fix articles 31153, he has Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : he has

he has

California Sues Musk (tags)

California has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk over the racist treatment of Tesla employees.. Musk and US Govt in coup to oust socialist Pres. Morales and steal Bolivian lithium and other news re Musk

The US economy needs Joe Biden (tags)

The economic and socio-political record of US President Donald Trump is devastating. Wages stagnated even before the Corona crisis. Instead, the national debt increased because he lowered taxes for the rich - without any economic benefit. Joe Biden knows the reasons for the misery and knows what to do.

Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)

As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)

observations of a lunitic

observation of a presidents journey into madmess (tags)



This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.


This business and its owner licensed-practitioner “Roland Frauchiger” M.A. MFT are guilty of gross violations of “physician-patient” confidentiality, which in my opinion are criminal felonies, numbering in the “hundreds” of counts.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti turns 100 (tags)

See and hear Ferlinghetti take on conquerors, bullies, and xenophobes, underwear, and other subjects in the readings here from his throughout his career, including a full, 40-minute reading in 2005 at UC Berkeley, below,

The Nation Unites Against Brian Kemp, Most Racist Secretary of State in US (tags)

The entire nation is organizing against the nation's most racist, criminal, execution facilitating Secretary of State, Brian Kemp of Georgia

The Nation Unites Against Brian Kemp, Most Racist Secretary of State in US (tags)

The entire nation is organizing against the nation's most racist, criminal, execution facilitating Secretary of State, Brian Kemp of Georgia

EPA Head Scott Pruitt: Of Cages And Sirens (tags)

Scott Pruitt used a drug in an Oklahoma execution knowing it was banned. He sued California and tried to make chickens' factory farm cages smaller. He has made our water poisonous and our air dirty.

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 10 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 9 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 8 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 7 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 6 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 5 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 4 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to President Trump's Threats. Set 3 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 2 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. 10 Photo Sets

Why Philippine President Duterte is not a socialist (tags)

As new Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte prepares to assume office, a growing number of Filipinos seem to – or want to – believe his surprising claim that he will be the country’s first “socialist” President.

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

Robert Tronge - President & Managing Director - Marriott International (tags)

Robert Tronge is a "true operator". Having launched his career leading teams in the rooms department of a hotel, he knows the hospitality business from the ground up. He is a hands-on executive whose nearly three-decade track record has earned him industry-wide recognition.

Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Texecutioner, Is Facing The Voters (tags)

Texans have an opportunity to vote out Nathan Hecht, who as chief justice has seen to it that Texas commits 60% of the judicial murders in the US

Clinton, Obama and the New Era of American Empire (tags)

Clinton did not hesitate to defend what she referred to as the “ugly” aspects of the Cold War—but did not name the nations in which the US had intervened, frequently to uphold or install brutal regimes which were reliably anti-Communist. She ignored equally covert interference in democratic nations.

Rage Against the System: Why It Matters (tags)

police state

Ongoing Fighting in Sinai (tags)


Challenging US Lawlessness (tags)

police state

Human Trafficking - Everyone Can Help (tags)

A retired New York City police detective has come up with a plan where all ordinary citizens can have a substantial impact on efforts to stop human trafficking.

Abbas: Betrayal Pays Well (tags)


Venezuela: Chavez set for win as campaign pushes socialist transformation (tags)

“It would be easier for 100 camels to pass through the eye of a needle than for [the capitalist class] to win the election”, said Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaking at the Caracas Municipal Theatre on August 15.

Time Profiles a World Class Thug (tags)


Rosendahl’s Legacy: Gentrification and Sweeping the Homeless Out of Venice? (tags)

Allegedly Progressive and openly Gay Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl may go down in history as the most divisive leader Venice has ever had by continuously organizing with and siding with people who hate the poor and homeless people of Venice.

Why the Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul (tags)

It’s fascinating to watch the long knives coming out for Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul, now that according to some mainstream polls he has become the front-running candidate in the Jan. 3 GOP caucus race in Iowa, and perhaps also in the first primary campaign in New Hampshire.

