fix articles 31018, marketing
Time For US Govt. To Stop Junk Mail (tags)
US taxpayers have subsidized with hundreds of billions of dollars the junk mail ad industry whose absurdly low rates allow them to clog landfills, kill trillions of trees, cause global heating, and violate citizen privacy.
The high cost of new and improved (tags)
A relentless push to induce more consumer purchases is endemic. The weight and size of what we buy is bigger. And it is wrapped up in ever more packaging. The social costs of all this unnecessary consumption are high, and are paid for in environmental destruction.
Did Paradise Vibe Marketing cheat you out of your wages? (tags)
PVM Studios, PVM Radio and Paradise Vibe Marketing has found out how to reduce labor cost to next to nothing. Hire people and screw them out of their wages
Been Screwed by Paradise Vibe Marketing? (tags)
Pierre Joseph at Paradise Vibe Marketing (PVM Studios) had found a great way to lower the cost of hiring computer programmers and web master
Crafty Camino Nuevo Charter Charlatans (tags)
A critical look at the nefarious corporate charter operator, Camino Nuevo, which is trying to pilfer yet another new public school site under LAUSD's corporate giveaway resolution
MIT grad shows CDC mind-behavior control duping doctors and public to buy vaccine (tags)
Buyer beware. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) officials are almost ready for their PR company to unleash a sophisticated, powerful H1N1 'swine flu' vaccine multimedia marketing campaign to dupe doctors and exploit society's most vulnerable through what social scientists call mind control that aims for behavior control.
FBI Arrests Four Dupes in Marketing Extravaganza (tags)
Need terror? Just add an FBI informant and "Presto!" Instant terror!
"Worse than in the Iraq War" (tags)
"A recapitalization of relatively sound banks could be vital for creating trust in the financial system. This must happen in a way that prevents privatizing profits while socializing losses. One can learn good crisis management in the example of Sweden's banking crisis in the 1990s
Sudden outbreak of democracy baffles US pundits (tags)
Conservatives, libertarians and lefties all raised objections to the Bailout for very sound reasons of their own. The media had done all it could to keep awkward questions off the air. The result has left us disenfranchised.
Bono's RED campaign a massive flop (tags)
The American public rejected 'AID$' mania in a massive rebuttal of a last ditch attempt to keep the flagging 'AIDs' myth alive. At last the public has noticed Magic is alive and well and noting about the 'AIDS epidemic' has proved to be true.
How Military Recruiters Pitch to Latinos: PowerPoint Racism (tags)
According to this racializing model, "right-brain" irrational Hispanics, unsuited for "America's system of education," will vote their way into Karl Rove's projected Republican majority, and for decades to come fill the ranks of the lowest echelons of the service sector, the prison system, and the combat units of America's imperial army. Were he alive today Che Guevara, whom a CIA operative once described as "fairly intellectual for a Latin," would undoubtedly be asking progressive Latinos what they plan to do about it.
The Utopias of Capitalism (tags)
:Government and freedom exclude one another" Max Barry in "Jennifer Government." In the negative utopia, the dystopia, the fear is over capital interests. Workers are no longer paid because their work is divine service.
US Hispanic Direct Response Marketing Returning Big Rewards (tags)
There’s been a shift in the DRTV responses over the last few years – what used to be strictly an English speaking audience has changed considerably. Half-hour paid program purchases in the U.S. are coming from both English and Spanish speaking consumers reaping generous rewards.
small WORLD interview with Michael Stanat, “Doogie Howser” of International Marketing (tags)
Interview with Michael Stanat, author of China’s Generation Y: Understanding the Future Leaders of the World’s Next Superpower.
The Web: Video search engines come of age (tags)
A story about new video search capabilities.
Billion dollar scam exposed (tags)
This seemingly genuine study turns out to be a carefully engineered piece of propaganda intended to give the green light to manditory testing. The result would be billions of dollars in sales for these multi million dollar machines.
National LGBT Business Convention Presents The LGBT Marketing Seminar (tags)
Echelon Magazine hosts the National LGBT Business Convention in Los Angeles on November 8, 2004. The Convention features The LGBT Marketing Seminar presented by the leaders in Gay and Lesbian advertising
America's Job Wonder is Pure Statistics (tags)
"Everything is only marketing.. The new statistical methods only help marketing to keep the high deficits in the US finacable. The data does not reflect reality in the US.. America wrestles with a so-called double deficit.."
V Chip provides more personal returns (tags)
science and technology meeting our needs
V Chip provides more personal returns (tags)
science and technology meeting our needs
V Chip provides more personal returns (tags)
science and technology meeting our needs
Students challenge employer (California State-Fullerton student paper) (tags)
Group says Vector Marketing / Cutco knife vendor misleads prospective workers with false claims.
Students Stand up to Summer Work Company (tags)
National group of students rally against unethical business practices of summer work company.
Anti-Propaganda Stickers Released (tags)
Fight Marketing with Marketing with Anti-Bush Anti-Propaganda Stickers
don't read if you have a weak stomach...
Marketing the Empire - Bush's Bloody Glove (tags)
If the majority of the U.S. population buys the story that the Bush regime has secret, but credible evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction, and that such questionable evidence gives just cause for a military invasion of Iraq without international sanction, then the mass marketing of empire and murder will be complete. Kafka would be pleased
Origin of Iraq invasion planning (tags)
Notes made at a command center briefing five hours after the WTC attacks make clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was determined to use the 9-11 tragedy as a pretext for overthrowing Sadam Hussein.
PepsiCo goes after Indy Rock (tags)
PepsiCo has just begun a marketing campaign for its new energy drink called "Amp" ( What is different about this marketing scheme is that they are using Indy rock bands to sell it!!!