fix articles 31813, ten
Ten facts about SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine)
John Dingler's "Ten Prosecuted Whistleblowers (tags)
Work inspired by what I learned at Occupy Riverside and at the 28ers
Iraq: Ten Years After the Invasion (tags)
The wars begun in 2001 have been tremendously painful for millions of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, and the United States, and economically costly as well. Each additional month and year of war will add to that toll.
Students Support Worker Demands for Independent Unions and End to Abuses (tags)
Monday, March 1, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - The student movement made an unexpected move in solidarity with university employees in a large-scale action at Pomona College, a private institution and part of the Claremont consortium of colleges at the eastern edge of Los Angeles County. Well over a hundred students joined with numerous employees of the three campus dining commons, other Pomona employees, and a few faculty members to deliver a petition to Pomona President Oxtoby.
Ten Days Left to Apply to the 2010 School of Authentic Journalism (tags)
It is a herald of the hour we live in that the New York Times has to lay off eight percent of its news reporters but the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism is out scouting and recruiting for a different kind of journalism that is growing and on the ascent.
Bilingual publication "Talk on Anarchism" (tags)
Publication in English and Serbo-Croatian language which is result of ten debates on anarchism held between May 2006 and May 2007 at the Cultural Center "Dom omladine" in Belgrade/Serbia.
If we all act togeather (tags)
Keep it going
One scientific report which was published the day of the IPCC report shows that the sea level rise will be much more than stated by the IPCC. Here are excerpts from an excellent article posted to the Monthly Review:
Top 10 Corporate Spenders On 2006 Initiatives Give $134 Mil. (tags)
Corporations Give 61% of Total Initiative Funding, Outspend Unions 12 To 1 Prop. 89 Will Level the Playing Field
Best Candidate Coverage; California Channel (tags)
The California Channel has provided the best political coverage of candidates running for statewide office in the 2006 California General Election. They get ten stars.
On July 5th of this year ten courageous environmental activists took direct action in an attempt to stop the destruction of the South Central Farm. Their actions were non-violent, yet they received injuries from police violence. Now they are facing excessive charges from the Los Angeles District Attorney office. The hearings for three of these defenders of the farm begin this Thursday. Supporters of the fight to take back the South Central Farm are asked to attend the hearing to show support for those who put themselves on the frontline in the fight for environmental justice.
Arrest update from the farm (tags)
Ten people arrested at the South Central Farm today.
NIFC Report Of NY Hunger Strike Commemoration (tags)
The 25th anniversary commemoration of the 1981 Irish Hungerstrike in New York
Police arrested TEN students at the University of California-Riverside (tags)
At midnight, police arrested TEN students at the University of California-Riverside for participating in a non-violent civil disobedience
Welcome to California Thread - Picture taken from thread (Spelling errors and capitals from the original)
Buddhist Priest: Ten Commandments are "Imperfect" (tags)
Buddhism is the religion of tolerance. But one Buddhist priest is campaigning against "imperfect religions" and "imperfect precepts."
2004's Top War Profiteers (tags)
A list of the top corporate war profiteers from 2004.
In his new book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," Mark Crispin Miller paints a sobering picture of the American extreme right and its campaign to dismantle Constitutional government and replace it with a pseudo-religious, "Christo-fascist" theocracy in which Old Testament law--and the Ten Commandments--would be brutally enforced. Death by stoning for adultery, for abortion, for homosexuality, and even for disobedient children. Could it happen here? Is the Bush administration already pursuing this vision? And will we vote to reject this vision on November 2? Yes, we will!
Ten Ways to Become a Better Democrat (tags)
Fellow radicals: recent events have made it clear that the primary task facing good people everywhere is unconditional support for the Democratic Party, the only party capable not only of removing a very, very bad man from office, but also increasing the pay envelope of starving and desperate Nation, Salon, MoveOn, and Sierra Club coffee-coolata-warriors across America. I submit my humble contribution to this effort by offering a list of ten virtues to cultivate in your personal journey towards becoming a better Democrat.
with the help of more ex-radicals turned sensible, pragmatic Democrats like you to convey our message, we can definitely save America. For ourselves.
Yard Sign Project Red, white and blue signs, approximately 1.5' x 2', are to be placed in front yards and other public locations.
Right Wing Judge Gets Big Ol' Boot (tags)
It's a good day for adulterers and pagans alike.
Ron Paul, Libertarian Hero - Defender of the 10 Commandments (tags)
"The real tragedy is that our founders did not intend a separation of church and state, and never envisioned a rigidly secular public life for America." -- Texas Rep. Ron Paul (Republican-Libertarian)
Enlightened America has No Respect for God (tags)
Government today, which has become the new god, has reached a point where there just isn't enough room on the Grand Stage for two gods. Thus, the courts have consistently ruled in recent days that the 'Other God' and the Ten Commandments display must go.
Education working in Los Angeles in spite of itself it would seem...
Shows, Music, Articles about Hiroshima
Photos from March 20 protest, Westwood (tags)
Ten photos from the March 20 protest, Wilshire/Veteran, Westwood Federal Building. See more pictures via
Ten Thousand Plus Russians volunteer to defend Iraq (tags)
Timofei BYELO PRAVDA.Ru 00:47 2003-03-06
EMpire doesn't know where Home is (tags)
The world need to kn ow just how ignorant and screwed up people in the US are. Go to a mall or fancy health food store and watch all of thge fat hippies spending ten dollars for fresh organic soy bean snacls and bottledwater. Hope you laugh as you virtually choke them(YOU?)
Boycott EXXON and MOBIL (tags)
Join the resistance!!!! We are going to hit close to $3.00 a gallon by the summer. Do you want gasoline prices to come down? We need to take some intelligent, united action.
Ten Disgusting Things about Corporations (tags)
Fast fact sheet about how corporations ruin our lives
March Against Police Brutality in Long Beach (tags)
Feb 9th. 3pm. Lincoln Park (Broadway and Pacific) in Long Beach. This saturday.
March Against Police Brutality in Long Beach (tags)
the tyranny of the long beach pig department must be stopped!
Vandenberg Arrestees to be arraigned today in LA (tags)
Please show your support for the brave souls that went backcountry at Vandenberg AFB this weekend!
Felony Trials for GOP Protesters Begin With Kate Sorensen-- Accused "Ringleader" (tags)
Kate Sorensen, a long-time organizer and member of the AIDS activist group, ACT UP Philadelphia, was arrested on August 1, 2000, held on $1 million bail, later reduced to $100,000, and kept in jail for 10 days. She will stand trial this week on four felony charges: riot, risking catastrophe, criminal mischief, and conspiracy.
Top Reagan Official Unmasks Ten Myths In Support of Higher Military Spending (tags)
Lawrence Korb, assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration, criticizes key underlying assumptions of Gore & Bush military policy -- FROM THE LEFT! From
Federal judge rules that LAPD can be sued as a "criminal enterprise" (tags)
On Monday, in a first-of-its-kind lawsuit, a federal district ct. judge ruled that the LAPD's Rampart Division can be sued under federal "RICO" law as a "criminal enterprise". Among other things, this extends the statute of limitations for civil rights actions against the city by ten times -- raising it from 1 year (normal) to ten years (RICO). It also triples the city's civil liability, since RICO allows for triple damages.