fix articles 317304, uss reid ffg
Nuclear Bomb LA 1983, Revelations tortured Witness Recovers from 14 year coma (tags)
A nuclear bomb was viewable from San Pedro in Los Angeles in 1983. I saw the edge of it and my girlfriend saw it directly from our apartment. I am Kurt Brown alias Saint Ram Bone, former USN Quartermaster on the USS Reid FFG 30 and I was a FDIC bank examiner and journalist
Nuclear Bomb Pacific 1983 and Recollections of the Quartermaster USS Reid FFG 30 (tags)
My website Mobile Audit Club details in daily foreword notes the recollections of a nuclear bomb viewable from Los Angeles in 1983 and surrounding events. The website is misfiring so I posted the historical information here. Kurt Brown former Quartermaster USS Reid FFG 30
1983 children radiation seaman cadets sought toured uss Reid ffg 30 Quartermaster (tags)
High schoolers exposed to nuclear blast in 1983 from seaman cadet school. High school age toured my USN ship the uss Reid ffg 30 where I was a quartermaster and witness to a nuclear blast and later saw hot spot in pacific and have tumors and other radiation symptoms