fix articles 309, students Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : students



As usual, as ever, peaceful pro-Paletinian student protest gainst the Gaza genocide is being infiltrated...

Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere (tags)

What can educators & others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate & other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.

Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

Climate strike: How elites have been fighting Generation Alarm for five years (tags)

Some activists are later sentenced to pay millions in damages, others have to spend months in prison for their civil disobedience. In the Bild newspaper, RWE boss Rolf Martin Schmitz calls them "eco-terrorists." But neither heat, nor summer drought, nor coal protests led the politicians to ask questions about the climate.

Underhanded History of the USA (tags)

From Grade 5, many schools are becoming binary and anti-racist. "Attitude instead of Education" is by Willy Meyer.

The De-Generation (tags)

We live in a madhouse, a prison of insanity. The ruling elite is made up of lunatics and murderers. Only, we don't know it. Don't want to know. Everything we know is wrong. Lunatics and murderers! The lie is so huge that we believe the giant lie of the corrupt system.

School must be different (tags)

Economization doesn't just affect cleaning. Schools as a whole are required to distinguish themselves in a competitive environment and to score points in school rankings through good "key figures," such as high school graduation rates. Yes, this is a blatant stress for everyone.

Education neoliberalism disguised as social policy (tags)

The share of the workforce with a college, university or technical college education is rising. The ever-increasing demands on skilled workers and the needs of the labor market are also driving up the cost of education. It is right and necessary to ask questions about financing.

Children suffer strongly from homeschooling in Lockdown (tags)

The situation, which UNICEF described as a "catastrophic education crisis" at the beginning of March, continues. In addition, errors, stereotypes, misjudgements and trivialization prevail in the discussion about children, Corona and digital distance learning.

January - April 2021 Honduras coup update (tags)

This Jan-April 2021 in Honduras. Police brutality is on the radar with severe cases of assassination by police including the globally known case of Keyla Martinez and other less known cases. There are also assassination of organisers, updates on political prisoners and vaccines and more..

The Invisible Cage (tags)

What kind of conditioning will we be subjected to after being stripped of our natural relationships? I want to live a life that breaks the invisible cage and firmly reaches out to nature and humanity.

How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)

Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.

We Can be Asian, if Necessary (tags)

Flood the system. Arab Americans are Asian Americans. We Demand Inclusion

COVID-19 Symptom Timeline (tags)

Timeline of symptoms as reported on a video by a person who made a video from her hospital bed.

November 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

November 2019 Honduras coup update This month: one uni student of the students movement, Leonardo Castillo and a high school student, Sulmy López, were killed. Another high school student has been disappeared. An extermination plan is known – to silence opposition and to silence the drug trail of the TH-JOH politician brothers. One more exposition to JOH’s money laundering and scandals for funding the 2017 electoral campaign. Another journalist, José Arita, was assassinated. Human rights defenders Jorge Acosta and Ramón Aguilar were assassinated, another one received a death threat in his car. Villagers of Zacate Grande standing up to large landholders suffer repeat arrests. Campesinos of La Paz have court processes sitting on top of them. Guapinol community defenders against mining also has its eight political prisoners stuck in a dragged out court process, and a journalist who accompanies their struggle suffered a kidnap attempt, whilst the community there live under a state of siege as a public meeting approaches. As communities in Tegucigalpa mobilised again to protect the La Tigra national park from an enormous luxury apartments project, they suffered a violent eviction. The political prisoners from Pimienta suffer persecution outside the prison. Another political prisoner Gustavo Cáceres was finally released after almost 2 years. Surveillance intensified. Campesinos leader and his family were victims to gunshots attack in Bajo Aguan. Protests were repressed.

Poor Despite Work (tags)

Vancouver B.C. has 26 community centers that give an identity to working and nonworking persons. Three hours of free computer use, libraries, gyms, theaters, game rooms and $4 casserole dinners are among the many amenities.

September 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2019, at least three indigenous defenders in social and environmental struggles were assassinated, two were Tolupans, and one was Garífuna. Repression continued also against students and teachers in struggle, and against environmentalists of Guapinol who became political prisoners this September 2019, and heavy repression was ordered against communities who fought against the luxury apartment buildings and other buildings for the high life that would take away their water source and destroy the environment in La Tigra national park - the communities' struggle had been especially firm and unbendable. Read on about this and other news from September 2019 in Honduras

August 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) This August in Honduras.. the education sector students and staff strikes continue as had the repression, and after 18 months, political prisoners Edwin Espinal and Raul Alvarez were released on bail, while Rommel and Gustavo remained locked up. Developments about to kick off to build luxury apartments on the outskirts of Tegucigalpa on the national park La Tigra attempting against the environment and the water supplies of the many, so resistance was growing against these. At the same time, attacks against the Guapinol community that has for many months resisted mining company Inversiones Los Pinares was horrifying, with reactivation of capture orders against environmental defenders - of some 32, 7 went to court to try to fight the charges there and put an end to them only to be taken into custody and refused bail, and in under a week, one of those who chose not to attend court was assassinated. See the details in chronological order in the summary

July 2019 Honduras Coup Update (tags) As barricades and school occupations continued from having started at the end of April, repression against students continue to be severe, and the struggle is in the backdrop of a dengue epidemic that the Honduran healthcare system, denied of resources from the state, is not handling. In Choluteca where the social struggle is reputed to be the strongest, a heavy hunt for the ‘leader’ was confessed by the police, and also an 11 year old daughter of a social leader was assassinated.

June 2019 Honduras coup update (tags)

28 June 2019 is the 10 years anniversary date of the atrocious military coup in Honduras. Throughout June 2019, the strike and barricades of the education and healthcare sectors that began at the end of April 2019 continued, accompanied by the heavy cargo transport sector, paralysing the highways across the country and drying out petrol and electricity, driving into desperation the JOH (Juan Orlando Hernández – second term president by electoral fraud in 2017) dictatorship regime; this regime which only wants to keep privatising and repressing. This desperation translated into severe repression where gunshots were fired in many barricades on different dates and places wounding and on several occasions killing protesters.

May 2019 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This May 2019 in Honduras, starting with May Day, and culminating in 2 days of general strike in the continued struggle against the privatisation of education and healthcare. Way too many gunshots in different protests, and brutal repression generally. Several killed. Read on for details

Needed: a Jewish Honor Guard on US Campuses (tags)

Anti-Semitism Is Growing Worldwide, Jewish Students On College Campuses Are Getting Attacked, Jews Need To Learn To Defend Themselves. Jewish Knowledge means Jewish Pride, Jewish Self-Defense means Jewish Security!

Fed Says College Students Have More Debt than Previous Generations (tags)

A study released from the Federal Reserve Board notes that 70 percent of college students are graduating with more than $37,000 in debt.

International Student Exchange Releases Update On ISE Gives Back Initiative (tags)

The organization is detailing how their ongoing partnership with Children Incorporated has been helping children in need across the US for the last 2 years, reports

Marshall Tuck’s racist dog whistle (tags)

Marshall Tuck's campaign reproached by the NAACP for its racism and anti-blackness.

Marshall Tuck’s ethnocentrism contradicts Californian values (tags)

Marshall Tuck failed students in many ways, but none greater than his shuttering of programs key to their cultural identities.

September 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2018 in Honduras. There has been heavy repressions against school students, students and others protesting the celebrating of 'independence' day since independence is not seen or felt, and more attacks against Rio Blanco by DESA hydroelectricity company only within a week or two from when DESA has been in court on trial for its members being assassins of indigenous activist Berta Caceres...

August 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

In August 2018, it was the students in primary school, high school and university who carried on the struggle against the increase in transport costs, since they and their families are hit hard by these. Students protested demanding the return of student transport allowances and the lowering of transport fees in general. There had been at least 12 days of road blocks throughout this month by the students and as many ruthlessly brutal evictions, and at the end of August, two high school students were removed by state investigative agents from one of their homes and their bodies found on the streets near their school afterwards. At the same time, there have been lots of attacks by the state against journalists who tell news of struggle and repression and corruption, while more HCH journalists who tell news that speak of police as the good guys and protesters as inconvenient and irrational complained of being abused by protesters in different contexts of struggle and confrontation. Campesinos, environmentalist and community struggles also continue as does the repression against these.

Stanford Student Threatens Violence (tags)

Hamzeh Daoud, a student at Stanford University threatened his fellow students with physical violence. The University has done nothing

New Student Loan Rule Sides with For-Profit Colleges (tags)

This week the US Department of Education proposed new student "borrower defense" rules.

New York Women in Film & Television Announces 2018 NYWIFT Ha Phuong Scholarship Recipients (tags)

The prizes award six accomplished young women in film with financial assistance to pursue their own projects


Actress/Singer/Philanthropist Ha Phuong Will Support an Education and Financial Assistance Program for Aspiring Women Filmmakers, From High School Graduation through Graduate Studies and Beyond

Baltimore Students Offer Solutions to Stop Police Brutality (tags)

Baltimore Students Offer Solutions to Stop Police Brutality

September 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2017 in Honduras. Journalist who spoke up against biofuel industries locally was killed. Another journalist couple that resound voices of those who struggle who were attempted against a month before, this month received another death threat. Students' struggle and the repression against them continue with 22 new arrests against students and 4 arrests against human rights defenders who tried to intervene, with one student subsequently denied bail. A farmer was assassinated as the farming communities were militarised a month into a new mass land occupation. News on all this and more..

August 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This August 2017 in Honduras. El Libertador newspaper owners were attempted against with gunfire. Two other journalists had gunshots at their houses when they were sleeping inside. Students struggle continue at the uni, they faced several violent evictions this month, smear campaigns, more charges, more threats and intimidation, and now that strikes have stopped classes for two months, authorities announced that lecturers will no longer be paid. Another blockading struggle against the installation of a hydroelectricity dam has faced massive repression this months including violent evictions and arrests, having their camp burned down, physical and psychological mob attack .. news including about these, see below

July 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This July 2017 in Honduras. A sociology student is hunted down and murdered, in the backdrop of a lot of persecution against uni students including arrests, violent evictions, 5 years suspensions. Several leaders of indigenous organisation Copinh were attempted against twice, with the intention of pushing them all over the edge

June 2017 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This June 2017, 8 years since the military coup begun, the repression is heavy against uni students and the continued struggle in Río Blanco to kick out the hydroelectricity dam project Agua Zarca and demand justice for the murder against Berta Cáceres and for many other grave abuses and murders there. Another farmers group was evicted very violently with the full force of state, this time in La Paz. A journalist was assassinated after constant death threats. State official, politician and church leader all speaking publicly hate speech and smearing and attacking groups – student activists, marxists, lgbti persons, and others.

UPDATED: List of 200+ U.S. BDS Victories! (tags)

By popular demand, below is a list of U.S. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Victories, originally released to commemorate ten years since Palestinian civil society issued the call for BDS.

May 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

20 uni students occupied an uni admin building in solidarity with 3 other arrested students, they all got repressed and arrested as did a journalist who answered their call to accompany them and cover what was happening, who was also beaten and tortured by security guards and then by police. A journalist who covers local corruption and gives coverage to local protests against a hydroelectricity dam received a chain of threats, to add onto old threats and aggressions. And, as usual council officials, who illegally sold ancestral land of a Garífuna community gets away with it, while an community activist gets arrested and charged for usurping their own ancestral land. A cameraperson for a media outlet has 6 gunshots fired at his body on his way home from work and is gravely injured. This and other abuses, happened in May 2017 in Honduras, read here

Dr. Maryse Narcisse of Haiti Visits Southern California (tags)

“Despite their overwhelming responsibilities, the women are always there. [Applause.] We are a very patriarchal society, but very matrifocal. [Laughter.] They call the women of Haiti 'the central pillar.' The women don't let themselves get discouraged by crisis situations, and despite the very difficult two years of electoral struggle they never got discouraged.They always maintained the torch of struggle for liberation. [Applause.] They are examples by their actions. . . . It is clear that the Haitian people are bent on the struggle. More than ever they are fighting for dignity, democracy, freedom, and the respect of their rights.” – Dr. Maryse Narcisse, April 24, 2017

April 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This April 2017 in Honduras, repression goes on, with melon industry worker/unionists threatened and interrogated by armed people on city highways, with organised farmers with years of living on land growing food getting arrested, with cops arresting high school students for participating in a protests where others had damaged cops' repressive tanks with stones, with stones and other things that can cause bodily harm being thrown at prochoice feminist demonstrators, with a public hospital doctor being suspended and threatened for saying the fees increase against patients is wrong .. these and a bit more here:

February 2017 Honduras coup update (tags) In February 2017, another indigenous Tolupán activist was murdered, attacks against Copinh and supporters in the calls for justice continue, uni students were attacked again by uni administration, and for asking questions about it a week later, a journalist was attacked. Meanwhile, workers are feeling the squeeze with more dismissed public service workers than ever before, and mining workers fighting for bearable work conditions and pay

Igor Sadikov urges students to "Punch a Zionist" (tags)

McGill Student Leader: 'Punch A Zionist Today'

University of California Riverside Students Walkout (tags)

UCR Students walkout on January 20th

Honduras coup update December 2016 (tags)

In December 2016, the uni students of the national agricultural university continue to suffer attacks including stabbings as they continue the campus occupation, in Tegucigalpa, military raided cultural centre Paradiso. A fake letter is published to manipulate how people see the human rights organisation Cofadeh, just as in Bajo Aguan and Garífuna indigenous black communities up north, distraction and confusion tactics are used against the communities that continue to fight for justice and land rights.

Chomsky at MIT: Between the war scientists and the anti-war students (tags)

It is now fifty years since Noam Chomsky published his celebrated article, 'The Responsibility of Intellectuals'. Few other writings had a greater impact on the turbulent political atmosphere on US campuses in the 1960s. The essay launched Chomsky's political career as the world's most intransigent and cogent critic of US foreign policy - a position he has held to this day.

November 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

This November. Another massive repression against uni students, this time at the agricultural national uni in Olancho. In the north of Honduras Garífuna communities organise to take back their land, and doing so they are facing arrests, charges, violence and threats. This month the Guadalupe community was attacked, a number of youths involved had capture orders against them, Medelín was brutally arrested by police and faces charges. To read more on this and other abuses that occurred in November 2016 in Honduras, see the text/link...


For obvious reasons, it’s been more difficult for Muslim LGBTQ activist Nadiya Al-Noor to come out as a Zionist than it was coming out as queer

Vote Out NC Sen. Richard Burr Who Tried To Derail Critics Of CIA Torture (tags)

As head of the Senate intelligence committee, Burr has tried to hide the great amounts of evidence about CIA torture. He has tried to derail critics.

August 2016 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

Another month of terror this August 2016 in Honduras. Farmers attempted against on two unrelated incidents (unrelated except they both involve attacks against farmers who organise to collectivise and work on land), one was killed in the crossfire. Another media closed off for being one that speaks up. The government blatantly announced investigation, surveillance and tracking against a list of human rights defenders. It arbitrarily arrested two other women human rights defenders. Its uni authorities covered up murals in memory of the assassinated indigenous activist Bertha Caceres that students painted with love and rage. Another enviro activist spoke up about threats they are getting. A young politician with an activist background was murdered. Snipers appeared at a protest. Agrarian Department suffered massive cuts, embodying an attack on land redistribution, in addition to job cuts.

July 2016 Honduras coup news update (tags)

July 2016 in Honduras. Yet another assassination against a woman who organised against megadam projects. A gun-in-the-head threat against a youth who already suffer an extremely painful history of persecution for forming part of a community of resistance at Rio Blanco against the Agua Zarca – DESA dam – which in collusion with army and police is responsible for killing Bertha Caceres this March 2016. Massive repression and eviction against a national uni students' occupation that involved charging 75 students – some suffered arrest and were detained for over 24 hours while others suffered the anxiety of capture orders having been issued against them. Break in and information theft against activist organisation Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y Justicia and critical press El Libertador. For details of all this and more, see below

June 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

In this month's update: story of an ex soldier who tells of the hitlists the army received on which appeared Berta Caceres and many other social and enviro activists, and other news - another lgbti leader assassinated, massive repression against uni students protesting privatisation, and massive repression against protesters roadblocking against the installation of tollbooths, plus a few other news

May 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

Its been a heavy month in Honduras. A resistance activist Tomás was murdered on May day in Tegucigalpa. There have been lots of attacks against people who are part of Copinh or who accompany copinh, whether as a member and activist, journalist, or international observers. There were definitely no shortage of gunshots this month courtesy of the state (mostly in evictions against farmers) and of companies and the state who paid hitpeople. Activists in Zacate Grande were imprisoned for being poor and breaching expensive bail conditions. High school students who opposed policy imposition faced 6 killings in 3 months, which the state is likely to dress up as gangs killing gangs.

Husam El-Coolaq. : proof not all harvard students are smart (tags)

Last week, Harvard student Husam El-Qoulaq rudely disrupted a panel featuring Israeli politician Tzipi Livni to ask her why she was “so smelly.”

Teenagers Get False Messages to increase the use o Drugs. (tags)

In the past year's studies o drug use among teenagers, new rends are showing up,

Divestment passes at UI Chicago (tags)

Text of Divestment resolution that passed unanimously in Chicago

Announcing TCU’s newest Entrepreneur-in-Residence: Four Day Weekend Improvisational Troupe (tags)

Four Day Weekend’s “Yes, and” philosophy will help TCU business students identify opportunities, inspire creativity, create positive outcomes, build on ideas and nurture innovation

UCOLA student regrets anti-Israel words (tags)

"A University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) student whose angry outburst following the defeat of an anti-Israel vote went viral on the Internet has had a chance to educate herself better, she told The Algemeiner this week, after requesting an opportunity to express her change of heart. “I don’t believe Israel is evil,” Danielle Dimacali said. “In fact I think it’s a great progressive country that offers a lot of freedom for its citizens.” "One of the things she said she has learned about is antisemitism – “a negative perception of Jews that can be manifested physically or verbally toward Jewish individuals, property, religious facilities or their respective communities. Furthermore, I understand that antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the state of Israel. Criticism of Israel, demonizing Israel, blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions, applying double standards towards Israel, or delegitimizing Israel are all forms of Jew-hatred. It is not only illegal but immoral to target a historically oppressed Jewish minority that has a collective right to self-determination and essential human rights.”

November 2015 Honduras coup update (tags) The November update is up, this month, Honduran courts are in the process of producing more political prisoners, lots of activists and communities in resistance have been subject to attacks attempts and threats, protests smashed by state forces including women protesting violence against women, in doing so, were smashed by men police and then women police...

Police State Public Education in America (tags)

police state

August 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

The August Honduras update is up, a lot has happened, young fire torch leader murdered, taxi driver leader murdered, 14 farmers imprisoned for over 39 days without bail, child of the resistance Oscar now a high school leader now singled out and arrested in a students protests and kept overnight, and so many other things. Meanwhile the hope seems to be in more people taking direct action, with the realisable dream of a general strike, rather than what is catching more attention against corruption right now

July 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags) The July Honduras coup summary is up... this time a lot of the repression was against hunger strikers, students linked to occupations, journalists and human rights defenders. Things are getting to an impossible point for many and there is some hope about how this rage be channelled.

CFPB Fines Predatory Student Lending Practices; Religious Organizations Pray for Relief (tags)

Synagogues and churches held prayer services for students as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau fined Discover Bank $18.5 million for illegal student lending practices. The bank must repay students $16 million, pay a $2.5 million civil penalty and reform its lending practices. The Bureau accused Discover of overstating the minimum amount due in billing statements, misrepresenting students' total interest payments and engaging in illegal debt collection practices. The penalty is the first of its kind by the Bureau against a student loan company. "This fine sends a strong message to companies that take advantage of students," said Eric LeCompte, executive director of the religious anti-poverty coalition Jubilee USA Network, which advocates for responsible student lending policies. "Predatory lending traps students in debt." This past weekend, 64 faith communities from 26 states prayed and acted for fair student lending policies as part of Jubilee USA's national interfaith "Jubilee for Students" prayer event. In 2012 and 2013, the event pushed congressional legislation to stop federal student loan interest rate increases.

UK National Union of Students Joins BDS (tags)


April 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

In April 2014, assassinations, disappearances, evictions, threats and harrassment continue in Honduras, while privatisations including of cities deepen, and as authorities feel pushed to have a clean human rights image to receive 'development' loans, they denigrate those who speak up about human rights violations, and point to things that don't fix the human rights situation at all as if they were great efforts that will eliminate the violations.

BDS Drops Its Veil: Campus Anti-Semitism (tags)

More anti-Semitism in califronia schools

San Diego State University defeats BDS (tags)

BDS resolutions continue to fail nationwide on college campuses

March 2015 Honduras coup update - during high school students strikes: 4 students assassin (tags)

A monthly update of news in Honduras of political persecution, and new practices and laws imposed, etc. This month is especially horrible and full on.

Are Jewish students safe at the University of California? (tags)

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin is faculty at the University of California, Santa Cruz and cofounder and director of the AMCHA Initiative, a non-profit organization that combats campus anti-Semitism.

Abolishing student loans will greatly reduce college costs. (tags)

College costs are greatly increased by states relying on federal student loans to be repaid by students instead of state subsidies even for in state students.

At UCLA, a culture of equating 'Israel' with 'guilty' (tags)

When Israel is constantly on trial, it is no surprise that Jewish students can only be socially accepted when they join the 'indict-Israel' circus.

SJP Santa Cruz Hijacks Tuition Hike Rally (tags)

While the rest of the campus protested the tuition hikes, SJP screamed "Pay attention to me!"

