fix articles 31208, polish
How critical journalists are muzzled in Europe (tags)
Besides the case of Julian Assange, the case of the Basque Pablo González has stood out for almost a year now. Poland wants to keep him in solitary confinement for at least a year without presenting any evidence for the accusations of alleged espionage for Russia.
Polish citizens attacked by electromagnetic weapons - Opoen letter to European Commission (tags)
The Polish defense minister promised to establish a commission to investigate electromagnetic attacks on Polish citizens, then the defense ministry declared those attacks national security information
Obama's Insult to Poland Shows US Ignorance of History (tags)
The world is finally waking up to the profound ignorance of history that exists in the USA. The current president, born in 1961, is so removed from any connection to World War 2 and European history that he referred to the Nazi death camps in Poland as Polish death camps when giving an award to a former Polish resistance fighter, Jan Karski. He has apologized but it should embarrass all Americans as this allegedly educated American, a lawyer, has no concept of history at all.
My first CASTOR – "Everything I hate about this country and this system" (tags)
Netanyahu is running scared. (tags)
The Saudis, Abbas and the Emerites about to declare an independent Palestine at UN.
The lost requiem: Khosrow Sinai's priceless Iranian and Polish historical document (tags)
There are gaps in our history, lost episodes in our collective memory caused not by forgetfulness, but by the deliberate policy of governments and politicians. There are also courageous individuals who fight to bring such material back into the public light. Khosrow Sinai is one such individual.
Irish Students in IDAHO Warning over 'State Sanctioned Prejudice' (tags)
The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is marking International Day against Homophobia today (Thursday 17th May) by calling on the Irish Government to oppose the stigmatising of gay people by laws and judicial decisions in Ireland and abroad.
Can They Take My Home Away Too? (tags)
Auto plant vs. neighborhood: The Poletown battle
Shock without Therapy, Market without Order, (tags)
Half of Russia's assets are gone. Was this caused by Yeltzin, the IMF or the Washington Consensus? This article by a Ukrainian novelist tells us that the end of history and victory capitalism are over as utopias. May we be summoned to serious reflection.
After Madrid attacks, Poland expects worst (tags)
The Madrid attacks have emboldened Polish critics of the war and have put an already fragile government, which has a 9 percent approval rating, on the defensive over its Iraq policy.
Brainstorming for Guantanamo, Bush Visits Auschwitz (tags)
While Bush prepares his own death camp in Guantanamo Bay, he visits the Auschwitz and Birkenau death camps to see how it's done. Flashback: how did Hitler sell the death camps to the German people? He blamed terrorism and evil. More Presidential irony in a Constitution-free U.S.