice to the vehement protest of the Filipino people over the clearance given by the Secretary of justice Alberto Agra to the Ampatuans and condems the US-Arroyo dangerous game of brinkmanship.

US-Arroyo Regime practices brinkmanship, Provokes public outrage. (tags)

“ The US-Arroyo regime continues its game of brinkmanship. It continues to anger and provoke the public outrage.” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) adds it strong voice to the vehement protest of the Filipino people over the clearance given by the Secretary of justice Alberto Agra to the Ampatuans and condems the US-Arroyo dangerous game of brinkmanship. Agra on Friday issued a resolution clearing Governor Zaldy Ampatuan of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and his cousin, former acting Maguindanao vice governor Akmad Ampatuan Sr.

Arroyo’s US trip on April 11-13, A Summit of A Puppet with Her M (tags)

The Obama- Arroyo meeting will be crucial. Although Arroyo will not dare to stay in power beyond June 2010 without the consent of her imperialist masters, the US and her regime still can strike a deal . In that case, that means that the US has special interest in keeping her in power and will risk offending all those presidential candidates who have spent money and effort in the current electoral campaign. Another scenario is that the Arroyo is not indispensable to the US. But in any case the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the Arroyo trip to ingratiate itself to the Obama administration. The fact stands out. The United States anchors the US-Arroyo regime in it’s human rights violations, in its anti-people’s war in Mindanao and other parts of the nation and the path of keeping the Philippines under the neocolonial and neoliberal economic status.


The Los Angeles PESANTE NEWS learned today from media sources in the Philippines that Jorge Madlos, NDF Spokesperson for Mindanao said: " We give the highest salute to the New People's Army on its 41st anniversary of its foundation on March 29, 1969 in the second district of Tarlac. In 1972, the NPA also established guerilla fronts in Mindanao and spread swiftly throughout the archipelago. The red fighters of the NPA and the revolutionary masses who have offered their very lives in the service of the people deserve no less than our highest regard and praise.


The Los Angeles based Pesante News learned today through news sources that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration placing the whole island of Mindanao under a "state of calamity" and the recent Supreme Court decision allowing GMA to appoint the next Chief Justice are but only two among the many measures that prepare the stage for the US-Arroyo regime's continued hold on power. According to NDF-Mindanao spokesperson Jorge Madlos, in scrutiny with regard to the need, legal basis and motive of placing Mindanao under a "state of calamity" and on the timing and legality of the Supreme Court ruling should be viewed in the context of a regime that is insatiable in perpetuating itself in power. The National Democratic Front in Mindanao (NDF-Mindanao) holds that there is an abundance of reason to believe that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo does not intend to relinquish the power she has mustered by way of deceit, bribery, impunity, and militarism over the last nine years. Come hell or high water, she is hell-bent to stay in power, and, like puzzle pieces falling into its proper place, all indication point to this.


“ A high court for an oppressive neo-colonial and semi-feudal system, breeds oppressive laws" The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) shares the bitter disappointment of Filipinos and the Filipino-American community outside of the Philippines on the recent decision of the Philippine Supreme Court allowing President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to appoint the next Chief Justice. For the Alliance, the high court decision signaled that the US-Arroyo regime final consolidation of power is complete. GMA in her nine years at the helm has consolidated her hold on the AFP and the PNP with the ascension of the PMA Class 1978 in power; the Congress packed by her psychopaths, and now the judiciary filled with her appointees.

Condemn the US-Arroyo Regime's Peddler of Lies, Fight its False Propaganda! (tags)

The reactionary and counter-revolutionary propaganda factory of the US-Arroyo regime led by the AFP, continue to churn out and plague the media and the public with illogical falsehoods to attack the legitimate left, which endanger the very lives of many activists and critics of this corrupt government. The black propaganda employed by the likes of Ret. Gen. Jovito Palparan, Jun Alcover and Brig. Gen. Eduardo del Rosario lumps together the legal progressive movement in urban areas and the armed revolution led by the CPP-NPA-NDF in the countryside. It aims to vilify, as part of its modus operandi, certain individuals in the progressive movement whom they capriciously judge as "supporters or leaders of the revolution" and make them targets of political assassinations.

NDF hits promotion of Army chiefs linked to Ampatuan massacre (tags)

The National Democratic Front scores the US-Arroyo regime for playing chess by placing its most rabid bootlickers in key positions in the reactionary government, notwithstanding its self-perpetuating move to change the reactionary Charter. The US-Arroyo regime is getting more and more edgy as its current occupant, Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, is becoming more and more despised by the Filipino people. With the widespread discontent on the country's political and economic situation and mounting calls for justice to the victims of human rights violations and the brutal November 23 Ampatuan massacre, Mrs. Arroyo's plan to perpetuate in power through the GRP congress is ever more audacious and blatant.

Arroyo's Plan to Consolidate Power (tags)

We condemn the US-Arroyo regime's devious declaration to dismantle "private armies" in the country when in truth this only aims to strengthen loyal private armies which it can benefit from and to dismantle those of the opposition's, thus consolidating its hold on power and giving itself greater leverage in the coming national elections. The most notorious of private armies in Mindanao are those which delivered, through terrorism, the much needed votes in the last two national elections, which won Arroyo a six-year term. The biggest of which is that of the Ampatuan warlord.


The case of Prof. Sarah Raymundo's firing at the University of the Philippines betokens the sharpening political contradictions and hegemonic crisis occurring in what William Blum calls the oldest longest-held colony of the US, currently ruled by the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime praised by Barack Obama.

Now it can be told: Martial Law a desperate attempt to exonerate AFP/PNP, US-Arroyo Regime (tags)

ThePESANTE NEWS today learned that the Armed Forces of the Philippines's posturing as hero in the aftermath of the Ampatuan massacre is hypocritical in the face of hidden arms caches found in the Ampatuan warlord's mansions and vast properties. These military-owned high-powered rifles, ammunition, and war materiel are evidence that pin the devious collusion between the Ampatuan warlord clan, their mercenaries in the AFP top brass, and the Arroyo family. Faced with mounting nationwide anger that could lead to an Oust Gloria reprisal, the Arroyo regime imposed Martial Law in Maguindanao in a desperate attempt to exonerate itself from the culpability of arming, backing, and using political warlords and their private armies in its counter-revolutionary schemes. It is ironic for 601st Infantry Brigade-AFP commander Col. Leo Ferrer, in the midst of the martial law hullabaloo, to warn Ampatuan supporters and CVOs of the military's capability to launch tactical offensives if the latter remains unwilling to be disarmed.

Nationwide Protests Demanding Justice for Maguindanao Massacre Victims (tags)

On the International Human Rights Day, and the whole week before that the Filipino American community was on the protest mode. The Alliance Philippines strongly expressed its militant support to the people’s movement in the Philippines oppose to the declaration of martial law and demanded justice for Maguindanao massacre victims by holding protests in key cities all over the United States from December 5 to 10, 2009. - Last December 5, Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan New York/New Jersey Chapter held their 5th anniversary celebrations by honoring the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre. The event was held at the Renaissance Charter Schoo at Jackson Height , new York City from 10:00 Am to 5:00 PM. - On December 8, a Community Forum led by the AJLPP, ANSWER-LA and AFFIRM was held at the FACLA Social Hall, 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, Ca 90026. A panel of speakers from different organizations condemning the massacre featured the event. A candle-light ceremony capped the tribute and honor to the 64 victims of untold cruelties. - On December 10, International Human Rights Day, scores of activists held a candle light vigil and a picket/rally at the Philippine Consulate at Wilshire Blvd. from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening.


Los Angeles—“ We create crisis and manage it” - Mike Arroyo. The Alliance Philippines strongly expresses its militant support to the people’s movement oppose to the declaration of martial law and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus in the province of Maguindanao. Besides being late and delayed for a long time, martial law was declared for the wrong reasons. Legal observers suspects that the US GMA regime schemes to elevate the warlord clan of the Ampatuans as “ rebels”, By charging them with the crime of rebellion, GMA is giving them a way out . By elevating them from being common criminals, they can be pardoned by being charged with rebellion because it is a political crime.

Electoral Fraud Proved in Honduras: More than 50 Percent Did Not Vote (tags)

"Freeston today publishes this bombshell report, above, on The Real News that documents definitively that Honduras electoral officials knowingly lied about their claims of more than 60 percent voter turnout. The hard results in possession of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE, in its Spanish initials) demonstrate only 49.2 percent turnout: That means that a majority - more than 50 percent - of Honduran citizens abstained in the "elections" that the National Front Against the Coup d'Etat had called unfair, unfree and placed under boycott."

Honduras State Employees Forced to Attend Santos Campaign Rally (tags)

"On Saturday November 28 military soldiers raided the offices of small business collective RED-COMAL in Siguatepeque, Comayagua, a city approximately 2 hours north from the capital. The Police Commissioner issued a search warrant 15 minutes after the raid began with the purpose of looking for weapons, posters and any documents that call on the population not to vote. Ricardo Bueso, speaking to, reported that the military and police stole four laptops along with money from some of the organization’s sales The National Front Against the Coup d'Etat has called on its participants to remain indoors in a "voluntary curfew" in noncooperation with the fraudulent vote. Should any incidents of violence occur today it won't be from the Resistance, but, rather, the result of the regime's own provocateurs. National presidential candidate Carlos H. Reyes withdrew from the ballot last month, as did many Congressional candidates and one major-party vice presidential candidate: Santos' own running mate on the Liberal Party line is among those who reject this fraudulent process as illegitimate."


The Alliance –Philippines or the AJLPP condemns in the strongest posssible terms barbaric massacre perpetrated by the Ampatuan warlord dynasty in Maguindanao last November 22, 2009. The massacre victimized 62 ( at the present count) that includes 27 members of the Philippine press, 22 women who were all raped and mutilated and 15 bystanders who happened to be passing the scene. Arturo P. Garcia. West Coast coordinator of the Alliance said that "the AJLPP is one with the National Press Club (NPC) and other democratic forces in the Philippines in condemning “this senseless act of political violence. " “The massacre proved again the naked truth. That warlords and their dynasties led by the Arroyo dynasty in Pampanga is very much alive in the Philippines. Arroyo also heads the biggest private army composed of the AFP and the PNP in the Philippines” Garcia said The Alliance squarely blamed the US-Arroyo regime for the massacre and believes that this massacre is very common of the human rights violations under the US-Arroyo regime.


PESANTE NEWS today learned through news sources that NDF-EV or The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today expressed solidarity with the people over the crises in electricity and water in Tacloban and the rest of Leyte and the region. "The people of Tacloban are struggling to get such basic needs as electricity and water," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson. "But the Petilla and Romualdez political dynasties not only ignore this, they add further to the mess by squabbling over water administration as one of the political spoils at stake in the 2010 election. Meanwhile, the people are fuming at the lack of water and furthermore anticipate a power rate hike on top of that problem. Poor water and electricity services are not unique to Tacloban but widespread in the region because of government neglect."

National Resistance Against the Coup d’Etat Announces Boycott of Elections (tags)

"So what conclusions can we draw from the US State Department visit? Considering the US Embassy’s media contacts list or following the mainstream media, one might be lead to believe that the State Department delegation truly was as historic as Secretary Clinton claimed it was. The walls of Tegucigalpa, though, shout a different message: “Solo el pueblo salva el pueblo,” (Only the people save the people). On the ground, most people never really trusted any of the diplomatic visits in the first place."

The US-Arroyo’s Gross Criminal Neglect , The GMA Legacy (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA)- a US based environmental and peasant advocacy group since 1991 expressed outrage over the criminal neglect and extreme arrogance of the US-Arroyo regime and its hirelings. Besides coddling the NAPOCOR’s criminal neglect, now that the Arroyo administration is playing dumb and blind to the DWSD’s incompetence. While donations are rotting in DSWD warehouses, the DSWD is driving the affected people out the relocations centers and forcing them to register. It is not enough for the US-Arroyo regime to blame the victims but punishing them with such uncalled for sanctions.

Next: A Popular Referendum for a New Honduras Constitution? (tags)

"The coup was held on June 28 precisely to stop a non-binding referendum – one that asked if Hondurans wanted the right to vote for or against a new Constitution – but the regime’s own insistence on holding faux “elections” on November 29 inadvertently provides the people with the opportunity to do the very thing the coup was intended to stop: To put up ballot boxes outside of every “official” polling place and survey the people on that original question. Now that the Honduran civil resistance and its diverse social movements are so much better organized in every town and city than ever before, the little bird asked, why not utilize the November 29 date of the regime’s sham “elections” to hold a real referendum? The suggestion is to place a “First Ballot Box” (“primera urna”), outside of every official polling place, that asks the first question anew: “Do you favor convening a national Constituent Assembly to democratically write a new Constitution for the Republic of Honduras?” “Yes” or “No?” That little bird must have likewise carefully listened to the voices from below. We heard it - and reported it to you - from the northeastern cities of Trujillo, Tocoa, and Saba and the nearby farms of Guadalupe Tepayac. We heard it throughout our reporting from coastal La Ceiba and from the Afro-Honduran and Garifuna communities throughout that coast. From the popular barrios of San Pedro Sula and the highway blockades of Comayagua the same central demand was on everyone’s lips: ¡Constituente! From the colonias in resistance throughout greater Tegucigalpa, ¡Constituente!"

The Steady Stream of Lies about Venezuela or The Killers and Liars Prepare (tags)

"The fourth big lie is saved up to the end, and follows on that grand tradition of the great human rights abusers accusing others to deflect attention from themselves. Chavez is said to be “cultivating” regimes that are characterised by “rigged elections, media censorship, the criminalisation of dissent and leaders for life”. Not a touch of irony, as the death squads in Colombia murder trade unionists and civil leaders unchecked, as the Obama Administration pussyfoots around the coup regime in Honduras (which deposed a Chavez ally), as election fraud and bloody war rages in Afghanistan and as the US launches missile attacks on Pakistan. It can be tedious to document such lies. They are so common and, no sooner is one lot done than the next day’s lies appear – if not in The Economist then in the Washington Post, The Australian or The Times. These monopolies count on the vulnerable, who do not have alternate sources of information, who do not read history and are able to be swayed by crude and often racist agitation. In the bigger picture, this is a delegitimising process, organised by the private media monopolies which, in their hatred for the sort of popular democracy led by Chavez (as also in the past by Allende), are preparing the ground for coups, wars of intervention and conquest. It has been done before and – while these monopolies remain unchecked – it will be done again."


Today, October 2001, the Bush regime’s armed forces launched “Operation Enduring Freedom” by carpet bombing Afghanistan and then invading and occupied the whole country after a minimal resistance from the existing Taliban regime. Like when Bush proclaimed “mission accomplished “ in Iraq, Afghanistan was an easy victory to their delight in 2001 but later it became their worst nightmare several years later.


The latest twin disasters that hit the Philippines laid bare the true state of the country and the governance of US-Arroyo Regime: inept, corrupt and inutile. It lacked foresight for the good of the people because it is ruled by rapacity and greed. It favors big imperialist corporations and the heartless ruling class and only exploits and oppresses the people. Just look at its delayed reaction to the storms and its effect on the pole. Instead of conducting a comprehensive rescue, relief and rehabilitation drive in a systemic way what it did was to blame the people, blame the squatters and register all flood victims.

Behind the Coup Regime Curtain (tags)

"Providing an example of what else these citizens in civil resistance are up against, the pro-coup media then takes the demonstrators’ attempt to remain within the coup decree’s 20-person limit on public assemblies, and portrays it as a sign that the resistance has lost steam. The daily Heraldo, for example, covered that same demonstration with these dishonest words: “The security lines remain, and an important number of national and international journalists, and, of course, demonstrations, which are already almost insignificant for the number of participants."

The Second Honduran Coup Came Today Because the First One Failed (tags)

"The timing of the elections set for November 29, 2009 is now a straight jacket, especially in the context of current confusion, the emergency decree... the complex media situation (an open and truly fair media being the sine qua non for an election of this significance), and the need for enough reconciliation to give confidence to the whole process." Facusse’s proposal is in effect on behalf of The Third Coup, or at least a trial balloon toward its attempt. But beyond its whacky proposals above, The Third Coup has an even more fatal flaw: It was developed in a back room by rich and powerful magnates, without so much a consulting, much less dialoging with, a single worker, or farmer, or student, much less their organizations that represent the great mass of the mobilized Honduran people. For it is their power from below that has prevented both malicious coups this year from triumphing. No regime - not any more - can hold on to power in Honduras unless it sufficiently satisfies the amalgam of social movements that are now popularly referred to as The Resistance. Furthermore, to attempt to reward Micheletti just two days after he bared his despotic teeth – in effect, betraying his other coup plotters in their lust for portraying this pustch as “not a coup” - with a lifetime unelected post in Congress, as Facusse’s proposal does, indicates a mindset so far removed from the realities demonstrated over the past summer, so profoundly out of touch with the overwhelming sentiment of the majority of his countrymen and women, that it offers a glass window into the mysterious mind of the oligarch, trying one more time to extract advantage over everybody else, even as his best made plans come crashing down all around him."

Honduran government hires fiction writer to hawk coup regime (tags)

"On this morning, three months later, it was déjà vu all over again, as those same military troops reenacted the battle of June 28, busting down the doors of both broadcasters and this time removing their transmitters and equipment. And soldiers have surrounded both houses of media to prevent the people from retaking them. The coup regime is now clinging to power illegitimately, threatened on every front by truth and justice, which means it must create an illusion of democratic sanction, and so, it has inked a $292,000 contract with CLSA, calling on the PR firm to “diseñar una campaña de persuasión” [build a campaign of persuasion]."

The Second Honduran Coup Came Today Because the First One Failed (tags)

"A significant portion of the Honduran population has gone underground overnight. Tipped off that last night their homes would be raided and they would be hauled off to the soccer stadium in Tegucigalpa where the regime already holds at least 75 citizens incommunicado – reports of the use of torture are all the more credible because the regime won’t allow any attorney, doctor or human rights observer inside the stadium to inspect – other rank-and-file Hondurans opened their homes to resistance organizers throughout the country. They are hiding from the regime, but they are in constant contact with each other, and with our reporters. Another part of last night’s wave of state terror came in the form of this provocation: Key human rights leaders and attorneys were notified anonymously of an alleged roundup of dissidents at a particular police station in the capital. They rushed down to look for the detainees, only to be greeted by the very nervous and heavily armed station police who had, simultaneously, received an anonymous phone call telling them that a mob was on its way there to burn down the station. Fortunately, cooler minds prevailed and once the human rights attorneys explained to the police the message they had received, both sides figured out it was an attempt to trick them into a violent confrontation.

Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council with Embassy Attacks (tags)

"These evidences and the eye-witness testimonies, including that of the doctor and the priest, demonstrate convincingly that while the Honduran coup regime issues emphatic denials of such attacks on the sovereign embassy of Brazil, it is clearly engaging in them nonetheless. The UN Security Council should not need any high tech apparatus of its own to be able to see and hear what is really going on at ground level, and respond accordingly to the coup regime's mockery of it."

Declaration about the Situation in Honduras by ALBA Member Countries in the OAS (tags)

"We add our voice to the regional, national, and world organisations and institutions that have expressed their rejection of these barbaric acts that the coup leaders and supporters have committed in Honduras. We demand an end to the repression, a definite suspension of the curfew, respect of the inviolability of the Brazilian diplomatic headquarters, and the immediate and unconditional restitution of President Zelaya to his functions as Constitutional and Democratic President of Honduras."