Cal-Davis student court strikes down anti-Israel Divestment resolution (tags)

UC Davis Aggie High Court reject BDS resolution

Racism at UCLA (tags)

ANALYSIS: Blatant act of anti-Semitism shocks UCLA community.

Rahim Kurwa, Co-author of UCSA resolution needs to disclose affiliations (tags)

Rahim Kurwa, UCLA graduate student and divestment activist is a shill for extremist anti-Israel groups

BDS resolution and antiSemitism at UC Davis (tags)

BDS and the poisonous effect on campus climate

The Shortwave Report 01/30/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Simon Says (tags)

Organized Snitch programs like Tip Submit and Community Alerts are manipulating communities to target progressive writers and Activists.

December 2014 Honduras coup news update (tags)

This December 2014 in Honduras, a journalist murdered, a radio community journalist stabbed at, lots of evictions, etc...

Are the Times A-Changin' at UC Berkeley’s School of Law? (tags)

Torture Memo, Racial Unrest & (Perhaps) a Job Applicant’s Cover Letter Wake Up the School’s Faculty, Staff and Once-Floundering Social Justice Center

For a Different Economics (tags)

Economists are criticized everywhere for their onesidedness, their focus on markets and their inability to deal with the burning problems... From neoclassical assumptions "more is better" or markets lead to efficient distribution, a perspective on the world results that sets efficiency over justice

Honduras Coup Update November 2014 (tags)

November 2014 Honduras coup update - a long-threatened organised farmer is now added to the list of over 130 organised farmers assassinated since the coup, as is the 14 year old daughter of Globo Radio/TV journalist in the context of having a long list of journalists assassinated since the coup, UNAH uni students are told that protesting on campus is now illegal, and 2000 electricity workers are fired by the Honduran state as they take the street.

Against our highest principles (tags)

Students and labor in solidarity against #BDS

October 2014 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

October 2014 in Honduras.. 15 year old Maycol disappeared and killed in Rio Blanco his body found on the river they community defends, his brother was killed months before. Model cities marching on. Students taking the uni. Terrorism laws wanting to impose themselves. Have a look here...

Hamas on Campus (tags)

Ten facts about SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine)

UCLA students accused of sexual battery (tags)

Omar Arce, 22, was arrested in April after a female student accused him of sexually assaulting her

Firestorm Over Steven Salaita's Sacking (tags)


Bomb Abroad Spank At Home (tags)

While 39 countries have banned corporal punishment, 19 US states allow teachers to paddle students.

Steven Salaita Goes Public (tags)


200 Youth Inspired to be Drug Free for the New School Year By Foundation for a Drug Free W (tags)

SUMMARY: Though going back to school may mean gaining new knowledge, the Foundation for a Drug-Free World is making sure students get an invaluable lesson. SUMMARY: Though going back to school may mean gaining new knowledge, the Foundation for a Drug-Free World is making sure students get an invaluable lesson.

Mainstream Economics: Monocultures at the University (tags)

The "Plural Economics Network" challenges breaking through the monoculture and intellectual one-sidedness in economics...Instead of viewing our varied social problems from different perspectives, all the answers are derived from very similar models.

Venice Beach: Over 500 students and local community leaders march against violence (tags)

Students and local nonprofits marched the streets of Venice Beach to rally against violence and war. The march marks the anniversary of the first International Peace Youth Walk which took place in South Korea.

Challenging the Ruling Economic Orthodoxy: Economics Students Begin to Revolt (tags)

Pete Dolack writes the Systemic Disorder blog. He has been activist with several groups.

UCLA slammed for double standards (tags)

Chancellor Gene Block has released a statement to the UCLA community regarding the ethics statement, and the intimidation of pro-Israel and Jewish students on campus

Crushing defeat for BDS at San Diego State University (tags)

Bigoted #BDS resolution defeated at SDSU 16 no, 3 yes, 3 abstentions

"Fair Harvard" Lacks Fairness (tags)


Divestment defeated at UC Riverside (tags)

Riverside defeats divestment. UCLA and SDSU are next

On MLK Day: Racist Bullying Cover-up In Riverside Dear Coach Rice (tags)

A campaign of bullying and racist attacks on students at the Riverside John W. North High School have taken place and a cover-up of these attacks.

US Scholars Endorse Boycotting Israel (tags)


Double Injustice (tags)

police state

San francisco State Rejects Normalization (tags)

Rejecting normalization is not incitement to violence

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

Remembering Michael Mandel (tags)

a true hero

San Diego State University Professor Ghassan Zakaria eliminates truth in his classroom (tags)

San Diego State University Professor Ghassan Zakaria eliminates truth in his classroom

Joining Forces for Education's statement on Aquino resignation (tags)

Joining Forces for Education's statement on using Broad's Jaime Aquino's resignation to push for authentic reforms

Napolitano to Head University of California (tags)


Open Letter re: anti-Israel student nominated to UC Regents (tags)

Sadia Saifuddin, a UC Berkeley senior and a member of the MSA and Students for Justice in Palestine, Muslim Brotherhood front groups that regularly sponsor “Israel Apartheid Weeks,” was recently nominated to become the University of California student regent for the 2014-15 academic year.

Protest Sadia Saifuddin's nomination to UC Regents (tags)

Editors’ note: Sadia Saifuddin, a UC Berkeley senior and a member of the MSA and Students for Justice in Palestine, Muslim Brotherhood front groups that regularly sponsor “Israel Apartheid Weeks,” was recently nominated to become the University of California student regent for the 2014-15 academic year

America's Student Loan Racket: Stiffer Debt Boondage Coming (tags)

class war

Filipino student groups summon Philippine government agencies, raise education sector woes (tags)

Various student groups today summoned representatives from various government agencies such as the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippine National Police (PNP), Commission on Human Rights (CHR), and the National Youth Commission (NYC) to a dialogue to air out the various issues and concerns of the education sector.

Divestment Fails at UC Santa barbara (tags)

The anti-Israel Lobby pushes BDS at the University of California

A Curious New York Times Article on Teacher Evaluations (tags)

A recent New York Times article, “Curious Grade For Teachers: Nearly All Pass,” finds incredulous the idea that, “In Florida, 97 percent of teachers were deemed effective or highly effective in the most recent evaluations.” The author goes on to cite similar percentages in other states and concludes: “The teachers might be rated all above average, like students in Lake Wobegon, for the same reason that the older evaluation methods were considered lacking.” In other words, the teachers score well because the measuring standard is flawed. And this conclusion is reinforced by the observation that teachers’ high marks were achieved “even when students were falling behind.”

Destroying Public Education in Chicago (tags)


Students threatened at UC Davis event (tags)

The UC are failing our students

Robert D. Skeels applauds Eric Garcetti's Efforts to Save The NVOC-Aviation Center (tags)

LAUSD Candidate Robert D. Skeels commends Los Angeles Mayor Candidate Eric Garcetti for standing up to Supt. John Deasy and Pres. Mónica García's cuts.

Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


Women’s rights: Turning point in India, triumph in Manila (tags)

Women’s rights have been in the forefront of international concern over the last few weeks.

Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)


California Safe Schools Receives 2012 WebMD Hero Award (tags)

Children's Environmental Health & Environmental Justice Champion Honored for Overcoming a Medical Challenge, and then Giving Back.

Dubious Reports About Fidel Castro's Health (tags)


Plural Economics (tags)

Vancouver Canada has 23 community centers, some with swimming pools that can take your breath away. Learning from other cultures and countries is a sign of strength, not of weakness. Without a social contract we become wolves. Without public goods, the market economy fails.

Chicago's teachers end strike (tags)

The ChicagoChicago Sun-Times is reporting that the Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates voted Tuesday to end its seven-day strike. This means that classes will resume on Sept. 19 (Wednesday) for the country’s third largest school district’s 350,000 public school students.

Impossible Test Scores (tags)

If you have magnet schools, it's impossible for the remaining students to achieve average test scores.

Chicago: America's Epicenter of Resistance (tags)


Teacher X: Why I'm striking, JCB (tags)

I am willing to sacrifice an awful lot to protect the students I serve every day. I am not hurting our kids by striking, I’m striking to restore some semblance of reasonable care for students to this system.

Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel (tags)


Denis Rancourt's Struggle for Justice (tags)

police state

Ed’s Aren't As Powerful As You Might Think They Are (tags)

When I was a student at the University of Connecticut between the years of 2003 and 2006 I had the opportunity to view an aspect of the way our tax dollars get spent up close and personal. I saw this, though I wasn't meant to, and the way things were to unfold, there certainly couldn't have been any script, none that got adhered to anyway. Like anyone else, I got upset about certain things I was to see with regards to where my tax dollars went from time to time if I saw something on the news. Up until that point though, it was never enough to pinpoint one specific thing and connect it to tax dollars. But while at the University of Connecticut, I learned just how our dollars can be burned up uselessly without a care and how people on the taxpayer dime can take advantage of the system, responsibility, position and money they've been granted.

America's Student Loan Racket (tags)

student loans

Social Justice on Trial in Canada (tags)


"Devrait pas nous fâcher," they yelled — "You shouldn't get us mad." (tags)

America's protest movements need to take a lesson from the Quebecois student strike.

BTL:Obama Sends Mixed Messages in Speech on Future of Afghan War (tags)

Interview with Tom Hayden, former California legislator, activist and co-founder of Students for a Democratic Society, conducted by Scott Harris

Riverside Celebrates May Day, Police Violence Mars Protest (tags)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Several hundred people participated in a series of actions marking International Worker's Day in Southern California's Inland Empire. The day featured an Occupy bank protest, an immigrant rights march and rally, and a food and clothing giveaway hosted by an autonomous grouping. The day of community empowerment was temporarily disrupted, however, when police violently targeted students and arrested them.

A Nation of Morons (tags)


Recall Mónica García Press Conference (tags)

Activists Announce the Recall Campaign of LAUSD President Mónica García

Support The Davis Dozen! Drop All Charges! (tags)

The “Banker's Dozen” were served with arrest notices one month after the U.S. Bank on UC Davis campus closed its doors for good, following weeks of protests against the university's privatization, its collusion with corporate profiteers, and the banks' role in increasing student costs and student debt. Twelve people are now threatened with 11 years each in jail and one million dollars in fines for a conspiracy to sit down. Privatization and austerity continue, more unpopular than ever. The university's policy of criminalizing dissent to protect and impose its policies continues, as it must in the face of increasing resistance.

Queer Democrats Endorse Teachers’ Union Leaders for School Boards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality have become virtually an appendage of the local labor movements in making their 2012 election endorsements. In January they rejected progressive Congressional candidate Lori Saldaña and endorsed her moderate Democratic opponent, Scott Peters, largely on labor's say-so. In February they rated anti-marriage Catholic Juan Vargas and marriage equality defender Denise Moreno Ducheny equally "acceptable" for another Congressional seat. And in March they picked teachers' union leaders for their school board endorsements.

The Struggle to Save Adult Education in Los Angeles (tags)

The ongoing struggle to save LAUSD Adult Education continues.

Student Activists Receive Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award (tags)

Student Advocates for Higher Education (SAHE) was honored by the San José Peace and Justice Center for the service, activism, tenacity, and courage of its students, and especially of its undocumented members. Representatives Mike Honda and Zoe Lofgren participated in the ceremony held at San José State University.

Fadi Quran Victimized by Israeli State Terror (tags)


Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference (tags)

Contacts and Details on Regional S. CA Post-Secondary Student Conference to plan the end of the defunding of public universities and colleges in California.

Mr. (tags)

Contacts and Announcement for a regional, Southern California Post-Secondary Student gathering to organize protest against the defunding of our schools.

City of Brotherly Love Event Promotes War and Hate (tags)


University of Ottawa Systemic Racism and Abuse (tags)


Even Local Businesses Support Efforts to Save LAUSD Adult Education (tags)

A week remains to save LAUSD Adult Education, a lifeline for immigrant families, impoverished communities, and students of color. Several local business have helped in the effort to save the program.

UCR Occupied in Defense of Education (tags)

Thursday, January 19, 2012
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Thousands of students, workers, and community members gathered to participate in the governance of the UC system. When their participation was limited and ultimately shut off, they took direct action to ensure their voices were heard. For this, they were confronted by police from numerous agencies. Police violence broke out, and three arrests were made.

BREAKING: Students at UCR force regents to adjourn (tags)

Copy: TXT MSG received to LA-IMC newsroom 20 mins ago:

K-14 for a Brighter Future (tags)

A proposal for California. It's pro-jobs, without stupid giveaways to greedy corporations.

Students of the World UNITE (tags)

Stewart Alexander of California and Alex Mendoza of Texas have been nominated by the Socialist Party USA to run for the President and Vice President of the United States in 2012; the campaign wants to engage students and allow them participate in the current political landscape and the upcoming presidential election, even though they may not be old enough to vote.

Occupy UC Davis Supports Resolution Opposing Democrat-Republicans (tags)

A child shall lead them and the Occupy UC Davis students have shown the way with a resolution supporting breaking with the Democrat-Republicans. The resolution is here.

Students gathering at UCLA to protest regents meeting (tags)

UC Regents are meeting today on tuition hikes and pepper spray assault by UC Davis cop.

US Higher Education in Crisis (tags)

class war

Occupy UCR General Assembly 11-21-2011 (tags)

There was a buzz amidst the students at University of California Riverside (UCR) when 2pm hit at the bell tower. "We are in solidarity with UC Davis and UC Berkeley so come join our discussion!" cried Jasmine, one of the facilitators, for this very first General Assembly (GA) meeting of the UCR occupation. The turnout was one of one hundred and fifty students, staff and faculty, including UCR Chancellor White and the surprise guest Chief of UCR police Mike Lane.

America's Student Loan Debt Bondage (tags)

class war

Occupy CSUN (tags)

Local students have coordinated Occupy CSUN in the main quad South of the Oviatt Library at Cal State Northridge. Everyone is welcome to join. OCCUPY CSUN needs art supplies/food etc. PEOPLE!

BTL:Veteran Civil Rights and Anti-War Organizer Tom Hayden Assesses the Power of the Occup (tags)

Interview with Tom Hayden, former California legislator, activist and founder of Students for a Democratic Society, conducted by Scott Harris

Occupy Oakland General Strike - Wednesday, November 5 (tags)

Approved (1484 yes, 46 no): We as fellow occupiers of Oscar Grant Plaza propose that on Wednesday November 2, 2011, we liberate Oakland and shut down the 1%. We propose a city wide general strike and we propose we invite all students to walk out of school. Instead of workers going to work and students going to school, the people will converge on downtown Oakland to shut down the city.

Domestic Criminals Under Influence of Drugs Allowed To Teach At Priest River Schools (tags)

High school dropouts with extensive criminal records and known drug use allowed to be substitute teachers in Idaho. Violent Criminals stripped of gun rights teaching our children should not be allowed anywhere in America.

The Irvine 11: Guilty of Being Muslims in America (tags)


The Irvine 11 (tags)

state terror

SB 48 Referendum: THE Epic Struggle for Queer Rights in California (tags)

Roland Palencia, executive director of the Queer lobbying group Equality California (EQCA), calls the radical Right's attempt to get rid of the FAIR Education Act, also known as SB 48, "the greatest threat in years to LGBT [Queer] Californians." The Act adds Queer people, people with disabilities and Pacific Islanders to the list of communities whose "role and contributions" to American and Californian history and society must be acknowledged in lessons and textbooks used by the California public schools. Radical-Right activists, including some of the same people who successfully eliminated marriage equality in California via Proposition 8, plan to make it a referendum on the very existence and legitimacy of the Queer community and will likely wage an ugly campaign based on many negative stereotypes of Queer people. Palencia's group is fighting back by setting up a broad, mostly non-Queer coalition, and he, EQCA regional field director George Zander and openly Queer San Diego Unified School District board member Kevin Beiser spoke at the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club August 25 to mobilize its members to join the campaign and help organize the grand coalition.

The Shortwave Report 08/26 (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

California State University System Raises Tuition (tags)

While Elliot Hirshman, the new president of San Diego State University, receives a $400,000 compensation package, the California State University?s (CSU) Board of Trustees voted on Tuesday 13 to 2 in favor of increasing tuition by an additional 12 percent for the 23-campus system. Students will be paying about $6,422, double the amount required in 2007.

APIEL Environmental Law Conference in Knoxville, TN Oct 20-23 (tags)

Attend the 2nd annual Appalachian Public Interest Environmental Law Conference

"Students Should Become Anarchists": Noam Chomsky (tags)

Anarchists try to identify power structures. They urge those exercising power to justify themselves. Then anarchists work at unmasking and mastering the structures, whether patriarchal families or the private tyrannies of the economy. Links to R Hahnel, C Milstein and M Albert.

Wrongfully Banishing Professor David Protess (tags)


Dream Comes True for Mother and Son at Art Institute Graduation (tags)

The Art Institute of Orange County is a place where futurists can prepare to enhance their own future and the future of America

Education of the Homo Oeconomicus (tags)

The school system should not only produce students with a narrowed economic view. Society consists of more than the sum of benefit-maximizing individuals.An economic system with fewer income differences, regulated financial markets and welfare state brings greater stability.

Millionaires, Mendaciousness, and Miserable English Scores, the false Locke success story (tags)

Orchestrators of the Locke hostile takeover, Green Dot has in Arne Duncan's words 'Cracked the Code.' Cracked the code to poverty pimping that is. Marco Petruzzi is stacking major paper while 'graduating' students with single digit proficiency.

America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates (tags)

student loans

State of Emergency Declared for Public School Funding (tags)

California community members, parents, and students joined teachers statewide declaring a State of Emergency caused by years of merciless budget cuts gutting public schools and social services.

Economics as Brainwashing and Careerist Gets the Job (tags)

The self-regulating market and stgylizing all problems as exogenous, not endogenous are fatal myths as proven by Enron, Tepco, Citigroup and all corporate tax cheats. Can the real economy survive when financial profits amount to 40% of all profits? Viva economic learning!

California Safe Schools & LA Unified Celebrate Twelve Years of Protecting Student Health (tags)

Reformed Pesticide Policy Becomes National & International Model for Schools & Communities

Fullerton College Walks Out (tags)

A group of Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) to demand a special election on tax extensions that would help close a $25 billion dollar state budget deficit.

Fullerton College Students Walk Out (tags)

Fullerton College students walk to the office of Assemblyman Chris Norby (R-Fullerton) demanding a special election to decide on the state budget.

Queer Democrats Oppose Initiative to Add Non-Elected Members to School Board (tags)

Two multimillionaires, Qualcomm founder Irwin Jacobs and hedge-fund CEO Rod Dammeyer, are sponsoring an initiative called “San Diegans 4 Great Schools” to add four non-elected members to the board of the San Diego Unified School District. The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club debated this initiative March 24 and passed a motion urging voters not to sign to put it on the ballot. Among their concerns were the potential dilution of voter input on the school board, the presence of the president of Roman Catholic Church-owned University of San Diego on the panel of nine people making the appointments, and the ways paid signature gatherers routinely lie about what initiatives will do in order to get people to sign them. The club heard from Scott Himmelmeyer, USD employee and spokesperson for the initiative, as well as current school board president Richard Barrera speaking for and against it, respectively.

March 2 Day of Action for Education in Riverside (tags)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

RIVERSIDE, California - Students from the Inland Empire's main universities and community colleges held rallies at their respective campuses in the morning before converging in Riverside's civic center for a demonstration with speakers and music. Demands included an end to tuition hikes and schools cuts, an end to social services cuts, and the passage of the DREAM Act.

Gates' Yolie Flores lauded by LA Weekly's Yellow Journalists (tags)

Trashy masseuse and porn ad pennysaver (aka LA Weekly) has printed yet another homage to the princess of privatization.

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services (tags)

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services and Push The CA Dream Act"

Voters chose public school Echo Park Community plan over CNCA corporate charter school by (tags)

Parent continue to organize in support of the public school plan in hopes that LAUSD will consider the wishes of the community over the deep pocked interests of CNCA.

Wisconsin Labor Leads 2d American Revolution (tags)

One year ago, on March 4, California students and teachers had a one-day strike for education, but nothing has improved because we did not have a general strike. Today, Wisconsin workers are striking and protesting the planned Democrat-Republican attack on the workingclass so as to maximize the profits of the capitalist class. The whole country should join this 2d American Revolution with all deliberate speed.

Camino Nuevo Staff Admonishing Echo Park Community to "Fact Check?" (tags)

Camino Nuevo Charter Academy's paid staff are the first to tout statistics, except when those statistics reflect poorly on them. Here's a rebuttal to their fact checking admonishments. Ultimately, the battle for CRES 14 comes down to who should control our schools -- public or private?


A national tour of mural art memorializing Afghan civilian casualties will be displayed in Los Angeles on Feb. 19. Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan opens at the Social and Public Art Resource Center in Venice, CA.

Los Angeles School District works with ACLU to deny teachers’ seniority rights (tags)

On January 21, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge William Highberger stripped teachers employed by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) of certain seniority rights, allegedly to stanch the loss of young, quality teachers at inner-city schools. If the order is upheld on appeal, the LAUSD can lay off higher paid veteran teachers without regard to their years of service, in violation of collective bargaining provisions that have been in effect for decades. At the same time, there are more than a dozen billionaires living in Los Angeles, and dozens more who measure their wealth by the hundreds of millions.

Oppose Brown’s cuts in California! Education must be a social right! (tags)

In his latest budget, California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, is proposing drastic cuts that will affect the lives of students and workers throughout the state, including $1.4 billion in cuts to higher education. The net wealth of the 19 richest Californians is more than ten times the entire amount of proposed budget cuts!