The Real Mike Ross (tags)

Mike Ross for Maricopa County Supervisor 2012

Fake Peace Activists, Fake jews (tags)

Mr. Gabriel Matthew Schivone is one of the very few people in human history whose very name appears destined to become a description of a phenomenon, in this case the Schivone Jew. Previous examples of persons who have given their names to phenomena include Vidkun Quisling, the Earl of Sandwich, and only very few others. FringeGroups, Rise of the Schivone Jews

Attacks and Infiltration against the Occupation Movements (tags)

Occupiers are doing a great service to American but they need to look at within their midst for police provocateurs and criminals taking advantage

LAPD sergeant a serial burglar? (tags)

According to the following article Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant Lucien "Lou" Daigle is suspected of being a serial burglar.

Orange County Judge Releases Victims' Information to Elder Abuser (tags)

An Orange County Judge endangers the life of an elder abuse victim. Will her abuser finish her off this time?

Solidarity Action for a comrade detained in Norway - !Acci?n Solidaria (tags)

Andre is a Norwegian comrade, our loyal and good friend who had the misfortune to experience psychological repression. whilst fearing for his life andfreedom

War Is A Crime Preparation for Feb 7, 2012 Cal Primary (tags)

California will be part of Super Tuesday on February 7, 2012 when Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Montana Republican caucuses, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah have their presidential primaries. The two peace parties on the California ballot are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Below is a partial list of the war crimes and human rights violations of the current Democrat in the White House.

The Prophet and the Professor (tags)

Liberation theology insists the poor are our teachers and the church is not an end-in-itself. The church that serves itself is different than the church that serves the world. The church that wants to return to the 19th century with little interest in social issues is a caricature.

Life Extension With Art Kunkin (tags)

How You Can Stay Alive For Hundreds Of Years with increasing health, wealth, prosperity, happiness and love ….. Speaker: Art Kunkin – Free Admission

Marcos would have turned Philippines into ‘another Singapore’ - Marcos Jr. (tags)

Just before the 24th anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power uprising, the son and namesake of the late strongman ousted by that revolt on Tuesday said that the country would now be as successful as Singapore had former President Ferdinand Marcos not been removed from power.

Blog Entry The enlightened man cannot be enslaved (tags)

The Rebel challenges us to be courageous enough to take responsibility for who we are and to live our truth.

Benigno S. "Noynoy" Aquino III: The new face of counterrevolution (tags)

The PESANTE BULETIN learned today through the ANG BAYAN, the official newsletter of the revolutionary movement in the Philippines published in the internet that last July 7, 2010 said that " Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III is the new face of counterrevolution. Formally installed on June 30 as the new head of the puppet reactionary government. He is now the main advocate of US imperialist rule and that of the local big comprador bourgeoisie, bureaucrat capitalists and landlords. On his shoulders rests the main responsibility of continuing the administration of the bankrupt semicolonial and semifeudal system, consolidating and running its state and suppressing any challenge to puppet reactionary power." The revolutionary newspaper also said that :' Just as US imperialism and the local ruling classes expected of him, Aquino focused his first few days on consolidating the puppet army. Aquino is well aware that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is the main pillar of reactionary rule in the Philippines.

Philippine Situation After the 2010 Elections (tags)

We are here today because Benigno Aquino III was elected president of the Philippines. He has promised to bring CHANGE to the Philippine government, eliminate corruption, fix the education system, improve health care, improve the economy and provide housing for all Filipinos. He has said that he is the president because the people believed in HOPE. Does this sound familiar? The Reality of the history in the Islands: Economic Crisis The Reality of the Philippines is that the islands are still ruled by US imperialism, and run by its Filipino puppets. Aquino has assembled an economic team from the same breed of pro-imperialist pro neoliberlization economists who have dominated economic policy-making in the Philippines for the past three decades. Some of whom have even served the US arroyo regime.

Betrayed trust (tags)

Betrayed trust

Julio Rodriguez Update (tags)

Update on one of the arrested.

Peace Prize for President with Blood on His Hands (tags)

When I woke up this morning I received an email from a friend telling me that U.S. President Barack Obama was chosen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I had to think a moment to make sure it was not April 1st. I have been around awhile so I am not easily shocked, but this did shock me at first. I have been writing about Obama for a few years and have followed his career in politics and could not imagine why he had been chosen. But as I was more fully awake it made perfect sense to me, given some of the past winners of the Prize.

Obama failure in office (tags)

Must be down to his bosses.