What Some US Reporters Don't Get About Brazil and the Honduras Crisis (tags)

"The international community demands that Mr Zelaya immediately return to the presidency of his country and must be alert to ensure the inviolability of Brazil's diplomatic mission in the capital of Honduras." The United Nations isn't likely to ignore Lula's plea. As a body, it owes Brazil heavily for its leadership of UN Peacekeeping forces in Haiti, and also for its unique role as a respected organizer and spokes-country of "developing world" states as a force for global social and economic justice. Wealthier nations, meanwhile, from the US to China to Europe, are greatly dependent (or would like to be more so) on the gigantic consumer market that is Brazil. In eight short years, Lula has greatly risen Brazil's status and respect across the globe by playing these factors upon each other very shrewdly."

Seven Million Hondurans Under House Arrest as Micheletti Writes of "Democracy" (tags)

"This has caused a generalized phenomenon throughout the metropolitan area: People have come en masse out of their homes, chased the police out of many of those neighborhoods, and erected barricades to keep them out. They are now organizing to maintain those barricades. The coup regime thus, overnight, has lost any semblance of control of considerable tracts of urban Honduras."

The President Has Returned: All Hell Breaks Loose in Honduras! (tags)

"This is a textbook example of what we've referred to before as "dilemma actions." It puts the coup regime on the horns of a dilemma, in which it has no good options. It can leave Zelaya to put together his government again from the Brazilian embassy with the active support of so many sectors of Honduran civil society, or it can try to arrest the President, provoking a nonviolent insurrection from the people of the kind that has toppled many a regime throughout history. Minute by minute, hour by hour, and, soon, day by day, the coup regime is losing its grip. At some point it will have to choose either to unleash a terrible violent wave of state terrorism upon the country's own people - which will provoke all out insurrection in response (guaranteed by Article 3 of the Honduran Constitution) - or Micheletti and his Simian Council can start packing their bags and seeking asylum someplace like Panama. Meanwhile, the people are coming down from the hills to meet their elected president. This, kind readers, is immediate history."


Chronicle of a shit country.

Honduras Resistance Warns of Provocateurs on the Internet (tags)

"A statement by the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat The Communication Commission of the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat wishes to correct and reject some messages on the Internet authored by Mr. Georges Francoise Godoy, supposedly an Argentine-French citizen who frequents the information networks on the Internet of the resistance. In a message distributed via Internet dated September 14, Mr. Godoy promotes a website named which makes it appear as if, under the banner of the National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat, there is a so-called “Revolutionary Army of the Honduran People, Paramilitary Battallion Isis Obed Murillo,” whose commander is said to be President Zelaya. In said website there appears a “Communiqué #1” according to which this supposed organization has decided to attack members of the coup regime and their families militarily. As authorized spokespersons of the Frente, this Communications Commission rejects as false the claims being circulated in respect to the existence of the mentioned armed front. We are going to repeat what we have said for eighty days: The National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat is a public organization that uses only nonviolent methods. Since the beginning our organization agreed to fight against the usurper regime with peaceful methods and without arms. As such: WE DO NOT HAVE ANY ARMED OR PARAMILITARY FRONT. And whoever tries to make it appear to the contrary exposes our leadership to military and police repression. Consequently, we alert all compañeros and compañeras who use the Internet and other media to reject the messages of provocateurs who try to deceive about the essence of our struggle."

PHILIPPINES: Melissa Roxas' fighting stance against Arroyo regime (tags)

Melissa Roxas, member of BAYAN-USA and the cultural group Habi Arts in Los Angeles, California, returned to the country on July 20 to face head on those who abducted and tortured her and her two companions and pursue the cases she has filed against them. She attended a Court of Appeals hearing on her petition for a writ of amparo. She also testified before the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the Committee on Human Rights of the House of Representatives regarding her abduction and torture.

Money talks in U.S. policy toward Honduran putsch regime (tags)

"So, in effect, since the earliest days of the coup regime in Honduras, the U.S. has done little more than repackage and rebroadcast the same aid cuts to appease the media and to compliment its rhetorical position of being against the coup. But behind the scenes, the economic effect of the aid cuts has been little more than symbolic posturing." "Henry Kissinger was brutally honest about the U.S. diplomatic reality in Latin America, when commenting decades ago on the government of democratically elected President Salvador Allende of Chile — who was overthrown in a 1973 U.S.-backed coup that led to Allende’s assassination and a subsequent reign of terror by the dictator General Augusto Pinochet. I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon Under Secretary of State Clinton, that fundamentally anti-democratic foreign policy appears to continue to be the status quo for Latin America — absent a much more hands-on effort to change that course by the president of the United States.

"The Internet is an Open Sewer" (tags)

The msintream media complains about how they're obsolete and how citizen journalism such as Indymedia is taking over.

Honduran coup has been far from bloodless (tags)

"Women protesters can face worse. On Aug. 14, a young mother was grabbed by police while participating nonviolently in a large protest. They separated her from male detainees and drove her out of town, where four officers of the National Police raped her and then raped her again with a baton. Rapes while in custody, assassinations and disappearances that are terrorizing Hondurans remain largely unreported in the U.S. press. On July 11, for example, Roger Ivan Bados, a longtime trade unionist and activist in the opposition party Union Democrática, was forcibly removed from his home and killed. Others who participate in demonstrations or other activities have been kidnapped, then found dead."

U.S. Still Supports the Coup! (tags)

"Agency bankrolling “good governance” programs to ensure the “rule of law in the country” The taxpayer-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation has continued to move millions of dollars into Honduras since the June 28 coup d'état, but it is not alone, Narco News has now confirmed. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is slated to provide Honduras with nearly $47 million in funding in fiscal 2009, which ends Sept. 30, 2009. Nearly all of that money (some $43 million) is scheduled to be delivered as previously planned to Honduras — which is now under the leadership of a putsch regime that President Obama has already described as “not legal.”

Juan and Pedro Enter the Honduras Oil Import Business, Coup d’Etat Follows (tags)

"Padre Fausto later chronicled his own share of detentions, which included being kidnapped by paramilitaries in Honduras in 1981 on charges of inciting guerrilla activity based on his concern for campesino and indigenous rights. In captivity, Fausto was subjected to a schedule of sitting in rooms with torture instruments and being removed whenever someone needed to be tortured physically rather than psychologically. He subsequently spent a number of years in exile in Mexico; as for other Hondurans in exile, Fausto boasted that Zelaya had spoken with him and other Hondurans for four hours the previous day in Managua, neglecting a group of visiting European parliamentarians."

Lest We Forget: The Martyrs of Martial Law in the Philippines (tags)

The Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70) commemorates the 26th death anniversary and the assassination of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr on August 21, 1983. Aquino’s martyrdom gains special significance today, August 21 because of two reasons: First, the assassination was not solved though everybody knows who is the mastermind and second because of the rampant abuse of power and corruption under the present US-Arroyo administration. 
 Senator Aquino even during the days before martial law opposed the abuse of power under the US-Marcos dictatorship regime that does not respect democratic rights and treats itself as above the law. His martyrdom gains special significance today as we fight the US- Arroyo regime with a track record of abusing power and dispensing public funds without any concern for accountability. 


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA demands that the US-Arroyo regime free al political prisoners and quash all made up charges against activist in the Philippines! Although the Supreme Court ordered the release Randall Echanis, detained NDFP consultant and KMP deputy secretary general and a FQS activist, the US-Arroyo regime has failed to quash its made-up charges against those with warrants of arrest. More than 20 NDF consultants and peace advocates and at least 200 activists has been languishing in jail since the breakdown of the peace talks four years ago. More than 80 people are in the regime’s “wanted list".

Cracks in the Honduran Coup Regime Grow Wider (tags)

"Micheletti is in fact declaring the military a scapegoat for doing just once what Micheletti himself has ordered them to do a second and third time. He doesn’t really want Zelaya to stand trial because, first, the so-called evidence against the President is flimsy and falsified, and, second, because the regime fears that the very people of Honduras might assemble to break down any wall that might hold their elected president."

Urgent Plea from Radio Progreso (Honduras) (tags)

"All of the sudden, Gustavo Cardoza said that a policeman was pointing his weapon at him and immediately reported that other police were coming after him. Our reporter tried to run, and told them that he was a reporter for Radio Progreso. It was then that we heard his cries, and the blows that our reporter was receiving."

Urgent Plea from Radio Progreso (Honduras) (tags)

"All of the sudden, Gustavo Cardoza said that a policeman was pointing his weapon at him and immediately reported that other police were coming after him. Our reporter tried to run, and told them that he was a reporter for Radio Progreso. It was then that we heard his cries, and the blows that our reporter was receiving. The transmission from our reporter was abruptly suspended."


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA again raise the demand for the US-Arroyo regime to free Randall Echanis. Until now the GRP has failed to release Randall Echanis ,detained NDFP consultant and KMP depurty secretary general and a FQS activist. The US-Arryo regime has failed to quash its made-up charges against those with warrants of arrest. Echanis has been languishing in jail together with other NDF consultants since the breakdown of the peace talks four years ago. For Pesante-USA, this is a major obstacle to the resumption to the peace talks between te NDFP and the GRP. This is a major indication that the GRP wants to scuttle the Oslo meeting. This is blatant and obvious attempt of the GRP and the US-Arroyo regime and the militarist in the AFP to freeze in the Supreme Court the question of releasing Randall Echanis and to make difficult or impossible the release of other detained NDFP consultants.

Whose the Real Hypocrite Secretary Clinton? (tags)

"In the context of President Obama’s statement last weekend that those who urge the US to take stronger action against the Honduras coup regime “think that it’s appropriate for us to suddenly act in ways that in every other context they consider inappropriate,” calling it “hypocrisy.” The revelation that Clinton and MCC have already sanctioned the elected government of Nicaragua and its private sector in ways that it so far refuses to sanction the illegal coup regime of Honduras and its private backers has revealed one important fact: That Washington has already determined that “it’s appropriate” to deny MCC funds to a country for lighter and more transient reasons than those that exist to sanction a coup regime in another. Didn’t a certain US President, last weekend, speak the word “hypocrisy” in the context of the US and the Honduras coup?"

Too Cute by Half on Honduras, Mr. President (tags)

" I don’t worry or weep for Latin America or Honduras. The people united will never be defeated, and our authentic journalists, myself included, will be there alongside them reporting their every step in community organizing and civil resistance to win back what basic democratic principles establish is rightfully theirs. It really doesn't matter how much money or oxygen Washington gives to the Honduras coup regime: that baby is going down, and will go down hard, at the hands of an organized people."

Honduras Coup Dictator Micheletti Calls Out the Geezer Patrol or "a country for old m (tags)

"At the celebration a group of war veterans attended from Honduras’ 1957 conflict with Nicaragua and with El Salvador in 1969… “I don’t know if the war veterans want to consider me part of them because I – here is the proof, dated August 4, 1969, that shows that I participated in the defense of the sovereignty of our country, here it is, nobody can deny it, and we will do the same as long as we are alive,” said President Micheletti…"

Protest scumbag Honduran coup lobbyist (tags)

LANNY DAVIS,, Pres. Clinton's "Special Council" is lobbying Congress in support of the military coup in Honduras. Supporters of democracy should contact his firm in protest.

Coup regime in Honduras seeks to close media that report it’s activities (tags)

"This morning’s televised threat by coup General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez to “go after them” – the leaders of the civil resistance to the coup – also included broadcasters and journalists. Radio Globo, after its first shutdown at the hands of military soldiers, won a court order to reopen and has broadcasted constantly since June 29. If not for its news team and conductors and the thousands of calls they have received live on the air from Honduran citizens, the nationwide public would not know the real facts about what has been happening to their country."

Coup General: "We're Going After the Protest Leaders" (tags)

"The clock is ticking on this coup regime. And on television this morning, one could see the fear in the eyes of the macho generals that try so hard to show a fearless face. Their days are numbered, not because the other countries of the hemisphere and the world reject the coup, but so much more importantly, because the Honduran people are organizing to put a stop to it all by themselves. The coup generals don't have an end game. The civil resistance does, and is unanimous in it: The toppling of the coup regime, the reinstatement of the elected government, and a Constitutional Convention to remake their nation in a more authentically democratic form."

AFP in Honduras Hung By Its Own Photograph (tags)

Honduran Democracy Can Only Be Asserted from Below (tags)

"Democracy, however, can always be asserted from below, when an organized people stand up. That is the next chapter in Honduras, its best - and probably its only - hope. Update: Arias' efforts to convene, today, eleventh hour last chance "talks," are officially not happening

Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup (tags)

"This is because, for the IAPA, there was no coup. Its July 14 statement said the democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was simply “stood down” — not kidnapped and dumped in a different country by balaclava-clad soldiers. And if anyone can recognise a dictatorship, it is the IAPA. After all, as it points out, the IAPA has been fighting off dictatorships “for a long time” — in the form of the Chavez administration. Ironically, the only time in Venezuela that a TV channel was taken off air, constitutional rights suspended, and journalists arrested and assaulted since Chavez’s 1998 election was during the two days when he was removed from power in a short-lived coup in April 2002. "

Peaceful Blockades vs. Coup Paralyze Honduras (tags)

"Support the Honduran people in this important struggle to beat back the coup. Obama is sure not going to do it. "

Isolated and discredited 2 - the US in Latin America (tags)

"But no matter how hard they try on the masks of agreeableness, their arrogance, hubris and infatuation with US military power seep out all over the place. Barack Obama's aspiration to reclaim US leadership in Latin America means not just maintaining US military presence in the region but boosting it. For example, in Colombia the US is currently negotiating not one but five extra military bases. " How many more coups if we allow this one to go forward?


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) in the United States strongly condemns the blantant display of callousness the US-Arroyo Regime on this matter of the highest humanitarian concern wherein more than 2 million people both Moro and Christian population are affected due to the escalating war in Mindanao.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greets the resumption of exploratory talks towards the resumption of peace negotiation between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) this coming weeks with guarded optimism We express elation whenever the peace process moves forward after almost five years of being stalled due to the intransigence and lack of good faith on the part of the US-Arroyo regime.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greets the resumption of exploratory talks towards the resumption of peace negotiation between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) this coming weeks with guarded optimism We express elation whenever the peace process moves forward after almost five years of being stalled due to the intransigence and lack of good faith on the part of the US-Arroyo regime.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, and the Filipino-American Community expressed outrage over the series of bombing in the Southern Philippines. The AJLPP express grave concern that the July 5-6 bombings in Mindanao may spread to the other urban centers like Manila. We squarely lay the blame to the US-Arroyo regime and her subalterns in the military who may be behind these barbaric bombings. This is the same scenario staged by the US-Marcos regime when it declared martial law in 1972. Although the perpetrators like to appear that the targets of the bombings are Catholic Cathedrals, Christian population centers and points to the MILF, Abu Sayyaff (ASG) or JI-Al Queda, the Filipino people suspects that the military is behind the bombings as elucidated by ISAFP Sgt. Vidal Doble.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, adds its voice to the world’s condemnation of the military coup in Honduras that forcibly removed its democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya, Despite people’s protest, the military blocked the return of Zelaya and pounced on the more than 500,000 Hondurenos who rallied for his return. The military blocked the airport and forced Zelaya’s plane to Nicaragua last Sunday, July 5.

Zelaya Doesn't Blink: Two Airplanes Heading South Today (tags)

As president, I am going to accompany my people, and I appeal for calm… To the Honduran people: stay peaceful… nobody should use any weapon. Our weapon is democracy.”

Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda

Mass Protests Rock Iran: No to All Wings of the Mullah Regime! (tags)

For more than a week, Iran has been convulsed by mass demonstrations denouncing election fraud. Hundreds of thousands have repeatedly taken to the streets to denounce the government, which is now threatening, and beginning to carry out, a bloody crackdown. This time around, imperialist intervention is veiled: the White House feigns neutrality, the Western media go all out for the opposition, while in the background various agencies provide vital technical aid. In reality, all candidates in the presidential vote swear allegiance to the Islamic Republic, and the supposed moderate reformers are no less butchers and enemies of poor and working people than the conservative "populist" government. The situation cries out for revolutionary leadership independent of all factions of the theocracy, to wage a struggle for workers revolution against imperialism and clerical reaction.

A billion to go hungry with food prices back on rise (tags)

A billion to go hungry with food prices back on rise

Iran's marine mammals endangered (tags)

Iran's marine mammals endangered


In a press conference held on Monday June 2, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has said the U.S. military’s partnership with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) can be used as a model in fighting terrorism worldwide. Gates made the statement during his visit to Manila for a high level meeting with his Philippine counterpart - Department of National Defense (DND) Secretary Gilbert Teodoro. Clearly this was a vote of confidence on the Arroyo regime's on-going war against legitimate people's movements in the Philippines from a key member of the Obama Team himself. Emboldened by Gate's statement and promise of continuing military assistance from the United States, on June 3, against the backdrop of worsening economic crisis, of intensifying political killings and forced disappearances and escalating military conflict in Southern Philippines - in a brazen act of indifference and cowardice - the Arroyo controlled congress passed House Resolution 1109 which turned the lower house into a constituent assembly. This will make it possible for the U.S.- Arroyo regime to tinker with the 1987 constitution to further tighten and continue their stranglehold on the country and its people.

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes (tags)

600,000 seniors about to lose their homes

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian" (tags)

CA now faces budget cuts "beyond draconian"

Egyptians to Obama: Mubarak not welcome in USA (tags)

Today, Egypt is at dangerous crossroads. As Mubarak enters his 28th year in power and his ninth decade, Egypt’s future is more uncertain than ever

Remembering the past to change the future – We must hold the torture state accountable (tags)

“Get the good old syringe boys and fill it to the brim We’ve caught another nigger and we’ll operate on him Let someone take the handle who can work it with a vim Shouting the battle cry of freedom” A U.S. Army marching song composed during the Philippine War entitled “The Water Cure” to celebrate a version of waterboarding used on Filipinos “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Poet and philosopher, George Santayana

Obama and torture: Why did he go to CIA Headquarters? (tags)

Last week the Obama administration released more of the “torture memos” written by Department of Justice lawyers during the Bush regime. These and previous memos were written to provide legal cover for the torture of prisoners taken in the war of terror conducted by the Bush regime. After being given this legal cover, President Bush and other top officials of his criminal regime ordered torture and other illegal acts. We now know that there were regular meetings held at the White House where the specifics of torture were discussed by top administration officials.

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Khmer Rouge (tags)

For decades the Khmer Rouge regime has been exposed for its atrocities and genocides against its own people. Yet the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) nor its political arm, the National Democratic Front (NDF) nor any of its influenced and led organizations have issued any statement of condemnation. In fact in some of the statements issued by the CPP-NDF or interviews issued by its leaders, they seem to defend the Khmer Rouge.

New People's Army (NPA) celebrates 40th anniversary in the Philippines (tags)

The outlawed Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) on Sunday congratulated its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA), on the 40th anniversary of its founding in the Philippines. "We congratulate all the Red commanders and fighters, the Party cadres and members in the NPA and the broad masses of the people for their accumulated and current victories. We render the highest tribute to our revolutionary martyrs and heroes," said the CPP in a statement posted on its Web site.