Big Finance and Big Business paying for corporate charter school advertisements (tags)

Most corporate charter-voucher schools have budgets for marketing advertising, but just in case, the well heeled bosses at the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce want to make sure you understand and act upon their corporate message.

Interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia) (tags)

Indymedia On Air, KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM - interview with Sphinx from Indymedia Africa (Ambazonia)

Philippine labor party calls for stop to trainee nurse fees (tags)

The labor group Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Workers Party) called for a stop to the practice of charging fees to trainee or on-the-job-trainee (OJT) nurses in the wake of a Senate hearing yesterday on the issue. Renato Magtubo, PM chairperson, attended the hearing and supported the position of nurses groups for an end to the “exploitation of hundreds of thousands of young registered nurses.”

Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)

Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists

What’s Going On In Europe? (tags)

"The attack on education is an international phenomenon. In the UK on Wednesday, tens of thousands of students walked out of classes over tripled tuition fees. Thousands participated in a demonstration in London, where more than 1,000 were penned in and contained by police for hours. Police used batons to beat back students attempting to reach parliament. The demonstrations in Britain came two weeks after more than 55,000 took to the streets throughout the UK. A crackdown by the government has included the arrest of dozens of students. In the US, there have been mass protests and, in some cases, occupations in the state of California against tuition fee increases of more than 30 per cent. The education cuts in Italy and the UK are part of a wave of austerity measures throughout Europe aimed at forcing workers and young people to pay for an ongoing economic crisis."

Students Celebrate International Day of Tolerance at Human Rights Walk (tags)

November 16, 2010 BOCA RATON, FL – Students and human rights advocates lined the streets around Florida Atlantic University (FAU) on November 16, joining similar groups all over the world for the “International Day of Tolerance,” first declared by the member states of the United Nations in 1996.

Georgetown Students Serve Uribe Subpoena (tags)

"Last week, students at Georgetown University in Washington, DC succeeded in serving Colombia's ex-president Álvaro Uribe with a subpoena to testify about paramilitary ties in Colombia. The Adios Uribe Coalition has campaigned since September to get Georgetown to drop Uribe as a 'Distinguished Scholar."

U.S. Election 2012: Defending Education, Capitalism has Failed Our Kids (tags)

Stewart Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. “For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012.”

France: More strikes, opposition to social austerity (tags)

"At Université Lyon-2, students gathered to vote on future action and protest the detention of demonstrators at Corbas prison, according to an account in Lyon-Capitale. They criticized the unions and also bourgeois “left” parties such as the Socialist Party (PS) and its presumed 2012 presidential candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Strauss-Kahn is currently the head of the International Monetary Fund, where he pressed for massive austerity policies and wage cuts to be imposed on Greek workers in exchange for an IMF bailout, during this spring’s Greek debt crisis. One Lyon student said: “We’re in the street because we have had enough of Sarkozy. We had had enough of [ex- President Jacques] Chirac before and we will have had enough of Strauss-Kahn.... What we do not want anymore is Sarkozy, capitalism, and globalization.”

French Worker Struggles for Justice (tags)

struggling without union support

French Students Mobilize: "Sarkozy, You're Screwed, The Youth Are In the Streets!" (tags)

From our correspondent in France

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France (tags)

Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France from the exploited masses of the United States

October-November 2010 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)

In This Issue: 1) Obama Declines to Push Immigration Reform 2) Deportations of Immigrants Hit Record High 3) NLG Emergency Hotline 4) FBI Harassments of Anti-War Activists 5) DREAM Act Debates 6) Fall Calendar of Actions 7) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!

exercise in learning (tags)

exercise in learning

Students Across California Mobilize to Control Marijuana Like Alcohol (tags)

Students to Rally with Yes We Cannabis Fire Truck to Sound Alarm For Prop 19

Union-Bashing and Teacher-Bashing In The Wake of the Rigo Ruelas Tragedy (tags)

We don't know anything about Rigo Ruelas' death, except that we lost an excellent teacher. But some anti-union and anti-teacher bloggers are still defending the Times, pretending they know what kind of teacher Rigo was.

Kaplan University Ripping Off Poor Students for Profit (tags)

stealing from the poor

Environmental Justice Groups’ Concern Continue As Carson-Gore School Opens (tags)

Parent Exposed to Toxic Vapors from Nearby Oil Operations

Pell Grant And Scholarship Fund Help College Students With Tuition, Fees, And Textbook Cos (tags)

College tuition and fee assistance is something that many college students often need as the costs of attending a college or university have been on the rise and necessitate supplemental aid for many who cannot meet college costs out-of-pocket. Scholarships and grants are one way in which students have been able to find the funds they need to help pay college tuition, fees, and even meet extra costs like textbook purchases.

Honduran Repression Continues Unabated (tags)

Washington supports Honduran terror

Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked (tags)

While the US National Statistics will say the violent crimes are decreasing in public school, bullying, either as an act of verbal or physical abuse, is a problem that is not decreasing.

Putting kids through college (tags)

A report by TD Economics showed that in 2009, the cost of a four-year undergraduate degree was more than $80,000 for students living away from home. Even for parents who have diligently saved for their children's education, it can be very tough to save enough for more than one child. Lawrence Engel, vice-president, personal lending, TD Canada Trust has these tips for parents:

Free College Tuition, Fees & Text Books (tags)

College scholarships are available from a variety of sources and can be obtained by a large number of college students who need help paying college tuition, fees, and even for those who need assistance meeting costs for things like textbooks. Free financial aid from scholarships can be greatly beneficial as the costs for attending a college or university are on the rise and, luckily, almost any student can receive some form of financial aid through college scholarships.

Free College Grants and Tuition Opportunities (tags)

The federal government is putting more money into the hands of college students than ever before and much of the impetus behind it is the No Child Left Behind Act. The measures help to assure that more primary and secondary schools are held accountable for making sure kids get the attention and education they deserve without prejudices. Which means a much higher percentage of high school students are earning diplomas. More students stand a chance of attending college when the right financial and social resources are available to them along with educators with the know-how and experience to guide them to the right academic and career choices.

Environmental Justice Groups Blast LAUSD on Opening of Contaminated School (tags)

Groups are concerned about the potential exposure to dangerous chemicals for teachers and students at the new Title I elementary school.To qualify as a Title I School, 40% or more of its students come from low-income families

Benefit Concert for The Harmony Project (tags)

Artists Unite to Help Bring Free Music Lessons to At-risk Youth in LA


Los Angeles-- The EPCC News learned from news sources in El Salvador that on Friday, July 30, hundreds students from the University of El Salvador took to the streets, accompanied by professors, staff and other sectors of the social movement. The march, filled with street theater, papier-mâché tanks and a 9-foot gorilla, was a commemoration of the university student massacre that occurred on July 30, 1975. Thirty-five years ago, university students took to the streets to protest military incursions on the Santa Ana campus and the repressive policies of the military dictatorship in power at the time.

USSA Stays Strong (tags)

The United States Student Association (USSA), representing more than 4 million students nationwide has opposed Congress' legislative tying together of educational funding and the funding of war. Their own 63rd Congress convenes at UCLA July 15-20. Call for interviews.

Education in Occupied Palestine (tags)

effects of occupation on education

Puerto Rico: Beatings at the Sheraton (tags)

On the evening of May 20, the notorious Shock Force of the Puerto Rican Police brutally attacked a demonstration of hundreds of students and workers protesting against Governor Luis Fortuño. The assault took place in the luxurious Sheraton Hotel, where the privatizing, anti-worker governor was presiding over a fancy fundraising dinner. As our reporter recounts, the police brutally beat demonstrators with riot clubs and pepper-sprayed everyone with tear gas and pepper gas. This was the response of the government to the workers strike two days ago in support of the student strike at the University of Puerto Rico, which has lasted almost a month. It is urgently necessary to translate the worker-student unity that was on display on May 18 into powerful strike actions that shut down key sectors of the economy of the U.S.' Caribbean island economy. We publish here the on-the-spot report from our correspondent who witnessed and participated in the protest.

Anti-SB1070 March in Redlands (tags)

Thursday, May 20, 2010
REDLANDS, California - In a youthful and spirited demonstration, a group of about 75 protested the racist Arizona law SB 1070, which requires police to check the immigration status of anyone suspected of being paperless and prohibits looking for work or workers in public, effectively banning day labor. The protesters marched through the busy farmer's market and street fair on State Street, braving some ugly opposition before returning to their initial rally point of the corner of Orange Street and Redlands Boulevard for a final demonstration of conscience at the end of the blocked-off street.

5/13 CA State Superintendent Of Public Instruction Candidate Leonard Martin Backs LA Court (tags)

Leonard Martin, the only candidate for CA State Superinendent For Public Instruction opposing charter schools is backing a law suit against the illegal establishment by the LA Unified School District of Birmingham High School in Los Angeles and will attend the court hearing on May 13.

¡Reforma Sí! ¡Migra No! Inland Empire stands with Arizona (tags)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SAN BERNARDINO - Large crowds of people from throughout the Inland Empire gathered in San Bernardino to march for the human rights of immigrants and to denounce the racist Arizona law SB 1070. La Plaza Park on San Bernardino's east side was the point of convergence, and music and announcements welcomed the arrivees until about 11, when the ranks began making their way down the sidewalk and across the 215 bridge toward city hall, where a rally was held with music and speeches. Peaceful resistance was the spirit of the day, and careful attention to hydration and mutual respect among attendees was the hallmark of the day's beauty.

“The Holocaust” still exists - Sudanese humanitarian presents shocking scene in Sudan (tags)

Sudanese humanitarian, Ramy Makar, presents UCLA students devastating account of human rights violations in Sudan

The UC8 Reporter: A Personal Account of Police Abuse of Power Against a Free Press (tags)

It's hard to know where to start. I'm not used to writing stories about myself. Usually, I am the one sharing news about other people through recordings and words. I cover events and publish reports to Indybay. I often report on street demonstrations, some more rowdy than others. And while I recognize the privilege my skin-tone grants me in our society and that I have not taken the types of risks war reporters do, I know enough from having seen what's happened to other journalists over the years that I am not immune from abuses by law enforcement authorities.

LACC sexism on campus (tags)

professors on rampage shirk professionalism in favor of words like "tits and ass," "slut" etc. racism and homophobia and sexism torture

Robina Suwol of CA. Safe Schools, Local Hero Nominee for Heart of Green Award (tags)

Heart of Green Award 26 Real People Making a Real Difference

BDS Loses Big at Berkeley (tags)

Berkeley anti-Israel Bill fails in 9 hour debate

University of Ottawa Activist Student Persecutions: The Case of Marc Kelly (tags)

accelerating fascism at University of Ottawa

Taking on a charter school closing (tags)

This is a repost of an article in SW about the closing of Animo Justice school in South Central. The school was operated by Green Dot charter schools.

Targeting Activist University of Ottawa Students (tags)

Endangered academic and speech freedoms

Targeting Academic and Speech Freedoms: The Case of Canadian Professor Denis Rancourt (tags)

academic and speech freedoms endangered

Free College Tuition with Scholarships and Grants for high school students (tags)

Finding free college scholarships and grants for high school students is not a simple task, however, thanks to some government programs available and with the help of the college or university that you expect to attend, there are some free college scholarships and grants available if you know where and how to research these programs.

Gentle Reminder: Human Rights Is Not a New Issue (tags)

It’s easy to forget.

Notes from the La Mesa Al aAwda Palestinian right to Return Conference (tags)

Read the full conferce report here:

Universities for Bread & Roses (tags)

A view from the South on the global rebellion against the neo-liberal university.

Class Struggle in Claremont (tags)

Food service workers at Pomona College in Claremont, CA are fighting to organize an independent union. Claremont Solidarity fights with them, against labor exploitation and the corporatization of the university.

Pomona College Workers Share Testimonies (tags)

Saturday, March 6, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - Despite a drizzle, students from Pomona and other Claremont colleges held a follow-up rally in support of the unionization drive for food service workers. Last week, students, arm-in-arm with workers, delivered hundreds of petitions requesting card-check certification for an independent union to Pomona College president David Oxtoby. The petition also requested non-interference from the College during the unionization drive.

March 4 Thousands Rally in San Diego Against Education Cuts (tags)

About 1,000 students and faculty gathered at a March 4 rally against education cuts at San Diego State University in California. A similar number of people demonstrated at the University of California, San Diego. A subsequent demonstration in downtown San Diego drew several thousand.

March 4th: Santa Barbara and UCSB stormed by large student-worker movement (tags)

The growing student-worker movement in Santa Barbara and Goleta flexes its muscle.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

Cal State Fullerton Students Protest for Budget Cuts and Furloughs (tags)

Live video from 9/29/09, from the Cal State Fullerton quad on Tuesday. Many students are walking around campus to protest tuition fees. Almost al the UC and CSU schools united today to show the state that education should not be cut.

March 4 in Riverside (with embedded video) (tags)

March 4, 2010
RIVERSIDE - In a demonstration infused with dance, students and workers of the University of California, Riverside demanded an end to fee hikes, staffing furloughs, and cuts in class offerings. They chanted as they marched to downtown Riverside, where they were met by a contingent of student and worker activists from Riverside Community College for another rally. After the speeches, a carefully-orchestrated symbolic "death of public education" and die-in blocked traffic on University Avenue for about five minutes before protesters voluntarily cleared the street and avoided any threat of arrest.
Photo set 1:
Photo set 2:

Video: UCLA Students Murphy Hall Sit-in (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA CAMPUS – March 4, 2010 – 1:00 pm PST - At least 200 Students marched into Murphy Hall in an attempt to deliver to UCLA chancellor Gene Block a list of demands. Instead they were greeted by UCPD offices who prevented access into the chancellor’s office. Undaunted, the Students then read their demands via megaphone outside in hopes that those inside would hear them. Still with no response the Students declared a sit-in until the chancellor would come to meet with them. Uploaded is video from the action.


" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.


-No Cuts, No Freeze! Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.

CSUN Students Demand Fair Access To Higher Education: Reseda / Nordhoff March 4, 2010 (tags)

CSUN Students Demand Fair Access To Higher Education: Reseda / Nordhoff March 4, 2010

UCLA Students Sit-In at Murphy Hall -updated 2:21 (tags)

Students sit in to demand to meet with the Chancellor of UCLA.

Support the Protests says Ohio Socialist Senate Candidate (tags)

Dan La Botz, the Cincinnati school teacher who joined the Ohio race for U.S. Senate last month, issued a statement today supporting the national day of protests over the crisis in education. He also called for the creation of system of free, quality public education such as some states, such as California, had in the 1960s. “The Obama administration and the U.S. Congress provided trillions in grants, loans, and federal insurance to banks and corporations for the bailouts,” said La Botz. “The total military and war budget comes to almost $750 billion dollars. The President’s proposed education budget is just under $50 billion dollars. The Obama government provided hundreds of times more money to the bankers than it will to teachers and students, and it will spend 15 times more on arms and war than on our children’s education. Obama proposes more loans for college students, loans that will saddle more families and students with more debt. We don’t need loans—we need free education.”

Breaking: Students bloking traffic into UCLA (tags)

Caller to IMC newsroom reports five students blocking traffic at UCLA's eastern entrance.

Pomona College Labor Intervention (tags)

Monday, March 1, 2010
CLAREMONT - Students and workers united to demand justice for exploited food service workers, employees of Pomona College.

Students Support Worker Demands for Independent Unions and End to Abuses (tags)

Monday, March 1, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - The student movement made an unexpected move in solidarity with university employees in a large-scale action at Pomona College, a private institution and part of the Claremont consortium of colleges at the eastern edge of Los Angeles County. Well over a hundred students joined with numerous employees of the three campus dining commons, other Pomona employees, and a few faculty members to deliver a petition to Pomona President Oxtoby.

Racism and anti-Semitism in the UC System (tags)

Even the governator noticed

Cal Poly students protest credit card fees (tags)

Thursday, February 25, 2010 POMONA - A rally of about a hundred students and their supporters demanded an end to a 2.9% fee charged to them on all on-campus credit card transactions. In the quad of Cal Poly Pomona, students gave speeches and cheered as student leaders denounced the fee as another example of "decisions being made about us without us."

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

March 4 Socialist Program to Defend Education (tags)

On March 4, students and workers throughout California and the US will demonstrate against the attack on public education and increases in tuition that are making a college education unaffordable for the majority of working class youth.

LA Students & UTLA Teachers Speak Out On Privatization-No More Give Aways, Save Our School (tags)

On February 9, hundreds of students and UTLA teachers rallied throughout Los Angeles to protest the privatization and destruction of public education in the school district

Freedom of Speech at Universities (tags)

Events this week in both the USA and the UK have once again shown the double standard for free speech at universities

30 Gaza high school students visit the US (tags)

The U.S. Department of State sponsored a two-week visit to the U.S. focused on human rights and democracy for a group of 30 high school students from Gaza

Frances Moore Lappé, Matthew Fox Speak in San Diego (tags)

Frances Moore Lappé and Matthew Fox, two powerful long-time activists who started in the 1970’s and both live in Oakland, came to San Diego to address the opening session of the Justice for Women and Children conference January 18 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego. Lappé wrote the book “Diet for a Small Planet” and founded Food First to work on projects helping people in Third World countries to feed themselves in ways that respected their environment and heritage of biodiversity. Fox was a Roman Catholic priest who was thrown out by the current Pope for championing the spiritual power of women; he's now a priest in the Episcopal Church and works on education projects with so-called “at-risk” youth to channel their creativity in non-mainstream ways.


The youth of today are concerned about their fellow man.

UCLA increases parking fees some more (tags)

UCLA has instituted a $3/ parking fee on Disabled Placard holders everywhere on campus after years of following Calif State free parking for legitimate blue zoned areas, starts Jan 1, 2010, but.....

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

International education strike network-meeting in Berlin – of January 2010 (tags)

Becouse of the international Studentsprotest there is the first official international education strike network-meeting at th Humbold University Berlin from the unitil the of January 2010. In europe now there are more than 280 universities occupied and the students have claims to those respnsible wich are a must for a sensible education. Worldwide more then 580 universities are participating with the protestactivities. the most of those are also occupied

Pomona anti-checkpoint action (tags)

Students and community members take direct action to negate the racist anti-immigrant police checkpoints in Pomona.

Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees (tags)

While running as the Peace and Freedom Party’s candidate for California Lieutenant Governor in 2006, Alexander’s platform supported free education through university level. Alexander says this is still achievable through online educational studies. Alexander believes that online studies will drive the cost down for the state, will offer all students the opportunity to receive a free education, and students will be able to obtain a Bachelor or Master degree in almost any discipline.

In Solidarity With the California Worker/Student Movement: Statement of the WSA (tags)

Defend and Expand the Campus Occupations!

Solidarity with the UC Student Protests; Education is our right! (tags)

As democratic socialists, Socialist Party USA stands in solidarity with the student protests. We encourage all students, especially those at publicly-funded universities, to draw inspiration from the UC protests. Democratic socialism advances our just demands that everything that make us human be guaranteed. Food, employment, healthcare, housing and education are our social rights. Now is the time to demand them.


“ TO REBEL IS JUSTIFIED” The Alliance-Philippines or AJLPP based in the United States militantly condemns the unwanted police violence against UC students in different UC campuses. We –in the AJLPP ,again reiterate wholeheartedly supports the California-wide walk-out of students and is militantly in solidarity with the stud entry and campus academic and working people in rising up against unjust budget-cuts and tuition fee hikes recently imposed by the UC Board of regents. The Alliance also congratulates the militant action of the UCLA students who defied police brutality and violence. They acted and occupied the Chancellors Office after they decided to increase the student’s fees by 32% or more than $ 2,000 next fall.

Report Back From Inside the Occupation of Campbell Hall, UCLA (tags)

LOS ANGELES – November 21, 2009 – Just after midnight in the early hours of Thursday November 19th a group of about 30 students seized Campbell Hall on the UCLA campus and began their occupation of the building. The building was renamed Carter Higgins Hall in honor of the two black liberation activists who were assassinated by the FBI on the UCLA campus during the sixties. The takeover was in response to the current budget crisis and to quote from the students’ statement; “reaches beyond the Regents, beyond the criminal budget cuts in Sacramento, beyond the economic crisis, to the very foundations of our society”.

PFP Gubernatorial Candidate Alexander Condemns UC Tuition Hikes (tags)

Stewart Alexander says, “It is time for students to revolt, not by laying in the streets and not by organizing student demonstrations chanting ‘Shame on you!’ It must be a revolt using voter registration cards and making a change in the voting booth; this will be the only student action that the Democrats and Republicans will understand.”

UC Strike - UCLA Nov.19th (tags)

Strike at UCLA, November 18th against UC Regent's decision to raise student fee by 32% and budget cut.

Campbell Hall de-occupied last night at 6pm (tags)

Witness at the scene last night reports that the occupation of Campbell Hall ended last night at about 6 pm.

Students and Workers Resist Privatization at UCLA Regents Meeting (tags)

LOS ANGELES, UCLA Campus - November 19, 2009 – An estimated 2,000+ students and union workers took part in various actions campus-wide this week. Covel Commons where the UC Regents held their last day of meetings was completely surrounded by students and workers with arms locked together. They formed a human chain of solidarity against the regents complicity in the ongoing privatization of the UC system.

