fix articles 318048, mar
by naufragusSun Jul 16, 2006 at 01:55:55 PM PDT
This was originally meant as a response to a another diary. It ended up being too long and would have really messed up the formatting and screwed that diary up. I decided to post it on its own because I believe it contains information that people should be aware of. This is to give some perspective on one of the players in the current conflict -- Israel. This is just a smattering of highlights of news stories that don't seem to get much play here in the US. Its just 6 months in the life of Israel. I think it is important to remember that after Israel killed a family on a beach in Gaza their first reaction was to deny it. Then they tried to pin it on Hamas. After the shrapnel evidence revealed that they were indeed behind it, they reluctantly admitted guilt. I believe that fits the pattern of how they operate and speaks to their character. The current Gaza situtation was not started by a soldier being captured. They are not a country that, in my opinion, represents our values but rather one we generally oppose.
To mark the one-year Anniversary of the struggle against the war, Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace and Justice organized a gathering--The Peace Circle. About one hundred people sang and spoke during two hours about their feeling about the war in Iraq.
Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace&Justice oppose war profiteering (tags)
Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace and Justice has initiated a campaign to oppose war profiteering. At their weekly vigil May 16, Mar Vista NPJ called a meeting of the "Halliburton Board of Directors."