PHILIPPINES: Thousands of Women Marched to Demand Full Employment (tags)

Amidst a deepening economic crisis engendered by the global financial meltdown, thousands of women workers belonging to the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) poured out into the streets of key Manila, Cebu, Davao, General Santos and Cotabato, on the occasion of the International Women’s Day to demand full employment and equality between women and men.

he revolution delayed: 10 years of Hugo Chávez’s rule (tags)

* A translation of a March 2008 interview conducted by the French anarchist Charles Reeve with two members of the El Libertario group in Caracas, the nation’s capital, which offers some stark insights into the reality of the situation.


In a sweeping speech to international leaders and security experts on February 6 in Munich, US vice president Biden, prima facie, revealed to an international audience the core of the Obama regime's foreign policy program. Although emphasizing diplomacy and cooperation as its center piece, he gave a stern warning to the Imperialist allies and client states that they are expected to share the burdens of fighting extremism (whatever that is).


In a couple of days, Richard Holbrooke - Hilary Clinton's pick to push the US imperialist agenda in Afghanistan - is about to get his feet wet by visiting neighboring Pakistan. Holbrooke, a former US envoy to the UN and considered an expert on the region's geopolitics will face an ally who's growing weary and suspicious of the US real intentions. The Pakistanis who were hopeful that the new Washington regime could somewhat relieve the toxicity of the Bush campaign were greatly dismayed when three days after the much ballyhooed Obama inauguration, a drone guided bombing killed 21 of their own citizens.

How to Pursue GW Bush for War Crimes Trial (tags)

Debates about whether international community should pursue the GW bush regime for war crimes stemming from illegal detentions, torture and deception used in illegal invasion of Iraq. What is best strategy for beginning a public war crimes tribunal against GW bush, Cheney and the outgoing administration..

War Criminal GW Bush Regime Escapes to Texas Ranch (tags)

Since GW Bush, Cheney and their fellow war criminals of the outgoing Bush administration are escaping their needed trail for war crimes following the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq based on fabricated evidence. Many needless deaths from invasion of Iraq and a crumbling economy are the legacy of this brilliant criminal regime. Are we content to allow them to simply retire to clearing brush on the Texas ranch without a war crimes trail??

Let's ask Israel to relinquish its Nukes (tags)

What Israel didn't gain was greater security. "For decades, the occupation has imposed a system of absolute control on the lives of Palestinians that requires them to apply for permits either from the military regime ruling over them, known misleadingly as the Civil Administration, or from the Shin Bet," wrote British journalist Jonathan Cook earlier this year. "Israel has shown time and again that it selectively enforces law and order, depending on the ethnicity of killer and victim."

AJLPP Commends Dec. 12 People’s Mass Actions Against Charter Change (tags)

Moral corruption and objectivity is the latest victim of the US-Arroyo’ regime’s propaganda in the Philippines. It is really unnerving that even the mass media including the ABS-CBN News, the Inquirer Publishing Inc. and others who cannot get their facts straight. It is but fine for the military and police in the Philippines to diminish the effect of the mass actions in the Philippines by under estimating the people’s turn-out, but for the media to quote police estimates and fail to make its own estimates really makes people sad. To the AJLPP based in the United States, this means they even failed to count the number of people who attends rallies honestly.


OUST GMA, YOU’RE OUSTED! YOU’RE BUSTED! US puppet Gloria Arroyo just ran scared as she always does, this time to the APEC meeting in Lima, Peru. This while hundreds of activist from the ALLIANCE for a JUST and LASTING PEACE in the PHILIPPINES (AJLPP), ANSWER-LA and GABNET/LA and their allies turned out in full force Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 PM, with a picket and a rally in front of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, to protest her supposed reception for the community in the US.

Incredible Music Video About Bush War crimes (tags)

The keithrockerboblewis channel on YouTube currently carries an extremly good music video covering some of the Bush terrorist regime's lies and crimes against humanity.


OUST GMA, YOU’RE OUSTED! YOU’RE BUSTED! US puppet Gloria Arroyo just ran scared and as she always does to the APEC meeting in Lima, Peru. This while hundreds of activist from the ALLIANCE for a JUST and LASTING PEACE in the PHILIPPINES (AJLPP), ANSWER-LA and GABNET and their allies turned out in full force Friday, November 21, 2008, 6 PM, with a picket and a rally in front of the Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90045, to protest her supposed community reception to the community in the US.


Join us to protest US puppet Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo! DATE: Friday, November 21, 2008 TIME: 5:00pm PLACE: Sheraton LAX Gateway Hotel.6101 West Century Blvd. LA, CA 90045

Betrayal of hope by Obama's new neoliberal regime (tags)

People who thought that Obama would bring us change and some sort of positive direction need to brace themselves for the ultimate betrayal once the new neoliberal Obama regime replaces the old neoconservative GW bush regime, another shift change in the psychiatric ward we call the United States..

AJLPP Statement on the Return of Jocjoc Bolante to the Philippines (tags)

“ The essence of justice is strained. It is not a drop of mercy from heaven but how the system explains and implements it” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States, vehemently condemns the complicity of the United States and the US- Arroyo regime in facilitating the return of former undersecretary Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante who was “ deported” back to the Philippines basically as a free man today, October 28. It was pathetic that the United States deported Bolante after refusing his asylum request and like in the case of Imelda Marcos the laws of the United States were used as instrument of making mockery of the laws and does not stand up for its core principles.

AJLPP: RP-US war games in Luzon –An Act of Armed Intervention (tags)

The AJLPP vehemently condemns US-RP BALIKATAN joint military exercises in the Philippines. The AJLPP said that US imperialism aims to further strengthen its military position in the Philippines and in the Asia-Pacific region amid the severe crises besetting the US and its puppet regime. The AJLPP denounced the series of Balikatan exercises as "a continuing outright violation of national sovereignty, as armed foreign troops are allowed to freely operate, and even engage in combat as well as intelligence and other military operations in Philippine territory.” The AJLPP likewise condemned the puppet Arroyo government "for allowing the US to use the revival of its military bas

The Financial "Meltdown"of the USA was caused not by Hippies but by Repub.Conser (tags)

America's "Demise" was caused and instigated by the Bush Regime and their corrupt pals who constitute what is known as "Right_Wing Conservatism"!

"The Objective Situation, the Bush Regime, and the Bourgeois Elections" (tags)

Bob Avakian's "The Objective Situation, the Bush Regime, and the Bourgeois Elections" in Revolution, Issue #142, read and download at:

The ILAGA and AFP GANG (tags)

The National Democratic Front (NDF) in Southern Mindanao hits the Arroyo regime for feigning innocence and doublespeak while covertly sponsoring the resurgence of vigilante groups like the notorious Ilaga, now called the Reform Ilaga Movement. Mike Santiago, spokesperson of the Reform Ilaga Movement, recently announced they will heed the call of North Cotabato Vice Governor Emmanuel Piñol of "restraining themselves from intervening in the already worse situation in Mindanao but would immediately take action once civilians are attacked by members of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF)." Ilaga, civilian volunteers' organization and police auxiliaries will be trained as fanatic fascist frontliners of the Arroyo regime. These groups will be used to wreak havoc not only against members of the MILF and the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army-NDF (CPP-NPA-NDF), but more against the Bangsamoro people, indigenous peoples and settlers in Mindanao.

The US-Arroyo regime is responsible for the death and damages caused by the war in Mindana (tags)

-The people must concentrate their anger and condemnation on the US-Arroyo regime as directly responsible on the deaths and damages of the people in Mindanao caused by the escalation of the armed clashes between the AFP and the MILF. The problem can be rooted to the US-dictated two pronged militarist policy of the regime which is the all-out war against the revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) while neutralizing the Moro seccessionist movement of the MILF thru a deceptive and bogus peace process to finish the revolutionary movement in 2010. The militarist clique in the Arroyo regime never expected that the Memorandum of Agreement on the Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) will ignite the chaos and war in Mindanao. This secret and hasty deal resulted to violent reaction and opposition from the pro and anti-Arroyo reactionary camp and the fake president will even face impeachment because of violations of the constitution. Arroyo got the worst fear of losing her warlord allies in Mindanao that helped her cheat the 2004 elections. Her ulterior motive of using the MOA-AD as a stepping stone for charter change (cha-cha) to remain in Malacanang was also exposed. The MILF's disgust and anger have basis when it was proven that the Arroyo regime is not sincere in the peace talks and on the agreement on ancestral domain and instead used these as a trap to demobilized and surrender of MILF.

Pesante Hails Transfer of Echanis to PNP Jail- A Tactical Victory (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA) hails the transfer of Randal Echanis, yesterday. Echanis, a persecuted leader of KMP, a veterans FQSM student leader and an NDF Peace Consultant PNP was transferred from the Manila City Jail to the PNP Jai. The transfer is a tactical victory in the interest of justice and lasting peace and was a demand of different human rights groups in the Philippines and in the U.S. Pesante Coordinator Arturo Garcia said: “Echanis should not have been transferred to the Manila City Jail from the PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame, It is just a simple case of persecution and the SOP of the resurging and copycat martial law regime. The US-Marcos regime did the same when they transferred the political prisoners from the detention centers to Muntinglupa National Penitentiary and declared them as “public order violators”

Pesante Hails Transfer of Echanis to PNP Jail- A Tactical Victory (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA) hails the transfer of Randal Echanis, yesterday as a victory. Echanis, a persecuted leader of KMP, a veteran FQSM student leader and an NDF Peace Consultant PNP was transferred from the Manila City Jail to the PNP Jai. The transfer is a tactical victory in the interest of justice and lasting peace and was a demand of different human rights groups in the Philippines and in the U.S.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA, a Filipino peasant, human rights and environmental advocacy group based in Los Angeles strongly warned of the US-Arroyo regime scheme of taking advantage of the current troubles in Mindanao to build up its local version of Hitler's Brown Shirts. Pesante is one with the Amnesty International (AI) and many religious groups in the Philippines who are warning the public and the whole world at these vigilante groups which are recycled ILAGAS (known as the Ilonggo landgrabbers Association) who are known anti-Moro vigilante groups before martial law was declared will only aggravate the armed conflict in Mindanao.

On the Ancestral Land MOA of the MILF and GRP and the Escalation of Hostilities (tags)

The Cordillera Peoples' Democratic Front (CPDF) expresses deep concern and condemns the war of aggression being waged by the US-backed reactionary Armed Forces of the Philippines that has caused the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of both Christian and Moro people in Mindanao. It likewise condemns US direct intervention in the war-torn south.

Frustrate Arroyo's Cha-cha and All out War (tags)

By declaring all-out military offensive against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front days after unravelling moves to amend the GRP Constitution, Gloria Arroyo has thoroughly exposed her shameless ambition to perpetuate herself in power. Militarization and federalism will not solve the problems of Mindanao and the Moro people; they will only aggravate them. Arroyo and her minions attempt to play their cards well. They try to up the sagging morale of AFP troops after losing to many tactical offensives by the New People's Army by now chest-beating against the MILF and its commanders.


“We want peace now, stop the Philippine military offensives in Mindanao.” The Alliance-Philippines strongly demanded that the US-Arroyo regime stop all military offensives in Mindanao and return to negotiations. The AJLPP also condemned the US armed intervention in Mindanao. This as the number of war refugees swelled up to 300,000 from 210,000 in two weeks as the conflict escalates. The AJLPP also supports the stand of Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo that “arming civilians would not help the government’s efforts to restore peace in southern Philippines. He said, “We are against it, because violence can never be a solution. It will not solve the problem,”

Facts for Working People (tags)

Labors Militant Voice (LMV) publishes a newspaper which aims to talk to the working class about issues effecting us. August issue: Why Gas Prices are so High, How to Apply for a Government Bail Out, Strikers in South Africa chant "Eat the Rich" and Why we Need a Workers Party Now.

Why the MSM Can't Tell The Truth About Georgia (tags)

"From Tbilisi to Teheran" Heightens Suspicions of Motive in Georgian Crisis Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran. The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.


he Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States calls on the US-Arroyo Regime to stop its military offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) armed forces in the Central Mindanao areas and resume peace talks now. According to media sources from the Philippines, more than 160,000 people were affected by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF in six towns of central Mindanao. At least 60 AFP troops have been killed since the week-old fighting erupted.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States calls on the US-Arroyo Regime to stop its military offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) armed forces in the Central Mindanao areas and resume peace talks now. According to media sources from the Philippines, more than 160,000 people were affected by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF in six towns of central Mindanao. At least 60 AFP troops have been killed since the week-old fighting erupted.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States calls on the US-Arroyo Regime to stop its military offensives against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) armed forces in the Central Mindanao areas and resume peace talks now. The US-Arroyo regime has no to blame and is responsible for all the troubles when it went into the motions of signing an aborted MOA on ancestral domain and tried to delayed the ARMM elections. The “grand scheme” of the US-Arroyo regime to change the constitution, federalize Mindanao by using the ARMM provision to effect change and perpetuate Arroyo’s illegitimate rule. The AJLPP vehemently condemns some elements among the opposition, the ruling class and the Catholic Church for whipping up anti-Muslim sentiments and a crusade for vigilantism against the unsigned MOA accord. More than 160,000 people have been affected by the fighting between the AFP and the MILF in six towns of central Mindanao.

AJLPP Protests The Arrest of Randall Echanis, KMP Leader and a member of NDFP Peace Panel (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) vehemently condemns the unjust transfer and detention of Kilusan ng Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) deputy secretary-general Randall Echanis to the Manila City Jail (MCJ).

 The AJLPP comments that Echanis, who has been suffering from hypertension, should not be detained at the MCJ due to his health. ” It is a smack of political persecution and a pattern of repression by the US-Arroyo regime against known NDFP peace consultants It has been the SOP of the US regimes since Dictator Marcos during martial law to lump political detainees with common criminals. The US-Arroyo regime precisely doing this maneuvers. ” said the AJLPP.

Now We Know: The Anthrax Attacks Were an Inside Job (tags)

Bush moves to clean up before leaving office.

ALB interviews the Cuban Libertarian Movement (tags)

* During mid-June 2008 the Iberian counter-information collective A Las Barricadas posed several questions to the MLC, an affinity group of Cuban anarchism abroad. The complete text of this interview follows.


Thanks to Bush, US ciizens' tax dollars are being wasted funding the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines. Arroyo has been condemned by Amnesty International. Human Rights Watch, Asia Commission on Human Rights, World Council of Churches ,UN Rapporteurs, and numerous organizations for committing thousands of extra-judicial murders of lawyers, journalists, church people, women and union organizers, indigenous minority peoples. We need to put a stop to this outrageous inhumanity.


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.

"The End Game" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Exodus from the fossil energy regime may not be entrance into a nuclear energy regime since that could lead to catastrophe. No one can exclude a new Chernobyl with 1300 new nuclear reactors by 2050. Elmar Altvater is an emeritus professor at the Free University of Berlin.

Highlights of the US State Visit of President Arroyo of the Philippines (tags)

If we have to assess the highlights of the 10-day state visit of President Macapagal-Arroyo to the United States, we can sum it up in several points. Besides securing $ 700 million loans, talking with US investors and visiting her fellow Filipino psychopaths, one important agenda of PGMA in her visit are the “ getting to know you” meetings with the US Democratic Party presumptive presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican Senator John McCain. Highlights of the US State Visit of President Arroyo of the Philippines

Revolutionary Justice for the Filipino Working Class Victims of Big Capitalists! (tags)

The Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) in Southern Mindanao, an underground group of revolutionary unions and an allied organization of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) expresses its strongest indignation of the systematic attack perpetrated by foreign and local comprador-capitalists against the Filipino working class.

Los Angeles Anti-Arroyo RAT Smells a Foul Regime (tags)

Philippine Consulate, Los Angeles – The anti-Arroyo RATs – "Rapid Action Team" traced the foul scent in the thick smoggy air of Los Angeles to the rotten Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) regime. Filipino Americans and their allies gathered around a trashcan with GMA situated in the middle indicating that it is "Time to Take Out the Trash."

On the 110th Independence Day of the Philippines, June 12, 2008 (tags)

As Filipinos and Filipino Americans, the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) with pride and passion, we commemorate the 110th anniversary of the proclamation of Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898 and the victory of the Philippine revolution of 1896 against 333 years of Spanish colonialism and oppression. On this momentous occasion let us pay tribute to all our heroes who fought for our freedom. On this auspicious day, we remember that the Philippine flag was first displayed, the national hymn was played and the independence from Spain was proclaimed in the balcony of the home of general Emilio Aguinaldo in Kawit, Cavite. At that time almost all of Luzon was liberated and under the control, of the revolutionary forces except for Manila and some Spanish outpost in the Visayas and in Mindanao was still holding out. The formation of the first bourgeois democratic republic in Asia on January 23, 1899 followed. But just to be destroyed by a new colonial power- the Imperialist United States of America. By waging an imperialist war of aggression against the young republic and its people from 1899 to 1913 in a “war of pacification” against the Filipinos, the United States occupied the Philippines for 48 years. The Filipinos lost almost 2 million people during the Filipino=-American War.

Senate Report Exposes Key Role of the Israel Lobby in Fomenting War with Iran (tags)

It's no secret, this time around, that it is Israel demanding the US fight another war for its ruling Extremists, the real threat to the world.

Maoist China foreign policy: 1970s and 1980s (tags)

The Mandate of Heaven (Excerpt). A detailed account of Maoist Chinese foreign policy is beyond the scope of this article, but some examples will illustrate the central thesis: that China’s foreign policy is in no way different from that of other world powers. The Three-Worlds Theory was used to justify Chinese alliances with right-wing reactionary governments during the 1970s and 1980s. The Third World

The Big "Profits" Reason the Bush Regime "Dares Not" Invade Saudi Arab (tags)

But as long as American citizens are kept deluded that Saudi Arabia and OPEC maintain the "authority" and are solely responsible for jacking up the price of oil,then Bush and his corrupt oil industry pals will continue to profit off this blatant deception and make untold $Billions from this artificially inflated $100+Dollar-A-Barrel Oil Monopoly,which they alone are really responsible for! ……………………………………………………

The Big Reason the Bush Regime "Dare Not" Invade Saudi Arabia! (tags)

But as long as American citizens are kept deluded that Saudi Arabia and OPEC maintain the "authority" and are solely responsible for jacking up the price of oil,then Bush and his corrupt oil industry pals will continue to profit off this blatant deception and make untold $Billions off of this artificially inflated $100+Dollar-A-Barrel Oil Monopoly which they alone are really responsible for!

Want to Sock It To the Bush Regime and OPEC??? (tags)

Leaving your automobile at home,just one day in a month is enough amazingly,in North America,to save hundreds of millions of gallons of gasoline from being used and this has loads of benefits...!

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home (tags)

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home defense drill

3rd American War Crime in the Making (tags)

Note that Obama has told AIPAC that he supports an attack on Iran ...

Regime Change: An American Addiction (tags)

I would like to blame the Neocons for America’s sordid record of “regime change” around the globe, but I can’t! For Iraq, yes! But, sadly, the U.S. has been in the dirty business of “regime change” for at least 110 years going back to the days that it unlawfully seized Hawaii. Author Stephen Kinzer’s book, “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change,” tells the story of how 14 countries, many in Central America, came under our hegemony.

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making? (tags)

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making?

On the 39th Year of the New People’s Army (NPA) and the People’s War in the Philippines (tags)

In the Philippines today, the New People's Army (NPA) is commemorating its 39th year anniversary. Nearly four decades ago, on March 29, 1969, the NPA was founded in a district in Tarlac, Central Luzon, Philippines and resumed the armed struggle to liberate the Filipino people from the clutches of US imperialism, domestic feudalism and the puppet reactionary state.