On Wednesday, The Honorable Judge Manuel Real adjourned Alex's bail appeal hearing and ordered that the proceedings be continued Monday, August 17th, 2009

PENDING TERROR EXERCISES -- 9/11 Truth Keeps Tabs -- (tags)

Ghost Troop, the All-American cyber militia, publishes a new website sure to be of interest to all who doubt the official story of 9/11. Forewarned is forearmed!

Civil rights violations - petition (tags)

I draw your attention to a miscarriage of justice and ongoing civil rights abuses in the US, as described by the international human rights organization Fair Trials International, and ask you to intervene in the case of Anant Tripati who has been imprisoned in Arizona for crimes that he did not commit.

Beware of scam artist JOSE LUIS GALVAN Los Angeles tow truck driver (tags)

My car needed a tow, i called aaa which i have a membership with. They sent a company called Hollywood Independent Towing to tow my car Jose Luis Galvan was the driver. He is a scam artist/ compulsive liar and acts as if he is the sweetest, most helpful/caring man in the world. He convinced me/tricked me into believing he can help me get a newer 2008 suv (repoed) from a federal auction lot and asked me to put a third down as a down payment. After you make the deal with him, he gives you a receipt and disappears. Luckily the receipt has his home address and name. I am aware of another person who was scammed in a different way and an employee of Hollywood Independent Towing admit to me while searching for him that he has scammed other towing customers as well. Please read more.

Eric McDavid Update - Lockdowns, Move and New Address (tags)

Lockdowns, move and new address

Politician urges killing wild animals (tags)

San Juan councilman asks residents to shoot crows

hHe's Back: Israeli Terrorist Mass Murderer And Businessman Dominik Suter Applies (tags)

Dominik Suter, the mysterious figure behind the 9-11 dancing back

The Vote – A Blank Check for State Power (tags)

Voting is wrong!

Sketches of progress (tags)

some useful info for those with alzheimers

It would have been better (tags)

had he stayed a drunk

Why We Challenged Barack Obama (tags)

On Friday, August 1st I led a contingent of the Uhuru Movement into Barack Obama’s town hall meeting in St. Petersburg, Florida to raise the question, “what about the black community, Obama?” Without the benefit of a big media budget, our organization attempted to bring the serious issues experienced by African working class people across this country into the national political debate.

Please take a moment to sign the petition to FIRE Ed Boks! (tags)

Ed Boks is the General Manager of Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS). Ed Boks pretends to care about converting LAAS into a no-kill system of sheltering, but all that he has done is cost the TAXPAYERS of Los Angeles their hard-earned MONEY, with his questionable programs and undocumented spending.

Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Eric called yesterday...

Six Years Ago: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (tags)

the importance of the peoples' uprising in April 2002 that returned Hugo Chavez to power (

Neocon Jonah Goldberg Praises David Mamet (tags)

How would you feel if that raving Neocon Jonah Goldberg praised you? Well, this is the position that lapsed liberal David Mamet, a knee jerk supporter of Israel, is in. Mamet endorsed a “Free Market” system and bashed NPR, as “National Palestinian Radio.” In a rant for the Village Voice he explains his conversion to Conservatism and underscores how government should “get out of the way.” Goldberg lionized him for rejecting “the pieties of the Left.”

Eric McDavid - 2 Years and Counting (tags)

After two years of isolation, Eric still needs your support...

Eric McDavid Update - 11.27.07 (tags)

Eric receives blood work and a visit from the cardiologist...

Is Congressman Dreier Going The Way of Larry Craig (tags)

One of the worst Republican congressmen who supports the most anti-gay legislation is himself a homosexual. He also is one of the most corrupt. A progressive is planning to defeat him.

Is Dennis Kucinich an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)

Millions of U.S. workers and youth have come to reject the inhuman conditions the crisis of capitalism is producing: the War on Iraq, the Katrina disaster, attacks on immigrants, stagnant wages, cuts in social services, the health care crisis, and on and on. On the basis of events, consciousness is changing, starting with the most advanced and active layer of the workers and youth, and is increasingly directed toward a break with the capitalist system and its representatives. It is in this context that Dennis Kucinich, a six time congressional incumbent from Ohio, who is now in his second run for U.S. president, has generated interest among those disaffected with the “business as usual” politicians. Kucinich presents himself as a “progressive alternative”, and to his credit he stands out favorably on many issues when compared to the rest of the mainstream candidates. He has been a vocal and consistent opponent of the War on Iraq from the very outset, calling for a full withdrawal of U.S. troops. He has said that if he wins the presidency, his “first acts in office will be to cancel NAFTA and the WTO”. He is also the only presidential candidate who openly opposes for-profit health care in favor of a national single-payer system.

