fix articles 3128, jose marti
Castro Compares NATO to Nazis (tags)
Washington Supports Venezuelan Opposition (tags)
Fidel Castro: Absolved by History! (tags)
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has been absolved by history, writes Nicolas Mottas on the 59th anniversary of the Moncada barracks attack.
La V Internacional y el programa socialista (I) El hielo está roto (tags)
Este abril originario, cuando en Caracas ardan los fuegos por el Bicentenario, habrá un invitado de honor en las cabezas y en los corazones de millones. Ese viejo fantasma que Marx y Engels declararon por primera vez al mundo: la Internacional.
Open Letter to the Presidents of the Union of South American Nations (tags)
"Clearly, faced with the progressive and democratic advances in our continent, the U.S. Empire - which in the past one hundred years exercised its hegemony over the life of our republics - has launched a retrograde and anti-historic counteroffensive, with the aim of rolling back the union, sovereignty and democracy of our continent, and imposing the restoration of imperial domination in all spheres of life of our societies."
Cinco Héroes cubanos rehenes del imperio (tags)
(Mientras prosigue la impunidad a los terroristas…)
The Long March of the Cuban Revolution (tags)
In 1960, C. Wright Mills warned Americans that the revolution in Cuba was the start of a wider process that would spread to Latin America and the third world. On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, practically anyone can see that our continent has begun a new era...
CUBA: los fantasmas de la "disidencia" y algunos reporteros cazafantasmas... (tags)
El deseo inconfesado con el que buena parte de los reporteros de las agencias internacionales de información arriban a Cuba, es el de poder ser testigos directos de alguno de los innumerables hechos represivos y demás atentados a los Derechos Humanos con los que la guerra mediática ideada por el imperio estigmatiza a la isla revolucionaria...
Porque hubo un 26 de Julio en Cuba… (tags)
Porque hubo un 26 de Julio en Cuba es que hoy tenemos como una realidad lo que nuestro Ernesto Che Guevara dijera un día: “La Solidaridad es la Ternura de los Pueblos”.
CUBA propone: Una gran Operación Milagro (tags)
No hace falta mucho dinero, sino voluntad política. Podemos hacer mucho con poco. Pero juntos podríamos hacer mucho más. Hace falta una gran Operación Milagro: el milagro de la cooperación justa y solidaria...
CUBA: “Desperate White House” (tags)
El último discurso de Bush contra Cuba ha sido inmediatamente reproducido con entusiasmo en las páginas de cuanto medio dócil al imperio existe sobre la faz planetaria. Y fue tanta la premura de algunos que realizan habitualmente la facturación de sus mentiras en idioma español, que tratando de bailar al ritmo del amo y no perder el paso, se apresuraron a transcribirlo directamente en el inglés original
Los medios pueden manipular la realidad, pero no son capaces de crearla.
Cuba: Freedom, Dignity and Solidarity (tags)
Cuba: Freedom, Dignity and Solidarity
Puerto Rico: All Out to Defend the Teachers’ Struggle! (tags)
We are on the threshold of a major class battle in Puerto Rico. Every day new preparations are announced for the coming strike of the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR). With 42,000 members, a majority of them women, the FMPR represents almost all of Puerto Rico’s teachers and is by far the largest union on the island. The Shock Force of the Puerto Rican Police and National Guard are being readied to go after the strikers. The struggle of the Puerto Rican teachers affects everybody. The working class as a whole, students and parents, teachers and defenders of workers’ rights around the world must come out in defense of the FMPR! If there are mass arrests, the response must be massive blockades and spreading the struggle to the point of shutting the island down. In order to win this strike, it is necessary to prepare for a struggle not only of the teachers but within the whole workers movement against the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy that sabotages the workers’ struggle. Above all, it is necessary to fight against illusions in and ties with bourgeois parties and politicians. It’s high time to begin building a revolutionary internationalist workers party.
The Republican Candidate (tags)
In that already famous Super Tuesday, a day of the week when a number of States of the Union were selecting the candidate of their choice for the presidency of the United States from among a group of contenders, one of the likely candidates to replace George W. Bush was John McCain...
