fix articles 32425, goldwater
Barry Goldwater, Social Security & My Mother (tags)
Goldwater's stand on Social Security became a turning point in my life
Quincy, Massachusetts Goldwater Campaign was Run by Nazi! (tags)
Zionists in their zeal to defend Israel and Zionism will go to extremes to discredit anyone who has the courage to criticize Israel in even the slightest fashion. The reason I wrote this article was that someone had left a comment at the Austin Indymedia site after having read my article, entitled Zionist Myth: There Never Was A Nation Of Palestine. They said: "Harrington is a run of the mill Nazi slug." I knew that my defence of the Palestinian people would place me in the sites of the Zionist's before I wrote this article and I wasn't deterred then nor shall I be in the future!
Bush v. Bush-lite: Chomsky's Lesser-Evilism (tags)
There is no question that the Bush administration's policies are "cruel and savage", but John Kerry (along with the majority of Democrats in the Senate) supported most of them, including the war on Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the war on Iraq, and the "No Child Left Behind" education act. As Marjorie Williams pointed out in the Washington Post recently, "Kerry voted for so many of Bush's major initiatives that in order to disown them now he can only argue that they were wrongly or dishonestly 'implemented.' This amounts to a confession that his opponent made a chump of him for the past three years. In fact, one might argue that Kerry is a poster boy for all the ways in which congressional Democrats have allowed themselves to be rolled by the Bush administration."
The old Republican conservatism, like that of Barry Goldwater, was essentially libertarian. But a new pack Republicans, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, are exuberant about issues the old gaurd deplored, like abortion and gay rights.
Swindled by the Great Republican Deception (tags)
The modern American Libertarian is very different from European-variety libertarians (anarchist-socialists) like Noam Chomsky, they are instead direct descendants of Republicans Barry Goldwater & Ronald Reagan. And they are battling for your body and soul.
"Young Americans for Freedom" hold anti-French protest (tags)
The NEO-FASCIST "Young Americans for Freedom" (YAF) organized an anti-French protest in Westwood, March 7th 2003. Here's a brief history of the jackbooted frat boy fascists.