fix articles 311888, mass amherst
Asset Distribution and the Financial Crisis (tags)
A perverse system arose out of the interaction of deregulation of the financial system and polarization of asset distribution. A reform of the financial system can only be part of the repair of the system. When wages grow again with productivity, an economic balance will be possible
"False values" and "structural blackmail" (tags)
The creation of speculative bubbles creates false values, which lead to huge bonuses. The financial crisis was triggered by falling housing prices. The crisis was met with government bailoutsx but the "moral hazard" was not countered.
Google video: Capitalism Hits the Fan-A Marxian View (tags)
Richard Wolff, a professor of economics at UMass Amherst, talks on the current "financial" crisis and capitalism in general. A form of socialism is presented as a possibility for exhausted and anxiety-ridden workers.