Is John Edwards an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)

Millionaire trial lawyer, one time Senator, and former VP hopeful John Edwards, is now seeking the Presidency. Like the rest of the candidates, he seeks to differentiate himself from Bush and even from many in his own Party, as there is a much-deserved disgust with the political rulers in Washington. But is Edwards fundamentally any different the rest of the bosses’ candidates? Can he really represent the interests of working people? The war in Iraq is by far the biggest question on the minds of most U.S. workers. Edwards has presented himself as an “anti-war” candidate, even apologizing for his Senate vote to authorize the war, claiming to have been “misled” by the Bush administration. But let’s not forget the facts: in the march to war, the donkeys marched right alongside the elephants.

Open Letter to Mayor Villaraigosa (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate resignation of Mark Brown from the office of the City Attorney. Mark Brown (Bar # 60683), during the course of the last three years, has taken a central role in writing ordinances that unfairly oppress and harass hardworking people of the city of Los Angeles.

Using "Health Laws" to flush the Constitution down the toilet! (tags)

Screw that guilty until proven innonce stuff the American police state is based on. It seems like they are using a "health excuse" to lock this guy up for life.

It was a middle aged wedding (tags)

and the young folks wished them well

The war in Iraq is over (tags)

but our boys are not coming home

Daniel Ellsberg: “Bush is Dangerous. He has to Go!” (tags)

Daniel Ellsberg of “Pentagon Papers” fame was one of the riveting speakers at an event at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., held on Jan. 4, 2007. It was sponsored by the World Can’t Wait organization. Ellsberg said that President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney have to go. He labeled Bush “dangerous!” He urged activists to push for a two pronged Congressional strategy: First, to cut off all funding for the Iraqi War; and, secondly, to investigate the serial crimes of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

Bush having nervous breakdown, again (tags)

He thinks Barney is President, now.

Warning: You Are About To Enter The 4th Dimension Of Your Life. (tags)

This is about the truly astonishing story of a commodity trader of Swiss-Iranian and Baha'i origin (see who has sought refuge in the United States since 2000 and who is the object of an incredible conspiracy by the Swiss banks and other very powerful actors against him, in order to destroy him personally and professionally with the objective to prevent his democratic plans for world unity and economic justice from ever materializing. You can now access his new modest homepage at Geocities for more information.


DIEBOLD WHISTLEBLOWER STRIKES PLEA DEAL ON FELONY CHARGES...Stephen Heller Agrees to Plead Guilty, Pay $10,000, Apologize and Receive Three Years Probation After Being Charged with 'Burglary' for Sharing Diebold Lawfirm's Privileged Documents with Newspaper, Election Integrity Activists Tells BRAD BLOG He Has 'No Assets Left, Other Than House' and Deal is Meant to Protect Him and His Wife as 'Best Deal I Could Get Based on the Circumstances"

The very worst President ever. (tags)

Impeach him now.

Lieberman’s Electoral Fate Tests Power of Wirepullers (tags)

Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, the ultra Iraqi War Hawk, is up for reelection in Connecticut on Nov. 7th. He lost the Democratic primary, but has re-created himself as an Independent. Ned Lamont is his opponent. If Lieberman can be defeated, it will be a blow to the Wirepullers and also an opportunity for antiwar forces to reshape the new Congress, which may lead to impeachment proceedings, in 2007, against both George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Defender of the Jewish State; Denier of Palestinian Misery (tags)

Wiesel pontificates, "The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference." And it is complete indifference that he has repeatedly shown to the Zionist dispossession and dehumanization of the Palestinian people. Proclaimed a "messenger to mankind" at his 1986 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, Wiesel "swore never to be silent when human beings endure suffering and humiliation." Does that mean that he considers Palestinians to be less than human? Perish the thought that he regards Palestinians as Untermenschen like the Nazis considered Jews and Gypsies.

