fix articles 32528, exposed Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : exposed


1)stop all crime 2) lies on internet (tags)

This report is in 2bparts: Stop all crime ; lies on the internet.

Elevated Rates of Thyroid Disease in California Newborn Linked to Fukushima Fallout (tags)

A new study indicates that rates of a thyroid disease in California newborn spiked after they were exposed to fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.

Sheriff Arpaio and Cronies Exposed in Federal Court (tags)

The criminal conduct of Arpaio Exposed

Richard Silverstein: exposed (tags)

Notorious hate mongering Richard Silverstein is exposed as a fraud and a chlarletan

Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed (tags)

Senate report confirms the millions of bribe ( and other means ) money used to direct the corporate media into certain 'viewpoints' that never, ever become critical of the Israeli state. ­

Israeli hand in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib exposed (tags)

Israeli hand in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib exposed

PFP Candidate Dina Padilla Continues Battle Against Toxic Site (tags)

After winning a court battle in a case that developer Stuart Lichter had charged that Dina Padilla had made false claims regarding human health hazards that exist on a property that he owns, Dina Padilla says the battle will not be over until the toxic site in Downey, California is no longer a threat to the public and workers.

Rancho Cucamonga has poisonous, cancer-causing air (tags)

A local steel company is polluting the air.

Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious HLS (tags)

Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab Executive Paul Moravek Convinced As Animal Cruelty Exposed

Tear Gas & Chronic Health Problems - Physicians For Social Repsonsibility (tags)

Tear gas contains chemicals that cause birth defects, infertility, brain damamge, and cancer. Infants and children are particularly sensitive to these chemical hazards. Here's much more info from our friends at Physicians For Social Responsibility - LA ("Tear Gas Clouds and Chronic Health Problems")

We all gonna hit the jackpot REAL SOON (tags)

Depleted uranium is worse than allergies.

The U.S. Military is in DU (uranium weapons) Denial (tags)

Thursday 13 April, 2006 by Susu Jeffrey

Ongoing threat of radioactive depleted uranium (tags)

The nuclear threat of depleted uranium continues to plague US soldiers and Iraqi civilians experiencing illness and/or death from exposure to radioactive DU..

Fluoride, uranium X, cancer in workers (tags)

Fluoride and uranium based nuclear weapons manufacture in the 1950's exposed many North American citizens of African descent to radiation and fluoride exposure..

Will Dean Make a Difference? (tags)

With Dean at the head of the Democratic Party, will it wtop being a confrontation-averse, Republican-aping, corporate-cash wheedling…and election-losing opposition, or will it start fighting back? The Social Security battle will be a good place to find out whether Dean can still yell.

Breaking News: 911 Plot Uncovered (tags)

Tell everyone about this website immediately. This is an emergency! Once the truth is finally exposed to the public, it will send shockwaves throughout America. But, what you must also realize is that once this is exposed, the consequences will not merely be the impeachment of a president, the imprisonment of an entire administration, or even the tremendous monetary fluctuations from new insurance claims....the result of this may be the 2nd American Civil War.

LA's UnNaked World Bike Ride (tags)

It must have been my emails to all the city council members of Santa Monica who supported the onslaught of three to four dozen police officers who greeted us would-be, naked, cycling protestors of Oil Dependency with a paddy wagon, dune buggies, cycling escorts of their own, and video taping equipment. Who ever thought LA might be boring?


JAQUES CHIRAC, has exposed himself, to politicaly dangerous links, to the KGB, by agreeing, to be allowed, to view classified RUSSIAN secrets, pertaining, to the ever growing space program, which is expected to expand, yesterday, into French Guyana. Spain was apparantly wacked in retaliation. extra, commas, for, Putin.

San Joaquin Valley barren fields (tags)

When traveling through the vast San Joaquin Valley, one cannot help but noticing all the barren fields devoid of life. What happens to soil ecosystem biodiversity when exposed to UV radiation with no cover?

Full Text of Osama's Message To Americans (tags)

What the corporate media won't show you: the full text translation of Osama's latest message.


City Credit Card Corruption

Moscow Gas Deaths - Why is the media trying so hard to mislead us? (tags)

We're being bombarded in every newspaper and TV report with "expert opinions" that the gas responsible for 116 hostage deaths in Moscow was an agent known as BZ. However, there are clear and obvious reasons why it could NOT have been BZ. A brief internet search would have elicited this information. Why are they conducting such a well-coordinated misinformation campaign?

Police Officers Exposed as Black Bloc Wannabe's (tags)

These cops were trying really hard to "look" like they were black bloc demonstrators. The Black Bloc are typified as thin young looking fellows, and these guys, well.... We just don't know what they were thinking. I guess they were trying to be slick, and put up a front that obviously didn't work. Here they are exposed by one of the SDIMC cameramen. This is also a photo exported from video, and so we have footage of these guys strolling along with the activists acting as if they were one of them.

Gore's Lies on Tax Plan Exposed (tags)

Gore's Lies on Tax Plan Exposed, As His Lead Erodes In Key Battleground States, Like Illinois and Michigan

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