VIDEO: Students Pepper Sprayed at UCLA protest (tags)

LOS ANGELES – November 20, 2009 - Uncounted incidents of police violence against students have occurred during the last three days of protests while the UC Regents held their meeting on the UCLA campus. There is confirmed use of tasers, pepper spray and much baton use on peaceably assembled students.

VLCC begins another inning with Delhi Government (tags)

An initiative under the PPP model VLCC offers vocational education to the underprivileged section of society under the Swarn Jyanti Shahri Rozgar Yojna (SJSRY)

UC Students Fight Tuition Hike, Occupy Campus (tags)

Hundreds of students throughout the UC system are occupying buildings and taking direct action this week to block a massive proposed tuition hike. Breaking coverage on LA Indymedia! 1:56pm: (eyewitness report) At least 2000 students at rally and march. Enough to lock arms and completely surround the building. Regents had to retreat under police escort, students pepper sprayed. Unconfirmed reports of tasers used on students. more:

Eye-witness report back of UCLA protests (tags)

Students protest the UC regents voting to raise tuition. This is an on-site report back from an imc reporter on Thursday, 11/19/09 @ 10:37 am

Students occupy Campbell Hall at UCLA (tags)

Students have taken over Campbell Hall at UCLA in protest of police brutality and privatization.

MP3 AUDIO – Interview with UCLA Student on Protesting the Regents (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 18, 2009 - UC Regents held their second day of meetings on the UCLA campus today. Demonstrations both inside the meeting and outside the building went on throughout the day. At one point civil disobedience action inside brought a temporary halt to the meeting. At least a dozen students were arrested today during the protests.

UCLA CRISIS FEST: Protest for education (tags)

n November 18th, hundreds of union members and students from all over California will converge on UCLA in the leadup to the system-wide protest of the Regents meeting. With the support of union and student groups, there will be a day and night Tent City outside of Pauley Pavillion to house our convergence!

Sit-in at Chancellor Yang's office to protest closure of Ventura Campus (tags)

November 3, 2009 SANTA BARBARA -- In response to a call from working class students attending UC Santa Barbara's Ventura campus, a group of protesters sat in at UCSB Chancellor Yang's office to demand that the university fulfill its obligation to students of the satellite location.

Fred Phelps Brings Road Show of Hate to San Diego; 500 Protest Against Him (tags)

Fred Phelps, founder and pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas and a man so far on the fringes of the radical religious Right even the late Rev. Jerry Falwell called him “a certified nut,” brought his nationwide road show of hate to San Diego the weekend of October 16-18. Along with a number of synagogues and Jewish community groups, one of his picketing targets was San Diego High School for its alleged tolerance and acceptance of Queer students. A counter-protest drew 500 people as opposed to the 10 or so Westboro Baptist Church members on the opposite side of Park Boulevard from the school.

YouTube - Shut It Down! UC Berkeley Walkout & Mass Rally by Staff, Students & Faculty-The (tags)

A mass rally of more than 5,000 workers, students and faculty joined together against the privatization of UC.


housands of youths, students, workers and academic personnel joined the California wide UC protests against state budget cuts, education cuts, new tuition fees in ten UC campus all over California, Thursday, September 24. More than 5,000 joined the protest in the biggest rally in years in UC Berkeley in San Francisco, California up north. The protestors marched down the streets, disrupted traffic and boycott their classes. In Los Angeles, UCLA, CSULB, CSULA and Los Angeles Community College became the center of protests. Thousands of professors and lectures together with workers and students joined hand and rallied in front of the Bruin Plaza in UCLA and at the Free Speech Zone at LACC in Vermont Ave.

Furlough? Hell No! Cutback? Fight back! UCR Walkout (tags)

In one of the largest campus-based demonstrations in recent memory, UCR students, faculty, and staff joined together to protest tuition hikes and the budget cuts that are prompting furloughs and bad-faith bargaining with UC workers' unions.

Reinventing No Child Left Behind (tags)

Obama plans to privatize public education

Last Call for PAPEL's Summer School Program (tags)

With the budget cuts to our summer program now in effect, and with reports by community members of acts of vandalism throughout the different communities in Los Angeles by young children who should otherwise be in school, one community group is ready to take over what the LAUSD failed to do: save our kids!

People's Assembly for Popular Education & Liberation: Summer School Program Update (tags)

With LAUSD cuts to summer school programs already in effect, a community of activists, teachers, parents and concerned citizens have held summer school for grades K-12 in front of LAUSD's Administrative Headquarters at 333 South Beaudry Street. While attendance was small, and kept that way for symbolic purposes, we are ready to move to a different location, one that will accommodate more students and parents. But we need your help!

No community support for $30M Discovery Center at EIR meeting (tags)

The Friends of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation of the Whittier Narrows Natural Area and neighboring lands as open space corridors. We promote and assist with restoration and educational uses of the Natural Area that are compatible with the conservation of plant and animal habitat and migration, historical resources, water quality, and public health and safety.

UCSB terminates case against Professor (tags)

After withholding recommendation of charges committee, UCSB drops case against Robinson

Los Angeles Hunger Striking Teachers Stop Action. (tags)

Activists Resume Eating But Continue The Fight For 2500 Teaching Positions

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 3 (tags)

Part 3 of a 3 Part Photo Essay.

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers Part 2 (tags)

Part 2 of a 3 Part Photo Essay

Santee Students Walk Out and March in Support of Hunger Strikers (tags)

Kids Raise Their Voices about Cuts and Class Size. Photo Essay Part 1 of 3

Sat. June 20: Stop Killing Innocent People in IRAN (tags)

In protest to the fraud in the Iran ’ s presidential election and brutality of the government against peaceful demonstrations in Iran, Iranian and non-Iranian students are gathering in front of the LA Federal Building

Reflections after 22 days on hunger strike (tags)

Where are we now and where are we headed are two of the questions we are facing in this education crisis, one that if not addressed soon and courageously, will bring about devastation to our communities, especially those communities of color and in low-income neighborhoods.

MESA Program for Math and Science Kids To Close With Schwarzenegger's Budget Cuts (tags)

Highly Successful Program That Develops Math Skills in K- 12 is On The Block. Teacher David Meyerhof Gives a Video Testemonial.

People for Immigrant Rights holds a vigil and march in Pomona (tags)

Friday, June 12, 2009 POMONA, California--A new immigrant rights group, People for Immigrant Rights, is all about putting a new, younger face on the movement for the human rights of immigrants. Today they held their first demonstration.

Faculty members protest investigation of sociology professor (tags)

UC-Santa Barbara professors circulate petition to halt proceedings against William I. Robinson and reject “outside pressures”.

Israel lobby descends on UC- Santa Barbara (tags)

Investigation of sociology professor is frontline in nationwide campaign to silence criticism against Israel on college campuses

Condoleezza Rice Challenged on War and Torture at Stanford (tags)

Stanford University students, staff, alumni, and community have called for Condoleezza Rice to be held accountable for war crimes and torture. Challenging her return to the University, they are petitioning for a probe into her alleged violations of international and U.S. law.


To Rebel is Justified! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) militantly supports the teachers mass actions today May 15 against LAUSD strike –breaking tactics and intimidation against the students who support their teachers.

Report & Photos: Venice HIgh Walk out (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 15, 2009 - An estimated 200 students walked out of classes today at Venice High to support the their teachers and demonstrate against continuing budget cuts and teacher lay offs. They hung banners from some of the buildings and chanted, “books not bombs” and “save our school” among other chants.

Friday 11:00 am - 200+ Students Walk Out at Venice HIgh (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 15, 2009 - IMC reporter at the scene reports some 200 students have walked out of class and are holding a demonstration on the front lawn in support of the teachers. About five police units threatening students not to step foot off campus.

Terminate the Defense Department (tags)

Defense budget and american imperialism in the time of economic crisis; free, universal education and the question of market capitalism in the University; students as indentured servants to corporations;

Stifling Pro-Israel Views at UC Berkeley (tags)

More anti-Semitism at the University of California

At Durban II: A shift is needed on American campuses (tags)

We must all thank Ahmadinejad for legitimating our long-said message to the world.

The Inland Empire Marches on May Day (tags)

Riverside, CA (May 1, 2009) – Twenty eight groups from all over the Inland Empire —immigrant rights groups, unions, workers, students, clergy, and human rights activists— united today to call for fair, comprehensive reform to end abuses against immigrants, workers, and their families.  Students kicked off the march with a traditional ritual at UCR’s Bell Tower, and then joined supporters from Riverside and San Bernardino counties at Cesar Chavez Community Center to continue their journey to City Hall.

Breaking May Day News - 11:40 am - Student Walkouts Have Started (tags)

Student walk outs at various high schools in the Los Angeles area have begun. There are reports of walkouts at Roosevelt High, Jefferson High and Lincoln High.

Stop the Witch Hunt Against Professor Robinson (tags)

I am a dismayed and concerned Southern California resident writing you to express support for Sociology and Global Studies Professor William I. Robinson. As you may know, Professor Robinson and academic freedom have come under recent attack on the UCSB campus.

"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics Under Richard M. Daley (tags)

last of the big city bosses

College Students March on State Capitol to Protest Budget Cuts (tags)

Students and educators from public colleges all over the state converged on Sacramento on March 16, 2009 to demand that California fully fund higher education and not raise tuition. Many had meetings with legislators. While protests were entirely peaceful, one student was arrested by police for no apparent reason.

We don't want Vicente Fox at UCI! ¡No queremos que venga Vicente Fox a UCI! (tags)

Students at UC-Irvine in Orange County, CA, are fighting to keep Vicente Fox from giving "Democracy lectures" at their campus. We are asking for support and endorsements from groups anywhere in the world, to send a strong message that the world has not forgotten Chiapas, Atenco, and Oaxaca, and we will oppose Fox and other oppressors wherever they show their faces.

Celebrate International Women's Day with the Women of Iran and Afghanistan! (tags)

Join women of Iran & Afghanistan in their struggle against the women-hating Islamic Republic of Iran and the imperialist U.S. empire. We will march and rally in solidarity with them in the streets of Los Angeles!

Military-Industrial Recruitment Fair Infiltrated In Santa Barbara (tags)

UCSB students and community members use literature, nice clothes, fake names to interfere with military industrial recruiting of engineering students

Military-Industrial Recruitment Fair Infiltrated In Santa Barbara (tags)

UCSB students and community members use literature, nice clothes, fake names to interfere with military industrial recruiting of engineering students

Nevada; UNLV Students Protest Gov Gibbon's Budget Cuts (tags)

Following Nevada Governor Jim Gibbon's state of the state address where he proposed cutting higher education throughout Nevada by 50% to account for a budget shortfall, students from UNLV rally in protest over cuts to needed education services.

Alexander: California Budget Needs More for Education, Less for Prisons (tags)

On March 16, 2009, thousands of students will gather in Sacramento at the Capitol Building for a march and rally to protest the budget cuts to education and cuts to community colleges. Stewart Alexander is encouraging students to join the march and rally to keep the community colleges open. For more information regarding the time, location and date for the Mass Community College March/Rally in Sacramento, call (415) 585-2121.


Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. Meanwhile, the JFAV-San Francisco held their Christmas program with a potluck lunch at the Wolff’s House in downtown San Francisco last Dec. 14. More than 60 veterans and widows attended the Christmas party.


Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. The Parol parade started at around 5:15 PM. Filipino American organizations like People’s CORE, veterans, students and parents from Burlington School, Pilipino American Democrats of Los Angeles(PALAD), Filipino Christian Church( FCC), Lord of Harvest Ministry, GEPENC, JFAV, PANA, TWNDC and SIPA marched up Temple St through the sidewalks.

Friday (12/19): reports from Greece (tags)

Another day in the streets. Big solidarity concert in Athens and more protests, most of the peaceful.

Obama's New Appointments (tags)

as bad as the others

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece (tags)

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece (tags)

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece

Day 7 of the revolt in Greece (tags)

The Greek Intifada continues and the government is unable to impose its control in the country, spreading fears among the ruling classes all over the European Union.

The Rage in Greece (tags)

May the Anger of the Unemployed and Students be Tranformed into Combativeness for the Resumption of the Class Struggle of the Proletariat !

Thursday reports from Greece (tags)

Thursday reports from Greece

Third day and forth night of the revolt in Greece (tags)

Thousands on the streets, classes with the police, funeral of Alexis, police opens fire again, right-wing thugs and neo-nazis helping the cops.

Educators Protest Scholarship's Discriminatory Policy (tags)

Over 100 teachers and students protest in front of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Headquarters demanding they halt their discriminatory policy barring undocumented students from applying to their scholarship

Stop Hispanic Scholarship Fund discrimination of Undocumented Students! (tags)

openHSF Campaign - Open Hispanic Scholarship Fund to Undocumented Students!, who most need the financial assistance! Please sign the Petition:

hHe's Back: Israeli Terrorist Mass Murderer And Businessman Dominik Suter Applies (tags)

Dominik Suter, the mysterious figure behind the 9-11 dancing back

Rancho Cucamonga Youth Demonstrate Against Proposition 8 (tags)

October 25, 2008 RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Student leaders of local high school Gay-Straight Alliances banded together this Saturday to demand equality for LGBT people and spread awareness about the insidious proposition 8. They were joined by teachers, community members, and families. Prop eight, if passed, would eliminate the legal right for same-sex couples to marry. Earlier this year, the California Supreme Court decided that the right to marry was guaranteed by the state constitution, and could not be superseded by initiative.

JFAV Oct 10 Nationwie Mass Actions -A Success! (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace. On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.


The choice of former first lady Imelda Marcos as "guest of honor" at a youth leadership conference opening in Baguio City on Sunday has raised a furor among education officials, as well as various teacher and student groups. The controversial wife of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos will be honored for her “contribution to Philippine culture and arts” at the DepEd’s annual National Leadership Training for Student Government Officers at the Teachers Camp. The four-day conference is a project of the DepEd's Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs, or CSCA.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund should fund Undocumented Students! (tags)

Endorse the Association of Raza Educators Campaign To Open HSF Scholarships To Undocumented Students. Please - Sign the Petition.

Campus Antiwar Network's Alternative Education in the Streets of Sector 6! (tags)

The Republicans have conveniently decided to hold their convention during the first week of school. So to take advantage of the amazing learning opportunity, CAN wants students and youth to converge on Sector 6 of the RNC Welcoming Committee's map to receive an alternate education in a wide array of topics.


Out of the shadows, they dare speak out and fight for their rights openly. Four daring so called “ undocumented students” called the “ Underground Undergrads” namely Angelo Mathay, Stephanie Solis, Zeenat Bhamani and Tam Tran speaks out in a Community Forum last August 10th, 2008. at Remy’s on Temple, Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles.

OC Civil Forum Induces Protests (tags)

Protesters gather in Orange County to make the presidential cadidates hear their voices August 16, 2008.

East Los Angeles Charter School Students Arrive from China Marking the First Cultural Exch (tags)

East Los Angeles Charter School Students Arrive from China Marking the First Cultural Exchange Delegation in History between Los Angeles and China Sister Schools, Anahuacalmecac Completes First Trip to China as Part of Unprecedented Sister School Alliance

Calling All UC Students & Alumni: Stop Nuclear Development at our University! (tags)

A new online campaign is up that utilizes the strategic power of students and alumni to demand a peaceful and sustainable University. Check it out to learn more about the issue, join up and network with others. Together we can send a powerful message to the University of California that tells them we will not be complicit with the nuclear weapons industry!

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge - Part II" (tags)

a stinging indictment of US imperialism

ART & Animation at UCLA, quality counts here (tags)

UCLA is showing short films & animation films from students that are far superior to anything on TV or paid movies even. See and then ask the dept. to get political too with this talent.

L. A. Teachers Fight Cuts in Education Budget (tags)

A UTLA Member Reports from the Picket Line Over 40,000 teachers, United Teachers Los Angeles, (UTLA), sacrificed an hour of their pay to protest the proposed state budget cuts on Friday, June 6, 2008. LA, CA

Teachers Strike In LA (tags)

“ THEY SAY CUT BACK, WE SAY FIGHT BACK! They Say Our Way, We Say No Way! “ Thousands of teachers, parents,students and their supporters In a one-hour demonstration at the beginning of the day,picket outside schools in Los Angeles. Converging at the Los Angeles High, Belmont High School. Fairfax High School, Miguel Contreras Learning Complex and Gratts Elementary School in Central Los Angeles held an hour long demonstration this morning to protest proposed budget cuts. Banging pots, waving signs, shouting slogans to passersby and delaying the start of the school day as students in the nation's second-largest school district waited in gymnasiums and auditoriums and on athletic fields. Motorist hoked their horns in supports of the rallyist. By 9 a.m. most protests had wound down.

David McCullough, at Boston College, Sees No Evil (tags)

What is the role of the intellectual in the Age of Bush and Cheney? On May 19, 2008, David McCullough, gave a commencement address at Boston College, a Jesuit institution. He never said one critical word about the Iraq War or the serial lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang that got the U.S. involved in that Neocon-inspired conflict. I believe Mr. McCullough missed an opportunity to speak out and to inspire the students to take their country back.


With heavy heart but with great resolve, we in the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN) in the United States grieve the demise of one of our dear friend, comrade and mentor, Bayani Abadilla who passed away last May 14. I was honored to work with and spend time with Ka Bay during the tumultuous but outstanding time of the First Quarter Storm from 1970. Bay was so respected because he was a pioneer activist leader from MLQD since the 1960’s. One of the founders of the Samahan ng Bagong Kabataan (SBK) of MLQU, he led the students of the said university in uniting with the Muslim students against the policies of the administration and gathering the students against US imperialism and the puppet US-Marcos regime before and during the FQS.

Hey, Arnold! No Budget Cuts 4 CA Education: Segerstrom Hi Students & Teachers Speak Out (tags)

Santa Ana, CA: At a rally to save California Public Education, Segerstrom High School students and RIF'ed teachers speak out against Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts. To voice your concerns, contact: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814............................... E-mail: Phone: 916-445-2841.......................... Fax: 916-445-4633

While Suppresing Voices from UCLA ISSE Students, Jim Lafferty States Their Message Well (tags)

Suppressing Voices from UCLA International Students for Social Equality (ISSE) Students on the Station Listener Web Forum, KPFK General Manager Jim Lafferty Nonetheless Articulates Their Message Well.

Cal state LA students protest budget cuts with sit in (tags)

cal state las students marched out of class early thursday morning. They are now encamped in the hallway outside of the president's office. They are protesting the budget cuts that are taking away their class options and cutting down on counselors .

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class (tags)

Venice High School Students Walk out of Class, Los Angeles, May 1st, 2008

12:20 pm - 200 students Walkout at Venice High (tags)

Text message to newsroom report 200 students have walkout at Venice High and are hold a rally at the front of the school on Venice Blvd.

Military Test is Mandatory in Hundreds of High Schools (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB provides the military easy access to more than a half million high school students nationwide. It is one of the military’s most successful recruiting devices. Although the military calls the ASVAB voluntary, many students are coerced into taking it and thousands of high school juniors are forced to do so.

Tech Company Illegally Fires Cal Poly Student Workers for Unionizing (tags)

Pomona, Calif - After being subjected an unannounced pay cut from $10/hr to $8/hr, Cal Poly student marketing representatives Austin Garrido and Sarah Doolittle were fired by their employer,, for attempting to organize a worker's union. The students were fired from their part-time jobs 20 minutes after posting a message in an online inter-company form announcing their intention to form a union. Doolittle and Garrido have filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board.

Destroying Public Education in America (tags)

Privatizations schemes to destroy public education.

ASVAB is Military's Stealth Recruiting Tool (tags)

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is the military's most valuable recruiting asset. You can stop this predatory practice.

17 people arrested YESTERDAY at DQ University (tags)

17 people arrested YESTERDAY at DQ University!! READ, SUPPORT, REPOST

Jog-A-Thon Fundraiser (tags)

This event is being organized in an effort to help undocumented students reach their educational goals.

Roosevelt High Students Picket Recruitment Center In Boyle Hts. (tags)

BOYLE HIEGHTS, EAST LA, March 20, 2008 – Students from Roosevelt High marched from their school to a nearby military recruitment center today to demonstrate against the continuing war in Iraq and the predatory practices of military recruiters on their campus. The students staged a picket in front of the recruitment center. The protest was peaceful and there were no arrests.

USC Students Present University with 'College With(out) a Conscience Award' (tags)

USC Students to Put on Mock Award Show in Protest of Sweatshop Conditions in USC Apparel Factories

Queer Democrats Hold Love-Fest for School Board Candidates (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly endorsed three candidates in local school board races in a love-fest meeting February 28 that contrasted dramatically with their previous one on January, a knock-down, drag-out debate between incumbent city attorney Mike Aguirre and two of his challengers (one of whom has since left the race). They also rated openly Gay Republican Carl DeMaio "unacceptable" as a candidate for the San Diego City Council.


The very week the Education Week Quality Counts report gave California a D+ for school funding, the governor proposed budget cuts of $4.8 billion from public education over the next 18 months. Cuts of this size, which includes midyear and across-the-board cuts, can’t happen without suspending Proposition 98, the minimum school funding law.......................................... “The governor’s proposed budget is a giant step backwards for our students,” said CTA President David A. Sanchez. “It’s disappointing and ironic that in the proclaimed ‘year of education’ the governor is talking about cutting billions from our public schools and decimating our minimum funding law. Our students didn’t create this budget crisis and their education shouldn’t be ransomed to solve it.”................................. While it’s clear there are extraordinary budget challenges, it’s also clear that California voters believe our students and public schools should be a top priority. CTA will be closely monitoring the budget situation and will continue to provide updates and calls for action........................................ REJECT THE GOVERNOR'S STATE BUDGET PROPOSAL: ...................................TAKE ACTION: email your lawmaker!

