fix articles 310399, felipe gonzalez
The Accusation that Links Chávez with ETA and the FARC is Fraudulent (tags)
"The computer in the hands of the Colombian authorities survived a missile attack which killed several people in the encampment and, by chance, confirmed all the arguments of President Alvaro Uribe to enable him to increase his bellicose internal campaign. Strange as it may sound, the “magic bomb resistant” computer has never been shown in public."
Volver. El discurso del poder en la actualidad de la segunda quincena de mayo (tags)
Maquiavelo escribe al capitán Hastings, para animar al último a practicar el bridge y la representación teatral, en los fines de semana en el rancho de Santiago del Lestero cuando el remitente y su esposa reciben a sus amigos para representar las actualidades de Francia y de España del conjunto de la semana percedente. Ambos instrumentos son presentados como alternativa para diagnosticar la imagen del poder de la semana 19/25 de mayo de 2008.
Who are the Basques and why does Spain call their culture terrorist? What is the truth?
USA Bad Boys: Blackmail and US Intervention in latin America (tags)
US addictions haunt and terrorize world: OIL, WEAPONS, DRUGS. US BAD BOYS and friends in Latin America held power for decades. Now they are run out of town by Hugo Chavez, people of Bolivia and New Ideas. Guns and Money aren’t enough anymore–Hope lives –Struggle Consumes…
Venezuelan Masses Support Chavez. Corporate media lieing as usual (tags)
read The corporate media spinners are doing all they can to bring down the democratically elected president of venezuela. The strike by the rich in venezuela has been defeated.
Is September 11 driving you nuts? (tags)
The people of the United States should rightly remember, and so should the people of the entire world. But the events of the 11th of September 2001 were so powerful, so disturbing, that it would be catastrophic if they were remembered for the wrong reasons.