fix articles 32275, executive council
US-Mexico Border Worker Solidarity March/Action Against NAFTA & For Driscolls Agricultur (tags)
Mexican and US workers and activists joined on both sides of the border to oppose the wall, racist attacks and NAFTA. They also called for unity of US and Mexican workers against the multi-nationals that exploit workers on both sides of the border
Elizabeth Warren: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Syrian Chemical Weapons Deal: What Follows? (tags)
Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons (tags)
America's New World Order Agenda (tags)
Obama's New Consumer Watchdog (tags)
consumer interests won't be much helped
Trumka and the Labor Press Bury Scandal About Removal of ‘Ethical Practices’ Clause (tags)
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka kept his determined silence, refusing to explain or investigate how an “ethical practices” clause, that had been in effect since the founding of the Labor Federation in the 1950s, had been removed in the 2005 edition of the Constitution.
AFL-CIO’s Dull, Narrowly-Based Culture Has No Appeal to Young Working People (tags)
Harry's over 90 years old, but he's nailed one of the big problems of the AFL-CIO's labor movement - it has no appeal to young working people. It's a bunch of old people - grandparents and great-grandparents.
"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)
On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.
THREE STATES to vote on forwarding REAL impeachment bills that require US House votes (tags)
author: Constitutionalist ....your own state's legislators can introduce Impeachment Proceedings against Bush immediately as a State Legislature Joint Resolution, that then goes on to be a preferred bill, meaning that it automatically takes precedence over all other bills then in Congress!
Cindy Sheehan: “Bush’s Presidency Is Illegitimate!” (tags)
Cindy Sheehan is back in Washington, D.C. She appeared at a Forum, on Jan. 30, 2006, proposing the impeachment of both President George W. Bush and his vice-president-in-mayhem, Dick Cheney. Sheehan believes Bush’s election in 2000, by the Supreme Court was illegitimate and that his abrogating to himself Congress’s war making powers to invade Iraq was unconstitutional. Congress won’t do anything, Sheehan said, “unless we make them” do it.
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists: Building labor-community unity for progress (tags)
The People's Weekly World interviewed William (Bill) Lucy, president of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, at its 34th annual convention in Phoenix, May 29. Martin Frazier, contributing editor, conducted the interview.
Black trade unionists urge labor unity (tags)
PHOENIX — “There are no more common allies than the broad community and organized labor, and there are no more natural allies than organized labor and the African American community,” Coalition of Black Trade Unionists President Bill Lucy told the estimated 1,500 delegates at the 34th annual CBTU convention here May 26.
No jobs, endless war: ‘Bush has made a mess’ From labor to hip-hop, voters mobilize to def (tags)
CHICAGO — Eight thousand Pillowtex workers were thrown out of work a year ago when the textile giant shut its doors.
Labor and Patriot Acts I and II: (tags)
A case for political action President George W. Bush heads the most viciously anti-worker, anti-labor administration we have seen in a long time. He and his corporate backers are hell-bent on blocking any new advances for labor and on rolling back existing labor rights.
Revisionist historian ruled a racist in court (tags)
Director of the right-wing Adelaide Institute Dr Frederick Toben doubted the Holocaust on his website and claimed that Jewish people who disagreed with his views were of limited intelligence.
Memphis 1968: We remember (tags)
An assassin’s bullet felled the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. King had come to Memphis to support a strike by the city’s sanitation workers.
The Bush Outrage(s) of the Month list (tags)
(see related story below) As part of its campaign to put a four-year limit on George W. Bush’s tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the AFL-CIO has drawn up what might be called the “Outrage of the Month” list of attacks against working people by the Bush administration since taking office in January 2001.
Who are the Palestinians (tags)
encyclopedia of peace
AFL-CIO Immigrant Workers meeting June 10, 2000 (tags)
Following the historic AFL-CIO policy shift on immigration, more than 10,000 immigrant workers, religious, community, and union leaders attended the union movement's regional forum on Saturday, June 10 at the Sports Arena in downtown Los Angeles.