Academic Freedom? Not for Arabs in Israel (tags)

"Honor the Israeli Army Uniform," Lecturer Told

Cuban Students Denounce Manipulation (tags)

Students whose images were exploited by different foreign media to present them as a sign of rebellion against the Cuban government spoke during a video interview denouncing the manipulations that occurred and denying that they were arrested on Tuesday

350 War Resistors Blockade and Disrupt UCSB Army/Industrial Conference - 3 Arrests (tags)

350 anti-war activists converged and clashed with police to disrupt, blockade and shut down the ICB Military/Industrial collaboration conference at UCSB this past Tuesday, February 12th.

A Will for Change: New Economic Thinking (tags)

Since economic thinking shapes the world, we can't leave economists alone to putter with their theories. Too many of them hung up their thinking caps the moment they got their degrees, and stopped looking out the window.

Focus The Nation Day, January 31: Global Warming Teach-In at CSULA! (tags)

Cal State L.A., long a leader in "green" technologies, will be hosting a day-long discussion by local faculty, staff and students on creating a culture of sustainability.

Career Exploration or Child Exploitation? (tags)

Deceptive "Career Exploration Program" provides military recruiters with leads on 600,000 high school students yearly. Act Now to Protect Privacy of High School Students in Your Community!

Student Maced and Arrested at Jefferson (tags)

Text from 9:32am 01/15/2008- "Cops maced and arrested a very friendly and loved student at Jefferson yesterday, students are protesting, need to get some folks down there!!! Spread the word..." updates- it was a member of the LAUSD police who pepper sprayed the student. Students are currently striking; there is a lot of activity on campus right now. An assembly may take place at the end of the school day.

Queer Kennedy Blues (tags)

"Wake It! Shake It!...Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 1/9 The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Computerized voting? Blow the horn in Zion!

Scientists on Svalbard eye underground CO2 storage (tags)

The university on Svalbard is preparing to test out a possible underground storage facility for carbon dioxide in Longyearbyen, in hopes of making the area "CO2-neutral."

"Wake It! Shake It!... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

"Wake it! Shake it! ... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

Students and workers protest U.C.-hired contractor (tags)

People come out to the University of California Santa Barbara campus on December 3rd to support workers who remain unpaid by a contractor hired by U.C.S.B.

Over 500 Attend SDSU “Rally Against Hate” (tags)

Over 500 people, most of them students, attended a "Rally Against Hate" December 3 at San Diego State University (SDSU). The rally was inspired by three hate incidents directed against Queers at SDSU — an egg thrown at marriage equality demonstrators, the theft of the Queer student group's rainbow flag, and a hate letter in an independent student paper against an openly Gay administrator — but speakers at the rally broadened the topic and attacked all forms of prejudice.

Another CIA sponsored Coup D'Etat? Venezuela’s D-Day (tags)

Apart from the deep involvement of the US, the primary organization of the Venezuelan business elite (FEDECAMARAS), as well as all the major private television, radio and newspaper outlets have been engaged in a vicious fear and intimidation campaign. Food producers, wholesale and retail distributors have created artificial shortages of basic food items and have provoked large scale capital flight to sow chaos in the hopes of reaping a ‘no’ vote.

Hundreds of thousands of students march for Chavez and "yes" in the referendum (tags)

They came in their tens of thousands, in their hundreds of thousands. They came from schools, from colleges, from universities, from teachers' unions and trade unions, and from the Social Missions concerned with education. They came in their red shirts with different names but all saying the same thing, Si in the referendum. Here in Venezuela learning is on the order of the day. Everyone is studying in one way or another, everyone is a student, so they came in all ages. We gathered in the Plaza de Venezuela and as each minute passed we grew in numbers. In all parts of the gathering crowd there were sound systems belting out different rhythms and people were dancing, singing and shouting slogans. It was a carnival atmosphere with a serious message. The small group of students also dressed in red but with No placards quickly disappeared after having been confronted by revolutionary students shouting "No pasaran", they shall not pass. We moved off chanting slogans such as "Eduacion Primero para el hijo del obrero; Educacion después para el hijo del burgues" (Firstly, the children of workers should be educated and only then the children of the bourgeoisie), "Obreros y Estudiantes, Unidos en Combate" (Workers and Students united in Struggle) and very importantly "Alerta, Alerta, Alerta Camarada, Que ya esta Preparada la Resistencia Armada" (Watch out Comrades, Armed Resistance is Ready). As the slogans were shouted red flags were being waved.

Queer Administrator at SDSU Attacked (tags)

When a student newspaper at San Diego State University published a letter attacking an openly Gay administrator, fraternity/sorority coordinator Doug Case, the Queer communities on campus and throughout San Diego responded and confronted the paper's staff members at a November 14 town-hall meeting on campus. They've scheduled a "Rally Against Hate" at SDSU December 3 to protest this and other hate incidents against Queer SDSU students.

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

Expulsions Dropped for Illinois HS Antiwar Students (tags)

Berwyn, IL 11/13/07: In an abrupt turn-around, School District 201 Superintendent Nowakowski takes expulsions off the table and sends most student protestors back to school tomorrow.

Illinois Students Pressured by High School to ID 'Ringleader' of Anti-War Sit-In (tags)

As national outrage mounts against the threatened expulsion of dozens of high school students in the wake of a antiwar sit-in at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois, parents who have attended private meetings with their suspended students and school officials report that their students were offered reduced punishments only if they signed a confession that singled out a student as the organizer of the protest.

Dozens of Illinois HS Students Face Expulsion After Antiwar Sit-in (tags)

Over 70 high school students participated in a sit-in against the Iraq War on All Saint's Day, Thursday, November 1st. The protest began when dozens of students gathered quietly in the lunchroom at Morton West High School in Berwyn, Illinois and refused to leave.

Kozol Rips "No Child Left Behind" in San Diego (tags)

Educator and activist Jonathan Kozol spoke at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego October 8 and ripped the "No Child Left Behind" law, with its agenda of standardized high-stakes testing, militaristic regimentation of the classroom and veiled racism in its assumption of children of color learn "differently' from whites and therefore must be taught less imaginatively.

Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines (tags)

Campus War Protest--Semper Fi: Grim Reaper Recruits With Marines in Georgia Performance Action, Central Campus, Georgia College, 9/20/2007 Images by Emily Gomez

LAUSD - Racist School District (tags)

The majority of LAUSD's teachers are White! LAUSD discriminates against African American and Hispanic teachers!

Sept. 20: Protests Around the Country in Support of the Jena 6 (tags)

Watts, Los Angeles Locke High School Students Walk Out in Support of the Jena 6

Free the Jena Six, Stop the War on African People (tags)

This last week, thousands of people converged on the small town of Jena, Louisiana to show support for the six African teenagers who face felony charges following a series of attacks by a hostile white school and criminal justice system.

Principal says child has ‘stain’ in genealogy (tags)

What is apartheid coming to? Palestinians are separated from Israelis by walls and checkpoints.... now Jews of African and Spanish origin are separated from Jews of Eastern European decent by school boards.... Did anyone hear Foxman scream DISCRIMINATION??? I didn't...

Small Town Love? (Not So) (tags)

Small towns are where people that have certain commonalities and are prefered over other other min

Sao Paulo (Brazil) is under a disguised dictatorship (tags)

It’s a disguised dictatorship, with press freedom, but no freedom for public demonstrations.

Mexico: Mobilisationcontinutes for the release of student activists (tags)


Mexico: Students arrested- urgent solidarity needed (tags)

solidarity with the Mexican revolution

Rumors of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 (tags)

Was 911 a false flag attack? My friends in the Irish Republican Army think it just might have been.

Mexico: Stop the repression of the students and Militante (tags)

solidarity with the struggles in Mexico

US Presidential Candidate: Free Education is Possible (tags)

As millions of college students begin preparing to enter college this fall, many have become accustom to increased tuitions year after year. Nationwide college tuitions are climbing and in some states the increase is 10 percent or more going into the fall semester. Stewart A. Alexander, a Peace and Freedom Party Candidate for President, says free education is possible through university level; a position the PFP, Peace and Freedom Party, has supported for 40 years.

Anti-war activists blocking military shipments to Iraq (tags)

It is time to move beyond marches and rallies if we are to stop the war

JUSTICE for Undocumented Students!!! (tags)

Week of Action including Hunger Strike and various staged actions to demand DREAM ACT for undocumented students.

Wall Street Journal's Looking Glass World (tags)

Made in Washington street protests threaten Venezuela

UCLA group carries torch for less advantaged API classmates (tags)

Activists of the Asian Pacific Coalition met the press Thursday at the Ackerman Viewpoint Conference Room, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) to urge public support on an ongoing campaign to enable Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have own identities. According to the Count Me In campaign it is addressing educational inequalities within the AAPI community. It said that hidden by the “model minority myth”, AAPI continue to suffer severely from access to resources for higher education, adding, “The myth homogenizes the diverse make-up of AAPIs despite the fact that each group has its own unique history, language, culture, and experience.” There is a need to disaggregate the racial category of AAPIs into their specific communities “to ensure that public policy reflects the needs of diverse communities.”

A Chorus Line Returns To Hollywood High (tags)

The "Line" returns to Hollywood, CA at the World Famous Hollywood High Auditorium located at 1521 Highland Avenue at Selma. On June 8, 15, 16, 2007 at 8 PM and June 17, 2007 at 2 PM, A Chorus Line will hit the stage with stellar performances by the students from the Hollywood High Performing Arts Center, Tickets on sale now at Need more info? Contact 323-461-7139 or email

Irish Students in IDAHO Warning over 'State Sanctioned Prejudice' (tags)

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) is marking International Day against Homophobia today (Thursday 17th May) by calling on the Irish Government to oppose the stigmatising of gay people by laws and judicial decisions in Ireland and abroad.

Even the Mormons (tags)

The Mormons are no longer unanimously behind the war policy of their government.. Large actions sued Bush for crimes in office on April 28, Impeachment Day, in all 50 states with the support of a growing group of senators and representatives of Congress.

Uncle Sam Wants You Bad: Preventing The Militarization of our Schools (tags)

Article on Military Activities Scheduled at Cal State Fullerton University - and Community Resistance

May Day 07 – 11:30 AM – Student Walkout Growing, But Many Schools Now on Lockdown (tags)

11:30 AM - Reports of student walkouts coming in from throughout the region.

University of California Students Establish Nuclear Weapons Lab Oversight Committee (tags)

An Official Student Government Body, the Committee’s Mission is to Provide More Democratic and Open Supervision of UC’s Nuclear Weapons Labs and Ensure US Compliance With NPT Treaty Obligation of Disarmament

Lying Religiously (a report on the Hindu Students Council) (tags)

The Campaign to Stop Funding Hate announces the launch of our new report on the Hindu Students Council (HSC): Lying Religiously: The Hindu Students Council and the Politics of Deception . The report brings together evidence from multiple sources to demonstrate a web of connections between the HSC and the violent, ultra-right Sangh family (the RSS family of organizations, also referred to as the Sangh Parivar), and exposes the deliberate efforts of the HSC leadership to conceal its links with the Sangh family in order to deceive Hindu-American college students. The report provides the first comprehensive documentation of the origins, methods and practices of the HSC.

It’s time to confront the gun lobby (tags)

The senseless murder of 32 people at Virginia Tech underlines once again the necessity for stricter gun control laws in the United States.

USC Student Activists Step up Pressure, Administration Responds In-Kind (tags)

Harsh response to anti-sweatshop sit-in threatens to obscure campaign details at a critical time: Breaking with a norm of accommodation of student protesters, the University of Southern California last week dramatized their willingness to evade responsibility for the repercussions of their business practices.

The main story on how Lag Ba`Omer was found to have been distorted (tags)

The main points on how Lag Ba`Omer's purpose was found to have changed somehow from a fast day commemorating the failure to build the Third Temple in 363 AD during emperor Julian's reign to a joyous day with bogus rationales.

Latin American School of Medicine (tags)

In the midst of all the US-Cuban relations stories, primarily, the focus is on the imposed economic sanctions against Castro’s Cuba. But, there is a story of unity, progression, and humanitarian efforts lying within those pages written about Cuba. It is one that is hardly, if ever, told; a story that calls attention to the concern for human life above economic strife.

Students Demand a Day Off on Chavez’s Birthday (tags)

Students Demand a Day Off on Chavez’s Birthday, Los Angeles, March 30, 2007

Web 2.0 Promotes Narcissism (tags)

"Young persons born after 1982 are the most narcissistic generation of recent history and far removed from a social orientation.. Narcissism is a business or income in the attention economy.

Lie Down for Peace! (tags)

Lie Down for Peace! YouTube Video....GO Here....

Schwarzenegger Betrays Students on Tuitions (tags)

Advocate groups for free education consider the recent tuition hikes for UC and CSU students to be no less than a tax on college students. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has done nothing to make education affordable for students since he was elected in 2003. In the past the governor’s office has made it clear that education is a right for K-12, but not for higher education.

March 19 Vigils and Protests in Los Angeles (tags)

Anti-War events around Los Angeles on this 4th anniversary.

Vigil for Peace at Pasadena City College (tags)

Vigilers call for end to US military recruiting on campus and US troops to leave Iraq!

Students Close Recruiting Center in New York (tags)

March 14 - 20 Arrested At SDS New York Counter Recruitment Action

Protest Military Recruiting in East L.A. (tags)

A vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience are planned for Monday, March 19 to protest the targeting of Latino students in East Los Angeles for military recruiting.

Update about the student protests in Athens and Thessaloniki (tags)

Latest report about the brutal and provocative actions of the police in Athens and Thessaloniki. Please translate & circulate

Decleration of greek students ath the occupied Administration Univ. of Athens bldg. (tags)

This is a text by the assembly of students at the occupied Administraion bldg. of Univ. of Athens, following the violent crackdown today;15 or more arrests, 40 or more people badly hit at hospitals. Please translate & circulate.

Latin American School of Medicine Scholarship Conference (tags)

More than 100 US students are studying to become doctors in Cuba at the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana, Cuba . They pursue the dream of a lifetime, thanks to Cuba's generous offer of 500 full scholarships

UCSB Students Rise Up, Strike Against War & Block Freeway (tags)

Nearly 1,500 UCSB students, staff, faculty members, and local residents participated in a powerful and transformative strike against war on February 15th. The day culminated with a mass sit-in on Highway 217 -- the main freeway leading to campus -- that blocked traffic for roughly two hours, followed by a lock-down of the campus administration building, Cheadle Hall.

Killers in the Classroom (tags)

-- -- During a heated debate in a class I teach on social justice, several US Marines who had done tours in Iraq told me that they had "sacrificed" by “serving” in Iraq so that I could enjoy the freedom to teach in the USA. Parroting their master’s slogan about “fighting over there so we don’t have to fight over here”, these students proudly proclaimed that they terrorized and killed defenseless Iraqis. They intimated that their Arab victims are nothing more to them than collateral damage, incidental to their receipt of some money and an education.

Students Stage Die-in at UCLA (tags)

LOS ANGELES, February 15, 2007 – Over a dozen students staged a die-in on the UCLA campus today as part of the February 15th national day of student actions against the war in Iraq.

From SFSU (tags)

WHAT IS San Francisco State University teaching that makes student leaders think that if they don't like what other students say, they can use student organizations to stifle those with dissenting views? Do they even know about the First Amendment?

Local Marine, Alejandro Carrillo, Killed in Iraq (tags)

A 22-year-old Marine sergeant from Carson, who often came back to his high school alma mater to encourage students to stay in school, has been killed in combat in Iraq. Marine Sgt. Alejandro Carrillo, a Carson High School graduate, died Jan. 30 while conducting combat operations in Anbar. He was a driver with a combat logistics battalion.

UCSB Students Plan Strike Against War, Feb. 15 (tags)

Students and allies at UC Santa Barbara have called for a student strike on Feb. 15th to oppose the war and occupation of Iraq, further escalation, and the Bush administration's apparent plans for a military strike against Iran.

Building Bridges Radio: Law Students Work To Aid Gulf Coast Residents! (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Uphold the Militant and Revolutionary Tradition of the FQS, Remember Mendiola, 1970! (tags)

-MAKIBAKA, HUWAG MATAKOT! With these as the battle cry, on January 30 and 31, 1970, during the indignation marches and rallyist, angry students and youth defending themselves again from unprovoked attacks by the military and police as well as water-housing firemen stormed the gates of Malacanang. Using a captured fire engine, the rammed the gates and made it inside the compound of the palace.

Racist Glendale cops refuse to let Latino students protest Prop 300 at BCS Bowl (tags)

Hundreds join protest of migrant-tuition law Police stop them before they reach BCS game stadium

Student-run infoshop opens (tags)

Earlier this month, a student-run non-profit infoshop celebrated its grand opening at The Evergreen State College (TESC) in Olympia, Washington, USA. Using the guise of a state funded student group, volunteers of The Evergreen Infoshoppe were allotted over $4,000 to purchase radical books, zines, and videos for their lending library and resource center. After only a few weeks of planning, the Infoshoppe now hosts an ever-growing collection in a permanent, centrally located and nearly autonomous location.

L.A. Greens Launch Petra Kelly Scholarships (tags)

Honoring the inspirational German Green Party cofounder Petra Kelly, international peace and environmental leader, and cultivating a new generation of young activists; the Green Party Petra Kelly Scholarship awards $500 each to two students graduating from the Los Angeles Unified School District. The scholarship's inaugural winners are Rumeisha Bowyer and Carlos Hernandez.

9th & 10th Days in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

started Nov 21, finished Nov 22, 2006 As I write this I sit outside the first aid station at Radio Universidad. For the first time since I arrived in Oaxaca I am a little frightened. I don't know what is going to happen tonight, but there are some rumors of police gathering nearby the university. But maybe all will be fine. Vamos a ver (We'll see)

Ban is "postponed" at LACC! An unfinished victory, we STILL was Det. Spelatz Fir (tags)

As of November 20th ( 6 days after receiving the suspension notice) the administration backed down from banning Julia Wallace, Arturo Velasquez and Ben Alvarez from suspension until " an independent investigation was completed". Because of the pressure from staff, students, faculty and pressuring "liberal" politicians to act the administration has backed down. Students still demand woman-hating detective Spelatz be fired.

Students suspended from LACC in retaliation to standing up to Sheriffs (tags)

On November 1st Los Angeles Community College students from SER (Students for Education Reform?) occupied the campus sheriff's office after a rape investigator investigating a rape stated that 80% of rape claims were "illegitimate" made by " women who got drunk the night before and regretted having sex. The students have demanded the termination of detective Spelatz. He is a threat to women and potential victims everywhere. The LACC administration has refused to terminate the rape investigator for his views and have instead attacked SER members involved.

Raising Money and Awareness for Undocumented Students (tags)

The Association of Raza Educators Scholarship fund receives wide support from the Raza community

Latin America Studies Endowment Fund (tags)

UCLA Students March on Campus Police Station (tags)

Students outraged march to campus police station and demand to see the chief of police.

VIDEO: UCLA Students Protest Taser Use by Campus PD (tags)

About 500 students took part in a rally and march to campus police station. There was no uniformed police present at the rally and march. There were no arrests or violence from the police at this event.

Students arrested for blocking UC nuclear labs (tags)

Six UC students and three community members were forcefully dragged from the UC Regents board meeting on Thursday by police after they informed the Regents that they would not allow the board to convene its DOE lab oversight committee, the Regents’ body in charge of UC’s nuclear weapons research, design, and manufacturing labs in Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.

UCLA Student attacked by campus police (tags)

UCLA police go way overboard when a student fails to show his student ID in the library.

Stopping the New Arms Race: Nov 16 @ UCLA (tags)

Because the University of California manages the nation's two nuclear weapons research and design laboratories it stands at the center of an unfolding political and ecological crisis of unprecedented proportions. The Coalition to Demilitarize the UC* calls upon students, staff, faculty, and community members to attend the UC Regents’ meeting in Los Angeles on November 16 to demand the Regents to divest the university’s good name and intellectual resources from the new arms race.

Big Brother and Uncle Sam are fingerprinting kids in grade school cafeterias! (tags)

A plan to fingerprint elementary school students when they buy lunch has some parents worrying that Big Brother has come to the cafeteria.

Government schools flush the 1st and supress student blogging (tags)

I don't have a problem with this when private schools censor and supress the free speach of their students. But I do have a big problem with this when the government PUBLIC schools do it!

Sheriff's Detective at LACC: people who report rape were "just drunk" night befo (tags)

Students stand up to rapist sympathizer sheriff. We need community back up Monday 10am to confront administration and politicians (Angelides, Feinstein, Boxer) on taking action!

Settler children in Tel Rumeida (occupied Palestine) part 2 (tags)

I want to share the following video with you:

Alexander Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)

The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.

Undercover Police Infiltrate Anti-war Student Group at Cal State LA (tags)

LOS ANGELES, October 26, 2006 - Long time anti-war activists are well aware of government spies and police informants attending their meetings and demonstrations. A recent example of this has come to light on the campus of Cal State LA.

Lt. Gov. Candidate Wants Free Education By 2009 (tags)

The plan Alexander is presenting will unfold over the next three years; first, students will receive a 35 percent reduction in college tuition fees by 2007, by 2008 students will receive an additional 20 percent reduction on fees, and by 2009 all state colleges and universities will offer free education.