Tibetan Protest in Los Angeles against Chinese Regime (tags)

Southern California Tibetan Community and Supporter groups condemn recent killing and brutal crackdown of peaceful tibetan demonstrators in Tibet.

No to French Military Intervention in Chad! (tags)

While the devastating rebel offensive marks time, the French government is showing its teeth. The sending a few days ago of several hundred soldiers to Chad to reinforce the thousand military already in place had been presented as intended to help expatriates (those local agents of imperialism which, it seems, still haven’t been bothered by anybody), the French military authorities said, without laughing, that they observed an attitude of neutrality vis-à-vis the internal affairs of the country. This so-called "neutrality" was reflected, however, by “logistical, medical and intelligence assistance” to the army of Chadian dictator Déby.

Bulgaria Adopted an Animal Neglection Act (tags)

Report from Bulgaria: Parliament enacted reducing animal roam by sterilizing strays only

AJLPP Protests The Arrest of Randall Echanis, KMP Leader and a member of NDFP Peace Panel (tags)

The AJLPP through its national coordinator Mario Santos today strongly condemns the illegal arrest of Mr. Randall Echanis, KMP deputy secretary general and a member of the NDFP Reciprocal Working Committee (RWC) on Social and Economic Reforms (SER), by the Arroyo regime’s police agents yesterday at Bago City, Negros Occidental. The AJLPP considered the arrest of Echanis a big blow against the cause of peace. Mr. Echanis was arrested by the PNP in Bago City while he was to attend a conference of agricultural workers in preparation for a KMP national rural congress. Negros is one the KMP’s strongest base where the National Federation Sugar Workers (NFSW) is based. He was flown by the PNP with haste to Hilongos , Leyte where he was detained.

AFP High Fallutin Blusters, Empty Threats (tags)

The US-Arroyo Regime in its first command conference January this year with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), claimed that that it dismantled 13 guerrilla fronts of the revolutionary movement in 2007 and are set to dismantle 30 more this year. This is contrary to open admission made by the head of the AFP's military operations, Maj. Gen. Joji Leo Fojas, that only three guerrilla fronts have been dismantled, as of October last yea

Joma Sison slams Arroyo for lying about the economic situation (tags)

Prof. Jose Maria Sison, chief political consultant of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, slammed Gloria M. Arroyo for lying about the Philippine economic situation by claiming that she is propelling the Philippines to become a “first world country”. Prof. Sison declared, “In utter subservience to the US-dictated policy of “neoliberal” glob” alization, she has worked against the line of national industrialization and genuine land reform and has aggravated and deepened the agrarian, pre-industrial and semi-feudal character of the Philippine economy. She has worsened the backward and impoverished “third world” conditions of the Philippines.

Arroyo's bankrupt and deceptive economic policy (tags)

Gloria M. Arroyo, the fake president, keeps on babbling that her regime is propelling the Philippines to become a "first world country". She is obviously lying.

Pesante-USA Marks International Human Rights Day (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA a human rights, Filipino peasant advocacy and environmental network in the United States, is one with all well meaning people in marking International Human Rights Day, December 10,2007. The Filipino peasant bear the brunt of repression under the corrupt and fascist US- Arroyo regime. Of the recorded 887 victims from 2001 until this year, 516 victims came from the downtrodden Filipino peasantry. The US-Arroyo regime had been so callous and brazen in its fascist acts that it can be compared to the US-Marcos Dictatorship for its cruelty.

On the November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them. Their call for change and their condemnation of corruption in the military and the high places within the US-Arroyo regime is understandable. The $ 16 pay-off for the ZTE scandal, the NBN deal, the rampant graft in the government, the payolas all stink in the air. The AJLPP also vehemently condemn the way the PNP manhandled the media. Many media persons were arrested and brought to Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan. Meanwhile, the AJLPP also commend the United Nations reporter for formally confirming their findings on human right violations in the Philippines. Philip Aston declared his findings and submitted them to the general assembly.

NDFP condemns abduction of NDFP consultant Elizabeth Principe (tags)

The NDFP vigorously condemns the abduction of NDFP Consultant Elizabeth Principe in broad daylight at 11:20 a.m. on 28 November 2007 in Cubao, Quezon City by eight men in black uniform similar to that used by the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) unit of the Philippine N

On the Makati City November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

—The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them.

9/11 truth activists should mob Cockburn (tags)

Known left gatekeeper and 9/11 truth "debunker" Alex Cockburn now is attempting to debunk global warming "hysteria" at a forum in SF. Just wonder how many 9/11 "wingnuts" will be forcibly removed from this propaganda fest?

US steps up plans for military intervention in Pakistan (tags)

In the midst of public statements of support for “democracy” in Pakistan and the recent visit to Islamabad by the American envoy John Negroponte, Washington is quietly preparing for a stepped-up military intervention in the crisis-ridden country. According to the New York Times Monday, plans have been drawn up by the US military’s Special Operations Command for deploying Special Forces troops in Pakistan’s frontier regions for the purpose of training indigenous militias to combat forces aligned with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Citing unnamed military officials, the newspaper reports that the proposal would “expand the presence of military trainers in Pakistan, directly finance a separate tribal paramilitary force that until now has proved largely ineffective and pay militias that agreed to fight Al Qaeda and foreign extremists.”

Iraqi archivist demands US return seized documents (tags)

Millions of historical documents seized by US occupation forces from Iraqi archives remain held in the United States by the CIA and the Pentagon and must, under international law, be returned to Iraq, Dr. Saad Eskander, the director of the Iraqi National Library and Archive in Baghdad, told an audience at Columbia University in New York City on November 12.

If GW Bush lies about Iraq, why trust him on 9/11? (tags)

Questions logic of trusting GW Bush regime's 9/11 commission report when the Bush cabal has lied about soooo much else during his terms in (s)elected office..

Mossad hired by Zimbabwe (tags)

Itai Dzamara - Israeli intelligence operatives have been hired by the Zanu (PF) government to implement systems that will enable the regime to snoop on phone and internet communications by opposition and civic society leaders as well as journalists. It is unclear what has happened to the much-touted Chinese snoopers and their equipment, imported last year at huge expense by the Mugabe regime, to intercept communications.

Israeli military aid to Burmese regime: Jane's (tags)

all these zionists and nazis need to be eradicated this time no war trials and allowing of the perps to be split up all the luftwaffe and the department of homeland security people, the bush regime and the usa govt except for 15 or so people need to be eradicated out of hand the death penalty, we have all the lists of these scum at hand now no 5th reich, no zion never ever again they shall be eradicated like rabid dogs all of them b

Bush at the UN: a war criminal lectures the world on “human rights” (tags)

George W. Bush delivered his next to the last annual address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. Taking the same podium that he used five years ago to condemn the world body to “irrelevance” if it failed to rubber stamp his plans for a war of aggression against Iraq, Bush cast his regime in Washington as the world’s greatest champion of human rights and its most generous and selfless benefactor.

No Borders Camp: A Call to Resistance Against the Border Regime (tags)

This is an invitation to all people of goodwill, to all who are fighting for dignity, freedom, human rights and autonomy. The regime of terror and the homeland security apparatus will not collapse on its own – it must be challenged. We call on you to join us in opposition to the border regime. Between November 7th and 11th, 2007, thousands of people will gather at the line between Calexico, California and Mexicali, Baja California. Throughout this week of action we will engage in opposition to the infrastructure of repression and that of neo-liberal globalization. Together we will create an autonomous zone free of borders and the lies they perpetuate.


Colluding with U.S. & Filipino reactionaries, Dutch fascist authorities arrested Jose Maria Sison, a Filipino political refugee, and raided the National Democratic Front International Information Office in Holland. This is a clear example of State Terrorism working on behalf of predatory imperialist capital. All progressives and democrats everywhere should protest this outrage and support the Filipino people's struggle for justice, equality, and true independence.

Techies View Video Link, Two Jolts Recorded, Camera Stopped, Why? (tags)

Federal Crime Syndicates stealing and killing. In the video linked below, I was made to leave a government building in Alabama. It all links back to a murder in San Francisco's financial district and the murder was labeled a suicide. It was around the time of Bush's Sr.'s last vice presidential term.


The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) –USA reiterates its call for a stop on the ongoing war in Mindanao. The AJLPP through its National Coordinator Mario Santos today vehemently condemns the lack of sincerity on the part of the US-Arroyo regime in pursuing the peace negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the National Democratic Front (NDF).

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Roostin' chickens or sittin' ducks in WTC on 9/11?? (tags)

The continued claims by "leftist" gatekeepers that the GW Bush regime's 9/11 commission reports are factual and there was no government complicity in the WTC collapse is becoming increasingly suspect..

Joint Alliance-Philippines and International ANSWER Statement in Response to Philippine Pr (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) or Alliance-Philippines, and the International ANSWER Steering Committee of which it is a member, strongly denounce Bush “ally” Philippine president Gloria Arroyo for going forward with the implementation of an Anti-Terror Law (ATL), euphemistically called the Human Security Act, in the Philippines. We express our militant solidarity with the progressive forces in the Philippines who will be staging protests against Arroyo in all major cities throughout the country when she delivers her State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 23. Besides spinning the usual lies and deceit about her regime’s accomplishments, US “major ally” Arroyo is expected to make the ATL the centerpiece of her SONA.

Response to Philippine President Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 23 (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) or Alliance-Philippines, , strongly denounce Bush “ally” Philippine president Gloria Arroyo for going forward with the implementation of an Anti-Terror Law (ATL), euphemistically called the Human Security Act, in the Philippines. Arroyo’s Puppet Hypocrisy and US Intervention AJLPP strongly denounce the hypocrisy of the US- Arroyo regime for painting a rosy picture of the Philippines while poverty, corruption and repression grips the land. The Arroyo regime pretends to be interested in resuming peace talks with both the Philippine revolutionary movement represented by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) while it ordered an attack against the MILF. The fascist regime continues its alarming spree of extra-judicial killings (now more than 870 since Arroyo took office in 2001) against political opponents and critics, and unleashes legalized fascism against the entire Filipino people through the implementation of the Anti-Terror Law.


World-renowned Filipino educator Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, former president of the University of the Philippines and head of the coalition, LABAN NG MASA, urges the formation of a revolutionary transitional government to replace the corrupt, brutal and illegitimate Arroyo regime backed by Bush neocons and predatory corporate elite. The following article provides a background to Dr. Nemenzo's principled critique of U.S.-Arroyo State terrorism.

Commemorate the 115th Year of the Founding of the Katipunan, Continue the Unfinished Revol (tags)

On July 7, 1892, three dedicated patriot, Andres Bonifacio, Teodoro Plata and Ladislao Diwa founded the Katipunan, the secret society of patriots in a hosue in Azcaraga Street in Manila. The Katipunan was organized after the Spanish authorities clamped down on the La Liga Filipina, founded by Jose Rizal and only lasted for several days until it was outlawed in July 2, 1892. By August 23, 1896, when the Spanish authorities discovered the organization, it has organized an undeground network of more than 30, 000 members all over the nation it was ready to launch the armed revolution against Spain. Today, we are not farther from the same unjust and repressive conditions under Spain. The US-Arroyo regime on July 15, 2007 will implement a new martial rule system under a law named Human Security Act or the Anti-Terror Law abhorred by the people.


The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. Aside from being a tool of US imperialism, the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a repressive tool of the Arroyo regime for intimidating and suppressing the people’s democratic movement and the broad range of opposition forces.


The Arroyo regime is hell-bent on suppressing the Filipino people and revolutionary people by murdering, kidnapping, torturing and driving them away from their homes and land. But the Filipino people and revolutionary forces have always strongly manifested their determination to defend themselves and wage resistance, punish the worst of human rights violators and plunderers and build the new organs of democratic power to replace the ruling system of greed and terror. #

On Admiral Timothy Keating's threat to escalate US military intervention (tags)

Far worse human rights violations can be expected to follow from the statements of US Pacific Forces commander Admiral Timothy Keating that the US is going to tighten its "anti-terror military cooperation" with the Arroyo regime and is willing to escalate the long-running US military intervention in the Philippines in order to fight the New People's Army (NPA) led by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) upon the request of the Arroyo regime.

The Philippine Midterm Elections, an indictment vs. Mrs. Arroyo (tags)

Manila-- The circus that is the recent Philippine midterm elections was an indictment of how Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo "won" her presidency in the last 2004 elections and punctuated her government's acute isolation from the Filipino masses. The 12-0 illusion of Arroyo's Team Unity administration coalition delivered for the people more violence and systematic fraud. The regime's fraud machinery in Mindanao (the hocus-pocus site of the 2004 presidential elections in favor of Arroyo) was apparently exposed in how the recent elections were conducted most especially in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, where bribe money, patronage politics were the rules of the game, ably presided by fraud operators and protectors sitting in the highest echelons in Comelec at the national and local levels.

The Philippine Midterm Elections, an indictment vs. Mrs. Arroyo (tags)

The circus that is the recent Philippine midterm elections was an indictment of how Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo "won" her presidency in the last 2004 elections and punctuated her government's acute isolation from the Filipino masses. The 12-0 illusion of Arroyo's Team Unity administration coalition delivered for the people more violence and systematic fraud. The regime's fraud machinery in Mindanao (the hocus-pocus site of the 2004 presidential elections in favor of Arroyo) was apparently exposed in how the recent elections were conducted most especially in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, where bribe money, patronage politics were the rules of the game, ably presided by fraud operators and protectors sitting in the highest echelons in Comelec at the national and local levels


Interview of Filipino Activist Intellectual E. SAN JUAN, Jr.

AJLPP Oppose Another US-Arroyo Sell Out of Philippine Sovereignty. (tags)

SOFA, another grand sell-out”. This is how the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA characterize the treasonous action of puppet president when it signed the RP-Australia Status of Forces Agreement. (SOFA) The AJLPP never forget that the United States and Australia connived in supprting the US-Marcos dictatroship and its active involvement in the counter insurgency war against the Filipino and the Moro people since the end of World War II. Expect that the terrorism of the Arroyo regime is further emboldened by VFA and SOFA treaties and the military intervention and hegemonic superpower support of the US and its regional junior partner Australia." ?

AJLPP Oppose Another US-Arroyo Sell Out of Philippine Sovereignty. (tags)

SOFA, another grand sell-out”. This is how the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA characterize the treasonous action of puppet president when it signed the RP-Australia Status of Forces Agreement. (SOFA) The AJLPP never forget that the United States and Australia connived in supprting the US-Marcos dictatroship and its active involvement in the counter insurgency war against the Filipino and the Moro people since the end of World War II. Expect that the terrorism of the Arroyo regime is further emboldened by VFA and SOFA treaties and the military intervention and hegemonic superpower support of the US and its regional junior partner Australia."

Philippine-Australia SOFA furthers foreign intervention, fascist terror under Arroyo (tags)

The Philippines revolutionary movement today in a statement posted over the internet scored the Arroyo regime and the Australian government for entering into a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), saying this only furthers foreign military intervention in the Philippines, and also serves to boost the Arroyo regime's fascist repression of the people.

NDF-EV condemns virtual martial rule in troop deployment to Tacloban City (tags)

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today condemned the virtual martial rule in the deployment by the 8th Infantry Division of soldiers to the northern barangays of Tacloban City and the outright role of the military in rigging the elections to favor the Arroyo regime. "The military psywar blabberers blatantly lie that the 8th ID is sending troops to the northern barangays of Tacloban City because of the alleged presence of the New People's Army," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas. "What the military really aims after the elections is to forestall mass protests by heightening the psywar campaign against the people's organizations and party-list groups, whom they frame as part of the NPA to justify attacking and killing off their leaders and members. In the elections, various reports from Samar and Leyte also describe soldiers as terrorizing the people against voting for the progressive party-list. But the people have democratically defied the military and the Arroyo regime in the elections: Despite the barefaced use of fraud and military terrorism against them, the progressive party-list groups are clearly headed for Congress. The people have spoken, but in retaliating by sending troops against them, the military goes on with its script of mayhem and murder."


- The US-Arroyo Regime's Commission on Elections (Comelec) asked the two television networks ABS-CBN and GMA7 to stop the quick counts as they were “unauthorized.” The US-Arroyo regime was greatly alarmed that the quick count reports shpwed the opposition and the progressive party-list groups like GABRIELA and ANAKPAWIS are leading the exit polls and the quick count and are trashing the administration candidates all over the nation. The exit polls disprove the admisntration early "trending " results and spin that they will win hands down in Visayas and Mindanao. The quick count form the media oulets also confirmed the survey conducted by poll agencies like PULSE ASIA and the SWS that the opposition are heavily winning in all areas. At the press time, the Geneuine Opposition (G0) is winning by 8 spots and most of its candiates for senators are within the winning column of 12. While the most rabid GMA supporters like Mike Defensor and Chavi Singson are far, far behind.

Majority of Americans helped the Bush Regime! (tags)

They did this by passively sitting back and letting the Bush Nazis denigrate and strip their historic rights from the US Constitution.


The US-Arroyo regime cheating and repressive machinery for the May 14 national elections is all systems go. To counter the evil machinations of the US-Arroyo regime, the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) reiterates it call for the Filipino people to be vigilant and fight with all their might against legalized vote buying, wholesale cheating and brazen violence in this May 14 elections. At the rate it is acting, the US-Arroyo regime is sure to surpass the much hated Marcos regime its brazenness and fascist terrorist acts. AJLPP also expresses its deepest concern over the escalating violence and the propaganda in “rationalizing” its cheating activities “ in the elections. More than 100 armed incidents have been reported since the election season started late February 2007 in the Philippines. The AJLPP compiled the latest updates from the Philippines:


The US-Arroyo regime cheating and repressive machinery for the May 14 national elections is revved up and is now on full operations.. The AJLPP reiterates it call for the Filipino people to be vigilant and fight with all their might against legalized vote buying, wholesale cheating and brazen violence in this coming May 14 elections. At the rate It Is acting, the US-Arroyo regime Is sure to surpass the much hated Marcos regime its brazenness and fascist terrorist acts. AJLPP also expresses its deepest concern over the escalating violence and the propaganda in “rationalizing” its cheating activities “ in the coming elections. More than 100 armed incidents have been reported since the election season started late February 2007 in the Philippines.


On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.


As the US-Arroyo regime revved up Its cheating and repressive machinery for the May 14 national elections, the AJLPP reiterates it call for the Filipino people to be vigilant and fight with all their might against legalized vote buying, wholesale cheating and brazen violence in this coming May 14 elections.


Nobody can beat the brazen violence and blatant machinations of the US-Arroyo regime. It is even surpassing the US-Marcos regime in its brazenness and fascist terrorist acts. Again, the AJLPP reiterates it call for the Filipino people to stand guard against legalized vote buying, cheating and violence in this coming elections. AJLPP also expresses its deepest concern over the escalating violence and the propaganda in “rationalizing” its cheating activities “ in the coming elections. More than 100 armed incidents have been reported since the election season started late February 2007 in the Philippines.


Nobody can beat the brazen violence and blatant machinations of the US-Arroyo regime. It is even surpassing the US-Marcos regime in its brazenness and fascist terrorist acts. Again, the AJLPP reiterates it call for the Filipino people to stand guard against legalized vote buying, cheating and violence in this coming elections. AJLPP also expresses its deepest concern over the escalating violence and the propaganda in “rationalizing” its cheating activities “ in the coming elections. More than 100 armed incidents have been reported since the election season started late February 2007 in the Philippines.


