fix articles 32529, entire Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : entire


The turn to less: Corona and the consumption dilemma (tags)

The Corona crisis could be the beginning of a better normality. Corona could make a turning point in history. The global North has benefited from unequal trade relations. Global employment has lost its role as the center of life. We must get out of the old path dependencies.

NYT Ignores Root Cause of Violence in Palestine (tags)


Zionist Zealotry: The Root Cause of Israeli State Terror (tags)


AIPAC's War on Palestine (tags)


Opposing Views on Premeditated (tags)


Straight Talk on Israeli Viciousness (tags)


Israel on a Rampage (tags)


Western Support for Israeli State Terror (tags)


Israel's War on Palestinian Children (tags)


New York Times Mocks Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


Israel's Response to Everything: Collective Punishment (tags)


Obama Memorial Day Big Lies (tags)


Palestinians trapped dying in Yarmouk, Syria – a test for the left (tags)

Thousands of Palestinians at risk- and the left is silent

Genocide in Donbas (tags)


Field Notes on Reality: Hard Truths Buried When Most Needed (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


Vote!!!! (tags)

It is important to carefully VOTE in Tue. Nov 4 election.

Libya in Free Fall (tags)


The Keynesian past is past: Nostalgia is not the future (tags)

Keynesianism would be much better than austerity, but would do nothing to solve the underlying structural crisis of capitalism.

America Has Murdered 50,000 Mexicans With It's Racist Drug War! (tags)

America please join me in telling the entire power elite in America to Go Fuck Themselves! They have lost all our respect, period.

Global Economic Tremors (tags)

class war

Why I'm Mad About My #OccupyLA Arrest... (tags)

An #OccupyLA arrestee attempts to put the detention of 292 nonviolent protesters into perspective...

Occupy UC Davis Supports Resolution Opposing Democrat-Republicans (tags)

A child shall lead them and the Occupy UC Davis students have shown the way with a resolution supporting breaking with the Democrat-Republicans. The resolution is here.

Urgently requesting a meeting with the LAUSD Board President (tags)

Pleading to LAUSD to redress the grievous issues with CNCA Corporation's charter for CRES #14. In Barrio Echo Parque / Historic Filipinotown our voice is being patently ignored, our community disrespected, and an entire set of prospective students are being robbed.

9/11 Revisted: 10th Year! Some American Voices (tags)

The irreversible power of fait accompli - Where Did the Towers Go? Does it matter? Ten years later, the world still awaits an effective political-judicial-legislative-accountability-enforcement path from demonstrating 9/11 Truth being an Operation Canned Goods to derailing Imperial Mobilization!

America's Gulf: New Report Says It's Dying (tags)

willful malfeasance at fault

Johannes Mehserle verdict (tags)

Covering the main legal points and lawful truths of the Johannes Mehserle verdict, succinctly.

Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where vomiting blood (tags)

The weapon of mass destruction unleashed on Americans is an act of war. People of the Gulf Coast are pleading for support. Thus far, the WikiLeaks modified limited hangout has distracted the anti-war and truth movements from a war being waged on millions of Americans needing their solidarity.

US Tells Lebanon: Israel Can Destroy Your Entire Army in 4 hrs. (tags)

"I imagine that when S300 surface to air missiles start tagging those F16’s new thoughts will alight in long calcified minds. France has every right to supply Lebanon with those weapons. Given Israel’s proven imperialist nature the “real international community” will demand it."

Political Killings in Colombia (tags)

shocking crimes committed with impunity

Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality (tags)

government/corporate crime

BDS Loses Big at Berkeley (tags)

Berkeley anti-Israel Bill fails in 9 hour debate

Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? (tags)

Flt. 253-Interview with Underwear Bomber Witness Hidden? Why? This is an important facet of the latest propaganda push to have a war in Yemen. Why was this hidden?

Negotiating Our Lives Away (tags)

At some point we have to step to the plate and put our foot down. It's not going to stop on its own.

Semiotext(e)'s translation of Guy Debord's letters (tags)

the entire book is thus both an Orwellian suppression of these relevant and important historical events, and an implicit validation and approval of the similar suppressions that preceded it and made it possible.

Families of Police Murder Victims March to Rampart (tags)

Families and concerned citizens demonstrate against police abuse.

All For One And One For All !!! (tags)

right to abuse, those that have not. Fix that, and you fix it all. Fix it not, and face the inevitable consequences.

Focus The Nation Day, January 31: Global Warming Teach-In at CSULA! (tags)

Cal State L.A., long a leader in "green" technologies, will be hosting a day-long discussion by local faculty, staff and students on creating a culture of sustainability.

The Canadian toothpick and the US president (tags)

Some bad bears told me that a toothpick has more brain cells than president George W. Bush. I refused to believe such nonsense.