The Failures of Faculty in Tough Times (tags)

t's possible that this watch-list strategy sprang fresh from the minds of the Young Conservatives of Texas, but it's more likely they were influenced by the national group Students for Academic Freedom and leftist-turned-right-wing-activist David Horowitz. The strategy is simple: Rather than attack specific professors for holding views critical of the dominant culture and its institutions, better to claim that the universities are dominated by these critical intellectuals who are crowding out other perspectives.

Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the October 24th Movement of 1966 (tags)

The First Quarter Storm Network-USA (FQSN) militantly commemorate the forty years anniversary of the October 24 Movement of 1966. We pay the highest homage to that movement participants living or departed that shook the foundations of the rotten and anti-people system in the Philippines that supported the US aggression in Vietnam and other parts of the world.

Blair joins the attack on Britain’s Muslims (tags)

Prime Minister Tony Blair has placed himself at the head of an ongoing and sinister campaign against Britain’s Muslim minority. This week he used his monthly press conference to solidarise himself with former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s attack on the veil or niqab, telling reporters that it was “a mark of separation and that is why it makes other people from outside of the community feel uncomfortable.” He also backed the decision by Kirklees council to suspend the young teaching assistant Aishah Azmi for refusing to remove her veil in front of male staff.

Documents Reveal Scope of U.S. Database on Antiwar Protests (tags)

Military officials labeled as “potential terrorist activity” events like a “Stop the War Now”

Jim Gilchrist Storms off DN! Debate With Columbia Student Organizer (tags)

Look at the coward who doesnt want to debate

Student/Farmworker Alliance Days of Action! (tags)

1-2 Punch! Nationwide McDonald's actions Oct. 27-28th From 'sweet spot' to sore spot!... This October 27-28th, join students and young people across the country in standing with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers to end sweatshops and modern-day slavery in the fields!

Gilchrist Attacked at Columbia; Violence Erupts, Loud Shouts and Fists Thrown in Anger (tags)

Gilchrist such down by angry crowd at Columbia University, reports right-wing World Net Daily. Ends in celebration and gleeful chants of 'Asian, Black, Brown and White, we smashed the Minutemen tonight!'"

Minutemen suffer defeat at Columbia University (tags)

A major demonstration last night resulted in a serious setback for the Minutemen organization, when Jim Gilchrist's speech was disrupted and the event shut down by militant demonstrators.

Vetonator Strikes Again! (tags)

California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has vetoed SB 160 sponsored by Sen. Gil Cedillo

Jim Gilchrist to speak at Chapman University (tags)

Jim Gilchrist, Grand Wizard of the MinuteKKKlan Project, will be poisoning young minds with his racist filth at Chapman University in Orange County, California on Monday, October 2!

Jim Gilchrist to speak at Chapman University (tags)

Jim Gilchrist, Grand Wizard of the MinuteKKKlan Project, will speak at Chapman University in Orange County, California on Monday, October 2!

Horowitz on Campus (tags)

The debate was decidedly one-sided, with Horowitz offering one misstatement of fact after another, and Smith batting them down with the dispatch of a seasoned squash player.

Academic Fraud? (tags)

Academic fraud is usually defined as something done by a student. But here's a case where a teacher appears to have been the perpetrator.

Appeal to petition Israeli government to respect the right to education (tags)

The racist Israeli policies deprive and violate Palestinians' right to education and are used by the hegemonic power holders as a means of discrimination. Such discriminatory practices are apparent in not providing safe access to schools and institutions of higher education in unrecognized villages in the Galilee and the Negev, or by the militarization of educational spaces, the imposition of checkpoints or other militarized barriers (such as the separation wall) in the occupied Palestinian territories. The cumulative effect of these practices is a blatant violation of the right of students (especially females who are the most vulnerable segment of society) to study in an educational context that is safe and free from violence.

Exciting News and Updates from the Student/Farmworker Alliance! (tags)

thousands of students are returning to campuses across the country and crafting their organizing plans for the year. This fall and beyond, the stakes are high in the struggle for fair food as McDonald's continues its attempts to undermine the CIW's movement for decent wages and dignified working conditions in Florida's fields.

The Hidden Draft in Our Schools (tags)

With a vast majority of the US public disapproving of the quicksand war in Iraq, how can American educators continue to allow unchecked and unscrupulous recruiting in our high schools? A former Army officer takes a look at the problem of gutless school leaders who let their students be turned into Bush League cannon fodder -- then offers some suggestions on how to change things.

Think Outside the Bomb - Santa Barbara Conference (tags)

TOTB Conference From October 20-22, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation will team up with various partner NGOs to host the second "Think Outside the Bomb" national conference at the University of California, Santa Barbara. The conference will bring together high school students, college students, recent college alumni, and young non-profit professionals from throughout the western United States for a series of participatory discussion panels, workshops, and skills trainings on building a nuclear-free world.

Alexander Wants Student Tips Tax Exempted (tags)

Stewart Alexander, Candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, want college students to be tax exempted for tips received in service related jobs; such as restaurants, food delivery, pet grooming, and other services where tips are traditionally paid. Many college students work minimum wage jobs and rely on tips as an additional source of income to pay there way through college.

What is political correctness? (tags)

What is political correctness, where did it come from, and why is it so influential at universities? It is the object of widespread ridicule, usually a very powerful weapon, so why doesn't it go away?

Occupation, not democracy! (tags)

This leaflet was distributed during the second week of the occupations and in the 10000 people demonstration in Thessaloniki. Its content was determined by what we saw then as the major weaknesses of the movement, i.e. the adherence to democratic procedures and generally to a democratist ideology along with the absence of any critique of schoolwork and of the media’s mediating role.

Roosevelt University fires teacher for allowing questioning of Zionism (tags)

Roosevelt University has fired a religion teacher for allowing students in his class to engage in questioning about Zionism, discussion of Palestine, etc.

HS Students bike from Savannah to LA today (tags)

About two dozen High School students arrive today at Venice Beach. They bicycled 42 days from Savannah, GA- about 3,000 miles.

California Safe Schools Honors Sheinbaum & Farrell (tags)

Students Dialogue With Legendary Activists

Flag law forces colleges to pay (tags)

When they make us worship their flag it's time to get out the guns, and burn a few flags and burn a few government tyrannts.

Nike Just Does it Again (tags)

Students and community to hold demonstration and press briefing in response to Nike’s actively shutting down its non-sweatshop factories

The State of the Philippine Education (tags)

Getting “Dumb & Dumber” under Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Rains, loud music keep protesters away from cops (tags)

It rained on their parade, but the band played on. Incessant heavy rains spawned by typhoon "Glenda" and loud music from the Philippine National Police (PNP) band kept hundreds of protesters in Quezon City in check and away from police lines hours before President Arroyo delivered her State of the Nation Address (SONA), a ranking police official said yesterday. The police initially expected the number of protesters to be between 15,000 and 20,000. As of noon yesterday, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) estimated that its delegation totaled 10,000 people.


Raza Students continue to say “No Somos El U.S. Army, NO to the Occupation of Iraq, and NO to troops on the border!"

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from Mexico City 06/18 and Atenco 06/19/06 (tags)


France : over 52,00 sign "We will protect them" (tags)

The pause given (by Prime Minister Sarkozy) to immigrant parents and students will end on June 30. Thousands of children, adolescents and their families risk mass deportation. Their lives and their future will end. We will not allow these infamies to be done in our name. Every one of us is ready to help, guide and protect in whatever way is possible. When they seek refuge, we will not close our doors but will give shelter and food ; we will not denounce them to the police. original in French : Pétition nationale : NOUS LES PRENONS SOUS NOTRE PROTECTION !

100 Killed/ This Day in History: Tiananman Square (tags)

Activism*Human Rights*Global Unity ========================== Originally intending to do a write up commemorating the 400 injured and hundreds jailed and killed by the People's Liberation Army on June 4, 1989, I had the good fortune to interview a group of students from China. To my dismay, their views ranged from complete apathy to nationalistic rationalizations of the regime's actions (it was a long time ago/it was very complicated/those people weren't working). That view sharply contrasts with that of Americans towards, say, Kent State, where four antiwar protesters were shot by National Guardsment.

How the State of Education Has Changed Over Time in (tags)

I think, when the school opens this June, it’s high time to send our officials back to school so that they would learn first hand the real sad state of our educational system. #

Raza Si!! Tropas NO!! (tags)

The Coordinadora Estudiantil de la Raza rallied and held a press conference to denounce the deployment of US Troops to the border and to iniciate a campaign against JROTC/Military in public schools.

May Day Coalition (tags)

The May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice is organizing a rally for Immigration Rights on Thursday June 15, 2006.



Hundred of Thousand at LA noon time March (tags)

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MARCH FOR MIGRANTS RIGHTS Downtown Los Angeles was completely closed down as marchers demand for legalization

Massive May Day march in El Salvador (tags)

Tens of Thousands of Salvadorans take to the streets in annual march. This year the focus is immigrants in the US and Neoliberalism here.

UCLA Students Demand sweatfree Collegiate Apparel (tags)

Students march to demand that the UCs adopt a program to ensure that collegiate apparel is made in sweatfree conditions.


We urge all justice-loving students to support the May 1 Great Boycott-Strike and parallel protests across the globe and to build an anti-imperialist solidarity with the great immigrant, black liberation, working-class, antiwar and third-world liberation struggles.


The attack on students skipping school to engage in political activism, needs to Stop. Democratic principals have never occurred with youth behind desks. From the Popular movement to the Civil Rights movement, youth have always maintained an active role in standing against injustices. And our duty as responsible adults in their lives, is to stand beside them, or at least get out of the way, before casting another stone.

Governor Joins Struggle Against Teachers (tags)

Stewart Alexander, candidate for lieutenant governor, oppose Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s move to take control of the LAUSD and says he fully support the position of the teachers, district officials and the unions on this important issue.

Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University (tags)

Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University

STUDENTS UP THE ANTE: Amnesty's the new agenda (tags)

Student protestors march on City Hall. "Compromise" is off the table--the word today was "Amnesty."

ALL-OUT FOR April 15 Mass Student Action—Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win! (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) – People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) calls on all students and youth, immigrants and advocates to go all-out today, April 15, to the streets!


We Fil-American students call on our fellow justice-loving students to raise their anti-imperialist voices on April 15 and May 1 to fight for full immigrant rights and forge an anti-imperialist solidarity with the working people and migrant peoples of the U.S..


At a press conference earlier today, the Coalition of United Students announced they will dedicate their April 15 march to Anthony Soltero, who took his own life after a vice-principal threatened him with prison because he walked out of school to protest HR4437. (repost by Leslie)

Police arrested TEN students at the University of California-Riverside (tags)

At midnight, police arrested TEN students at the University of California-Riverside for participating in a non-violent civil disobedience

United Students Against Sweatshops sitting at Riverside and Berkeley Univesities (tags)

Students Are Sitting-In in California!

Students Take Over Chancelor's Office at UCR!!! (tags)

As of 9:30 tonite, 12 students still are staging a SIT IN at ucr chancelor's office at UC Riverside, with about 75 demonstrators still outside in support~


We Fil-Am students condemn the persecution to death of the eighth-grade student Anthony Soltero, call for a stop to the fascist suppression of pro-immigrant student protesters and for carrying forward Anthony's fight for full immigrant rights.

French unions hold talks with government in move to end “First Job Contract” strikes (tags)

France’s major trade unions and student unions, a total of twelve organizations operating under the umbrella of the Intersyndicale, held a joint meeting in Paris Wednesday morning to coordinate negotiations with the Gaullist government over the “First Job Contract” (CPE). Five trade unions—CGT (General Confederation of Labour), CFDT (French Democratic Confederation of Labour), FO (Workers Power) and two management unions, the CFTC and the CFE-CGC—later held separate discussions with deputies from the ruling Union for a Popular Majority (UMP) party. Other unions will meet with the government in the coming days.

4/10/06 and 5/1/06 National Student Demonstrations (tags)

see below

April 15th Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation ! (tags)

Mass Student March Against Racist Legislation - For Full Immigrant Rights Saturday April 15th 2006 @ 10 AM Olympic & Broadway to City Hall

Students March for Farmers at Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. (tags)

On Saturday, April 1st, at Historic Olvera Street in downtown Los Angeles, thousands gathered to celebrate the 8th Annual Cesar Chavez Walk L.A. The event was hosted by the United Farm Workers and the UFW Foundation. Hundreds of students support the UFW, South Central Farmers, and other organizations.

L.A. Unified Students Protest Border Policies (tags)

March, 27, 2006. Los Angeles, Ca. Fifteen thousand students rallied on the steps of L.A. City Hall to express their disdain for the immigration and border policies being debated in Congress around the world.

3/27-31: Nationwide Week of Massive Student Walkouts for Immigrant Rights! (tags)

Student walkouts reports from across the country

North High Students March to City Hall (tags)

Students from at least 7 different schools speak out at Riverside City Hall with support of Principal [North High School].

Thousands of students walk out of schools in Southern California (tags)

Thousands of students walk out of schools in Southern California to protest anti-immigration legislation

Artesia High School Students Walkout! (tags)

high school students take the street to protest the racist HR4437 bill

VIDEO: Westchester High Walkout (tags)

About 50 students from Westchester High staged a walkout and march to the offices of Univision this morning. They were able to meet with an anchor from the station.

Walkouts at Westchester High 3-29-06 (tags)

LOS ANGELES, March 29, 2006 – The LA School district and police are enforcing a crack down on student walk outs today. All high schools are on lock down and police car are patrolling the perimeter of those high schools that have seen the largest walk out in the past three days.

Pitzer College Student Senate Boycotts Wal-Mart Stores (tags)

Student Senate of Pitzer College has passed a resolution denying any students from be refunded by Senate for expenditures at Wal-Mart. Students have also passed a resolution through Pitzer's College Council encouraging students, staff, faculty and alumni to personally engage in the boycott and avoid all Wal-Mart Stores.

12:15 pm Students at LA High refusing to go to class (tags)

12:10 Reports of a heavy police response to a demonstration at LA High 500 students in the field refusing to go to class.

Legal Defense for Walkouts (tags)

Legal Defense for Students Participating in Walkouts

Student Protest for immigrant Rights Mounts (tags)

For two straight days, tens of thousands of high school students from California and Texas walked out of their classes in support of immigrant rights and protest the oppressive and racist HR 4437.

Students March on Van Nuys (tags)

Monday March 27, 2006 Students from San Fernando Valley High schools converged on the Van Nuys Civic Center to voice their opposition to HR447.

Silver Lake / Echo Park Area Students Join Nation Wide March. (tags)

March 27th Greater Los Angeles 9a.m.
High and middle school kids take on Washington in the struggle for immigrant rights. Overcoming school lock-ins an estimated one hundred fifty students travel down Sunset Blvd to later rally with 35,000 downtown.

Oxnard College Organizes (tags)

large pro-immigrant rally in Long Beach (tags)

Militant high school students ignore lockdown order, rally against fascist-like immigration legislation.

Photos of high school students on the march in Anaheim and Buena Park (tags)

Some students participating in this action claimed they attended both public and private high schools in Anaheim, Westminster, Garden Grove, and Huntington Beach. They said this was one of several walkouts that took place in Anaheim that day, drawing upwards of 500 young people.

Orange County high school students take over Riverside Freeway (tags)

A group of young high school students, all marching in opposition to legislation passed in the U.S. House of Representatives which would criminalize undocumented workers, took to the streets late yesterday afternoon and seized control of a major Orange County freeway.

La Gran Walkout, to City Hall (tags)

Students poured out of school today. Most of them slowed traffic on the 101. The ones I met went back to City Hall.

my experience substitute teaching during the walk outs (tags)

my experience substitute teaching during the student walk outs protesting anti-immigrant laws.

LA school district is reporting 24,680 students have walked out (tags)

In a called placed to the LAUSD an official for the district stated that 24,680 students walked out of classes today to protest Anti-immigrant law H.R. 4437.

Walkout in the West SGV (tags)

Around 1:00pm.

East LA + Riverside Students WALK OUT to Protest HR 4377 (tags)

Students Set a Bold Tone for Saturday's Gran Marcha

On the Set of Walkout (a new film debuting on cable TV) (tags)

"In those times, people were energized, and they were more intellectual. People were processors of information, whereas today you don't see a lot of that." -- David Sanchez, former leader, The Brown Berets

Muslim Students Against The War March in Hollywood (tags)

A sizable contingent of Muslim students from the Los Angeles area took part in the Anti-War protest in Hollywood this Saturday. Uploaded is a short interview with one of the students.

UCLA Students Stage Event for Free Speech (tags)

In wake of the violent protests against free expression and the short-sighted self-censorship of the majority of the major U.S. media outlets, U.C.L.A. students have organized a panel to present some simple cartoons and discuss the violent response to these cartoons. U.C.I. students staged a similar event last week.

VIDEO REPORT "No to State of Emergency" LA Philippine Consulate (tags)

KmB USA Pro-People News Presents...videos clip of the actions taken in Los Angeles 2/24/06 in front of the Philippine Consulate.

If Teachers Were Congressmen (tags)

Enough Said!


Kabataang maka-Bayan USA Pro-People Youth condemns the outright fascist Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) in its attempt to circumvent the democratic rights of the Filipino people by declaring a State of Emergency.

Kill the students (tags)

We kill the students in Iraq to teach them democracy

A People's History of UC Weapons Lab Management (tags)

Over the past several decades students and faculty of the University of California, often in tandem with nuclear disarmament NGOs in California and New Mexico, have conducted a series of campaigns to end the UC's involvement in nuclear weapons research, design, testing, and production at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories. These campaigns represent an important contribution to the global nuclear abolition movement, which historian Lawrence Wittner has described as "the largest, most dynamic international citizens' movement of modern times."

American Legal System Corrupt (tags)

Judge Edith H. Jones of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit talks to members of Harvard Law School's Fed-eralist Society. Jones said that the question of what is mor-ally right is routinely sacrificed to what is politically expedient.

What Democracy, Exactly, Are We Exporting? Let's Hope It's Not Ours (tags)

Long ago, the US stopped making things, and that was it for exporting stuff like TVs, cars, etc. Then America starting outsourcing services, so instead of exporting things like accounting or customer service, we import them. Now Bush says we’re exporting democracy, but if we don’t practice it at home, how can we hope to do that either?

UC Irvine's OTHER Scandal (tags)

From UC Irvine’s OTHER Scandal! A Report on the Hidden Costs of Outsourcing and Its Destructive Impacts on Workers, Students, and the Surrounding Community:

Terrorism comes to Duke (tags)

The ISM at Duke: The Saga Continues

Drop the Charges and Stop the Harassment Against the HamptonUniversity Students Again (tags)

UPDATE: Students' expulsion hearing is Friday, December 2nd. Call the Dean of Students to Demand that Charges Be Dropped! See below for numbers. Also, email to add your name to this statement and forward it broadly, especially to academics. Ask them to call the Dean of Students and add their signatures!

The Battle for Student Political Expression! (tags)

The Battle for Student Political Expression! We can't accept the authorities banning students' protest! These are our youth. They have the right to fight for their future.

Protest Military Recruiters - Sat, Dec 10, 12 noon (tags)

Protest Military Recruiters - Sat, Dec 10, 12 noon Youth and students come out against war & military recruiters! Saturday, December 10, 12 noon 5051 Rodeo Road, Los Angeles At the Los Angeles Recruiting Battalion (Just east of La Brea, near MLK Blvd)

Thousands Walk out of L.A. highschools (tags)

High school students in L.A. were part of the marches in the 1990s against the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and the East L.A. protests against the Vietnam War in the '60s. But Nov. 2 was on a whole different level. In response to the call from The World Can't Wait, thousands of youth--many from proletarian neighborhoods--left school to take political action and make their voices heard. At Los Angeles High School alone, more than 1,000 students--the majority of the school -- walked out, and more than 500 marched to Wilshire Blvd.

Youth say no to war, no to military: The movement to ‘opt out’ (tags)

CHICAGO — Youth and students here and across the country are refusing in ever greater numbers to believe the promises of U.S. military recruiters, promises like, “You can get any job you want,” and “You can try the military out for a few months and if you don’t like it you can quit.” Other favorites include, “You are guaranteed to get $50,000 for college,” and “You will never see a day of combat.”

MHS (tags)

From WCW website: "--Montebello HS: all week long, students have been wearing WCW armbands. Today, 40 students didn't go to school but gathered close by the school and had a march down Whittier Blvd. in ELA, carrying signs and chanting "Ya Basta" "Fuck Bush" "Bush Lies, 1000s Die" "Queremos Paz, Quermos Justicia." Then they got on buses to go to Alvarado; when they told the bus driver what they were doing, she let them all ride for free."


Students walked out of their classes at Saddleback Community College today to support The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime campaign. Though not a large demonstration, with a maximum of 50 students at one time, it demonstrated that there is solidarity within this community and within this nation.

URGENT! World Can't Wait--High School student suspended for organizing (tags)

High School students organizing to Drive Out Bush! at Reseda High suspended!

5 Arrested while Protesting Torture (tags)

Five World Can't Wait organizers are arrested in New York while protesting torture. In Los Angeles World Can't Wait organizers call for a Nov. 2nd protest along Wilshire Blvd.