Today, the working class in the Philippines and the whole world commemorate International Workers' Day. This is in recollection and reaffirmation of the long history so far of the heroic struggle of the working class to claim their interests, rights at power against the rule, exploitation and oppression of the big capitalist class and their henchmen and instruments that are characterized by greed, rottenness, deceit and cruelty at their very core.

Human Rights Activist Sentenced to Five Years (tags)

USA Government Torturing Veterans And Government Informants (tags)

Veterans have been tortured at the LA VA Westwood, and government informants tortured, injected, jailed, and raped. We are in a war. Do not trust USA government dentists or medical practitioners. Below is a post from Today's Mobile Audit Club

How did Christian right fanatics take control of US government/people?? (tags)

How did the past few years of rule by the illegal war criminal GW Bush regime proceed to revoke the rights of the people and replaced by fascist religious dogma??


The Alliance Philippine (AJLPP) condemn in the strongest terms possible the continued spree of political killings and abduction of progressive leaders in the Philippines. The campaign of political killings and abduction continued unabated despite the international condemnation by international organizations of the US-Arroyo regime. And the most embarrassing, the killings and abduction were committed despite the Lenten season. Also in flagrant violation of the JASIG, it has summarily executed Sotero Llamas, Political Consultant of the NDFP, and caused the involuntary disappearance of NDFP Consultants and their immediate families and staff, namely, Rogelio Calubad and his son Gabriel; Prudencio Calubid, his wife Celine Palma and two companions, Leopoldo Ancheta and Philip Limjoco. The AJLPP believed that as long as the US-Arroyo regime remained play deaf and dumb on political killings and abduction of activists in the Philippines, her hands will be filled with blood and not too soon, she will pay like Marcos and Estrada for her crimes against the people.

The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks (tags)

Avoiding answering the question whether the Arroyo regime agrees with the report of United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston that the military is principally responsible for political killings, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo makes the false statement that the regime has a standing invitation to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines for peace talks. The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks. It has declared its militarist plan to destroy the revolutionary movement before 2010. It has flagrantly violated the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) by committing crimes against humanity, perpetrating extrajudicial killings of more than 830 unarmed civilians, enforced disappearances on about 200 persons and frustrated killings on more than 350 persons, among other gross human rights violations.


The Alliance for A Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) shared the progressive Filipino democratic movement joy and relief over the Supreme Court decision for the detained BAYAN MUNA Congress person Satur Ocampo. It proved US President and jurist John Quincy Adams statement; “ The independence of the court safeguards the independence of the nation.” While we savor the tactical victory we are not completely happy. Congressperson Ka Bel ( Crispin Beltran) is still languishing in jail together with more than 200 other political prisoners like the Mamburao 6 and the Tagaytay 5 all of whom are peasants. We should exert all efforts to free all political prisoners and stop the political persecution under the US- Arroyo regime.

From Iraq War to Middle East War (tags)

Bush ignores everything that experts, the opposition majority and the US public want.. Bush's course recalls Nixon's 1970 invasion of Cambodia, expanding the battle while swearing withdrawal.

Forced Injections of Teenagers? Stop Democrat Ed Hernandez of West Covina (tags)

IN the growing assault of the USA government on our rights, now the regime is proposing "FORCING" injections on teenage girls. Read today's post from Mobile Audit Club below

1984 (tags)

Ministry of love

GW Bush regime's war on Iran, fuel Shia/Sunni conflict (tags)

Article details the GW Bush regime's role in escalating tensions between Shia and Sunni factions in Iraq, the end result being a US military invasion of Iran..

Hold (Philippine President) Arroyo Regime and Military Accountable for Extrajudicial Killi (tags)

The press statement of the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and special executions Prof. Philip Alston and the report of the Melo commission put forward important findings and conclusions that hold the Arroyo regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accountable for extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations from 2001 to the present.

GUINEA: the army requisitions all the workers! (tags)

Friday evening, Kerfalla Camara, the chief of staff of the Guinean army, announced in a radio broadcast that he has ordered the end of the general strike and the resumption of work on Monday, by requisitioning all the workers in the administration, in commercial establishments and in private enterprises!

Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)

The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude

US Troop Surge = US Invasion of Iran (tags)

Details the secret Bush regime planned invasion of Iran disguised as 'troop surge' to neighboring Iraq, includes proposed apartheid wall between Iran/Iraq..


Even without the Anti-Terror Act, euphemistically called the Human Security Act of 2007, the US-directed Arroyo regime has unleashed the counterrevolutionary military and police forces on the people and spurred them to commit all kinds of barbarities, including the massacre and massive displacement of people in the countryside and the extrajudicial killing, abduction and torture of so many unarmed legal activists. These atrocities are all in line with the Bush global war of terror and its Philippine puppet version called Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. Upon the signing of the Anti-Terror Act by Gloria M. Arroyo, the reactionary military and forces and their special operations teams and death squads are further licensed and further emboldened to commit acts of state terrorism. The main objective of the Act is to suppress the people’s movement for national liberation and democracy and the broad range of legal forces criticizing and opposing the regime. If the targets of the act were only such small groups like the supposedly Al Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jema’ah Islamiyah, the existing system of security agencies and criminal law on murder would have sufficed.

Want to STOP Amerikan Fascism? Then STOP supporting it! Tax Rebellion 2007 (tags)

Then stop supporting it. Simply stop paying federal fees, taxes, debt and other ransoms from neo-feudalism. Starting now! Highway Blog, spray paint, banner drop, tell friends, call up family, shout it out to neighbors, leave leaflets at pubs and cafes, hand write it in big letters on that wall or across the window. "STOP THE WARS, NO MORE TAX PAYING!" "STARVE THE BEAST!"

Solidarity with the General Strike in Guinea! (tags)

Four days after its official beginning on Monday, the general strike continues in Guinea. The production of C.G.B, the second leading Bauxite producer in the world, has been halted, the workers also having stopped the trains carrying ore, while the production of the other consortium continues to grind towards a halt (provoking incendiary inflation in the prices of bauxite and aluminum on the world market). All economic activities are paralysed.

Long Live the Struggle of the Workers of Guinea! (tags)

Guinea-Conakry is a small West African country of 10 million inhabitants, one of the poorest countries on the planet, in spite of the richness of its mining industry: diamonds, gold, iron, uranium and especially bauxite of which it is the 2nd largest producer in the world. Although the majority of the population of Guinea lives in misery, local and foreign bourgeois and the multinationals grow rich, protected by the regime of General Lansana Conté (who seized power after a coup in 1984) against rising dissatisfaction.

Long live the struggle of the proletarians and Masses of Guinea! (tags)

Guinea-Conakry is a small West African country of 10 million inhabitants, one of the poorest countries on the planet, in spite of the richness of its mining industry: diamonds, gold, iron, uranium and especially bauxite of which it is the 2nd largest producer in the world. Although the majority of the population of Guinea lives in misery, local and foreign bourgeois and the multinationals grow rich, protected by the regime of General Lansana Conté (who seized power after a coup in 1984) against rising dissatisfaction.

Hidden terrorism: the last days (tags)

The Israelis are trying, by a hopeless campaign, to convince the world of their loyalty and cleanliness, but they already revealed, through nearly sixty years of repression, their real intentions.

Distro info on D-U exposure at military recruitment centers (tags)

Potential military recruits need an advance warning info about the health risks of Depleted Uranium exposure prior to enlisting

Tieing IT Together, Murders at FDIC, Attacked Bank Examiners, A Broken Treasury, Holocaust (tags)

As a former Bank Examiner, and survivor of attempts on my life, partially blinded by poisons, forced injections by federal and state governments, I try to piece together the puzzle. The conclusion, from beginning to end, I bleed or breathe like our kind

Pesante-EFJP Los Angeles Remembers Mendiola Massacre (tags)

Filipinos and their solidarity allies militantly remembered the 20th year of the Mendiola Massacre of January 22, 1987, solemnly paid tribute to the 820 victims of political killings in the Philippines and reaffirmed their solidarity to the people’s struggle in the Philippines last night, January 22, 2007 at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles.

"WIPED OFF THE MAP" - The Rumor of the Century (tags)

Across the world, a dangerous rumor has spread that could have catastrophic implications. According to legend, Iran's President has threatened to destroy Israel, or, to quote the misquote, "Israel must be wiped off the map". Contrary to popular belief, this statement was never made, as the following article will prove.

Criminal Empire (tags)

Move over Mafia, Cocaine cartels, Russian, Balkan, Cuban groups, Triads and numerous other criminal organisations – the U.S. State is taking over! Today, the methodologies of the American State cannot be distinguished from the methods of organised crime. The latest executions of Saddam’s cronies and the newly signed deal to allow American Oil Companies unprecedented access and open slather exploitation of Iraqi Oil reserves leave little doubt regarding the real intentions of the illegal invasion. The Washington line of spreading ‘liberty’ and ‘democracy’ will go down in history as a feeble and transparent charade. Nevertheless, America has proven that caveman tactics of brute force and mindless violence (over 655,000 dead) succeed in satisfying immediate needs. It has also become apparent that the USA is unable to see the untenability of its actions in the long term – America has failed to assess the real costs of its morally bankrupt actions!

Orchestrated Mindanao bombings to push ATB (tags)

The NDF condemns the recent bombings in key cities in Mindanao and highly suspects the war dogs of the Arroyo regime to be responsible for these atrocious acts.

PHILIPPINES: Smith's Illegal Transfer to the US Embassy: A Case of Multiple Rape (tags)

Rape of the Judicial System, Rape of Nicole once again, and Rape of the Nation's Dignity and Sovereignty

Diverse Political Views Unite in Opposition to Bush Policies and Wars (tags)

Conservative Christian anti-NWO activist and radio talk show host , Alex Jones, Meets with World Can't Wait's Sunsara Taylor to DIscuss Taking Back America from the Bush Regime

Bush silenced Saddam fast (tags)

SEND THIS TO OTHERS President Bush and his handlers had their puppet Iraq regime suddenly hang (execute)Iraq President Saddam Hussein, after an unfair trial which made the verdict and sentence illegitimate, late Saturday night December 30 over the New Year's weekend when Congress was closed, to silence Saddam and kill him, before the new Democrat majority Congress starts on January 2 , to prevent the new Democrat controlled Congress from possibly delaying or entirely cancelling Saddam's death sentence - and possibly obtaining information from Saddam that might make the Bush regime look bad. But Bush and his PR agebts will never admit this. The Iraq constitutuion even prohibits executions on that day, which is the most sacred holiday of Islam, The Eid. Saddam carried the Quran (Koran) Muslim Holy Book to his hanging. If Saddam was a war criminal deserving of hanging, then why not also President Bush for his war crimes in Iraq , as Commander-in-Chief, killing many thousands of Iraqis who merely tried to repel the American invasion and occupation of their country...and the thousands of Iraqi civilians who did not fight, but were killed and wouinded by American artillery, American airplane bombings, American soldiers shooting them, etc...the vast majority of this not reported by the American news media, which is owned and controllled by very wealthy people who favor the Bush regime, because it serves them, the wealthy. This unjust, war of agression was started by the Bush regime based on lies, to steal Iraq's oil and for war profits of big corporations that fund Bush's Republican Party. But the Democrats went along with it, and even ow, some of them, such as Senator Hillary Clinton still support the war. Iraq was never behind 911, did not have weapons of mass destruction, was not building a nuclear bomb, was not a terrorist state, and posed no threat to America. Iraqi's did not start killing Americans until we invaded their country to try to conquer Iraq. It is their right to defentdheir own country from American invaders. THe American government gave Saddam a lot of military support for years when he was at war with Iran, but our government was then conveniently silent about his human rights abuses, The puppet Iraq government the Bush regime controls is a poice state, which has banned news media they don;t like (government censorship) and allows government death squads to roam Iraq killin whoever they want. THe standard of living and public safety are much worse than when Saddamw as in power. At least Iraq was stable then. American never really reconstructed Iraq after the horrible damage we did by massively bombing the country for days when we started the war. America is a rogue nation, a terrorist nation, run by politiicnas who are war criminals, for the profits of the military-industrial complex that funds these corrupt, dishonest politicians. Big corporations get these war profist and banks get big money from the interest on the $2 trillion war debt. December 28 Rolling Stone magazine has a big article documenting the $2 trillion war debt we taxpayers will have to pay. Money thta should be spent instead on universal health care. Not such wars of conquest. Like the VIetnam ar when we killed about a million peole in that part of Southeast Asia, after VIetnam defeated the French invaders in 1953, then we tried to take over Vietnam and Laos and cambodia. President JOhn F. Kennedy was assassianted (apparently by the CIA, just a few months after he said he was withdrawing from VIetnam, and said he would eliminate the CIA. His bother, senator Robert Kennedy was then assassinated by the CIA (Sirhan was under hypnosis at the time so Robert Kennedy, who wa srunning for President at the time, could not become President, as then he would have the power to bring to justice the killers of his brother John F. Kennedy. Martin Luther King was killed after he publicly turned against the Vietnam war. Apparently by U.S. Government assassin. Army snipers were later revealed to have been on rooftops at the time he was shot dead. So they must have done it. Both parties, Democrats and Republicans supported the Vietnam War. Many in Congress who are Democrats and also the Republicans support this iraq war, although some Democrats in Congress oppose it. All American politiicnas know that if they oppose the military-industrial complex war machine too strongly, they too can be assassinated by it too.

Unqualified Slogans: “Win” and “Way Forward” (tags)

As America faces the most calamitous military misadventure in its history, the administration offers unqualified slogans rather than detailed plans to remedy the horror it created in Iraq. The American mass media is now buzzing with the sound of nothing meaningful. The Bush administration has resorted to contextually meaningless slogans in its efforts to dupe an increasingly sceptical public. The latest inane slogans saturating the airwaves are “win” and “way forward”. Only adolescents and the daft invest meaning in unqualified slogans – shall we test the latest two slogans and attempt to determine the ruse behind the deception?

STOP GW Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)

This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..

STOP Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)

This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..

STOP GW Bush Regime's Nuclear Weapons Bombplex!! (tags)

This winter solstice we face another impending nuclear weapons manufacture proposal by GW Bush regime..

Close Torture Bay (tags)

January 11, 2007 -- Citizens to target illegal Detention Centre The world today is in no doubt as to the criminal status of the illegal detention centre of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The past three years have not only witnessed unprecedented assaults on the founding principles of the USA by the Bush regime, but also on international law and convention. The government of the USA is clearly rogue, a fact in which its officials delight. The contempt the neo-cons display for their own citizens is only exceeded by the extreme disdain they exhibit toward the international community. Each day that Guantanamo Bay remains operational is a day of unspeakable psychological horror, torture and injustice.

AJLPP-USA Statement on the Mass Rally in Manila, (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace(AJLPP-United States, is one and united with the Filipino people and all the religious groups that finally saw the light and now united in converging and expressing their joy in ther tactical victory against the machinations of the US-Arroyo regime to change the constitution through nefarious and blatant means.

Rights group condemns Arroyo regime for butchery of Filipinos and their freedom (tags)

"We condemn the Arroyo regime for its butchery of hundreds of Filipinos and our nation's freedom by presiding over gross human rights violations and insisting on a self-serving charter change similar to that of the Marcos dictatorship," said the Philippine human rights group KARAPATAN whose members and allied organizations joined the anti-Cha Cha rally today at the House of Representatives in Batasan.

AJLPP-USA Statement on the Death of Chile's Dictator Augusto Pinochet (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the death of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose brutal 17 year rule became a symbol of Latin American military repression with anger and regret.

Campaign to free Dame Dieng, a young computer genius imprisoned in Senegal (tags)

Dame Dieng is 21 and has been arrested without any valid explanation, the Senegalese police invented the same old insult and threat known for centuries stuff when they invaded the political opponent, Idrissa Seck, headquarters where Dame Dieng happened to be, he had been recruited by this contradictor to the authoritarian Wade regime after having worked for a newspaper’s website and proved there his incredible gifts for computer matters.

Regime Change Still in the Future (tags)

With the Bush administration, there can be no improvement in bilateral relations. No detente is possible with the mad or insane.

Trilogy OF War? Voting Machine? Get Real, Bombs and Bullets Cast Ballots (tags)

When the bell fell, the liberty spilled out, in the form of blood of the Indian. Now it is our turn. Hells bells, they pretend we have an election, and I invite that death smell.

Animal Tests Obsolete If Human Stem Cell Passes (tags)

By legalizing human embryonic stem cell research in Missouri, outdated animal testing may become obsolete, recognized as the cruel AND inaccurate science that it is..

Horrors Of America Caught on Tape, Song of Angels to Never Rape (tags)

I have attached to this post, an audio music track, that has a young Arabic woman singing in the background. I have detailed the words of my opponents barking at me in the foreground, in the lyrics below.

Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

Thursday's World Can't Wait march united immigrants, nurses, anti-war activists, opponents of torture, truth-seekers, and all those disaffected with the state of the union in a movement that burgeoned even as it walked down Broadway.

Disrupt Hollywood Billionaires Closed Door Pig Parties, Enemies To Common (tags)

Today, the filthy rich of the media industry blocked my access to the grocer when they had bought the street leading to the grocer. When I got there, one of their guards was behind me with a club.

A Time For War Against the Rich in The USA (tags)

The USA government of the regime of the rich preaches peace while they wage war on us. I encourage technological tools and orchestrated strikes against the filthy rich and their filthy regime that is injecting us and imprisoning us. If we die, we tried to win.

The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

The Call that started it all


Skip work, school, etc. Call in sick- sick of the Bush regime!!

CDC's Pelican Bay abuse of prisoners, rural community (tags)

Calling for shutting down of CDC's Pelican Bay State Prison for human rights abuses of prisoners, economic exploitation of disadvantaged rural community during construction and CDC's exploitation of low income prisoners detained into coerced slave labor for corporations..

FERC under GW Bush regime contributes to genocide (tags)

Recent GW Bush/Cheney regime influenced FERC decision to relicense Klamath River dams contributes to the genocide of indigenous nations (Yurok, Hupa, Karuk) living along the Klamath River ecosystem.

Seeing the forest for the trees (tags)

The double standard will not serve any of the parties involved. It will further erode the Quartet's credibility with the Palestinians, and it will fail to save Israel from itself.

Mislabeling Iran's Pres. Ahmadinejad as "anti-Semitic" (tags)

Iran's President Ahmadinejad is incorrectly identified by US corporate media as "anti-Semitic". How does this character assassination play into GW bush regime's bloodthirsty cries for war with Iran??

Arroyo regime has a malicious view of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations (tags)

The highest officials of the Arroyo regime, especially executive secretary Eduardo Ermita, chief of staff Mike Defensor and presidential adviser Jesus Dureza, have repeatedly declared that there is no need to resume the formal talks between the GRP and NDFP negotiating panels but that the office of the presidential adviser on the process will coordinate with local units of the GRP to stage localized negotiations with elements that they hope to attract from the local forces of the revolutionary movement.

Former FDIC federal bank auditor persecuted Allowed Into Canada with Hassles (tags)

Former federal bank examiner persecuted by the illegal regime in power across USA allowed into Canada, after hassles. USA government deserves to be gutted, coast to coast.

