fix articles 318023, high school drop outs
High School Drop Outs in Chicago (tags)
Upon careful examination of the drop out epidemic, one can find that native americans, African Americans, and spanish speaking americans, among other minorities, have the highest paid drop out rate. Is the windy City that Michael Jordan did so much to change the "Al Capone" image of, now back-peddling, being first in the nation in murders so far this year, though not nearly the largest city in America.
High School Drop Outs in Chicago (tags)
Upon careful examination of the drop out epidemic, one can find that Native Americans, African Ameriucans, and Spanish speaking Americans, among other minorities, have the highest drop out rates. With Chicago leading the nation in the number of murders is it back peddling to the days of Al Capone, after Michael Jordon did much to change that image?