Behind the veil and beyond the hijab (tags)

By simplistic Western standards, Muslim women come with two labels: "subjugated" and "quasi-subjugated"

CSULB Students Ripped off by Marketing Company (tags)

"Brailsford & Dunlavey is not a polling company, interested in providing an unbiased sampling. They are a facility planning company that profits from providing “market and financial analyses, architectural programming, business planning, referendum management, and other pre-implementation services” for moving the construction process to fruition. On their website,, Brailsford & Dunlavey states, “B&D equips clients with the data and tools needed to navigate confidently from dream to reality.” Ironically B&D has acted as a Public-Relations firm for building the Rec Center on CSULB. Neither B&D nor the Pollock administration have shown interest in providing an honest “feasibility Analysis” or a “Preliminary Assessment” like B&D claims on its website, after continually milking CSULB for more money."


E. SAN JUAN's new book of essays, Working Through the Contradictions: From Cultural Theory to Critical Practice (Bucknell University Press), engages with, among other things, the problem of cultural revolution in the Philippines and the plight of the Filipino Overseas Contract Workers, the 10 million Filipino diaspora, around the world. Without revolutionary theory, as Lenin said, there cannot be any revolutionary praxis. This is a small contribution to the formation of that theory in practice.

USC Labor Activists Launch Anti-Sweatshop Campaign (tags)

Monday, 10 October 2005, USC's Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation (SCALE) will launch their campus anti-sweatshop campaign. The following is a brief detail of the event as well as an invitation to join us.

USC Trojans Demand an End to Sweatshops! (tags)

Students from the University of Southern California propose a comprehensive plan to stop USC's use of sweatshops

CSUN art project harrassement by CSUN ROTC (tags)

. This story below is just in from CSUN: California State University at Northridge, in the San Fernando Valley: here we find an ROTC Colonel who feels empowered to challenge art students freedom of speech in court. here is yet another sign that the new bunker mentality is being normalized in the USA with censorious repercussions on campuses both red and blue, and in the art world.

Is your twelve year old safe from the military? (tags)

With recruiting targets unmet, 250 National Guard troops visit middle school, mingle with twelve year olds. Is it a recruiting ploy?

Crenshaw Cougar Coalition Asks School District to Waive Hiring Formula (tags)

Nearly one hundred students, parents and teachers at Crenshaw High School were joined by community leaders in a press conference held at the campus' main entrance this evening. The press conference aimed to respond to a series of emergency meetings the Los Angeles Unified School District School Board has called in the past week aimed at dealing with Crenshaw's recent loss and return on appeal of accreditation. At specific issue is the School District's mandate that Crenshaw sacrifice 16 teachers currently teaching full course loads at Crenshaw to other schools.

Political Forum - Eyewitness Report from Venezuela (tags)

Political Forum - Eyewitness Report from Venezuela and the World Festival of Youth and Students

Help for Americans Who are Losing Jobs to Foriegn Educated Individuials. (tags)

Home Schooling, GED, Middle School, High School everyone needs this book!

DOPE ASS SHOW July 22nd at the LA Workers Center! (tags)

Punk, hip-hop, & Venezuelan food! Come for a good time! Help us get to Venezuela!

Benefit Show in Orange County (tags)

This benefit show will support local youth and students in attending the 2005 World Festival of Youth and Students in Caracas, Venezuela.

Schwarzenegger faces boos, turned backs at Santa Monica College (tags)

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger took the stage Tuesday at Santa Monica College's Corsair Stadium, which was filled with a maximum capacity crowd, and faced boos, chants, turned backs and signs of protest to his policies on education funding.

Convictions and Corrections (tags)

The psychologists' report concluded that people ignore corrections irrespective of the certainty that a news report was notorious. The truth is unimportant. Whether something fits and confirms the worldview is decisive.

TUES 5PM: Join Anti-Schwarzenegger Protest Outside SMC at Pico & 17th St. (tags)

On Tuesday, June 14, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is coming to Santa Monica College to give the commencement address to graduating students at his alma mater. Meanwhile, he wants to cut education funding, teacher's wages, and jobs across California.

SMC Braces for Gov’s Visit: Preparing for 3,000 to 5,000 Protestors (tags)

Although estimates vary wildly, campus police told teachers and staff that they are preparing for some 3,000 to 5,000 protestors, according to a faculty member who attended the briefing.

Arnold Pecks Away At Free Speech (tags)

As a Santa Monica City College student leaving in the fall for Berkeley, I'm going to Tuesday's graduation ceremonies to support my friends. Since the governor is the commencement speaker, I will also be wearing a chicken suit, because Arnold is too chicken to talk to students about why he's hiking student fees and cutting education funding.

Mobilizing against Education- and Social Cuts (tags)

This struggle is imperative from the knowledge that the political measures of the neoliberal project are morally and economi-cally false..We can only resist this false policy together. Students must convince students that the interests of workers are their interests

Students, teachers and community speak out at SMC Broad Meeting (tags)

Students, teachers and community members are insulted by the board’s selection of another bad actor turned evil politician to speak at their graduation ceremony.

TONIGHT 7 PM: Students Speak-out About Gov. at SMC Meeting (tags)

Students and Faculty will be there to speak-out at the SMC Trustees to uninvite Gov. Schwarzenegger as next Tuesday, June 14 commencement speaker at Santa Monica College.

Father of Daniel Pearl Speaks Out! (tags)



Protest Schwarzenegger in Santa Monica on Tues, June 14, at 5 pm.

Protest military recruiters on SMC Campus (tags)

WHAT: Protest to get military recruiters off SMC campus. WHEN: Monday, June 6th at 6pm WHERE: Santa Monica Board Room, Business Building, Room 117, Santa Monica College, 1900 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA

Updates on Arrest & Plans (tags)

The last student in jail is being arraigned. Protests will be made in the future for the protest of all the students arraignment. Also, Contact info for GG police, tell them what you think of their fascist brutality!

Update On GG Protest/Arrests (tags)

Update on the arrests of 5 students, one is still in jail. The bails range from 2K-5K. We need to fundraise for their fees, and alert all media, and organizations to their injustice.

Axis of Justice and Rubidoux High School’s “30 Hour Famine” (tags)

The Article is a report back from Saturday's Fast for Famine in Riverside CA

Student Statement Opposing UC-Bechtel Bid (tags)

The Regents of the University of California have announced a partnership with the Bechtel Corporation in their bid to manage the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The students of the UC oppose this partnership and the UC’s continued involvement in the design and production of nuclear weaponry.

We, the Students: UC Students Rise Up to Oppose UC-Bechtel! (tags)

Dozens of students from across the UC system will converge at the UC Regents meeting at UC San Francisco Laurel Heights to speak out in opposition to the UC's join bid with Bechtel for management of the nation's nuclear weapons labs. After meeting at 9 a.m. outside of the Laurel Heights building, the students will command the floor during the Regents' public comment period at 10 a.m. At roughly 11:20, we will conduct a rally outside the conference building. Please join us in opposing the nuclearization and corporatization of the UC! Contact to carpool from SoCal to the Regents meeting.

Black High School Student slain in Corona (tags)

Racial Tensions STILL on the Rise; School Districts STILL Covering Up; Parents Furious at school's Lack of Response.

Video from SMC anti-recruiters Protest (tags)

The students were civil but direct and unwavering in their anger toward the presence of the recruiters at their career day. This reporter saw a crowd of 10-20 students protesting and arguing with the recruiters and zero students expressing any interest in signing up.

Santa Monica College students stand up against war recruiters on their campus (tags)

Santa Monica College students stand up against war recruiters on their campus

Students, faculty, community, native groups resist US military hegemony in the Pacific (tags)

Since 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 28, a coalition of Native Hawaiian groups, students, faculty, anti-war activists, environmentalists, and religious organizations have joined forces to occupy the University of Hawaii administration building, to demand the University cease all work on a secret Navy research project, UARC. This secret research is for the development of space-based laser systems, surveillance technologies, and sea-based mines. Live Webcam of the protest: Since September 11, 2001, the US military has embarked on its largest expansion onto Hawa'ian land, since World War II. The Army plans to take 28,000 acres of this precious land to station a Stryker Brigade.

Last Minute May Day Student Contingent (tags)

Radical students from different schools will be forming a contingent for the May Day Action

Part 2: Counter-Recruitment Students Confront President of College Santa Monica (tags)

Part Two of Video

Counter-Recruitment Students Confront President of College Santa Monica (tags)

SANTA MONICA – April 28, 2005, After months of efforts to meet with the President of Santa Monica College to address the issue of military recruiters on campus, frustrated students and local community activists marched into the offices of the school district this Thursday.

Protest Thomas J Donner, SMC President, at his Office for Supporting Military Recruiters (tags)

Thomas J Donner, SMC president, has not responded to his students who have written him and gone to the board of trustees demanding military recruiters be banned from the campus. As a response, we are having a protest in front of his office tomorrow.

Seeking options to military recruiting (tags)

A local peace vigil activist made the local paper.

Race Riots at Riverside high school: Exposing the TRUTH Administrators want to Deny (tags)

As of yet, La Sierra / Tyler districts of Riverside are no where near as bad as places like Eastside--where, you absolutely will get jumped for being the wrong color [between brown / black] for even just walking on the wrong side of the street b/c the turfs are so defined. But, if community members, parents, and students do not take direct action soon, we may very well be on our way to such a demise in other parts of Riverside. Race riots have been spreading in this part of town--from the big Castle Park incident on Valentines Day, to the La Sierra High shut downs the following week, and now this incident at Norte Vista which involved HUNDREDS, far more than the 15 students the press enterprise declares were involved. The District position continues to be to SUPRESS discussion about this as a tactic to calm the situation while simultaneously increasing police presence on campuses. Students need a space & opportunity to dialogue about this, come to their own solutions, and even receive trauma counseling for the violence they repeatedly face by simply showing up for school each day.


On Saturday, April 2nd, thousands of students and workers took the streets of East LA in Monterey Park to celebrate the success of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and its leader, Cesar Chavez, in the historic Delano Grape Strike which led to the signing of the first farmworker labor contracts in 1970.

Cesar Chavez Walk (tags)

On Saturday, April 2nd, thousands of students and workers took the streets of East LA in Monterey Park to celebrate the success of the United Farm Workers (UFW) and its leader, Cesar Chavez, in the historic Delano Grape Strike which led to the signing of the first farmworker labor contracts in 1970.

Anti-Militarization Rally Now! (tags)

As part of a national Mecha conference, students and community members, are marching and rallying in San Fernando in an action against Militiarization in the schools.

Iraq Week at the University of Southern California (tags)

Press release and schedule of events at USC Iraq's Week.

Santa Monica City College Students Protest Army Recruitment Center (tags)

Uploaded is a short video from the protest. (video with freaky colors, yeah.)

Wed. 3/16 5pm: Nurses, teachers, & firefighters to protest Gov's LA fundraiser (tags)

Hundreds of the nurses, teachers, students and firefighters will gather outside Gov.'s fundraiser at Century Plaza Hotel to protest Governor Schwarzenegger's cash-register politics WHEN: 5 pm, Wednesday, March 16th WHERE: Westin Century Plaza Hotel 2025 Avenue of the Stars

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

UC Santa Barbara's chapter of Students for a Free Tibet will be joining SoCal's Tibetan community in outraged protest against China's illegal occupation of Tibet.

March 10th Tibetan Uprising Day (tags)

Tibetans and supporters vehemently protest China's acts of genocide and illegal occupation of Tibet.


In RIVERSIDE: school district is covering up, telling lies to parents; their response to increase alleged racial tension is to SUPRESS ANY DISCUSSION ABOUT RACE ISSUES, and INCREASE POLICE, GANG UNITS, AND GANG PROFILING ON CAMPUS AND OF STUDENTS.

Super Bowl Party at Arnold's ... But It's No Party For Nurses, Patients, Students, Disable (tags)

When: 2 PM, Sunday, February 6 Where: 12989 Chalon Road/ Corner of Mandeville Canyon Road & Chalon (North of Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles)

Students Say Too Much Press (tags)

One in three U.S. high school students say the press ought to be more restricted, and even more say the government should approve newspaper stories before readers see them, according to a survey being released today.

A failing grade: Charter schools and education reform (tags)

Charter schools are a major aspect of the political right.......

Interviewing the Youth Anti-War Movement (tags)

Earlier this month M. Junaid Alam of Left Hook asked four of CAN's elected representatives about the political imperatives and realities the movement faces, including internal debates, the effect of linking up with anti-war veterans, the extent of right-wing harassment, and mobilizations planned in the near future.

Land of the Paranoid, Bunker of the Skittish (tags)

December 21, 2004 Bunker of the Skittish Losing It in America By DAVE LINDORFF In this post-Columbine, post 9-11 era, America has simply lost it. Just this past week, a 10-year old girl who brought a pair of scissors from home to school in her school bag to continue work on a magazine clipping class project, was summarily turned over to police in Philadelphia by a bureaucratically blinded principal, who allowed her to be shipped off to jail, handcuffed, in a police wagon. The principal didn't even bother to notify the frightened child's mother, who learned of her daughter's ordeal when police detectives called her and said they had her daughter in a holding cell. The school district is justifying its over-the-top handling of this incident by citing the several hundred cases of weapons and sharp objects being brought into Philadelphia schools this year, as well as some serious incidents of attacks on students by other students. Earlier, a young boy's parents in Ohio were interrogated by detectives from the local sheriff's office because their junior high school son, in a classroom discussion on the war in Iraq, had opined that he hoped American soldiers would all be killed in that military adventure. The boy had not engaged in violence, nor threatened it; he had merely expressed a perhaps unpopular and unpatriotic political wish. The list of these over-zealous persecutions of children resembles nothing so much as the mentality of the Puritans during the Salem witch trials. I experienced a little of this madness myself when my son's second-grade teacher called his mother and me in for a meeting. We had no idea what the problem was but the woman sounded dead serious. When we arrived, she sat us down in the classroom and handed us a sheet of drawing paper, saying in a voice that sounded like someone had just died, "I found your son drawing this in class." We looked at the page, on which were neatly arrayed a set of artfully drawn swords of all types-daggers, scimitars, cutlasses, epees, broadswords, dirks and the like. We both broke out in laughter, to the teacher's dismay. Our son, we explained, was fascinated with medieval weaponry, and this was a graphic cataloging of his knowledge. What did she think? That our second-grade, 48-lb son was going to come to school with a Roman broadsword and decapitate a few classmates someday? The teacher looked skeptical, but the matter was quietly dropped. What made this visit so annoying was that our son has never shown the least sign of violent or aggressive behavior, and in fact is known for his openness and willingness to be friends with everyone he meets. What is going on here? Universities report that they are losing foreign students, who used to flock to this country to study, because the immigration service now makes it so difficult for anyone from overseas to get a student visa. Many potential students have just given up the idea of going to the U.S. because it's not worth the hassle or the unpredictability of the visa process. Even in Taiwan, where I taught last spring, which has yet to send a terrorist to American shores and which probably ranks among the most pro-American societies in the world, frustrated students say they are given the third degree when they apply for a visa to study in the U.S. Every foreign student these days is viewed as a potential terrorist! The Home of the Brave has become the Bunker of the Skittish. It's not that the nation has become less safe, either. Schools always had bullies, kids with knives, and in fact, by most measures, the crime rate has been falling (though you wouldn't know this if you get your news watching local television). And don't get me wrong. I don't want kids coming to school with guns either. But probably the best way to guard against that would be to make it harder for them to get guns-something our perverse society and political leadership seem averse to doing. What seems to have gone wrong is this notion that bureaucratic rules and draconian punishments will cure the problem. Principals and teachers, like those involved in the above incidents are checking their common sense at home and turning into slavish automatons on the job. Administrators are handing down so-called "zero tolerance" guidelines on behavior and even speech that belong in China, the former Soviet Union or Iran, not in an American school. The answer to student alienation is not more draconian school rules, any more than the answer to anti-American terrorism is banning foreign exchange students. What we need are more humane and engaged schools. If the welfare and development of all students is the goal, students who misbehave or exhibit anti-social behavior will be treated with kindness and sensitivity, and offered appropriate treatment or therapy, not shipped off in cuffs in a police van.

Corporatism (A story for teenagers) (tags)

Students learn about corporatism first hand.

A "Few Bad Apples" or "The Bad Seed" of Circumstance? (tags)

Countless studies have shown that external factors are highly predictive of so-called "moral" behavior -- people are generally conformists, blind followers of authority and highly influenced by circumstance rather than character and values.

Robin Hood Lives! MALDEF Declares Victory (tags)

The trial judge in the Texas School Funding Trial released final docs today. Here is a MALDEF press release and a selection of key passages from the court's findings, with commentary from the Texas Civil Rights Review.



Voting Irregularities Nationwide (tags)

Voting irregularities were reported in: Louisiana, Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin


DAVID GEHRIG of Urbana-Champain IMC, and "nessie", an editor at sf.indymedia, often spar back-&-forth with each other over who's the bigger CENSORSHIP ass (to put it politely). But, the fact is that they both are! HOWEVER, the URBANA-CHAMPAIGN INDYMEDIA CENTER ( has been *HIJACKED* by ARCH-ZIONIST David Gerhig & Cohorts.

County Fed gears up for offensive (tags)

L.A. labor council holds historic congress building labor community unity for progressive issues. .

Too good to be true: Look out for quick-cash jobs [USC Student Newspaper Article] (tags)

Students who stumble upon "dream" jobs such as envelope stuffing or knife selling, often end up with lost time and money.

Class Struggle and Critical Race Theory for Texas Schools (tags)

Inequity is a plain fact in Texas education, but so is the challenge of civil rights education.

9/19: Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 7) (tags)

Teacher/Student Day: Students and Teachers gather to support Higher Education

9/16: DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 4) (tags)

Fasters hold "General Supporter Day"

Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 5) (tags)

DREAM Act Fasters Highlight the Importance of Voting

9/15: Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 3) (tags)

[Los Angeles] Day 3 of the DREAM Fast Vigil kicked off with the theme "Higher Education Day." The highlight of the day came through paintings that fasters drew that tied higher education to the DREAM Act. Fasters also drew pictures depicting their thoughts and feelings. These will be hung as part of the existing visuals at the fasting site throughout the 2 weeks. The fasters are also engaged in daily journals and writing daily letters to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and to President Bush.



Maybe Now We're the Silent Majority (tags)

The Bush administration’s campaign to equate criticism of the president with treason or disloyalty, and to harass and intimidate dissenters may be scaring much of the public into silence. If so, he may be in for a big surprise on November 2: Revenge of the silenced. (tags)

No doubt you heard about us on national radio or television and want to learn more about the ISM and what to do about this subversive group that represents America’s and Israel’s enemies. In the coming year, it is our intention to reveal to the American public the key players of the ISM here in the USA, Canada and Europe and to educate the public who they really represent: the PLO, the PFLP, Hamas and other terrorists under Yasser Arafat. And we promise results.

Silvia Cattori : Violence against Palestinian children:A weapon of war (tags)

The Palestinians, although they do have courage and unlimited perseverance, are humans with limitations. Oppressed by Israel and subjected to permanent violence and stress, betrayed by the international community, the Palestinians draw their main strength from our support.

S. KOREA, Migrant workers' struggle... (tags)

Stopping the Military in our Schools (tags)

The military actively preys upon our students. Operation Opt Out is a two-month campaign by the Coalition Against Militarism In Our Schools to draw attention to this pressure and recruitment. Operation Opt Out is a way students can protect themselves from military recruitment.. If you want to help out give us a call or end us an email Our culminating event in late October will be a musical/poetic/creative event. Join with us!

"so they can vent their ignorance with confidence" (tags)

Bush Blocks Medical Students (tags)

Bush Blocks Underprivileged Medical Students from Attending School in Cuba (online edition) By Don Sloan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It has now been just over four years since he first group of US students were sent off to Cuba as a part of a training program that was offered by Cuba's Ministry of Health (MINSAP). This was their addition to a school only for foreign nationals that was born out of the turmoil of Hurricanes George and Mitch in 1999 that devastated much of Latin America.

Walking on Water: Reading, Writing, and Revolution, by Derrick Jensen (tags)

A Review by Adam Fletcher, Director of The Freechild Project

THE FIGHTBACK: Students, Youth & the Dump Bush Movement August 13-15, New York City (tags)

Youth Activism Conference

'Friends' of blacks (tags)

"Moreover, there was no Barbara Ehrenreich to defend me." Because you were lucky.

The Politics of Silence (tags)

Transgender women of color are disproportionately target for the most violent of hate crimes. 35 years ago, their outrage at New York City policemen sparked the gay liberation movement. Now, as the Gwen Araujo case stalls in a mistrial, most mainstream LGB group seem to have forgotten.

Yes its true, the Pentagon is spying on you! (tags)

The military industrial complex is ready to take aim at patriotic americans who want freedom.

Support the Hunger Strike Against Taco Bell (tags)

Students at UCLA are on a hunger strike to support tomato pickers who are demanding a living wage. They are on day 7 and need you support.

UCLA Students on Day Three of Hunger Strike (tags)

Students at UCLA are on hunger strike until UCLA decides to honor its strict code of conduct and stops doing business with Taco Bell!

Are Liberals Killing the Study of History? (tags)

California Court Considers Whether Violent Poetry Is Criminal (tags)

The California Supreme Court is deciding whether to throw out the conviction of a 15-year-old boy who served 100 days in juvenile hall for writing a poem that included a threat to kill his fellow students.

Building Bridges Radio- POLICE BUST AT PURCHASE COLLEGE, SUNY & Bhopal Disaster Continues (tags)


What we're up against (tags)

When hate groups are allowed to flourish, hatred is passed from one generation to another. America cannot look the other way and allow the resurgence of racial intolerance.

S. Korea: MSSC's last week struggle report (tags)

Last week, beside several solidarity parties, we were invited, we also were on propaganda tour.

