fix articles 32254, central park
The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)
Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.
January - April 2021 Honduras coup update (tags)
This Jan-April 2021 in Honduras. Police brutality is on the radar with severe cases of assassination by police including the globally known case of Keyla Martinez and other less known cases. There are also assassination of organisers, updates on political prisoners and vaccines and more..
September 2020 Honduras coup update (tags)
A much loved journalist broadcasted after he was shot several times by attackers. Three elderly environmental defenders were massacred. Thousands marched in the Independence Day demonstrations and were repressed with brutal beatings and 15 arrests. Pushes begin for model cities under the pandemic. Another doctor dies of COVID-19. This and other news: This September 2020,
Escalation of State Power (tags)
Uprising in America. The time has come to tear down the system and create a "different America." "The moderate white man for whom order is more important than justice is the greatest obstacle to freedom," said Martin Luther King.
Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas: Being free, being high and eminent domain (tags)
The proclamation of a national climate emergency, the ban on oil and gas exports and the import of cheap medicines from Canada are to be implemented by means of the so-called "Executive Order"
May 2019 Honduras Coup update (tags)
This May 2019 in Honduras, starting with May Day, and culminating in 2 days of general strike in the continued struggle against the privatisation of education and healthcare. Way too many gunshots in different protests, and brutal repression generally. Several killed. Read on for details
September 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)
This September 2018 in Honduras. There has been heavy repressions against school students, students and others protesting the celebrating of 'independence' day since independence is not seen or felt, and more attacks against Rio Blanco by DESA hydroelectricity company only within a week or two from when DESA has been in court on trial for its members being assassins of indigenous activist Berta Caceres...
Video: The long dark shadows of plutocracy - the NYC housing crisis (tags)
Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation, said Arnold Kunzli, emeritus Swiss professor, in 1990. (
Constitutionally Protected Symbolic Speech (tags)
class war
"The Mother of All Evil is Speculation!": Oliver Stone's "Wall Street 2" (tags)
In "Wall Street 2," Wall Street is marked by profiteering, lack of understanding for Asians and fixation on getting the customer "on the hook" at the end. "This is the biggest sellout in history... If we don't do it, there will be no history."
The Occupied West Bank Latroun Villages (tags)
occupied and persecuted
It’s Still a Military Coup in Honduras (tags)
"We’ve already praised the singular work of TeleSur, and also of the courageous Hondurans who have broken the information blockade from below, filming coup abuses and the massive protests against them on their cell phones and uploading important videos to YouTube. And we’ve cheered as many corporate media organizations have become dependent on those reports-from-below in their own coverage. I’d like to add another media that deserves such recognition: Few have done the heavy lifting that Chiapas Indymedia has done, mainly in Spanish, to publish the communiqués, photos and videos that document the massive and organized nature of the Honduran grassroots movements with which it has worked and supported for years. (While the world mostly ignored Honduras in recent years, Chiapas Indymedia was shipping community radio transmitters and organizing communications workshops among Catrachos; that planting and cultivating bears significant fruit today in the information that does break out from behind the walls of censorship and simulation)."
FBI Surveillance methods of the Past (tags)
For anyone interested, here is an article about the FBI Special Surveillance Group or SSGs
Whittier Really Really Free Market (tags)
Really Really Free Market now happening in Whittier First one to be scheduled October 19th in conjunction with Whittier Food Not Bombs the same day which serves food the the hungry the first and third sunday of each month.
Whittier Food Not Bombs Re-Emerges! (tags)
After years of inactivity, a new chapter of Food Not Bombs is emerging in Whittier.
Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit (tags)
Free Speech Victory in Central Park Lawsuit
Dr. Bob Bowman - Patriot Tour 'Take Back America' for the Peop (tags)
Rancho Cucamonga, CA (PRWEB) May 23, 2007 -- Dr. Bob Bowman explains why we need a government that: (1) Follows the Constitution (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People. Afterward, he'll take your questions for discussion. The event is Thursday, May 31, 2007 from 7pm to 9pm at Rancho Cucamonga in Central Park, CA 91701 at the NW corner of Baseline & Milliken in Crafters Den on the East side of the Community Center.
Strengthening community ties to SAVE THE FARM
small WORLD interview with Jenny Marketou, multimedia artist (tags)
Interview with Jenny Marketou, multimedia artist
Opportunism, ANSWER and Palestine (tags)
It is so important that the movement against the war in Iraq draw the connection to all the wars the U.S. government is waging around the world. Inclusion of Palestine is a vital issue and an important part of building solidarity. But solidarity with Palestine should not be used as just a maneuver in an organizational struggle between ANSWER and UFPJ.
