fix articles 32007, courthouse square
May 21 Deadline to Change Your Party Status to Peace & Freedom or Green to Save Both (tags)
You have until May 21, 2012 to change your party status or register to vote for the 6/5/12 election Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party to save these two parties, due to the anti-democratic “Top Two” Primary Prop 14 passed in June 2010. These 2 parties have been on the ballot only due to receiving enough votes in November elections, but not due to registration. Now, it must be by registration only. The Decline to State voters are 21% of the registered voters, or some 3 million people. If you want choices, you have to care about the parties NOW because Peace & Freedom and Green will most likely not make the Top Two for November and will be gone forever when this happens, as it will, in 2014, the governor’s race and other statewide constitutional offices.
12/30: Latest Lists of Protest Worldwide Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)
Over 60 protests will be schedule at the U.S. and the World on Tuesday December 30 and the following week!
Dr. Al-Arian Transfered to Custody of Immigration Authorities on Friday (tags)
Dr. Al-Arian's hunger strike continues; he has lost 34 pounds. Please contact the Attorney General Fax Number: (202) 307-6777
Report Backs/ N20 Not In Our Name Youth (tags)
more reports coming in