Assembling a "Citizens Tribunal" to try the Bush/Cheney Regime for their Crimes! (tags)

..these suspected terrorists can't be tried in any regular US court because all of them had been illegally arrested,imprisoned and denied their Geneva Convention rights plus US courts won't try or convict suspects whose confessions were obtained by torture!

European powers refuse to send more troops to Afghanistan (tags)

Bitterness and general rancour characterise the relations within NATO one week after its senior military commander called for 2,500 reinforcements to be urgently dispatched to assist the 8,000 British, Canadian and Dutch troops caught up in savage combat in Afghanistan’s southern provinces. In the face of dire warnings that the NATO-led occupation risks losing ground before a resurgence of support for the former Taliban regime, the major European members of the alliance have refused to send a single soldier.

Air Force Secretary Suggests Testing Weapons on the American Public (tags)

As if things could not get any scarier in Washington among members of the Bush regime and their plans to “make us safer”, the Associated Press reports that Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne stated Tuesday, September 12, that weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on Americans in crowd-control situations before being deployed on the battlefield. Such weapons are being designed to not only disable people, but also to disable tanks and other weapons by “zapping” and destroying their electronic gear.

Prisons, Torture Set to Continue Under Bush Regime (tags)

The Bush administration wants to legalize its crimes of torture, illegal detention, secret prisons, and other human right’s abuses. It is backing Congressional legislation to do so. How can this be stopped?

The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings (tags)

The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we expect Congress to protect our rights? Do not count on it!

Arrest War Criminals GW Bush/Cheney (tags)

Following 9/11/06 after nearly five years into the illegal US occupation of Iraq the world awaits the arrest and trial of war criminal GW Bush/Cheney regime..

The Law is an Ass, by Philip Ruddock (tags)

Philip Ruddock, Australian Attorney General, announced today that a broader range of people in the Australian community (non-Muslims) are to be targeted as “terrorists!” Ruddock also stated that persons who are not ‘terrorists’ need not be alarmed as his new wider classification should not concern ‘them’(?) Australian citizens are left to conclude that the determination of who exactly is a terrorist has become an arbitrary prerogative of the Attorney General and his gang of enforcers! Whatever happened to due process, innocent until PROVEN guilty? {God help that journalist who stepped on Ruddock’s toe, he will be the first to go!) It is not coincidental that the Bush regime also found due process to be an inconvenience. Ruddock’s logic and methods reek of neo-con methods, Guantanamo (Torture) Bay and Bush regime criminal methodologies have found expression in Oz.


Today, for the second time this month, World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime published a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for massive protests across the country on OCTOBER 5. The ad reads: 'ENDLESS WARS! TORTURE! KATRINA! THEOCRACY! BRING THIS TO A HALT! We must act now-- The world's future is in our hands."

Putting Words in Ahmadinejad's Mouth (tags)

n this frightening mess in the Middle East, let's get one thing straight. Iran is not threatening Israel with destruction. Iran's president has not threatened any action against Israel. Over and over, we hear that Iran is clearly "committed to annihilating Israel" because the "mad" or "reckless" or "hard-line" President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel But every supposed quote, every supposed instance of his doing so, is wrong.

Radiant Future (tags)

"At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was Europe's leading power but we made wrong decisions and experienced a total disaster.." (Joschka Fischer at the Teheran Center, August 2006)

The Significance of Two August 21st Incidents in Philippine History (tags)

Like the rising number of political killings, the August 21, 1983 Aquino assassination remains unsolved. Despite the court findings which sent several military men involved in Aquino’s murder to jail, the people still believe that the real masterminds are still scot-free, and are still in the limelight, and are enjoying their loot in their unperturbed ostentatious style. As we join our voice with all of those who work for a just and lasting peace and fight for justice, the FQSN-USA remembers these historical incidents to remind the Filipino community in the United States that we still face the enemies of the people responsible for these crimes. It is our duty not to let them go unpunished. We will never forget. We will continue to struggle against political amnesia and always uphold the truth.

Bomb Plots, Elections, Smokescreens, and the Way Forward (tags)

The author argues that an election victory in November will do nothing to halt the Bush regime agenda of global empire. Only by ousting the regime can that be accomplished.

Largest U.S. Legal Group Challenges Bush Practice as Undermining Constitution (tags)

On January 24, 2006, the American Bar Association (ABA) issued a press release stating that, “Presidential signing statements that assert President Bush’s authority to disregard or decline to enforce laws adopted by Congress undermine the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers…” The press release was publicizing a report by a blue-ribbon ABA task force which was created in June 2006 to examine the “changing role of presidential signing statements” under the Bush administration. On August 8, 2006, the ABA’s House of Delegates overwhelmingly approved the report by voting to call on President Bush and future presidents not to issue signing statements that claim the power to bypass laws, and it called on Congress to pass legislation to outlaw the practice.

Auditor Needs Help In Alabama Stopping Modern Slavery -- Indentured Servitude (tags)

Once again, the Mobile Auditor Sauvant has found more abuses akin to the slave era. Actually it is like Slavery or Worse, endentured servitude of inmates released and re-jailed for not being able to pay jail rent extortion. Government officials stealing funds


The massive human rights violations in the Philippines by the Arroyo regime have been universally condemned by Amnesty International, the United Nations, National Lawyers Guild, Reporters Without Borders, and other international bodies. We call on U.S. citizens to demand the cut-off of U.S. military and other assistance to the corrupt and illegitimate Arroyo regime as a gesture of solidarity to millions of Filipinos victimized by the tyrannical, militarist Arroyo regime.

Israel's True Goal (tags)

Less than three months after its formation, the Olmert-Peretz government succeeded in hurling Israel into a two-front war.. When the weapons speak, the muses fall silent. When the cannons roar, the brain stops functioning

Iran War is Bush's "Salvation"! (tags)

Zionist "War Mongers" like CNN and the New York times etc.are desperately trying to use every opportunity to brainwash the American public on the dire need for the U.S. to immediately attack and obliterate Iran!

Dismantle the US-Arroyo Fascist Puppet Regime, Resume Peace Negotiations Now! (tags)

For the sixth time, the fake president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will deliver her State of the Nation Address (SONA) as the traditional year-end report to elucidate new policies like all Philippine presidents do. But her sixth SONA will no different from her previous ones: all the high-tech glitz and fanfare in the world will not be able to hide its emptiness and utter lack of credibility


International Action Center statement: STOP THE U.S.--ISRAELI WAR AGAINST LEBANON AND PALESTINE! July 13, 2006 The blood in Gaza and Lebanon is on George Bush's hands. The bombs, shells and missiles now pounding Lebanese and Palestinian cities and villages, wiping out entire families and leaving hundreds of thousands without power or water, are made in the U.S. So are the planes and cannons that launch them.

The US-Arroyo Regime is a Shameless Fascist Puppet of US Imperialism (tags)

Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had shed off her last pretensions on respecting human rights by naming her AFP Chief of staff and the most notorious military officials into her area commands. By exposing her nature as a fascist puppet, GMA now decidedly put on the military uniform of dictator Ferdinand Marcos and is ready to wage her all out war against all opposition, armed or unarmed

Preconditioning the resumption of formal talks with capitulation is completely absurd (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines(AJLPP)-USA desires that the peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GRP resumes. But the Arroyo government is hell bent to obstruct the peace process. Thus AJLPP-USA reprinted this NDFP statement so people are informed of the latest development. The GRP has rejected the NDDF proposals to resume the peace negotiations in Oslo, Norway. The Hague Joint Declaration stipulates that no precondition from any side shall negate the inherent character and purpose of peace negotiations. The Arroyo regime’s demand for capitulation and pacification of the revolutionary forces ignores the roots of the armed conflict and the people’s demands for basic reforms. It runs counter to The Hague Joint Declaration. It is completely absurd for Gloria M. Arroyo and her subalterns to precondition the resumption of formal talks in GRP-NDFP peace negotiations with the capitulation of the NDFP under the guise of a permanent or prolonged ceasefire that is not based on any agreement on social, economic and political reforms satisfactory to the people and the revolutionary forces.

NDFP Negotiating Panel Arrives In Oslo For Consultations With Norwegian Government (tags)

The NDFP Negotiating Panel has the concept of continuing to prepare drafts of agreements on social, economic and political reforms and testing them in working sessions and open forums with respected Filipino experts and GRP officials who belong to the regime and the opposition. Thus, a level of consensus shall be reached even before the resumption of the formal talks, and thus accelerating the progress of future negotiations.

Impromptu Protest Against Fascist Regime (tags)

I joined a demonstration under way which hopefully will take place once a week from now on.

Irish Prison Protest Begins (tags)

On Monday 19th June Republican Prisoners Of War (POW's) began a protest action in Maghaberry, this is the first in a series of protests planned by Republican POW’s in the gaol. POW’s are making clear that they will not accept the sub standard conditions on the segregated wing, they will not be criminalised nor will they be intimidated or coerced by the petty restrictions being imposed by prison screws to make the day to day life in the gaol for POW’s more difficult. Political Status Now!

New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran: Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats, & Continued Danger of War (tags)

For the first time in over 25 years the U.S. government has agreed to negotiate directly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The talks would also include Britain, France, and Germany and would focus on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program; the U.S. will participate only if Iran first halts its uranium enrichment program.

Philippines: Anti-Arroyo Groups Brace for Bigger Fights Ahead (tags)

In a gathering of around 100 leaders from labor, peasant, urban poor, women and youth groups, the umbrella coalition Laban ng Masa is bracing for bigger fights in its bid to oust the Arroyo regime and initiate reforms under a transitional revolutionary government.

Attorney General Attacks Free Press and Separation of Powers Doctrine (tags)

On the weekend of May 20, 2006 the Bush regime launched an attack on the separation of powers doctrine and the right of a free press. Significantly, both attacks originated with the actions and words of Attorney General Gonzales, the chief law enforcer (or is that breaker) in the nation. These attacks are part of the continuing effort to expand the imperial presidency or the unitary executive theory under this administration and to eliminate any so-called checks and balances between the branches of government.

On Killings and Church Persecution (tags)

Pesante published a press statement of PCPR to inform the public in the US on the killings and persuction of the US-Arroyo regime of church people. To date there are about 15 churchpeople who have been killed under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s regime. All of them, members of the clergy, church workers and lay leaders, were active social justice advocates.We pay the highest respect unto the martyrs of the church and the people. As the good book stated, “God’s faithful people are dragged off and killed and no one even cares. Evil sweeps them away, but in death they find peace for obeying God.” (Isaiah 57:1-2) Lastly, we also call on the churchpeople to be steadfast in their commitment for the cause of truth, justice, peace and genuine democracy.

What a match! The Strong Republic’s grand inquisitor in the service of the self-proclaimed (tags)

National security adviser Norberto Gonzales the other day feigned outrage at reports that he has been egging President Arroyo to declare martial law to permanently put away those pesky communists and fellow travelers. Gonzales said he was a victim of martial law, Part 1, and he would be the last to seek its re-imposition. Gonzales is a liar. The Senate found him so, the reason he was cited in contempt and placed under custody during an inquiry into the lobby contract he entered into with the US firm Venable LLB. He remains a liar in insisting he is not pushing for martial law. Let’s take a look at Gonzales’ claim he was a victim of martial law. Indeed he was hunted -- or rather he claimed he was hunted -- during martial law for leading an anti-Marcos armed group identified with the "clerico-fascists" like the Jesuit Romeo Intengan (the Gonzales-Intengan tandem remains as the most rapid anti-communist faction advising Arroyo). In reality, Gonzales’ group of middle class "revolutionaries" was no more than a nuisance to the Marcos martial law regime. The Marcos regime reserved its most ruthless and vicious assaults for the Left. And guess who were lustily applauding Marcos’ policy of extermination? Gonzales and Intengan, that’s who.

Mass rioting reveals depth of Afghan opposition to US occupation (tags)

The mass rioting that broke out in the Afghan capital of Kabul Monday has exposed the intensity and breadth of popular opposition to the four-and-a-half-year US-led occupation of Afghanistan and the fragility of the hold on the country by Washington and the puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai. According to official and press reports, at least 20 people died Monday in clashes between demonstrators, US troops and Afghan security forces, while more than 140 were wounded. A doctor at the Khair Hana Hospital in northern Kabul told the New York Times that a seven-year-old child was among the dead, while several other school children were severely wounded.

Spooks Cut off Dissident Phone Interview on Emperor's "New Pentagon Video" (tags)

Hayden's Heroes Cut Famous French Dissident's Phone off from Live Radio Interview on Pentagon Video Did Regime Dread Dean of 9/11 Debunkers Would Pop Pentagon Propaganda Bubble? "New" Videos Dissed as Pathetic Farce

Bush Regime Launches Attacks on Congress and Media to Silence Critics (tags)

Attorney General Gonzales is using the Justice Department as a political tool to silence and intimidate Bush regime critics, but his actions may have backfired.

US-Arroyo Regime’s Sell-Out of People’s Resources to Foreign Mining Corporations Most Desp (tags)

Pesante-USA supports the stand of a growing number of Filipinos and the Catholic Church which has been crusading against opening the country to foreign mining companies. They are correct in saying that mining would only lead to the further destruction of the environment, the exploitation of indigenous people and communities, and eventually the massive loss of other sources of livelihood in the surrounding areas.

US-Arroyo regime, Filipino Social Democrats and the AFP death squads, (tags)

If Marx called Christian Socialism the holy water in which the reactionaries dip their fingers in to become holy, we in the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN) call the Social Democrats led by Fr. Romeo Intengan and Norberto Gonzales as the vinegar that these reactionary brutes dip the wounds of the victims of their deadly terrorist killing campaigns. The latest pronouncement of Norberto Gonzales that the NPA hit squads are in Manila and are out to assassinate Gloria and some members of her cabinet (including him of course) is a dirty psy-war to set the stage for their death squads to kill leading progressive leaders like the Batasan 5 and other progressive leaders in Metro Manila. No doubt it is a cheap attempt to divert attention from the widespread public outcry nationally as well as internationally against the Arroyo regime’s bloody campaign which has already claimed the lives of hundreds of progressive mass activists.

Wage War Against Regime, Attack Institutions, Nerve Serve, Nerve Salute The Regime (tags)

I am encouraging concerted and coordinated attacks against the regime and their democracy. We are better off dead. They are forcing injections and medical procedures on the innocent. Los Angeles and San Francisco are ground zero



What the Hell happened at White House Press Dinner? (tags)

Stephen Colbert. A real American.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA vehemently condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing strategic offensive of the fascist and reactionary Burmese military dictatorship military offensive against the Karen people, in the Karen state along the Burma-Thailand. The Karen people are a national minority group in Burma who are fighting for their self-determination against the fascist Burmese military regime.

Bush Censors Internet (tags)

The decision by Google to remove my top position was politically motivated by the Bush regime.

What iranian president Ahmadinejad really said (tags)

The rcent kerfuffle over Ahmadinejad's remark about wiping israel off the map has been cleared by by Juan Cole, and midwifed by Christopher Hitchens!

Honest Federal Bank Examiner, Persecuted, Flees To Canadian Border, Denied Entry, (Am I no (tags)

Honest auditor persecuted and then denied entry into Canada, partially blinded, and shell shocked after years of torment and abuse. Beware of their VA Doctors at LA VA Westwood. I want the ones who injected me, brought to me in a court of law, or if not

LA VA Westwood Forcing Experiments, Not Giving Medical Records, Attack Them is OK (tags)

The LA VA Westwood forcibly injected me and did medical procedures per the request of the criminals in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation executives of San Francisco. I was a bank examiner. Now I am labeled a felon and insane. I am a victim

Attack Hollywood: Movie Script For Fascist Hollywood to D.C. to Ala-Bama (tags)

The comedy is here in the links below with music and true to life Alabama Sheriff who a San Francisco auditor caught. Dead FDIC managers are now his quarry, or I should say, those who killed him. Our enemies reign in high places. We take the underground, we take it all, because the above ground......collapses


We Fil-American students call on our fellow justice-loving students to raise their anti-imperialist voices on April 15 and May 1 to fight for full immigrant rights and forge an anti-imperialist solidarity with the working people and migrant peoples of the U.S..

After the Fiasco (tags)

Iran's strategic position today is better than ever. The EU was the first to feel this. America now feels this and wisely renounces on military strikes.. What lessons must America draw from this strategic fiasco?

Open Letter to the anti-War Movement- WCW (tags)


Join World Can't Wait! at this weekend's antiwar protests (tags)

A call for people to join the movement to Drive Out the Bush Regime at this weekend's antiwar protests. Featuring a statement from World Can't Wait on the 3rd anniversary of the murderous and utterly illegitamate war in Iraq.

W is the new S-A-D-I-M (tags)

From the officially-sanctioned torture chambers in Abu Ghraib to the widespread use of WMDs & chemical weapons on Iraqi civilians, America under the Bush regime has been--justifiably--called the "new Saddam." Upon a more look at the sorry record of the Bushed "failed state," however, one is convinced that W is the new S-A-D-I-M instead!

Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....


A critical analysis of the inherent contradictions in the current regime in the Philippines would reveal the logic of irreversible fascist decay. While objective conditions have polarized and sharpened the divisions within the ruling bloc, the subjective forces of national democracy and anti-imperialism have not fully organized and united to deliver the decisive blow. Meanwhile, the U.S. and its agents are working behind the scenes to pick a successor to Arroyo and re-consolidate its neocolonial stranglehold. But will millions of concerned Filipinos allow the U.S. and its "guns, goons and gold" to determine again our collective fate and national destiny? Filipinos in the Philippines and around the world will have to decide as the Arroyo cabal, convulved with death-pangs, lashes out at everyone within reach.

Archbishop of York compares Bush and Guantanamo to Idi Amin (tags)

Archbishop of York says Guantanamo is like prisons under Idi Amin.

Exposing agenda of Christian right w/ satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

Europe Failed Temporarily in Iran (tags)

Iran will need at least 3 to 5 years for producing highly enriched uranium for its first bombs and much longer to produce the necessary centrifuges. Whoevrer threatens with a preventive attack should not be surprised about proliferation.

Exposing agenda of Christian right extremists with satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

Just the price of being brown in America (tags)

This fascist regime's crimes against humanity and treason against America continues unabaited, and as usual it's brown people who bear the brunt of this fascist regime's crimes

Bush Regime's Terrorism Against America Continues (tags)

This fascist terrorist regime's crimes and treason against America continues

Is NSA Spying a Case of China Business Blowback? (tags)

Capitalism isn’t bringing freedom to China, but it does seem to be bringing totalitarian control systems back from China to the U.S. courtesy of American business.

Bush Step Down-Massive Protests Jan 31 & Feb 4th (tags)

The World Can’t Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

Today, The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime organization placed a full page ad in The New York Times calling for George Bush to step down from office, and take his program with him. Similar calls for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney have appeared, but this is the first time an organization has run an ad in a national media outlet calling for the removal of the entire Bush regime and their program from power.

Drop the Charges and Stop the Harassment Against the HamptonUniversity Students Again (tags)

UPDATE: Students' expulsion hearing is Friday, December 2nd. Call the Dean of Students to Demand that Charges Be Dropped! See below for numbers. Also, email to add your name to this statement and forward it broadly, especially to academics. Ask them to call the Dean of Students and add their signatures!

Vegetarians Between Meals: This War Cannot Be Stopped by a Loyal Opposition (tags)

The refrain of the Democrats about being misled into supporting the invasion of Iraq has become really tired. And someone other than the White House smearmongers needs to say it: The Democrats cannot be allowed to use faulty intelligence as a crutch to hold up their unforgivable support for the Iraq invasion.