May Day Versus Loyalty Day (tags)
May Day versus McCarthy era like "Loyalty Day" opened a UN Conference against Nuclear Weapons that seemed doomed by ambiguities and lack of reportage from its very start… including vagueUS intentions towards peace contrasted by recent trends and “nuclearised” weapons that support pre emptive strikes. Meanwhile, Israel still vague about possessing nuclear weapons adds to its crimes against humanity in the Occupied Territories by dumping its waste on someone else’s homeland.
40,000 march to abolish nuclear weapons (tags)
NEW YORK — On May 1, the eve of a world meeting at the United Nations to review the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), tens of thousands of people from around the globe marched through the streets here under the slogan “No nukes! No wars!”
Each Step a Prayer For A Nuclear Free Future. (tags)
Fort Lee, NJ - On Saturday, April 30, 2005, an international group of people will arrive in Fort Lee NJ. They will be met by the Mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, and Hiroshima bomb survivors.
"Stop The Bombs" Peace Walk Visits 3 Mile Island (tags)
Latest update on the Stop The Bombs International Peace Walk from Oak Ridge Tennessee to the United Nations in New York city.
10,000 in first black-led Harlem peace march (tags)
The march from Harlem drew anywhere from 4,500 people, according to an unofficial police estimate, to nearly 10,000, according to legal observers. But its significance, organizers said, lay less in its size and more in the fact that this was the first black-led antiwar march to emerge from Harlem, a neighborhood they say symbolizes the disproportionate impact the war has had on communities of color.
Saving Schiavo While Burying the Real News (tags)
The corporate media were too busy covering a demonstration by 30 fundamentalists trying to keep Shiavo from meeting her maker to bother cover ing the global and nationwide demonstrations against the U.S. Iraq War.
Delivering the NO! at the RNC; The Battle for a Revolutionary Summation (tags)
As we sum up the week of protest at the RNC and look to the struggles ahead, we should think about those who will be cracking history books in the future. We need to think about this today as we run the streets and struggle to win hearts and minds, fighting for a whole different world. As we rise up to say NO! to this rolling juggernaut of imperialist destruction, we need to think about all those future people who will be learning about the historic struggles that took place in the early part of the 21st century. When the world was crackling with both danger and did history unfold?
WWP candidates condemn RNC/police repression (tags)
Half-Million Marchers Defy N.Y. Mayor Bloomberg to Denounce Bush War and Lies (tags)
Despite threats and intimidation from New York’s Republican Mayor, a record half million protesters marched in New York City against Bush’s war in Iraq and his attacks on civil liberties at home in a disciplined and spirited march past the RNC convention site.
RNC/NYC Anti-War Protest Interview With Sue Niederer, MFSO Anti-War Mother (tags)
An interview with Sue Niederer after the mass Anti-War march today in NYC
Courts Kill Park Rally Idea, But the Park Rally is On (tags)
Both a New York state court and a federal district court have shot down protest groups’ efforts to win permits for a Central Park demonstration, but in what looks to be a major victory for people power and a slap at Mayor Bloomberg, the Sunday anti-Bush, anti-War rally on the park’s Great Lawn is on, with protesters planning to head there immediately after the march ends.
On Aug. 29, Be There, Wherever ‘There’ Is (tags)
Whatever a state court decides, the anti-Bush, anti-War march in New York City is on, so don’t let Mayor Bloomberg’s efforts deter you from heading to Manhattan this Sunday.
August 29 Could Be a Very Slow Day, So Bring a Toothbrush (tags)
New York Cops Tax Forever to Write Up a Ticket, and Things Could Get Even Slower if They Decide to Go on Strike August 29
A29 Call to Reclaim the Park at RNC (tags)
A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004
ON AUGUST 29, RECLAIM THE PARK A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004
What's Behind the Attacks on the RCP and What's at Stake (tags)
On September 27, 2001, only 16 days after the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, the Washington Times ran an article entitled "Communists, Go Home." Ostensibly in response to a long-planned Washington mobilization against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund by forces in the anti- globalization movement, this article was a very clear call to put communists in the government's crosshairs immediately after 9/11.
TURNING THE TABLES ON CRYPTOME.ORG: SPY PHOTO OF THEIR HQ (tags) ( ) says it wants to be "the most disreputable site on the web," and it pursues this goal by publishing declassified government memos and information about Government officials, including the names of FBI agents and pictures of officials' houses - the so-called "Eyeballing" series of photos. Here we have turned the tables on Cryptome operator John Young, "Eyeballing" his own abode.