Documentally, the progressive podcast interview (tags)

Documentally is a human interest audio blog with interviews and music. Mentally documenting the mind.

Day of the Dead Celebration (tags)

A Day of the Dead Celebration on Sat. Oct. 21st from 3-9pm, live music and refreshments all day!


After refusing to return to Iraq for a second time, Army Specialist Agustin Aguayo turned himself in on Tuesday September 19, 2006 at the Fort Irwin Army Base near Barstow, California.

Hate Crime in Seattle: Shooting @ jewish Center (tags)

1 dead and 5 injured in hate-motivated shooting at the Seattle Jewish Community Center.

Pfc. Chris Gorman: I refuse to go back to Iraq, because this war is illegal and unjust. (tags)

Interview with Christopher Gorman, a religious Conscientious Objector who is refusing to return to Iraq.

LAPD Police Brutality against SCF Support who is a minor (tags)

LAPD v. Minor. Los Angeles Police Department has a long history of brutality. This was very clear on July 5th 2006. When they attacked a 16 year boy without any provocation.

Bush supporter, please take down your American flag (tags)

One page printable/downloadable handout aimed at Bush supporters points out why now is the time to abandon their American flags, support our troops magnets, and Christian symbols. Suggestion to download from included link, print out, and distribute.

Legal and Still Tossed (tags)

Impeachment: A Winning Argument (tags)

Even if they win, the Democrats in Congress can’t do anything while the president claims the right to ignore acts duly passed by the House and Senate. To pass a Democratic agenda, this president would have to be removed.

Schwarzenegger Leaves Poor, Middle Class Behind (tags)

Governor Schwarzenegger has lead the State of California during a period of economic growth however the conditions for the poor and middle classes have been on the decline during the governor term in office and inflation has soared to monumental levels. The governor boasts how well the economy is doing but he has not seen the poor in the neighborhoods of Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego. He has not seen the homeless in Riverside, Santa Monica and Santa Barbara. Their ranks are growing daily.


An exhibition of photographs by world-renowned VII Photo Agency photographers who recently traveled with Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to shed light on the suffering of the Congolese people as . . .

Costa Mesa Police Cheif quits amidst illegal immigration controversy ! (tags)

PD chief denying heat over ordinance was the reason even though timing and previous statements would seem to indicate otherwise.

Congress Under Assault (tags)

Bush is stealing power from Congress and the Courts using two bogus arguments.

Demand Clemency for Stan Tookie Williams and an End to all Executions (tags)

Anti-death Penalty Activists in LA Organize to Pressure California Governor Schwartzenegger to Grant Clemency to Stan Tookie Williams and Call a Moratorium on all Executions

New Orleans Insight (tags)

You must listen to this. Malik lives in the city, and has been active in his community. He has seen hell, and is reporting back.

Pat Robertson is no Christian (tags)

Pat Robertson is no Christian.

Help Local Activist: Free Dele Ailemen (tags)

Declaration of Independence (tags)

Targets of opportunity anyone?

Al OTro Lado--To The Other Side (tags)

A review of a very powerful film, beeing screened at the L.A. Film Fest, regarding immigration and corridos.

A Reply to the SOS *********** (tags)

A Chican@ / Indigenist reply to the threats of impending "civil war" by the Euro-racist organization "Save Our State."

We Have a Winner! (tags)

Antonio Villaraigosa has won the election, but can he fix all of our problems? Villaraigosa is indeed progressive, and is also a step in the correct direction.

Former Nazi Youth Elected Pope (tags)

This is some background information on John Ratzinger.

Thoughts on love, compassion, sex, and relationships after seeing "The Goat, Or Who I (tags)

Last night I saw Edward Albee's The Goat, Or Who is Sylvia? The play was intense and provocative. Your notions of "morality" are challenged-- it definitely challenges you to think!

America in 99 points (tags)

America-is. ONLINE PUBLISHER ON AMERICA ISSUES is an European online publisher focusing on America and American issues. We publish texts or artworks from all religious, sexual and political orientations. However, we only publish contributions concerning America or American issues. Our first text is called America.

Awaiting the Prisoner Of Zion From Within Israel's First Circle (tags)

Israel has created a purgatory in which a free man is held prisoner because of nineteen year old memories in a fifty year old brain. What sensible motivation deprives a free man of his right to leave and make a new life?