Pissed off by Scheer fireing (tags)

The Los Angeles Times fired long-time progressive journalist Robert Scheer, claiming he wasn't fired for ideologies because Scheer covered the Bush regime's treason and crimes against humanity.

China's Hu pushes for 'freer' U.S.A. (tags)

On the eve of a meeting with Washington's authoritarian chieftain George Bush, China's President Hu Jintao pressed the North American regime to grant its people new political and religious freedoms, but he also took a swipe at that nation's Corporate Capitalist leader by heaping praise on his better known critic Cindy Sheehan.

November 2nd World Can't Wait (tags)

On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime launches the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office.

Nov. 2 "Drive Out the Bush Regime" Gets Major Endorsements (tags)

Howard Zinn, Code Pink, Mumia Abu-Jamal are among those endorsing day of walk outs and mobilizations Nov 2, anniversary of Bush's "re"-election, to drive his regime out of office. Local actions are along Wilshire Bl - noon to 8 pm.

World Can't Wait White House Encampment and Countdown to Nov. 2nd (tags)

The World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime! says,“Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.” oin us! We are here from 10 am- 7 pm EVERY DAY. And at NOON each day, we cross the street, on the sidewalk in front of the White House, and directly serve notice about the number of the days til the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime.

Saddaming the House of Assad. (tags)

Now that the U.S. coercion in the form of the Bolton recess appointment as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. has produced the U.N. Special Investigation Commission Report on the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon, it is time to ask the obvious question.

"President Bush Doesn’t Care About Black People..." (tags)

Damn Right! And That's Not The Half Of It

World Can't Wait, Drive Out The Bush Regime - Nov 2nd (tags)

We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government in our names. Let’s unite to drive out the Bush Regime! We are ogranizing actions in Los Angeles as part of the resistance called for by The World Can't Wait & Not in Our Name.

W's Bizzaro world of 'Accountability' (tags)

In the pretzeled logic of the Bush Regime's Bizzaro world, 'accountability' means having your pals give you A's on your job reviews.

A Message to the Anti-war Demonstrators (tags)

2005, posted at

Guantanamo. . . “shock and awe”. . . “collateral damage”. . . Fallujah. . . Abu Ghraib. Behind the words stand the cities reduced to rubble, the bodies in the streets, the hooded prisoners, the kicked-down doors, and the children—crying in terror or silently watching the humiliation of their parents. All justified by outrageous lies.

The horror grinds on, every day.

Iraq cannot wait.

Iraq cannot wait for “pendulum swings.” Iraq cannot wait for possible resolutions to set “reasonable” deadlines for hypothetical timetables. Iraq cannot wait for the 2006 U.S. elections—especially (but not only) when the major Democrats all oppose withdrawal from Iraq, and some even support more troops being sent.

Nor will Bush be swayed simply by public opinion turning against him, or the war. Bush himself seems to believe he’s on a “mission from God” and the pack of neo-conservatives, Christian fascists and kluckers who surround him have demonstrated their intent to hold on to power. What do the 2000 elections tell us, after all, if not that?

Iraq—and the world—cannot wait. We cannot tolerate three more years of slaughter and lies and madness.

Bush's Cheap Mercenaries (tags)

President Bush's unilateral, preemptive war against Iraq is the worst foreign policy decision in the history of our country. Even GW Bush's father said in his book "A World Transformed" the following: "I firmly believed that we should not march into Baghdad. ... To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us."

W pal Brown to hand over FEMA 'sovereignty' (tags)

Today the Bush regime announced that FEMA boss M. Brown will hand over the 'sovereignty' of FEMA to a Coast Guard admiral. Homeland Insecure honcho Mike Chertoff is 'pre-empting' calls for his own 'handover' by firing his lieutenant.

Iran hangings: Chronicle of a manipulation (tags)

A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.

Wanted for Mass Murder: The Bush Regime (tags)

Printable 'Wanted' poster

Christopher Hitchens Panders to War Parties! (tags)

Christopher Hitchens, the scourge of the late Mother Teresa of Calcutta, is at it again! The ex-Lefty has written a rant defending the indefensible - the Iraqi War! His main point: Saddam Hussein was a thug, so therefore the Iraqi war was justified. The Straussian Neocon, however, got it wrong! Under International Law, regime change isn’t a legal cause for a war. This is why Bush and his poodle, Blair, had to “fix” the intelligence around the policy.

A Call To Action In War Torn America, Videos (tags)

Below is a post to my website today at Mobile Audit Club. Los Angeles has become the living Hell that is Alabama, and both should have their politicians and courts cleansed by fire of examination and war court tribunal.

Mexico won't grant immunity to Bush war criminals (tags)

Mexican officials said on Wednesday they have already made it clear to Washington that they will not sign a pact to grant U.S. military personnel special immunity from the International Criminal Court.

U.S. Congress Increases Backing for Haiti Coup Regime (tags)

Haiti: U.S. Subcommittee passes bill to recruit and deploy U.S. citizens in support of Dictatorship

Jailed reporter fears terrorist reprisals (tags)

Judith Miller fears the Bush regime's reprisals if she fingers Karl Rove as the Bush traitor who violated the Intelligence Identity Act of 1986 by having the name of V. Plame to America's enemies.

Indymedia Evens the Score (tags)

The right-wing controlled media in the United States is the biggest reason why this fascist regime was able to hijack two Presidential elections and to invade an innocent country and slaughter its people indiscriminately to seize control of their oil.

Support Our Deserters (tags)

What do you call soldiers who refuse to follow orders to committ further war crime atrocities against humanity on orders from their fascist leaders? "Heros."

Fascists admit decruitment efforts successful (tags)

The fascist regime admits that progressive anti-war activists -- real American patriots -- are responsible for keeping children from signing up for the fascist regime's war crime atrocities in Iraq. With recruitment numbers across all military venues down by at least one third, the fascist regime will have to either stop slaughtering innocent people with brown skin in innocent countries, else the fascists will have to instigate a draft. The revolution will then be the next day. George W. Bush and the other Republinazi fascists are the _only_ enemies America is laboring under.


George W. Bush stole the 2000 election and we let him get away with it. While the Democrats cried because Al Gore had won the vote, the Republicans counted their loot and planned the next heist. Crime does pay when the Justices of the Supreme Court are in on the caper, and they can’t be impeached if the crooks control the Congress.

Disrupt Warlords of EU and USA, Disrupt EADS Meeting May 11 (tags)

In the USA we are silenced to horrors on American soil and the world by the ruling international regime. EADS is a weapons manufacturer in Europe who are branching into known territories of USA controlled by warlords... Beware

Biggest Opposition Demo Swears to Break Syria's Stranglehold and Lahoud's Regime (tags)

Lebanon's opposition staged the biggest show of force in the nation's modern history from slain ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's graveside Monday, taking a thunderous oath to break Syria's ruthless stranglehold and tear apart President Lahoud's police state of "secret service phantoms." Between 1.5 and 2 million opposition activists converged on Beirut's downtown Martyrs Square and surrounding neighborhoods to mark the lapse of one month on Hariri's assassination. They shouted slogans demanding the resignation of all security commanders in Lebanon because of dereliction of duty in stopping the assassination.

former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri 'Hama Rules' (tags)

NY TIMES:About two weeks ago, a friend of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri stopped by my office to update me on Lebanon and pass on a message from Mr. Hariri, whom I have known since reporting from Beirut in the late 1970's. The message was that the Lebanese opposition to the Syrian occupation was getting united - inspired both by the example of Iraq and by the growing excesses of the Syrian occupation. Mr. Hariri, his friend said, was planning to use the coming Lebanese parliamentary elections, and a hoped-for victory by the opposition front, to send a real message to the Syrians: It's time for you to go.

The Achilles’ Heel(s) of the US War Machine (tags)

- John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State, at: -

Linking the American Left to Terror-The Stewart Conviction (tags)

The true meaning of the radical persecution of civil-rights attorney Lynne Stewart is simply to link the American left wing with terrorism.

Iraqis vote: First step towards democracy and independence (tags)

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guard for their future security.

The US / Colombia Plot Against Venezuela (tags)

A major diplomatic and political conflict has exploded between Colombia and Venezuela after the revelation of a Colombian overnment covert operation in Venezuela, involving the recruitment of Venezuelan military and security officers in the kidnapping of a Colombian leftist leader.

Surprise, surprise! US puppet regime in Iraq is just like Saddam (tags)

The president, at his inauguration, said America has been called to end tyranny in the world, but from the looks of Iraq, what he is spreading is torture and dictatorship.

USA's FSD more lethal than WMDs (tags)

Prior to the naked Imperial aggression on the people of Iraq in March of 2003, the Bush regime repeatedly sowed fear onto the public by falsely claiming that Iraq had thousands of terrifying WMDs and that the World couldn't afford to wait for the evidence "in the form of a mushroom cloud," a clear reference that Saddam had nukes & would unleash them to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. As it turned out, it was the USA's own illegal & immoral Invasion-turned-Occupation that deployed thousands of USA's WMDs which killed up to 100,000 or more of Iraqi civilians...

Questions for the Bush regime (tags)

Republican Senator Richard Shelby, a senior member of the Joint Intelligence Committee investigating the events of the 11th September 2001 stated that the Bush regime had all the available evidence necessary to prevent what happened that day, but did nothing to prevent it.

Ballots Or Bullets? (tags)

The only choice we'll have is between ballots and bullets if we want to remain free. That is the dilemma facing America today. Do we restore integrity into our election process today or do we face a dark choice later?

The Politics of Imperialism (tags)

Latin America provides a powerful reference point for the toilers of the world suffering from the imperial re-division of their countries.


from Skeeter Sanders' blog

Remember the Red and Blue States (tags)

Don't cry for the passage of the democratic government. Weep for the real patriots that will be swept away to the concentration camps or whose blood will cover the streets, but above all else regardless of the outcome remember the red states.

Open letter (tags)

Open letter to the citizens of the United States of America. Never in the history of humankind has an election had so much at stake.

Religion Over Science? (tags)

Bush regime on warpath again

Who seized Simona Torretta? (tags)

The Iraqi kidnapping has the mark of an undercoverpolice operation.

America is the Ultimate Failed State. (tags)

After knocking down most of its forests, paving over its wetlands, polluting what water it has left and making all urban environments only habitable with what has become an accepted level of collateral damage in terms of illness and death caused by environmental pollution which has set off a domino effect of ill health down through the generations exposed, America has become like a caged animal not willing to face its own condition but yet completely willing to lash out violently at the World around it.

What Democracy Looks Like (tags)

The Republican National Convention, Voting, and The War on Terror

Bush’s Iraq Policy a Shambles, But Can Kerry Challenge It? (tags)

The fighting in Najaf exposes the fraud of the June 30 “sovereignty” handover, and represents a complete failure of Bush’s Iraq strategy, but Kerry can’t bring himself to condemn the whole thing as the colossal disaster that it is.

The world bury the head in the sand (tags)

The preparation for US invasion of Iran goes according to plan

Support the Cause of Liberty (tags)

Support the Cause of Liberty--Not the Troops

Twin speeches move the China issue (tags)

When Communist China shot a Falun Gong activist in South Africa, these two activists took their shot in speeches against Communist China.

Putin: Russia Gave Bush Iraq Intelligence (tags)

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AP) - Russia gave the Bush administration intelligence after the September 11 attacks that suggested Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was preparing attacks in the United States, President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

Ambassador of Death, Right-Wing Death Squads, Drug Smuggling: George Bush's Plan for Iraq. (tags)

Right wing death squads and a hub for drug smuggling is Bush's vision of democracy in Iraq all orchestrated by the ambassador of death, Negroponte. The old Iran Contra gang are all in place once again ready to flood the streets of America and Europe with cheap heroin from Afghanistan. The Bush administration's reluctance to hand Saddam over to the interim government of Iraq maybe based not on a fear of Saddam's military capabilities but on a fear of him telling what he knows about drug smuggling.

I'll Piss On His Grave (tags)

With the death of Ronald Reagan the world will now face a weeklong orgy of grandiloquent of US military power and American Imperialism. Reagan was a cold-blooded murderer, a union busting parasite, con artist, and a good liar. Reagan was evil personified, he can rot in hell.

They need a bomb and they will get one (tags)

Fear & Panic Election show

Torture and Brutality, America's New World Order (tags)

After failing to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or identifying any connection between Saddam Hussein?s regime and al Qaeda, the US government tried to justify its bloody war on the people of Iraq by asserting that it freed Iraqi people from a brutal and fascist regime. They claimed that the world had become safer without the Baath regime and that the US would build the first democracy in the Arab world as a symbol and role model for other countries in the region.

Tell Bush the world says no to his regimes agenda! (tags)

Join with us in this virtual march taking place on the 29th August 2004 at 2PM US Central Standard Time, 7PM UK time, and send a message to the rogue regime that you do not support their stance on Iraq, the so called war on terrorism, environmental and defence issues.

Worldwide Activities Mark April 25th, Call for End to Half-decade of Persecution (tags)

Practitioners of Falun Gong will mark April 25 this Sunday with activities around the world, renewing the call for Beijing to end a five-year campaign of suppression that legal experts have come to term genocide.

Good news abounding in Iraq (tags)

“Good News Abounding in Iraq”. October 25, 2003.

The Armagedon Plan: Nightline Sells Martial Law (tags)

Will the US be under martial law by June, 2004? That is the impression some are expressing after witnessing a recent episode of Nightline (4/7/2004), with Ted Koppel. On this particular program Koppel is host to Richard Clarke, former Reagan officials Edwin Meese III and Kenneth M. Duberstein; former Clinton official Sally Katzen, author James Mann, and former Bush official Richard Clarke. The subject matter is named The Armageddon Plan.

US repeating Britain's 1920 mistakes in Iraq (tags)

'What happened in Iraq in 1920 so closely resembles the events now that only a historical ignoramus can be surprised'

Irag:"This is George W.Bush's Viet Nam" (tags)

Irag War

SSA Marine--profile of a profiteer (tags)

Stevedoring Services of America, which recently shortened its name to “SSA Marine,” is a multi-national corporation with headquarters in Seattle. War profiteer, privatizer and globalizer, this corporate thug was involved in the police attack at the Oakland docks on April 7, 2003. On the anniversary of that day--let us return to the Port of Oakland to picket SSA.

An anti-state communist perspective on the war (tags)

This is 2003 article about the Iraq War 2, just before it started. It's from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. It's unusually prescient in its predictions of how the entire war will go. I post this because the journal has been criticized by some anarchistists as "primitivist", and Anarchism has been derided by the Left as everything from chaos to disruptive and unthinking. Liberals stereotype anarchists as young fashion victims, implying they are shallow. These are simplistic stereotypes at best, and fear mongering at the worst. Articles like this one below, I hope, give people pause to consider the relevance and usefulness of anti-state, anti-capitalist critique. Remember, this article was written before we invaded Iraq. So here goes. -- Just Another Anarchist

Two Finnish Business Executives killed on an unscheduled trip (tags)

Clarified summary on killed Finns in Iraq based on some news articles.

Human Right Violations In Syrian Occupied Lebanon Must Stop (tags)

In a savage reaction against the Lebanese students’ peaceful demonstration protesting the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the Syrian installed Lebanese regime use of barbaric force sent several youngsters with broken bones to hospitals on Friday, March 12, 2004.

Ramsey Clark's Statement on Haiti (tags)

A Message from Ramsey Clark March 1, 2004

War On Terrorism is a Ruse/Secret Pentagon Climate Report (tags)

In other words the conservative elites are going after control the strategic oil supply throughout the world in order that they will have the fuel that their tanks, helicopters, fighter jets and troop transports will require to seaze control of what remains of the collapsing food and fresh water supply. The war on terrorism is simply just a ruse.

Dances with fascists - Nader's fall from grace (tags)

Another four years of the Bush regime? Not on your life. If we have to take Ralph down in the effort to save this land from the neo-con fundamentalists, so be it.

The Smirk Has Not Been Wiped From the Chimp's Face. (tags)

(Iran and Bush Regime's Pretext to War.)

US documents implicate Kissinger in Argentine atrocities (tags)

Secret archives released by the US State Department directly implicate former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and other top American officials in backing the brutal military regime of mass murder, “disappearances” and torture that ruled Argentina for more than seven years, beginning in March 1976.

911 a picture of truth in Action (tags)

This is truth in Action!

The Bar "W" Moon Ranch (tags)

In this case,the Man on Mars will be a representative of the U.S., a sort of Chris Columbus type, there to plant the stars and stripes and expand the American Empire into the stars. Look out martians, your days are numbered.

Feeling guilty (tags)

I just watched that Frontline special about Iran.

Future Generations Against Bush (tags)

Most folks with half a brain know that the Bush regime does NOT consider the next seven generations when they set environmental, fiscal or international policy. Hell, they don't even consider the NEXT generation!

We Must Do What We Can 2 (tags)

The time for action is now, are you human enough to answer the call?

Everything the Greedy,Right Wing Republicans TOUCH turns to CRAP!!!! (tags)

President Bush's Right Wing Republicians have the "Midas Touch" - but in "Reverse" - everything they and their Greedy Wall St. Cronies touch, rapidly turns to C-R-A-P!

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #6 (tags)

In its March/April 1990 edition, the West German magazine, “Semite”, self-described as "the independent Jewish magazine", published a blistering expose of ADL Honorary Vice Chairman Edgar Bronfman’s dealing with the now-toppled regime of East German communist dictator, Erich Honecker. The article by Jacob Dachauer , entitled "A Whiskey for the Holocaust", documents how Bronfman used his post as President of the World Jewish Congress to make deals with the Honecker regime on behalf of his Seagrams liquor empire, and is accompanied by a picture of Bronfman receiving the highest state medal of People’s Friendship in Gold from Honecker in October of 1988.

Media manipulations (tags)

Day three of US media coverage of Hussein's capture: no let-up in the hysteria

The capture of Hussein, again a sleazy farce (tags)

A poorly staging á la Hollywood with date palms on scene of the asserted imprisonment which yield fruits in December although the last crop was in August. A fake like the Jessica Parker story, the rollig chemical laboratories, the nuke treatment and further shit. All for justify a illegal war of aggression, only for moronic voters and for a flying splice. Enjoy the movie 'Wag the dog' and you know how the wind blows. This U.S. regime has propagate so much featherbrained propagana lies that nobody but morons can believe them over again

When Dictator is Booted from White House America Can Rebuild. (tags)

I find it very interesting that just a few days after the American appointed governing council in Iraq votes to begin a tribunal for Iraqi war criminals even though no constitution has been ratified that could legitimize any form of Judiciary in Iraq, Saddam Hussein conveniently shows up.

Editor of Kuwaiti Daily: Syria's Secret Service is Behind the 'Iraqi Resistance' (tags)

08 December, 2003 The Middle East Media Research Institute The November 1, 2003 conference of foreign ministers of the countries neighboring Iraq yielded numerous articles in the Arab press condemning Syria's pro-Saddam stance. Among the authors were editor of the Kuwaiti daily Al-Siyassa, Ahmad Al-Jarallah, and Iraqi opposition member and political commentator Dr. Riyadh Al-Amir. The following are excerpts from the articles

The New York Times: a proposal for ethnic cleansing in Iraq (tags)

While plans have been announced for Washington to erect a “sovereign” Iraqi regime by the middle of next year, this hollow exercise holds little prospect for ending a bitter conflict that is claiming the lives of American soldiers daily and creating growing political unrest in the US itself. Enter the New York Times with a modest proposal for a bloodbath. It advances what it terms a “three-state solution,” based on the partition of Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.

