fix articles 32455, tam dalyell
'60 Minutes' NOT going to cover Mearsheimer/Walt book about pro-Israel lobby (tags)
'60 Minutes' NOT going to cover Mearsheimer/Walt book:
Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)
Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation
WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)
WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation
(JINSA/PNAC associated) Cheney favors attack on Iran (for Israel, of course!) (tags)
Cheney wants US to attack Iran for Israel!
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace
The Elites Know We're Right (tags)
The Elites Know We're Right
Cheney Under Pressure to Quit Over False War Evidence (tags)
Anger grows on both sides of Atlantic at misleading claims on eve of Iraq conflict
Scandal Of 'Lost' Iraqi POWS - Only 2,000 Are Accounted For (tags)
The Red Cross yesterday accused Tony Blair and George Bush of breaching the Geneva Convention over the shabby treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war.
Why the Left will never put its hands up (tags)
Being a leftist means you never have to say you're sorry.
From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek (tags)
Barely into its second week Operation Easy Sailing is in big trouble. One simple way of measuring just how big is by adding up all the time you hear the phrases “all according to Plan”, and the “Our strategy is sound”.
John Pilger: "Blair is a Coward" (tags)
William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression "blood on his hands" to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order the mass killing of ordinary people.
UN Authorization Can't Mke Rank Imperialism Just (tags)
If a war without UN authorization would be wrong, does that mean that a war with UN authorization would be right?
British labor unions threaten Tony Blair with "regime change" (tags)
Union leaders yesterday warned Tony Blair that he will be deserted by the labour movement if he goes ahead with a war in Iraq without a second security council resolution.
This war came from a think tank (tags)
As far back as 1998, ultra right US think tanks had developed and published plans for an era of US world domination, sidelining the UN and attacking Iraq
"I, like many other supporters of the Constitution, have been asking since the 2000 election; exactly what drives the foreign policy of the Bush Administration. The answer is revealed in the doctrines of the Policy for the New American Century, (PNAC) "