fix articles 30934, exist
the ultimate evidence
sars cov 2 does not exist : proof
As the people learn of the murderous and criminal minds that dominate all fbi operations, that dirty agency ceases to exist.
Moderate Islam’s Real Litmus Test? Israel (tags)
The San Bernardino shooter’s father teaches us a painful lesson about unchecked bigotry
Gorbachev Fears Nuclear War (tags)
Putin Straight Talk v. Obama Doubletalk (tags)
Despotic Saudi Regime Lobbies to Chair Human Rights Council (tags)
police state
Dams that dont exist flood gaza (tags)
Palestinian media and officials are facing ridicule in the Israeli press for blaming the Israeli government for flooding the Gaza Strip by opening dams. But there’s one problem: Israel says those alleged dams don’t exist. “Even the weather is fair game in Hamas’s war of words against Israel,” wrote the Times of Israel, while the blog Israelly Cool had this headline: “Palestinians and Supporters Open the Floodgates of Bullcrap.” “[O]f course no crisis in Gaza can go to waste without blaming it on Israel,” Israelly Cool wrote. The claim of Israel intentionally flooding Gaza has made headlines in the pro-Palestinian media over the past week in which a freak winter storm hit the Middle East with a deluge of rain and snow, including a once-in-a-century snowfall in neighboring Egypt.
Fukushima Corium Removal Technology Does Not Exist (tags)
Fukushima Corium Removal Technology Does Not Exist
Challenging Israel's Right to Exist Responsibly (tags)
Self-directed workers as a “cure for capitalism” (tags)
Employees themselves should make the decisions concerning the business. They can consider a far wider set of issues and concerns about adopting new technology, or any other strategic decision, thereby fully weighing the effects on themselves, their families and their communities.
Cooperation is not only a good idea, it already works in practice (tags)
Cooperative enterprises, in which all employees share in all the decision-making and manage themselves, are not pie in the sky. They already exist.
Uncontacted Indians: report exposes ‘untold story’ of Repsol’s exploration (tags)
Oil giant Repsol-YPF could be threatening the existence of two of the world’s last uncontacted tribes, according to a damning new report by Survival International.
(Remembering where we live) (tags)
We will be happy because we exist. Which is a precious gift. We will remember how to be children and cure our addictions. We will find harmony and see what it brings us
It is necessary to destroy the democracy of the corporations.
Israel cannot exist within the law. (tags)
It will always be a gangster and terror state.
2012 Revisited by Ralph Miller (tags)
Ralph Miller has worked with people from all over the world in an experiential journey which he calls Heart of the Initiate as a way for people to remember their "authentic selves
The wildest threatening scenarios are often nothing but hallucinated analogies.. Whoever accepts everything as a supposedly lesser evil will justify evil and monstrosities.
Steven--Say It Isn't So (tags)
Spielberg's newest movie is about the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes...and he's hired a script writer who has openly stated that Israel has no right to exist. Would Steven hire the Grand Dragon of the KKK to write the script for a movie about the struggle of Blacks to obtain civil rights?
The Ancient Wisdom of the Breath (tags)
This may be the beginning of the most fascinating adventure that you have ever undertaken because it begins with you.
Until we are willing to heal the deep emotional pain, inner conflicts and denial about them we sill see killing, war and destruction in the world around us.
How does it feel to have a blade at your throats? (tags)
You know it's there but you don't want to see it. From inside the black labs of our over funded weapons contractors and or universities, supposably directed at America's enemies, we as taxpayers have created hefty stores of these banned technologies as per the 1972 treaty.
The thieves that stood before the cross, the betrayal as the foundation of parents who don't have a clue. The cries of spirituality that youth seeks within the circles of hell. who just don’t give a dam children who cry out for help, leaders who don't know how to lead, and social workers, who don't know how to be social, teachers who don't know how to teach.
Nader and his supporters have become what they hate! (tags)
Ralph Nader and his supporters exhibiting the same behaviours that they denounce in the Democrats!
July 4th - Another Occasion (tags)
July 4th - Another Occasion For Hypocrites By Russell R. Bingman, Publisher No B.S. News & Commentary c. 2004 - All Rights Reserved
Regarding Arab/Islamic Resistance and Western Leftists (tags)
THE SILENCING OF DISSENT - How do they get away with it? (tags)
To the Christian and to the entire non-Jewish world, Jews say this: 'You will apologise for Jewish suffering again and again and again. And, when you have finished apologising, you will then apologise some more. When you have apologised sufficiently we will forgive you, provided you let us do what we want in Palestine.'
Los Angeles Social Centers (tags)
This is a thread of photos mapping Los Angeles' Social Centers, or Cafes.
Endorse passwords for users! (tags)
From the comments page: "This feature has been disabled temporarily pending discussion about how to deal with the flamewars happening on the website. Current discussion within the collective is pointing toward adding users and passwords to create greater accountability for each of the participants. "
Leftist take on 9-11 Conspiracists (tags)
Nice little articale from
Palestinians don't exist (tags)
If I close my eyes, think hard and tell myself that they don't exist then it becomes true.
Washington - There was only one problem with President George W. Bush's claim Thursday that the nation's top economists forecast substantial economic growth if Congress passed the president's tax cut: The forecast with that conclusion doesn't exist.
Hollywood: no Palestinians allowed (by Latuff) (tags)
...for the Academy, it’s probable that Palestinian films simply cannot be submitted, denying in a way, their right to exist. Sound familiar?
Disputed Air ID Law May Not Exist (tags)
Disputed Air ID Law May Not Exist Note also about First Class lavatories referred to at end.
34: Where are we leading ourselves (tags)
This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war
Does a process exist whereby we, the people, can demand the start of the impeachment process? If not, can we gather signatures and vote Bush out of a political position he did not rightly win?
As long as cities exist environment can never be saved (tags)
The following is about to come true: Nature can exist (1) before man (2) after man (3) not with man