What ''Homeland Security'' is all about. (tags)

Please circulate:

Iranian Workers Solidarity Network (tags)


The Future of America under the American-led Empire: A Realistic Sense of it. (tags)

That it is high-tech, well lighted, air conditioned and instantly gratifying in such a gratuitous fashion, will make it seem, to many, a benign kind of tyranny. A kind of benevolent beast. These four horsemen will seemingly come bearing new gifts for all.

George Bush: A Menace To World Peace (tags)

Think deeply on this, ask yourself where do we stop these madmen. Iraq may be the only place to stop this madness. Every nation that desires freedom and democracy must resist the Bush Junta's pressure to participate. The welfare of the world may well rest in the tying down the US army in the soil of Iraq, at least until Bush can be removed from power.

The U.S. and Israel's Criminal Intent and October 25th. (tags)

But the question is not whether the public can see the criminal behavior of these regimes but rather, where do these regimes go from here?

The Intimidation of Ambassador Wilson and Ms. Plame and 76 Days. (tags)

Considering it was the corporate media that published Bob Novak's column that outed Ms. Plame as a "CIA operative" in order to punish and intimidate her husband, Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson for not playing ball with the Bush regime, how can anybody expect the corporate media to now report objectively about a conspiracy the corporate media participated in.

Pax Americana/Bushs Folly (tags)

From UK Guardian: Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation enjoys great popular support

People's Paradise Lost (tags)

At 61, he wears a bouffant hairstyle and elevator shoes to add to his potbellied 5-foot-3-inch frame. In public, he tries to appear majestic, but in private he is said to be a man of carnal appetites, famed for his love of Italian cuisine, rock lobster, French wine and cognac. He once brought in two chefs from Milan to make pizza in Italian-made ovens, and is rumoured to be the world's single biggest buyer of his favourite cognac, Hennessy Paradis, which costs $630 a bottle.

Bush Cries Help: Just Say NO (tags)

When the leaders of Europe and the UN meet to discuss sending troops to Iraq they must remember that the hands of the clock have been turned back to Munich 1938. It is understood that behind the scenes the leaders of Europe are facing extreme pressure and are being offered incredible bribes to comply with the request. However, they must realize they are dealing with a madman and a regime full of lunatics that are willing to risk nuclear war for their own personal gain.

MLK, 40 Years, a Donkey, the Deregulation and Blackout of Our Civil Rights! (tags)

Yesterday I witnessed the most incredible irony as I monitored the corporate media. George Bush was giving a speech yesterday afternoon in front of a friendly only crowd of Marines when he stated "May God continue to bless America".

What is going on in Iraq today? An Iraqi view (tags)

Raid Fahmi is a member of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). He represented the ICP at the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Athens, Greece, June 19-20, 2003.

Same PR firm used to help Bush's war lies helps Scientology (tags)

The same company discussed on LA Indy Media's main web page today "History Is Repeating Itself Regarding Deceptions For War" -- the Hill & Knowlton PR firm -- is the same PR firm that the notorious Scientology company uses.

Bush: (tags)

Locals chant slogans in support for Saddam Hussein at the site of Tuesday's shootout that left four Iraqis dead including Saddam's sons Odai and Qusai Wednesday, July 23, 2003, in the town of Mosul, 280 miles, 450 kilometers north of Baghdad, Iraq. Two American soldiers were killed in ambushes in Iraq on Wednesday, denting any U.S. hopes that the deaths of Saddam's sons would snuff out a guerrilla insurgency against occupying forces.(AP Photo/Wally Santana) .... And now, the resident of the United States.

Wage Meme Warfare On Bush! (tags)

You can wage guerilla memetic warfare against the Bush Regime by printing up "Bush Lied!" stickers and sticking them everywhere you go.

As the Bush Regime Falls, What About Iraq, Afghanistan and We The People? (tags)

With the New York Times publishing in today's paper the "Uranium Quicksand" editorial and with Paul Krugman's op-ed piece "Pattern of Corruption" it looks as though the beginning of the end of the Bush regime is upon us.

Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida (tags)

``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.

With the resistance of iranian people (tags)

The Charter of the Organization of Iranian People's Fedayee Guerrillas on the Treshhold of the Twent First Century

Letter from Iraq (tags)

Here's a bit of really accurate information on what's actually happening in Iraq. None of the Pacifica style disinformation here.

Student protests reveal weakness of Iranian regime (tags)


Afghanistan, Now Godforsaken (tags)

  The government headed by Hamid Karzai still controls just part of Afghanistan's territory. So-called field commanders who consider themselves heroes for overthrowing the Taliban regime have distributed the authority among themselves. It is not ruled out that only thanks to field commanders the regime was overthrown.

Pentagon admits Iraq guerrilla war (tags)

Despite the casualties, Mr Rumsfeld said he believed the US public felt the effort was “worthwhile” and that people “recognise the difficulty of the task”.

Triumph of Kleptocracy & Death of Reason (tags)

"The great danger of the lynch-mob terror-bubble we find ourselves trapped in, as the Germans under the Nazi regime were, is losing touch with the rest of the world..This is no longer our government, but has been stolen from us by country-sized corporations and their henchmen." from Slingshot 2003

Selecting Regimes for Change: The U.S. is Unfair in Choosing (tags)

It seems that the U.S. government has become the expert on regime change. The problem is that they have ignored some of the worst examples of bad regimes because of valued trade status, being allied in the war on terror, and economic importance.

US prepares military repression in Iraq (tags)

Under the pretext that all the resistance to the U.S. Led occupation of the Oil Fields the Iraqi Resistance is being characterized as "holdouts" from the Saddam regime; despite the complete collapse of that regime. Wanna buy a Bridge?

Wars yet to come - a fascinating Story (tags)

These two paragraphs from the full article are intro enough. The myth of easy American victory will be used in the worst possible ways for years to come and you'll need this for future reference and discussion.

Oh, What A Tangled Web Bush Weaves (tags)

But the CIA was correct in warning the White House and Pentagon that Iraq would turn into a tar-baby for the U.S. This is precisely what is now happening. Iraq is in chaos and near-anarchy. U.S. occupation forces have so far been unable to form even a puppet regime, as was done in Afghanistan.

The Liar in Speech, The Bush Lesion Begins to Pus (tags)

Just as George Bush and his criminal gang stole election 2000 by committing high crimes and misdemeanors, today the commander and thief in his speech before the Coast Guard commencement class attempted to steal the real answer to "Why do they hate us?".

Homeland Security: When The Phoenix Came Home To Roost (tags)

In order to institutionalize his "legally criminal" social structure, Bush signed the Homeland Security Act on 25 November 2002, creating the Department of Homeland Security under former Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Ridge. The Department's job is to coordinate the anti-terror elements of dozens of federal agencies, and secure the US "from terrorist threats or attacks," be they genuine or provoked by the Bush Régime for black propaganda purposes.

The Road Map to Peace is Just More Catch-22 (tags)

This so-called road map to peace that was delivered to the Palestinian and Israeli governments today is just a continuation of the unstated Bush regime policy of "no negotiations as long as there's violence which means no negotiations at all ever".

Revealed: How the road to war was paved with lies (tags)

On nuclear weapons, the British Government claimed that the former regime sought uranium feed material from the government of Niger in west Africa. This was based on letters later described by the International Atomic Energy Agency as crude forgeries.

Iraqis say ‘No U.S. occupation’ (tags)

Shouts of “No to colonialism, no to occupation” resounded throughout Iraq this week.

Tales Of Terror Under Saddam's Regime Emerge (tags)

"Our first goal is to tell as many people as we can what has happened to their missing relatives," Edrisy said as he stood among the documents.   "We need to show if people were prisoners or, if they were killed, where they are buried.   "Then we want to punish those who have done this."

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

Did James Woolsey let the World War IV Cat Out of the Bag (tags)

When former CIA Director James Woolsey began talking about World War IV, a war essentially against all so-called Islamists forces that preach hate against America, did he let some the details of the Bush regime's long term plans and present actions in Iraq out of the bag?

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


CIA's Golden Victory - US Bribed Iraqi Military Leaders (tags)

General Maher Sufyan, the head of the Republican Guard, was allegedly spirited away from the Al Rasheed airstrip, in south-east Baghdad, to an unknown location, according to the French newspaper Le Monde and the leading Arab news channel Al Jazeera.

So where are they, Mr Blair? (tags)

Not one illegal warhead. Not one drum of chemicals. Not one incriminating document. Not one shred of evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction in more than a month of war and occupation

EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq


JINSA/PNAC Cabal in Bush Regime Will Push US to Attack Syria as Well...

Jubilant Crowd Dismantles Statue of Bush (tags)

In a visual moment that will go down in history, a jubilant San Francisco crowd toppled a statue of George W. Bush, a symbol of the illegitimate regime that had long oppressed the American people.

Don't be fooled by joyous scenes, says refugee (tags)

"The next chapter is going to be a conflict between the Iraqi people and the invaders, the pro-American regime in Iraq," Dr Reben told reporters. "Sooner or later, the Americans will face the revolutionary anger and aggressiveness of the Iraqi people."

We'll be dancing (tags)

Allright, everyone, it's almost time for U.S. regime change again.

Don't be fooled by joyous scenes, says refugee (tags)

"The next chapter is going to be a conflict between the Iraqi people and the invaders, the pro-American regime in Iraq," Dr Reben told reporters. "Sooner or later, the Americans will face the revolutionary anger and aggressiveness of the Iraqi people."


NY Governor's remarks at WTC rally April 10 inspire shock and awe.

Don't Mess With Texas (tags)

Only the Americans have the sovereign right, drunk with power and arrogance, to threaten to try the invaded in US courts for "war crimes."

Vandals of the 21st Century (tags)

Irag War

American flag draped on Saddam statue flew over the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 (tags)

More evidence that this "historic event" was staged by the Pentagon to manipulate public opinion

4/10: Iraq - Liberation of Occupation? (tags)

**US Occupied Iraq** Is This What Our Future? Think Locally, Act Globally! No Blood for Oil! No Colonization of Iraq No Immigrant Bashing! Health Care Not Warfare! Books Not Bombs! Schools Not Tanks! From: PeaceNoWar For Latest Information, Please check URL:

U.S. Lost the War Before It Started (tags)

Undoubtedly the U.S. will experience a military victory in Iraq as well as a complete and thorough occupation of the entire country but a military occupation does not a society make.

The Battle For Iraq Has Just Began: The People of Iraq Will Fight (tags)

Things are getting ready to be very complicated.

Oil for White People! Woohoo, Dead Iraqi Children Now! (tags)

It seems that the corporate press cabal of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Regime controlled NPR and just about every major newspaper in America sets policy for press coverage week to week

Urgent: Survey for Senator Kerry (tags)

Vote Today

This War is Not for Oil (tags)

This article explains exactly why the war in Iraq is not for oil.

Brave Administration Willing to "Pay A High Price" In US Lives (tags)

It is comforting to know that our brave administration is willing to pay a "high price" in the lives of our sons and daughters to have their war.Referring to nights in World War II "when we'd lose 1000 people", he added: "There will come a time maybe when things are going to be much more shocking."

Iraqi Dead Civilians Murdered By George W. Bush (tags)

Iraqi Dead Civilians Murdered By George W. Bush

What Script is the Pentagon Really Reading From? (tags)

Ok, what the hell is really going on?

Uprising is a mirage in Iraq’s deserts (tags)

Southern Iraq is rising against the coalition forces and not against -- as US forces would want the world to believe -- Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Bombing of Iraqi news station might be a crime (tags)

Questions arise about the legality of bombing an Iraqi news station

Human Shields Realize Saddam is evil! (tags)

Hold the phone!



Iraqis would support war to overthrow Saddam, says survey (tags)

Secretly conducted study finds backing for US-led attack, while plans to tarnish extremists in friendly nations are revealed

Watching anti-war protests with pain (tags)

By Adil Awadh. Adil Awadh, an Iraqi doctor, worked in a military hospital in Iraq from 1994 to 1996. He is an independent member of the Iraqi National Congress and lives in the Washington area. Published March 9, 2003.

Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorist Links Found! (tags)

An open letter submitted to select United Nations officials, Security Council members, US congressmen and senators, and members of the media.

The WMDs Are Thiiiiiiiis Biiiiiiiiiiig (tags)

Fitting to the fish story Mr. Bush laid out in his news conference this week timed for consumption just before Hans Blix reports to the UN the York Times published a photograph on the front page of Mr. Bush at the podium posed with his hands spread apart as if he were describing the size of the fish.

CFL ALERT (tags)




Full text of Bush speech, with comments (tags)

Full text of Bush’s Feb. 26 speech to the American Enterprise Institute (comments in parentheses).

A message for those who protest to prevent war against Saddam (tags)

A message for those who protest to prevent war against Saddam

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

What the Iraqi people are thinking (tags)

It is morally repugnant that people walk in marches across Western cities calling, essentially, for the Iraqi people to be kept in their collective jail with their tormentors.

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

We'll Plant WMDs, I Mean, We'll Find WMDs. (tags)

Gee, it was almost as if Frank Gaffney and the White House official were reading from the same page, a page produced from deep inside the White House sell machine but had more of a corrupt police network sound to it.

An Appeal by the Spanish Students Union to Stop Imperialist War (tags)


Thw war aims of the Graet Powers and the consequences of the coming invasion of Irag (tags)


Truth is, Iraq is lying -- Here's how we know it! (tags)

Iraq is doing everything they can to thwart inspectors and hide their weapons of mass destruction.

Part 2. No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

It's been an amazing week and a half of watching the Bush administration's own foreign-policy bite Bush in the ass so hard you could see him wince every time the showed his miserable face in public this week.

Iran Student Movement (tags)

Student Movement Coordination Committee in Iran promotes Secularism and Democracy in Iran

On the US arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants. (tags)

On the Mass Arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants in California The language of fascism is always cloaked in subterfuge. And it is just this sort of duplicitous language that the U.S. government is employing to describe the mass arrest -- under the dishonest pretext of 'voluntary registration' -- of hundred, perhaps thousands of Middle Eastern men, many of them Iranians, in the last week in California.

PSG Statement on Israel's Detention of Jaggi Singh (tags)

Israel Denies Entry to Activist from Canada

Oil grab by the United States? (tags)

'Crude' conspiracy? No: Facts don't support theory of U.S. 'oil grab'

Unprincipled capitalism shouldn't be for export (tags)

The corporate scandals caused by a handful of U.S. companies have highlighted the importance of rigorously adhering to American principles and the rule of law.


Why the fuck isn't Indymedia covering a possible imminent coup in Venezuela?

Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)

From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.

Marze Por Gohar and the Quest for Human Rights in Iran (tags)

Marze Por Gohar (The Glorious Frontiers Party) envisions an Iran free of the sins of Monarchy and the excesses of the theocratically oriented Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Only time will tell in regard to the realization of its dreams.

The Clearest Evidence Of Complicity In the 9/11 Attacks. (tags)

They are going to kill us all anyway, so why not stand and fight now.

What the "Peace Movement" Ignores (tags)

"Yeah, yeah," they say, "Saddam's a bad guy, but the world is full of bad guys. . . " blah, blah. Enough apologizing for this bastard. Lets take him out.

Scott Ritter on IRAQ, Caltech, Nov 13, 2002 (MP3 / Stream) (tags)


A Million New Terrorists (tags)

"With its retreat from international obligations and agreements, the struggle against international terrorism and its posture in the Middle East conflict, the US government is now entangled in politics with double standards." Translated from the German

Urgent call for Congressional investigation (tags)

DoD and intelligence officials coerced to cook books! Congress needs to investigate these charges NOW - BEFORE continuing its deliberations on the war powers resolution. This changes everything.

Wolves Guarding the Sheep ::: What Lies Behind Bush's WarFront? (tags)

Can the educated and thoughtful people of the world overcome the obfuscating and diversionary tactics being deployed by the White House and CIA, before “Total Space Dominance” neutralizes any opposition, or we’re all “secured” in suspect camps, whichever comes first? Will anyone ask the difficult questions, or does it all really just end with a whimper? Will America finally lay down their guns for a moment and listen to their veterans?


In a world where US citizens need to be continually reassured their country is number one, they can rest assured that for some time to come there will be one area in which their country stands head and shoulders above all others: killing people, "whether with a bullet or with phosgene," with sanctions or nuclear weapons, with the destruction of water treatment facilities or with economic policies -- it doesn't make any difference.

Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)

UN speech dissected

"Liberated" Afghanistan (tags)

Not long ago, the war propaganda machine crowed about how happy the Afghanis were to be "liberated" by U.S. forces. But the truth is that the overthrow of the Taliban and the intrusion of U.S. troops has plunged Afghanistan into chaos, and worsened and deepened the poverty there. Karzai's puppet regime controls only Kabul, and Karzai himself has to be guarded by Americans. Rival warlords contend for influence, and would be fighting each other even more if not for U.S. troops. Meanwhile, the U.S. bombing continues, having recently massacred the guests at a wedding party.

the war against chavez (tags)

some thoughts of the hudson institute

Sara Lee? Not for me .... (tags)

The United States government is totally enthralled by the anti-democratic zionist lobby and the greed of the oil companies. Just like the white supremacist regime of apartheid South Africa the rules of war, international law and the Geneva Convention appear not to apply to Israel, which has been expanding its borders and building illegal colonies since 1947.

Bush visit to Portland, an invitation (tags)

ILWU Local 5 resolution regarding the upcoming Bush visit to Portland, OR>



Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.

Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.

"An Imperial War Expands" by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Jamal With characteristic imperial arrogance, George W. Bush's 'State of the Empire' speech was a blustering threat to several states that have yet to learn how to kneel properly to the United States -- Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

RAND War Planners & U.S. Military/Industrial/Foundation/Media Complex (tags)

War Planners at Santa Monica, California's RAND/Project Air Force military think-tank apparently planned war against Afghanistan's Taliban regime many months before 9/11/01. Establishment Foundations fund RAND military think-tank and collaborate with U.S. military-industrial-media complex

Taliban Bombs US Terrorist Traning Camps (tags)

Afghanistan Bombs US Terrorist Training Camps at the unpopular Republocrat Regime that harbors them

British Press Asks Provocative Questions (tags)

They Can't See Why They Are Hated: Americans cannot ignore what their government does abroad Special report: Terrorism in the US Seumas Milne Thursday September 13, 2001 The Guardian

ACTION ALERT: Tell Pottery Barn No to Sourcing from Burma! (tags)

Please call 1-800-922-9934 and tell the Pottery Barn to stop selling merchandise made in Burma. Email Pottery Barn on their website to tell them you will be boycotting them until they stop sourcing from Burma at

Berlusconi's new regime born in Genoa (tags)

Info from front page

Oil and Slavery in Sudan (tags)

Talisman Energy is complicit in human rights violations ranging from slavery to genocide.

Comments to CPUC on electric rate increases (tags)

California Public Utiities Commission is taking public comments on proposed electric rate increases. This letter suggests a cost-shifting approach to address the "crisis."

Bush Family Research Connection Sites (tags)

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . ." -William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937.

the regime is taking 'pre emptive action (tags)

since seattle [and J 18 in london} the regime is attempting to stamp out a new 1968

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