fix articles 313088, carmelo ruiz
Counter the G8 + 5 Climate Summit! October 3-4 in Mexico City: CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW! (tags)
On Tuesday, October 3 in Mexico City, the Energy and Environment Ministers from the "Group of Eight" (G8) industrialized countries are scheduled to begin negotiating a climate change deal to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012. They will be joined by Energy and Environment Ministers from the five "emerging" countries of Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico. All together, these "G8 + 5" countries represent 58% of the world's human population, 61% of oil consumption, 80% of coal consumption, and 73% of C02 emissions.
Vieques residents alarmed by depleted uranium reports (tags)
US presence in Puerto Rico is a long running sore by Carmelo Ruiz-merrero