A Petition To Ask For Rumsfeld's Resignation (tags)

Please sign the petiton by visiting the link & forward it to everyone you know.

Supporters of Immigrant Legislator Head for Texas Capitol (tags)

Hubert Vo has been elected to represent the rising aspirations of Houston voters, but will Texas Republicans throw him out?

Animals are disappearing in Argentina (tags)

The disappearance of stray animals in ROSARIO, ARGENTINA

Can Assad Halt Syria's Diplomatic Slide? (tags)

Syria's young president, Bashar Al-Assad, has been sailing along oblivious to the dangers his government has been courting. Now he's waking up fast.

A Diet For Those Who Care TEACH-IN (tags)

Come learn about a sustainable cruelty-free diet!

Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)

Actor Mike Farrell on Politics and Hollywood: M*A*S*H Couldn't Be On TV Today (tags)

We now turn to an actor who knows a lot about Hollywood--not only did he he grow up here but he has been very active with the Screen Actors Guild. We are joined by Mike Farrell. Perhaps he is best known for his role as Captain B.J. Hunnicutt in the popular TV-series MASH. But Farrell is also known for his social justice activism. In the lead-up to the Iraq war, he was one of a number of actors who very publicly called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis

Goldsborough’s column Outstanding. (tags)

James Goldsborough columns outstanding. Beat all big shot East Coast pundits hands down. Corporate Media full of cowards and puppets. Corporate opinion pages dubiously slanted.

Cheney: He Can Run, But He Can't Hide (tags)

Longtime GOP consultant Richard Whalen identified former Senator Dole (R-KS) as one among the leading Midwest Republicans who have quietly thrown their support to Kerry.


Racicot was quoted as " Senator Kerry crossed a grave line when he dared to suggest the replacement of America 's commander-in- chief at a time when America is at war," while implying that Kerry was a traitorous renegade. Just to remind the snide Racicot, Kerry happens to be a war hero. He has the medals to prove it. The Army doesn't award Purple Hearts out for catching syphilis, in some Mexican whorehouse, while guarding the skies of Texas from VC infiltrators.

Hati Coup (tags)

Another Kidnapping Chavez Style

Attorney General Bill Lockyer Is Trying To Get Kevin Killed Tonight!! (tags)

California's Attorney General Bill Lockyer, displeased by the temporary stay, appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn it and allow the execution to proceed. "The stay is contrary to this Court's pronouncements regarding the inappropriateness of granting equitable relief to condemned inmates in the eleventh hour," Lockyer wrote. "The order of the Ninth Circuit constitutes an unwarranted intrusion on California's ability to carry out a lawful and final judgment that has been the subject of over 18 years of post conviction appeals."

Re-evaluating Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)

Did I hear someone say that President Bush lied, that there were never any weapons of mass destruction, and that he took us to war for his oil buddies? Well if President Bush did lie then he's in good company. Read on.

Vik Chaubey talk at Cal State L.A.:"Student Movements in the 21st Century": (tags)

A student activist who has worked on both coasts will talk about successes and mistakes (his own and the movement's).

The Same Question Remain (tags)

The apprehension of Saddam Hussein has done nothing to answer the critics


The pathetic attendance at Saturday?s Primal Scream for Global Sanity at the Quad proved that many in the ESU student community remain woefully ignorant of real world issues. Many on campus seem completely uninterested in stopping America?s bombing lunacy, even for free veggie wraps and extra-credit points in Dr. Harmon?s sections of Critical History 1042. Let me clue you in, Mister ?sorry dude, I can?t rage against the AmeriKKKan war machine, I got tickets for the Springfield State game,? it?s time we start asking the difficult questions. Questions like, ?isn?t this all about oil?? and ?who bogarted all my Kasha flakes?? (I know it was you, Jason.) But most of all, we must ask why America is hated around the world. Why do they hate us? Well, duhhhhhhh.

Bush Toady Tom Daschle Shows HIs True Colors: YELLOW & GREEN! (tags)

"Leading Democrats" Tom Daschle announced he plans to vote FOR the infamous Bush-Cheney energy bill - the biggest corporate giveaway in US history. Is it any wonder the public is chronically disgusted and enraged by the untrustworthiness and spinelessness of the Democratic party???