Infiltration and Inefficiencies in State Regulatory Agencies (tags)

The person/s (activists, perhaps assassins) the agencies seek in relation to the approaching APEC summit may be known to the activist and broader political community; it is therefore with extreme prejudice that we cite government failures in relation to security and policing matters. The APEC summit may become the greatest security failure in Australian history. Infiltration/undercover operations are a two-edged sword; however, that sword has been broken by anti-corruption zealots in NSW. The State now faces gaping inefficiencies and a lack of urgently required expertise.

Denounce the Preset Rotten Elections in the Philippines (tags)

The entire revolutionary movement under its leadership denounce the oppression, exploitation and abuses continually committed by the ruling elite against the Bangsamoro as well as the entire Filipino people. These have been brought to scandalous heights and have become the focus of national attention during the recent elections as systematized coercion, unbridled violence, widespread vote-buying, deprivation of the people’s right to vote, unmitigated cheating and manipulation of the vote count took the place of real elections in Moro areas.

Entertainment Material Donations Stifled (tags)

Many entertainers appear for charities, but none donate 100% of their money, & none will allow me to.


Today, the working class in the Philippines and the whole world commemorate International Workers' Day. This is in recollection and reaffirmation of the long history so far of the heroic struggle of the working class to claim their interests, rights at power against the rule, exploitation and oppression of the big capitalist class and their henchmen and instruments that are characterized by greed, rottenness, deceit and cruelty at their very core.

MILF-GRP Peace Talks Update ; MILF wants entire Kudarat- GRP (tags)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is demanding the inclusion of the entire Sultan Kudarat province as part of a new autonomous region in Mindanao as a condition for a final peace agreement with the government, a ranking Malacañang official revealed yesterday.

Iraq War: Counting the Cost (tags)

The post invasion Iraqi death toll is now estimated to be as high as 1,000,000, far higher than the previous estimate of 655,000; this is according to recent scientific data. Over 5,000,000 Iraqis have been hurt or wounded. Recent figures indicate the refugee numbers have climbed from 2,700,000 to over 3,900,000 and the refugee crisis is broadly impacting the entire region of the Middle East. These are the figures that are not being reported on American television or in American newspapers.

Nuclear Power is Green - NOT (tags)

Here is an article that talks of a new study that shows nuclear to be not green, and the study did not even take into account the huge cost of decommissioning the plants after thier 40 years of production which must be done with robots because of the extreme radiation. The author apparently also has not been informed of the new Solar Voltaic panels that bring the cost of solar equal to coal plants.

11/01 Demonstration of Oaxacans and Supporters at Mexican Consulate, with Audio Interview (tags)

Several hundred members of Oaxacan indigenous groups and their supporters picketed the Mexican Consulate today in solidarity with the people of Oaxaca. Afterward, APPO/LA member Odelia Romero provided a 10 minute interview in English explaining the nature of the Oaxacan movement and its local support groups (included).

Israel's Cluster Bomb War "What We Did Was Insane and Monstrous" (tags)

Dropped so late in the war, it's hard to imagine what specific military objective these bombs could possibly have been meant to accomplish. Instead, they seem to have been dropped as a final, gratuitous act of violence in a war waged against an entire population. The vast majority of the 1,200 Lebanese killed by Israeli bombardments were civilians; one in three was a child.

South Central Farms 2005 Live Concert CD with Zack De La Rocha, Son De Madera, and more.. (tags)

In November 2005 thousands came to the South Central Farms to attend a benefit concert in support of this struggle. The concert featured Zack De La Rocha with Son De Madera, Los Cojolites, Quetzal , and many others. You can download the entire LIVE compilation CD from this historical event below.

Judaism And Zionism Are Not The Same Thing (tags)

The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.

Where's the Sense of Panic or Urgency? (tags)

The nation goes nuts if it hears about a mad cow somewhere or if a bird comes down with flu, but global warming, a biblical flood on the way within a generation? Who cares?

New Book, Appeals to Both Black and White America to Wake-up…Time Is Of the Essence (tags)

Katrina is a red flag to all of America. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth. An ill wind is blowing and there is a great storm gathering in America’s societal.

World Can't Wait Pre-Demos All Along Wilshire Building to Mass Demo at 5pm Today (tags)

Pre-demonstrations erupted at eight corners along the entire length of Wilshire Blvd. today, building to the mass World Can't Wait demonstration at Westwood and Wilshire at 5pm TODAY! BE THERE!

Save the Leatherbacks (tags)

30 sec. Leather back sea turtles have been on earth for 150 Million years. Longline fishing and corporate politics are killing these gentle beings. In the Pacific, these volkswagwen sized turtles lay eggs in Malaysia and eat Jellyfish in San Francisco, in between they navigate the entire width of the Pacific along turtle highways. These gentle beings may all be extinct in 10 years. Please support Leatherback preservation efforts.

The Shell Game of Reform Has Mobilized Tons of Energy for A Feeble Outcome (tags)

We've had more than 200 years of reform methodology, and look where it has gotten us. As soon as reformers can finally stop one abuse of authority, a hundred more surface and immediately flower. Duh, maybe it's time to see the system as it really is!

