fix articles 31869, free education
Public Good or Private Wealth (tags)
The deep and growing chasm between the rich and the poor is not an accident. This gulf is the result of political decisions. Many rich countries have lowered or abolished property taxes. Governments reduce spending on education and health care.
Support the Protests says Ohio Socialist Senate Candidate (tags)
Dan La Botz, the Cincinnati school teacher who joined the Ohio race for U.S. Senate last month, issued a statement today supporting the national day of protests over the crisis in education. He also called for the creation of system of free, quality public education such as some states, such as California, had in the 1960s. “The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress provided trillions in grants, loans, and federal insurance to banks and corporations for the bailouts,” said La Botz. “The total military and war budget comes to almost $750 billion dollars. The President’s proposed education budget is just under $50 billion dollars. The Obama government provided hundreds of times more money to the bankers than it will to teachers and students, and it will spend 15 times more on arms and war than on our children’s education. Obama proposes more loans for college students, loans that will saddle more families and students with more debt. We don’t need loans—we need free education.”
Shut down LA March 4th! Mtgs (tags)
On March 4th cities across California and thorughout the nation will engage in strikes, work stoppages, occupations, and rallies for public education
Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees (tags)
While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.
US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible (tags)
As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.
Alexander Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)
The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.
Lt. Gov. Candidate Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)
The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.
Occupation, not democracy! (tags)
This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.