A Sad Day For Civil Liberty In Israel (tags)

The only "Democracy" in the Middle East locks up a Man for writing a Pamphlet informing people of their Legal "Rights".

Bush to veterans: Drop Dead (tags)

Some more Salt for the hypocritical "Support Our Troops Scum".

Soros Says .... (tags)

Soros Says Bush Reminds Him Of Nazis

Sick, Wounded U.S. Troops Held in Squalor (tags)

Hundreds of sick and wounded U.S. soldiers including many who served in the Iraq war are languishing in hot cement barracks here while they wait -- sometimes for months -- to see doctors.

Disposable Soldiers (tags)

Besides cutting veteran's benefits and forcing wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals, this is another indication of how the US ruling class views the soldiers who fight for their profits and power overseas. They are disposable. Also, it is an indication of the effects of depleted uranium.

Re-evaluating Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)

Can you say Flip-Flop?

Crucial That Progressives Recall Gray Davis (tags)

We must send the message to all current and future governors… Behave like Davis and your political career is over. His taking of over a million dollars each from the timber, prison and power industries, and then allowing rampant logging, building more prisons while cutting all other budgets, and only pretending to complain while behind his back allowing energy companies to complete the biggest corporate rip off in California history, means Davis must go.

Is Fantasyland about to get Terminated? (tags)

This is what I got so far but It's not good enough to convince the average Terminator fan -- a hard-working guy who probably goes to Raiders/Niners games, is definitely an action picture freak; has friends and family being massacred in Iraq because Bush lied to them, yet still thinks Bush is Patriotic AND who has the most to lose if Arnold is elected (yet will vote for him anyway).

Impeachment Is Not Enough (tags)

By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.

About Officer Jeremy Morse (Inglewood, CA) (tags)

Many articles have been written about the Inglewood incident, but few of them have contained any personal information about Jeremy Morse. For good reason, he has stayed away from the mainstream media.

Wading through the Bu$hit (tags)

Bush promises us that if we wait we will find that he was right. Bush's promise is hollow. The issue is not whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The issue is whether Bush lied to the American people in order to sell a war that was unsupportable without resort to fraud. There is no debating the question of whether Bush lied.

Democrats helped Bush lie about Iraq's (tags)

Key Democrats joined along with the Bush to help him spread the lies about Iraq's "WMD" capabilities

Don’t mention that Mussolini saved Jews: it is Politically Inconvenient to do so (tags)

Mussolini saved more Jews than Schindler! For once, the word ‘controversial’, so often used to describe any old bit of routine leftism, is justified. That Mussolini saved Jews has long been known, especially to non-left-wing Italians, though that includes few Italian intellectuals. But not known widely; it is not something which Anglo-Saxons emphasise about Mussolini. Was not Mussolini Hitler’s ally? How could he have saved Jews?

G.W. Bush: Drunk on Power (tags)

The president he got his wars folks don't know just what it's for; No one gives us a rhyme or reason have one doubt they call it treason. Eugene McDaniels "Compared to What?"

Conspiracy crusader doubts official 9/11 version (tags)

I sat down, with a fair degree of skepticism, to watch Zwicker's video, The Great Deception, which challenges the U.S. government's account of what really happened on 9/11. Slowly, a frightening chill came over me. These were the very questions I had asked myself on 9/11 and for several weeks after. Failing to find easy answers, I had locked the subject away.


The patients and staff of Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center allowed me into their lives for two days to do this story. I cried many times while I visited, and have cried many times more since then. Their stories are incredible, courageous, and more than anything else, need to be told. Rancho may be shut down within two months. Their lives and the thousands of others that are with them and could have come after them will be changed forever for the worst if this happens. I cannot thank them enough for their generosity and their trust. I hope I can do them justice. Here are some of their stories...

Ashcroft is a fucking satanic asshole. Evil as hell he is (tags)

He has no heart

U.S. White Nationalists Prepare for the Permanent Control of Iraq (tags)

This article provides information on Ahmed Chalabi, the U.S. puppet who is positioned to be the next leader of Iraq. Chalabi is a thief and the darling of the neo white nationalists (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Kristol, etc.) who currently control the U.S. government.



John Pilger: "Blair is a Coward" (tags)

William Russell, the great correspondent who reported the carnage of imperial wars, may have first used the expression "blood on his hands" to describe impeccable politicians who, at a safe distance, order the mass killing of ordinary people.