The Occupation: " Do uproot that which is planted" (tags)

“The whole project of settlement in the territories was born in sin and expanded in deceit, underhand planning and shady organising that by-passed the Knesset and Budget allocations.” Shulamit Aloni Shulamit Aloni, the founding leader of Meretz (no, of Ratz, one of the 3 parties from which Meretz was formed. D) and an Education Minister in the government of Yitzhak Rabin is a fierce critic of the Occupation and a leading activist in the Israeli Peace Movement. Her views are always worth listening to:


William F. Buckley lied as usual, on the Dennis Miller Show on CNBC on my CATV system yesterday. He was trying to sell a book of lies about the Berlin Wall. The biggest whopper told was when he conceded to Dennis that WE WON THE COLD WAR. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Doom & Delusion In TheShadow Of Rome (tags)

t's as if our entire colonial experiment, known as "America" had been bought at an auction without our consent, as slaves were sold not so long ago. Unfortunately, the highest bidders happened to be the multinational arms manufacturers, oil companies, and drug pushers. Now, with the protection of the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, etc. and their neofascist "Homeland Security" Department which bundles them together, these extremely wealthy elitists feel they can get away with anything, kill as many people as they like and have their media paint it as heroism, take away an entire nation and replace it with profitable industrial dictatorship and call this "democracy." It would all be laughable if it weren't so deadly.

Niagara's Toxi-tomic Legacy (tags)

Lou Ricciuti, who co-authored with Geoff Kelly "The Bomb that Fell on Niagara," a series of 12 articles that appeared in Buffalo's ArtVoice, is continuing the saga of Niagara County's atomic legacy beginning today at


Zionists Have Fomented Hatred Of Jews (tags)

The heretic Herzl wrote in his own abominable diary that increasing anti-Semitism would be of great help to his movement. The great rabbis of the generation were terrified of the horrific libel and slander undertaken by the Zionists that would ultimately result in hatred of the Jewish People.

An Inspector Calls: (Bush hoist by own Petard) (tags)

But we were wrong. Far from being a whitewash, Kay's report has turned out to be one of the most devastating and unflinching exposes of war crimes in world history. In damning detail, Kay has revealed the torturous machinations and evil practices of a ruthless tyrant seeking to thwart the clear will of the UN Security Council and the international community, using false declarations and crude propaganda to mask his secret plans to abet terrorism, wage aggressive war and threaten the entire world with weapons of mass destruction. Those apologists for tyranny, who for months doubted the veracity of these charges, have now been shown to be nothing more than knaves, fools, lickspittles and dupes.

Arrest the president now! (tags)

The Traitorous Bush Junta has committed crime after crime and murder after murder. If you do not express your outrage then you are an accessory. PERIOD - no wiggle room. If you do not stand up for what is right then you are supporting the evil. "I didn't know" doesn't cut it.

Arrest the president now! (tags)

Enough 9/11 evidence exists to hang Bush, imprison thousands (Will the U.S.A. survive this crisis?)



kpfk LAB votes 12 to 11 against bylaws draft B (tags)


More War! (tags)

The solar-industrial revolution would have put you thieves out of business before trying to enslave the entire world. But then you'd have no "power", would you?

U.S. Lost the War Before It Started (tags)

Undoubtedly the U.S. will experience a military victory in Iraq as well as a complete and thorough occupation of the entire country but a military occupation does not a society make.

Oil for White People! Woohoo, Dead Iraqi Children Now! (tags)

It seems that the corporate press cabal of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Regime controlled NPR and just about every major newspaper in America sets policy for press coverage week to week

The hidden goal of war (tags)

The final goal of american strategists through the war against Iraq is to seek the worst terrorist chaos we ever seen in order to justify their future military dictatorship upon the entire world.

Judaism And Zionism Are (tags)

The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night.

The Dream In Flames (tags)

Dictator Bush and his wimpy quisling suckups at the New York Times, CNN, and Fox have proved that Adolf Hitler's strategy was right - if you tell a lie enough times it soon becomes the truth in the public mind.

THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson

Report Backs/ N20 Not In Our Name Youth (tags)

more reports coming in

March Against Long Beach Police Brutality Feb 9th (tags)

Recently the LBPD have begun intesifying there campaign against free speech and demonstrators in Long Beach. People have been arrested unlawfully, followed home, and physically attacked. It is important that the entire community show up for this one!

America-Slavery's Still in Effect (tags)

The WTO is set to begin its meeting Friday, November 9. The IMF/World Bank will follow in Ottawa on the 16th. These institutions are on the front lines to further America's agenda of commodifying the entire world's population, along with everything else, living and non-living. We must stop Uncle Sam, the ultimate terrorist, in his tracks.

Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Vaporizing the Entire Middle East (tags)

Today, I was trying to eat a very tasty plate of spaghetti when the guy at the next table over echoed what seems to be the majority sentiment to, as he so cleverly and insightfully put it, "Achieve energy independence, then completely obliterate the entire Middle East." Never mind that Afghanistan is 1000 miles away; let's investigate this idea:

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I (tags)

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV (tags)

Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV

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