Fiddling while Rome burns (tags)
America produces a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, the population has risen by 100 million since 1970 and when an area three times the size of Britain was recently opened up for mining, drilling, logging and road building, no one took much notice. What does the Bush administration do? It ignores all attempts to curb environmental damage. In a major investigation that took him from the Salton Sea in California to Crooked Creek in Florida, Matthew Engel reports on how America is ravaging the planet
Protest against Arnold in Pasadena TODAY!!! NO GOVERNOR GANGBANG!!!
Hotel California: The White House is Run by Abaddon (tags)
Water flouridation and the CIA trafficking drugs are the least of our worries. The American Government is run by Satanic worshippers. The end is near...
Pasadena says NO to Arnold! (tags)
Protest against Arnold in Pasadena!! NO GOVERNOR GANGBANG!!!
The Patriot Act and Persecution of Sherman Austin (LA Weekly article) (tags)
Former Sen. Patrick Moynihan Dies at 76
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! (tags)
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! Physicians For Social Responsibility - Los Angeles will be helping to coordinate health care professionals (MD's, DO's, NP's, RN's, PA's, EMT's, etc) and others volunteering to provide health care at the site of the large protests planned in various locations around Southern California after the beginning of Gulf War II.
“No War on Iraq!” Thurs. Protest! (tags)
Air strikes on Baghdad have begun. Join the Asians\Pacific Islander Contingent at the Westwood Federal Building protest, March 20th (5 pm), and say “No War on Iraq!”
George W. Bush has issued his ultimatum. War is imminent. Now more than ever are We the People compelled to come out and voice our opposition to this dangerous unilateral invasion. Please join one of the vigils below on the day the bombing starts - it won't be too late:
Health care volunteers and supplies needed for Gulf War II protests - Please Join Us! (tags)
Physicians For Social Responsibility - LA will be helping to coordinate health care professionals (MD's, DO's, NP's, RN's, PA's, EMT's, etc) volunteering to provide health care at the site of the large protests planned in Southern California upon the beginning of Gulf War II. Health care providers who can donate their services and/or supplies may contact PSR-LA for further information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Pasadena Candlelight Vigil (tags)
Some pictures of the Pasadena candlelight vigil. Info on what to do if the war starts.
Usual suspects are behind anti-war protests (tags)
The sponsor of the New York rally was the umbrella group United for Peace and Justice, which can be described as the crazy far-left on its best behavior. he stench arising from the organizers attracts zero interest in the mainstream press. Writing in National Review, Byron Scott called it "the story no one wants to hear about the anti-war movement." If anti-war demonstrations were being organized by a tobacco company or the Augusta National Golf Club, the liberal establishment would erupt in screams of protest. No screaming now, though. These sponsors are just off-the-wall loonies and Stalinist front groups.
BTL: Massive Worldwide Protests Demand a Peaceful Resolution of Iraq Crisis (tags)
Interviews with Leslie Cagan, veteran protest organizer, and Angela Davis, long-time activist, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris
Bike Block NYC recap F-15 (tags)
NYC protest news
Absurd Responses vs. Earnest Politics; Global Justice vs. Anti-War Movements; Guerilla The (tags)
The Bush Administration is drawing the United States and the world ever closer to a state of permanent military engagement, So what do we do?” the front of the card asked. The back explained: “Throw a party!!! Activism doesn’t have to mean droning speeches, dull chants, and tired slogans. To sustain the growing movement over the long haul, we need humor, theater, music, flamboyance, irony, and fun.”
Certainties and Unlikelihoods (tags)
What we know about the Central Park Jogger case.
Open - Air Service Sends a Message for Peace (tags)
12/8/02 The Pasadena Mennonite Church held services this morning at Central Park in Pasadena CA.
October 6: Tens of thousands pledge: (tags)
Tens of thousands said it together on October 6--in dozens of rallies and gatherings across the U.S., on banners and T-shirts, signs and songs, in chants, speeches and a solemn common pledge of resistance. Everywhere, on banners, flyers, signs and shirts was that photo of our beautiful planet floating in space--as a symbol of unity across borders and dreams of a better world.
Building Bridges Radio-Rep. McKinney, & Actors, Sarandon, Robbins & Sheen Against the War (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27.5 minute radio program on the growing opposition to the war on Iraq.
Not In Our Name Protest October 6th (tags)
Sunday October 6 - War Without End? NOT IN OUR NAME! Westwood Federal Building 1pm
War Without End? Not In Our Name O6 (tags)
Info for the Upcoming Days of Resistance Oct. 6 &7th
NOT IN OUR NAME-Days of Resistance Info (tags)
War With No End? Not In Our End