fix articles 31659, net
All people are reporters (tags)
What is missing in the mainstream media landscape are background reports, essays, longer interviews, travel reports and what is called "investigative journalism". What is perhaps boring are ideology-critical internal debates about the right line, i.e. hermetic, exclusionary language. Many people know that Marxian political economy is back in fashion. But it needs an update.
State Investments and the Public Sector (tags)
The public infrastructure is something positive, even from a business perspective. it is a kind of advance concession, increases the entrepreneurial production potential and lowers the production costs. If state investments are trifling, this will have negative long-term effects
Philippines: 5 Makabayan bloc legislators got P481M pork barrel (tags)
Documents from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) last year showed that five congressmen belonging to the Makabayan bloc in the House of Representatives received a combined P481 million in Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) since President Aquino assumed office in 2010.
Fighting for Internet Freedom (tags)
Net Neutrality
Los Angeles Joins Nationwide #WaveOfAction Occupation of FCC Offices to #SaveTheInternet (tags)
The #WaveOfAction to #SaveTheInternet swept through twenty cities across the United States on Thursday, May 15, 2014, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on new rules to drastically change how the Internet operates.
Obama's War on Net Neutrality (tags)
police state
10 Things Pres. Obama Can Do Right Now (tags)
The state has a social nature and cannot only be a power and security state. The time is right for alternative economics, reducing working hours, expanding the public sector, shrinking financial sector and community centers.
net neutrality
"We need a new economic balance" (tags)
If the US removed the cap on social security taxes, public spirit and generational fairness would return to the states. At present, there is a cap at $106K. If you make $4 million, you only pay social security tax on the first $106K.
On the Way to the Digital Society (tags)
The net must be understood for what it is: a marvelous creative space that forces us to question traditional norms and values, organizational forms and superficially accepted conditions to find new ways into the future.
Grand Bargain Betrayal Coming (tags)
class war
BTL:Romney-Ryan: The GOP's Ticket to Slashing The Nation's Social Safety Net (tags)
Interview with Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, conducted by Scott Harris
World Economies on Life Support (tags)
class war
So Cal Diverting Homeless Funding to Others??? (tags)
Public Advocate on Santa Barbara Homeless task force blasts diversion of moneys away from homeless, rape crisis and other vulnerable populations to other perhaps worthy causes outside of the mandate. This is what is called a usurpation or diversion issue, in social worker lingo, but means basically that those on the bottom of the barrel continue to be overlooked by "helpers",
Money Power Runs America (tags)
class war
BTL:Obama Adopts GOP Agenda, Offers Deep Cuts in Social Safety Net Programs to Get Debt Ce (tags)
Interview with Richard Eskow, senior fellow with Campaign for America's Future, conducted by Scott Harris
Globalization and Media (tags)
Media theory starts from the idea that a changed media technology changes society and builds new communities. For the first time, the reader or recipient can also be a sender. The net opens up the horizon of democracy beyond constitutional and representative democracy.
Working America's Dismal State (tags)
BTL:Open Internet Activists: FCC Net Neutrality Rules a Sell-Out to Telecommunications Ind (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
Net Neutrality Threatened (Part II) (tags)
Net Neutrality threatened
The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)
Democrats will cave
US Congress Represents Fellow Millionaires (tags)
Democratic Representative of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi, claims assets of $60 million, with her home and vineyard worth about $15 million. Her investments include AT&T, Cisco Systems, Microsoft, Aloca, Apple, Dow Chemical and Motorola, among others. No millionaire can possibly represent the workingclass, the 80% of us who sell our labor for less than $77,000 a year. Almost half of the US Congress are millionaires.
Net Neutrality Doesn't Go Far Enough (tags)
A latecomer to this "debate" chimes in.
BTL:Google & Verizon Plan Would End Free, Public Internet as We Now Know It (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine
Net Neutrality Threatened (tags)
last free and open space in danger
The Struggle for Net Neutrality (tags)
struggle for a free and open Internet
The freedom of the Internet is inviolable. The Internet's open architecture constitutes the basic IT law of a society which communicates digitally and, consequently, of journalism. The web constitutes an infrastructure for social exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media.
Economy Between Competition and Cooperation (tags)
"Market" already includes the concept of "symbiosis" in which two symbiots have advantages through their relation to one another. An increasing net consciousness will have a huge influence on economic interactions by strengthening the partnership principle.
Dont Be Net Neanderthals! (tags)
The world that you see is an interpretation product of your intelligence. The time of stinking steel-and-oil machines is over. Rejoice, the net will be your car, airplane and spaceship!
DoJ argues against net neutrality, says - trust us (tags)
By Nate Anderson | Published: September 06, 2007 - 03:53PM CT
Mitchell Szczepanczyk, End of the Blogosphere (tags)
Interview with Mitchell Szczepanczyk, author of the article The End of the Blogosphere? about the impending power grab of the internet by telcommunication companies.
The tectonic event which triggered the Tsunami in Asia was actually meant for California, To dump CA into the sea, or a goodly portion of and it ain't over yet...because the rudiments of tectonix are just being rediscovered, this back-fired and all California got was the AERIAL Tsunami...Until next time. Bush is a madman. Impeach him and execute him for treason.
Net censorship. Advocacy Group, Internet Host Charge 'Political Motivation' Behind Filtering of Email by Country's Largest Net Services Provider!
Who really beheaded Berg?
Speaking out on the issues
With Blessings from the FCC and Congress, the High-tech Industry Wants to Privatize the Internet. What Happens When you Have to Pay to Join the Information Revolution?
Fight Fascism on the Net (tags)
Fight pro-war activists everywhere on the net.
CNN (and other corporate media) NET STRIKE (tags)
Info re CNN net strike; reposted from other IMC sites.
CNN net attack underway now! (tags)
CNN net attack underway now!
Recommended Website References for publishing to the net (tags)
Recommended Website References for publishing to the net your views or whatever.
Internet "Freedom" A Crock: Private Sector Censhorship In Effect (tags)
Freedom of the Press belongs to whomever owns the presses. It turns out to be true on the 'net, too. Oh well, so much for "freedom" online. Now it's time to fight.
CC on the Net: becoming "masters of the situation" (tags)
New challenges of the civic society and how you can participate.
Monopolies Choke the Web (tags)
Adding new domain extensions to the net is a matter of a simple "copy and paste" of some lines of text. It has become however an international political issue that media activist Paul Garrin has spent the past 5 years trying to resolve to preserve the net from total control by corporate giants.
net cast of palestinian right of return rally (tags)
net cast of palestinian right of return rally
Chicano Moritorium - Net cast (tags)
chicano moritorium net cast