fix articles 3170, to bush
Heading for Ground War in Syria and Iraq (tags)
Republican Congressional Candidate Fingers the Bushies for planning 9/11 (tags)
author: Realpolitiker
Returning to Disneylandia After Three Months in Cuba (tags)
Here's a series of comments and observations, comparing various aspects of life in Cuba and the United States as seen by a U.S. activist who returned from a three-month visit to Cuba in early January 2006. The author directs a news service focusing on Cuba. Also provided are a series of links to additional comments and report which are referred to in this essay. Thanks for taking time to read it.
Full Text of Osama's Message To Americans (tags)
What the corporate media won't show you: the full text translation of Osama's latest message.
George Bush II’s exit strategy after seizing Iraq’s oil: Seize South America’s oil. (tags)
Bush/Reich/U.S. oil companies/CIA stage coup attempt in Venezuela to oust democratically-elected President Hugo Chávez. U.S. government gains control of media outlets, trying to incite civil war in Venezuela to seize country’s oil revenues.