Actors as Activists (tags)

Actors and musicians have chosen the impending war with Iraq as a cause that requires them to speak out. While the mainstream media attacks them for their views and actions, their basic rights to protest as citizens are being ignored.

The Israeli Godfather (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.


I would like to inform you that my son, Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi, is being held in INS Custody for 60 days without any legal bases. He is arrested illegally by the INS officers of San Bernardino, CA without any reasonable reason. Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi is a peace & human rights activist. He has been faithful and great supporter of USA for advancing world peace. It is unfair and injustice for a great and peaceful country like USA to treat its supporters in this way.

Pt. 4, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (tags)

Thoreau's essay became the most influential of his writings, serving, for example, as a model for Ghandi's campaign of passive resistence in India, and as a handbook for the underground in Nazi-occupied Europe.


Give me blood, blood, blood...

When Even Safire Is Afraid Of Homeland Security Act, You Know It's Bad ! (tags)

When even right-wing fanatics like William Safire are afraid of the "Homeland Security Act", then you know it's scarey. Even though it doesn't have the gut appeal of the War On Iraq, you should be contacting your senator NOW !

So. Central Green Lt. Gov. Candidate Donna Warren Silenced by LA Times Poll!! Write them! (tags)

This is not a democracy!!

Iraq and North Korea (tags)

Reporter's Notebook -- Making sense of US foreign policy

FINAL REMINDER! A debate: Is the Bush Administration attacking the Constitution? (tags)

Final reminder: TOMORROW, at Cal State L.A., a Muslim student and an Arab-American defense attorney debate an FBI spokesman and a Pepperdine professor

(re-post because of "No Data" error box) Next week: Arab/Muslims vs. FBI (tags)

I had to re-post this because my previous post "contains no data"

Don't miss it! Next week: arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society (tags)

A Muslim student and an Arab-American defense lawyer square off against an FBI spokesman and a lawyer from Pepperdine, over the Constitution and the Bush Administration. At Cal State L.A.

SAVE THE DATE! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (re-post) (tags)

Arab and Muslim citizens vs. the FBI and the Federalist Society!

Save the date! Debate on post-9/11 civil liberties (tags)

Muslim Americans confront the FBI in a forum at Cal State L.A.

George w sued over NY terror attacks (tags)

how complicit is the us government- a court case attempts to find out , the corporate media ignores it

S.F. attorney: Bush allowed 9/11 (tags)

Reprinted from Sunday's SF Examiner, SF attorney Hilton, a former aide to Bob Dole, claims he has a stronger argument that Bush knew about 911 plot beforehand.


Be there for one purpose. For RUCKUS!!!!!

When Socialism takes over the education (tags)

Socialist State university education on Business is like your 14 old son’s first drive with your old van; he has always wanted to do it, and he thinks he knows everything related to driving already, just because he has sat next to you, while you have been driving.

Millennium Ride in LA (tags)

Round the world charity biker offers free powerpoint presenttion of his two years/29 countries on the road. He comes to your event free, presentation is an hour, appeals for voluntary donations. charities: Doctors withut Borders & Health for All. Highly entertaining, funny. Up to mid April 2002. $56,000 raised so far. Many adventures.

Chavez VS Big Business (tags)

Seen this before...

Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence (tags)

Excerpts from the Declaration of Independence: Shortly after the last witchhunt era, public schoolchildren were expected to memorize the first 1.5 paragraphs and the major statements of this document. Being long out of school, I have verified that these are direct quotes from the American Declaration of Independence, adopted on the 4th of July, 1776.

Mr.Graves health is failing (tags)

If Mr. Graves, who found the cause of AIDS (, is not supported by sales of his book will not be around long because he has AIDS and as of monday has been on 24hr. morphine to ease the pain. Go to the web site and buy what you can in the fight to expose this genocidal government. Please help.

WTO chief blasts ' types' (tags)

"It would strengthen the hand of those who seek change if some NGOs would distance themselves from... anti-globalisation types who trot out slogans that are trite, shallow and superficial" WTO chief Mike Moore

Gore Campain Staffer Jumps Ship, Joins Protest (tags)

A worker with the Gore-Liberman campain quits and joins the street protesters

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