The Antithesis of Ethics (tags)
On the day when hundreds of intellectuals coming from every continent are meeting in Havana to take part in an International Conference for World Equilibrium on the date of José Marti’s birth, on that same day, by some strange quirk, the President of the United States spoke...
A School, a Teacher, and a Girl...
REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.
Kozol Rips "No Child Left Behind" in San Diego (tags)
Educator and activist Jonathan Kozol spoke at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego October 8 and ripped the "No Child Left Behind" law, with its agenda of standardized high-stakes testing, militaristic regimentation of the classroom and veiled racism in its assumption of children of color learn "differently' from whites and therefore must be taught less imaginatively.
The expression of the subversive love of the Cuban revolution (tags)
Not only have you graduated as medical doctors, but also as humanists. You have learned what it means to practice international solidarity and have understood the reality of preventive and healing medicine in a socio-political context. This brings to reality the much celebrated phrase of José Martí: Homeland is Humanity.
Interview of Filipino Activist Intellectual E. SAN JUAN, Jr.
THE Granma yacht, the emblematic boat of the Rebel Army, once again sailed through the waters of dignity. On this occasion, it moved through a sea of Cuban children who escorted it down Paseo Avenue and through José Martí Plaza de la Revolución waving their blue kerchiefs. A military band played “La Lupe,” a song composed by Commander of the Revolution Juan Almeida Bosque before the revolutionary expeditionaries departure from Mexico in 1956...
Against the Decadent Empire (tags)
The block free movement under Cuban leadership may develop into the crystallization point for globalization critics. "A Better World Is Possible." "Terrorism may not be equated witht he legitimater struggle of the people for national liberation against foreign rule and occupation."
Fidel más que un amigo, es un hermano (tags)
Fidel Castro ríe, hace anécdotas, recibe regalos, siente la felicidad de la amistad y comparte con su hermano de ideas más de tres horas
Returning to Disneylandia After Three Months in Cuba (tags)
Here's a series of comments and observations, comparing various aspects of life in Cuba and the United States as seen by a U.S. activist who returned from a three-month visit to Cuba in early January 2006. The author directs a news service focusing on Cuba. Also provided are a series of links to additional comments and report which are referred to in this essay. Thanks for taking time to read it.
CubaNews Commentary May 19, 2005 (tags)
May 19th is a very important date in world and Cuban history. Fighters for a better world who were born on this date include: Malcolm X, Ho Chi Minh, Lorraine Hansberry and Yuri Kochiyama.
The Daily Poetry Movement (tags)
The fine was levied. But such a fine can not undo the actions taken, can not end the misery, can not prevent the US having paid over $1.5 million dollars a day for the massacres. I worked hard, I barely paid my bills, everywhere I went they took extra, a percentage for their corporations to kill, and my water turned off. upRising!
"Long before Howard Zinn wrote his 'A People's History of the United States', Pete Seeger sang it. Whether he's explaining just whom Casey Jones the Union Scab was or asking the question "Which Side Are You On?" or telling of the women workers' struggle in "Bread and Roses" or engaging in Leadbelly's story of racism that brings about "The Bourgeious Blues", or singing the mournful anti- war "The Crow on the Cradle", or offering an introspective celebration of the earth in "Sailing Down My Golden River", its all about us. All of us."
JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)
An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.
SUNDAY - L.A. Candlelight Vigils against Iraq War (tags)
Rain keep you from hitting the streets on Sat.? You can still protest on SUNDAY, MARCH 16th at a number of L.A. Candlelight Vigils
From, a candlelight call for peace.
"If we win tomorrow, we will achieve that much faster what José Martí aspired to. "If the opposite were to occur, the action will serve as an example to the people of Cuba, to raise the flag and continue forward. The people will support us in Oriente [province] and in the whole island. "As in 1868 and 1895, here in Oriente we raise the first shout of ‘Freedom or Death!’" Fidel Castro Ruz addressing the Moncada combatants at dawn on July 26, 1953.
Latin American patriots and allies, show your solidarity, support revolution in the Americas, a phenomenon which has been spreading like a wildfire for the past half century. It is now Colombia!