Bush’s hidden attack on public education (tags)

PHILADELPHIA – This year marks the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education – a historic civil rights legal case that declared Jim Crow segregated schools for African American children were a violation of the Constitution.

"Making it in L.a> - Social Justice Reporting (tags)

USC students unveil multimedia project 2004-05-06 01:13 EDT | 2004-05-07 05:13 GMT - Heather Somers, Managing Editor A group of graduate journalism students at USC Annenberg presented their multimedia reporting project Thursday. The project, titled Making it in LA, examines the lives of six Los Angeles residents and the social issues that impact their lives. The students reported and produced the project in conjunction with a class on online journalism taught by Visting Professor Elizabeth Osder and Lecturer Robert Berger.

Iraqis stage protest against U.S. imposed flag (tags)

In the photo, Iraqi university students raise the Iraqi flag over their campus in the northern city of Mosul April 28, 2004 while demonstrating against the U.S. occupation forces attempting to introduce a new flag for the country. The unelected and U.S. hand picked Iraqi Governing Council adopted a new national flag (see inset) which consists of a pale blue crescent on a white background and has a yellow strip between two lines of blue at the bottom. Also in the photo, the Iraqi university students look up at their massive flag draped over a campus building. Critics of the new flag say it places Iraq outside of the Arab world... since all Arab flags use a combination of the colors red, green, black, and white. It has also been noted that the U.S. occupation imposed flag bares a striking simularity to the Israeli flag. The photo also shows Iraqi civilians burning the newly imposed occupation sanctioned flag (Reuters photos, Namir Noor-Eldeen)

On College Campuses, Bush Losing Stronghold (tags)

Highly independent and centrist, the college student is concerned about Iraq, Gay Marriage, and Job Opportunities -- and Bush has lost significant support.

College Youth Return From Cuba (tags)

On April 2, 2004, 35 Los Angeles-area college students returned froma seven-day seminar in Havana, Cuba, hosted by Cuban youth. Join the recently arrived youth when they share their experiences during a REPORT BACK FROM CUBA on Saturday, April 17, 2004 at UNITE Hall, 675 S. Parkview Street (West side of MacArthur Park between Wilshire & 7th Street). Info: 310.419.2296

The battle on America's campuses (tags)

Despite the feeling that anti-Israel sentiment is increasing at U.S. universities, it is unclear who's winning the war of words that has been waged there since the start of the intifada

An Investment To Be Proud Of (tags)

Over 55,000 students and faculty at nearly every college campus around the nation pledge their support for the State of Israel.

Transgender-Phobia Rules in O C School District (tags)

A trioka of transgender-phobic Westminster school board members may cost their students over $ 60 million in lost state revenue.

Teacher/ Activist Cesar Cruz Fired For Placing Students and Parents Above Profit (tags)

International Activist, Poet, and Elementary Teacher Cesar Cruz was fired Monday at Downer Elementary School. The firing occured after an article was published that documented Cesar's organizing of a 70 mile march on Sacramento by students and parents to protest budget cuts at their 99% people of color school, as well as the presence of the nearby prison and oil refinery. (Un) Coincidentally, Cesar had also recently aided the community in their demands for a new school and site-based management. A call for action is occurring.



Opening Doors for Closed Minds (tags)

Patrick Henry College requires its students to sign a Statement of Faith and share the beliefs set forth in the school's Statement of Biblical Worldview -- and this tiny institution currently provides 7 of the 100 interns in the White House.

Lebanese student protesters clash with police over Syrian army presence (tags)

BEIRUT - Lebanese students clashed Friday with security forces during protests against Syria's military presence in their country which their hero, exiled general Michel Aoun, tried but failed to end 15 years ago.

Claremont Colleges say no to hate crimes: rally tonight at 8 pm open to public (tags)

Claremont Colleges cancel classes due to hate crime. Rally tonight at 8 pm open to the public.

Students participate in activist conference in San Diego (tags)

First annual Youth Take Action Conference met at MAAC Commuity Charter School, Chula Vista San Diego

Kucinich in LA tonight and tomorrow! (tags)

Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich will be in LA tonight and tomorrow. Come out and show your support for the Peace candidate!



Drivers Licenses, Not War! California Latino Economic Strike Great Success (tags)

Los Angeles, CA - Thousands of Latino workers, students and shopkeepers stayed away from work and school Dec. 12, in support of the statewide Latino Economic Strike. The Latino Economic boycott was called by the Mexican American Political Association and Hermandad Mexicana Latino Americana, with the support of hundreds of other organizations, to protest the repeal of SB 60, the law that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses.

Remember the US-Philippine War (tags)

Filipino Youth & Students for Philippine Self-Determination recognizes the 105th Anniversary of the Philippine-U.S. War

PROTEST Schwarzenegger's Elimination of Minority Science Program (tags)


High schooler savors becoming a conservative (tags)

"Liberals welcome every Muhammad, Jamul and Jose who wishes to leave his Third World state and come to America - mostly illegally - to rip off our health-care system, balkanize our language and destroy our political system."

China Target of Global Protests for Monk on Death Row (tags)


Stopping Militarism in our Schools Take Action Workshops (tags)

Stopping Militarism in our Schools Conference February 7

An Open Letter from the Arab-American and Muslim Community to the US Anti-War Movement (tags)

On March 20, 2004, the world will mobilize against war and colonial occupations. The significance of this historic day is evident to all and requires no further elaboration. The political clarity and character of this mobilization in the US, however, remains illusive.

Vik Chaubey talk at Cal State L.A.:"Student Movements in the 21st Century": (tags)

A student activist who has worked on both coasts will talk about successes and mistakes (his own and the movement's).

How to Narrow the Great Race Divide (tags)

Yes, there has been progress, but the racial divide has not closed. It's time for America to admit that -- and do something.

Watch List or Witch Hunt? (tags)

In 1962, a national security “watch list,” issued by the FBI, red-flagged all materials coming from Puerto Rico of an anti-American or pro-Soviet nature, peace groups going from the U.S. to the Soviet Union...

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 27th Updates (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Communique 2.Iraqi Resistance Report for events from Monday 22 December through Wednesday, 24 December 2003. 3.Boycott Coca- Cola.. Buy Quibla Cola 4.Appeal to UN/ Solidarity with the Fedayeen Attacks Sent to the Iraq Resistance Solidarity Network 5.German Stand with Efforts to Fund the Iraqi Resistance!!! 6. Resistance Committee in France Stand with the People of Iraq Against Occupation! 7.In Defense of the Intifada: Discussion in the Real Objectives of the International Solidarity Movement

U.C. and Mind Control (tags)

Covert use of liberals as experimental laboratory animals without the need for "ethical review committees"

Students call for Coke boycott (tags)

The Coca-Cola Co. is trying to stop a boycott of its products that has been spreading across Ireland for the past month and becoming more visible on college campuses in the United States

Students support strike with two-mile march (tags)

Students support strike with two-mile march. Read the Daily Bruin article by Caitlin Roberson

(2) UCLA Students support Vons Strikers (tags)

Saturday at 2 p.m., at the Vons at Barrington and Santa Monica Blvd, about 80 UCLA students came to a rally, in support for the Vons strikers. Thirty grateful strikers chanted '' thank you for your support. Thank you for your support. Thank you for you support..." (far below a 40 seconds video)

Police Raid School With Guns Drawn (tags)

A dozen officers in Goose Creek, South Carolina stormed through the halls of Stratford High School with guns drawn, forcing 107 students to lay on the floor and submit to a drug dog search. Students were commanded to get on their knees with their hands behind their head, students who did not respond quick enough were put into handcuffs.

TECHSPLOITATION: Die, Diebold, Die! (tags)

Diebold memos reveal the company has changed its software without getting it recertified -- which is a violation of federal and state laws -- and then used in California's recall election that installed Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor.

Activists of YFIS-Pakistan suffer brutal attack (tags)


Students Back Albertsons Union Strikers (tags)

UC Irvine Students supports the Grocery Store Employees of Albertson

Students challenge employer (California State-Fullerton student paper) (tags)

Group says Vector Marketing / Cutco knife vendor misleads prospective workers with false claims.

Walk Out at Santa Monica College (tags)

Hundereds of students walkout November 3 against the adminstration and the president because of the distribution of money, elimination of programs, layoffs of hundereds of faculty workers, and semi-corruption taking place with the school funds.

The Intelligent Student's Guide to the New World Order (tags)

The essence of the New World Order (NWO) or world management system is that it is management by social engineers, rather than government based on a written constitution.  How you are affected by this management system depends on what the social engineers decide the system should do for you and require of you.

Direct Action in Support of the Supermarkets' strike by UCLA students in Westwood (tags)

Direct Action in Support of the Supermarkets' strike by UCLA students in Westwood

E-Vote Protest Gains Momentum (tags)

Swarthmore College students embroiled in a legal battle against voting-machine maker Diebold Election Systems have received a groundswell of support from universities and colleges nationwide.

Long Beach Students gather in support of the STRIKE! (tags)

WHEN: This Sunday- at 12 noon WHERE: 2nd Street and PCH in Long Beach.Albertsons/ Hoffs Hut Parking Lot

Leo-Cons (tags)

Irving Kristol (Bill’s Pappy), sometimes called the Godfather of neo-conservatism, once wrote:   “There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people.  There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn’t work.”

Racist Rhetoric of the Right Wing (tags)

''[Black] parents scream and yell about the racial achievement gap, and how the schools aren't fair, and society is racist and blah, blah-blah, blah-blahhh, because they don't want to get off the sofa, and put some effort into it themselves'' - Jerry Agar, Conservative talk radio host

The Real Cancun Part I (tags)


CSULB students wheat-paste Anti-Schwarzenegger Fliers (tags)

CSULB Wheat-Pasted with Anti-Schwarzenegger Fliers-

North American Palestine Conference at Rutgers! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!! October 10-12, 2003.

The Rutgers Palestine Divestment Conference is ON and GOING STRONG!! (tags)

Despite all attacks - from Zionist forces, from University administration, from the State and the Governor - the Rutgers conference on Palestine, the Third North American Conference on the Palestine Solidarity Movement, is CONTINUING ON and GOING STRONG!!

My First Day at UCLA, USSR (tags)

MIT professor Noam Chomsky (a rabidly anti-American leftist) had more books at the UCLA Store than did Aristotle, John Locke, Adam Smith, Frederic Bastiat, Thomas Malthus, John Stuart Mill, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden ... if not for the fading scent of liberty, I might as well have been at the University of Havana.


Get the word out to LAUSD famlies of junior and high school seniors. Tell them they can opt-out out from the military gaining access to their information and still recieve college information. They must opt out EACH YEAR. Deadline for doing so is October 1st, 2003.

North Carolina Teacher Fired for Antiwar Remarks (tags)

"This is not just about me or about my job," said Ito. "It's about something very disturbing that is happening all over the country. I want people to understand that if it could happen here it could happen anywhere."

The Terror Enigma: Israel and the September 11 Connection (tags)

Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration with “Urban Moving Systems” sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center. Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals.

A Texas Hoax May Be the President's Waterloo (tags)

Over the past year or so, getting headlines in Texas but only modest coverage elsewhere, the "Texas Miracle" has been disrobed. It was a scam, a hoax.

Mexico and WtO: La Bella y La Fea (tags)

Everywhere today, every aspect of our lives is being violently reorganized. Everywhere the system is at work dissolving us, our labor, our land, our culture into flows of capital.”

Students Stand up to Summer Work Company (tags)

National group of students rally against unethical business practices of summer work company.

Starhawk in Cancun (tags)

Some interesting first person stuff out of Cancun. Young IMCers should definitely read!

URGENT! ACt now! Rutgers Aims to Cancel PAlestine Conference (tags)

Act now - your solidarity is needed as Rutgers acts to cancel Palestine conference

Oct.7 NAtl Day Against Military Recruitment (tags)



Education working in Los Angeles in spite of itself it would seem...

WTO CANCUN - latest updates (tags)

The next ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization will take place in Cancun, Mexico on September 10-15. From the 8th on, a huge mobilization will greet the meeting with creative protest and visions of alternatives. Below is our report on some of the preliminary organizing we did last week in Cancun and Mexico City.

Students sue UC over fee increase (tags)



The University of California Board of Regents voted unanimously today in favor of a Clean Energy and Green Building policy that sets a new bar nationally for environmental leadership by any institution. This vote follows the year-long “UC Go Solar!” campaign run by students across the state and Greenpeace.

The Enron of School Systems: (tags)

... or We Didn't Leave the Child Behind. We Just Lost the Paper Work.

RIAA, Loyola Univ. Accuse 2 Students of Illegal File-Swapping (tags)


Protest FOX's racist (tags)

Asian Americans invite everyone to join in protest against the FOX network broadcasting of "Banzai!"... a show filled with racist stereotypes against Asian people (graphic from the official "Banzai" press kit).

9th July 2003 (18-Tir 1382): Iran Stands Up! (tags)

9th July 2003 is an exceptional day in Iran. University students plan on a demonstration and the government bans it. Iranians all over the world demonstrate in front of Iran embassies to support Iranian students.

A Continuous Procession of Clones for the State (tags)

I would never contemplate teaching kids to think that government should be about "doing something." That is the absolute worst thing you can do as a teacher if you want your students to have a respect for the freedom of the individual, the Constitution, limited government, free markets, and the founding of our once great republic. Inculcating kids with the crazy notion that government is constituted to "do something" every time life gets difficult or just inconvenient, only serves to roll out the red carpet for totalitarian government.



ACLU: School Vouchers Will Hurt Poor Kids (tags)

The voucher program encourage the violation of students' civil rights because private and religious schools would not have to comply with federal, state or local civil rights laws in order to recieve tax dollars.



Extremists on Campus (tags)

Extremists on Campus

High court upholds affirmative action (tags)

WASHINGTON – The grassroots movement that marched and rallied in defense of affirmative action over the last decade hailed the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision, June 23, upholding race-conscious admissions programs at the University of Michigan (U-M) Law School. Wade Henderson, executive secretary of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), called it “a great victory for America.”

Student protests reveal weakness of Iranian regime (tags)




Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? Probably Not...Take a Look (tags)

Questions: What percentage of this year's seniors and last year's high school graduates could pass the following 8th grade test required in 1895, even if the few outdated questions were modernized? How many college students could pass it? For that matter, what percentage of high school teachers could pass it?

Want to Protest an Oppressive Government? Move to Iran! (tags)

Want to protest against an oppressive government. Then you should consider moving to Tehran. In contrast to the USA, they actually do have an oppressive government over there. Young Iranians Are Chafing Under Aging Clerics' Edicts

Mossad & Moving Companies - Masterminds Of Global Terrorism? (tags)

On September 11, five employees of Jewish owned Urban Moving Company were detained as a result of witness accounts that they were taking pictures of the flaming ruins of the World Trade Center and celebrating!

Nigeria- Students appeal for International Solidarity (tags)


Stanford Students Emerge Victorious After Seven Day Fast (tags)

Major Concessions on Labor Issues Made by University

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)

CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.

Struggle in Peru intensifies (tags)

Struggle in Peru intensifies

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: Racial Preference? (tags)

Ask a fish what water is and you'll get no answer. Even if fish were capable of speech, they would likely have no explanation for the element they swim in every minute of every day of their lives. Water simply is. Fish take it for granted. So too with this thing we hear so much about, "racial preference."

Are Colleges Swinging “Right” or Is The Right Swinging Colleges? (tags)

Mainstream media suggests college campuses are becoming more conservative. Is that so, or is that what we’re being led to believe?

The Devil in New England (tags)

Opponents to Act 60, which redistributes property taxes from wealthy to poor school districts, are funded by a who's who of Vermont's right wing--many libertarian in nature. They are also behind an effort to silence a pacifist high school teacher.

Posters from the May '68 Paris Uprising (tags)

Art For A Change celebrates the 35th Anniversary of the ATELIER POPULARE with an essay on the artworks and a display of the historic Posters:


May 2003 marks the 33rd Annual Commemoration of American antiwar students being killed by National Guard Troops. Thirty three years ago President Nixon ordered U.S. Troops into Cambodia... widening the war against Vietnam... campuses all across the U.S. shut down in protest.

help i need someone to help me proof read this please english teachers whatever come help! (tags)

please help me proof read this please help me proof read this essay/report i need help plz

Nepal News, Hollyweird, Journo killed by IDF (tags)

No peace for Nepal as King balks...students continue strike; Hollywood liberal? IDF kills AP cameraman

San Francisco High School Students Fast for Peace (tags)

Spring Break Fast: Teach-in for Peace and Education

Hey Teachers! Leave them kids alone! (tags)

Professors Protest as Students Debate

Colorado to implement School Vouchers (tags)

DENVER – Colorado will soon become the first state to initiate public-school vouchers since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling declared such programs constitutional. (tags)

New site launched

Our Flag, Too (by William Rivers Pitt) (tags)

A story of a few brave college students in Massachusetts who have come under attack; also a story of our flag, and a story of true patriotism.

Community Colleges Unite: budget cuts challenged by those who need them most (tags)

Students Demonstrate against budget cuts proposed by Governor Gray Davis cutting community college fundng.

Community College Students Fight Back (tags)

3,000 community college students on March 28 had a rally and march in downtown LA to stop cutbacks in their colleges

Concerning Tension Between Activists and Police (Related to PCC Police Brutality) (tags)

A message to acitivists, police, and people in general to help spread the anti-war movement progressively. This message in no way advocates that the offending officers shouldn't be brought up in criminal charges. It's a response to combat the problem.


against week's police brutality against students on campus and against the war

Support PCC Students (tags)

STUDENTS at all campuses: DEFEND OUR FREE SPEECH RIGHTS! Join the PCC community rally Noon, Thursday March 27 in the Quad, Pasadena City College.

PCC meeting TONIGHT!!! (tags)

Students brutalized at last week's anti-war walkout rally will meet with PCC Board of Trustees tonight at 7:00 pm on the PCC campus.

Anti-war hunger strike at Chapman University (tags)

Chapman University students begin hunger strike against the war





manual arts high protest walk (tags)

In manual Arts high school there is a walkout.

500 Long Beach Students Marched Against the War Today!! (tags)

Read Below:


Two Pasadena students arrested today at a peaceful walkout rally; Protest police brutality and the PCC administration's wrongful charges Friday 3/21 at 3 PM!!!



LONDON Westminister Bridge blocked, 100000 Athens (tags)

Breaking News UK 18:30 London. Westminster Bridge blocked by dancing protesters. 100,000 in Athens, 15,000 block freeway in Barcelona

CAN Day X plan (tags)

On Day X: wak out...speak out...march...take action against Bush's bloody war!

Historians pervert U.S. history (tags)

I recently attended the annual meeting of the American Historical Association, the nation's largest, most influential organization of academic historians. What goes on at this meeting eventually makes its way into your child's classroom. I was shocked by what I saw and heard.

ROTC Targets Latinos (tags)


US ignores Turkish parliament and moves to Iraqi border (tags)

The Turkish Army defended the deployments, announcing that the U.S. is continuing to refurbish its bases under the previous limited agreement that the Parliament approved in February, altough there is no base at all in Mardin-Kiziltepe where the U.S. troops are concentrating.

Students demand Books not Bombs (tags)

EVANSTON. Ill.– As part of a nationwide student “strike,” 500 Evanston Township High School students, Black, white and Latino, walked out of their classrooms March 5, braving freezing temperatures to protest George W. Bush’s war on Iraq. Across the country, students at 360 or more high schools and colleges protested against the looming war.

Philly Youth Lockdown@Recruitment Center (tags)

for more pics go to link

Spain; Tens of thousands reject the imperialist war (tags)

Not a Soldier, Not a Bullet, Not a Penny for the War!

Ventura County Students Walkout and Demonstrate Against War (tags)

Students from throughout Ventura County, CA walked out of classes, held demonstrations, and rallied for peace.



Downtown Los Angeles CD and SoCal student walkouts make the Global Headlines (tags)

The Global Media couldn't help but put today's student mobolizations near the top of the world news, and at the top of most local news. And this mornings Civil Disobedience in LA, the highest profile CD of the day in the U.S., also garnered a fair share of attention. The following report was crafted for the LA Times; in the rest of the world, the LA CD was in the seventh paragraph of the AP's summary report.

More updates from OC! (tags)


UPDATE: Orange County Anti-War protest (tags)

lots of fun!

South Pasadena HS Walkout (tags)

Students walk out of classes against the war to follow

National Student Strike TODAY! (tags)

National Student Strike TODAY! Size exceeding organizers’ expectations See the updated list of campuses at: Students across the US will strike or walkout of class today to protest the Bush Administration’s threatened war in Iraq and call for increased funding for education.

Hitler Said It Best (tags)

If we hold any hopes for a return to the America of our Founding Fathers, and to accurate interpretations of the US Constitution, we must act now, each of us teaching and leading as Elders, as in The Giver, and take back our educational decision-making roles

MARCH 5: National Student Strike-BOOKS NOT BOMBS (tags)

The “National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs,” will take place tomorrow, March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  Tens of thousands thousands of US students will stop participating in business as usual for some part of the day to demonstrate to the world that the campuses do not accept the Bush vision of endless war decreased opportunity.




MARCH 5: BOOKS NOT BOMBS! - National Student Strike (tags)

The National Student Strike for Books Not Bombs, will take place March 5th on campuses across the US and the world.  The strike is building a wave of campus sentiment against the Bush Administration’s war plans in Iraq.  The event was originally called for and is being coordinated by the National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC), a collection of 15 student and youth organizations whose members organizations represent large and diverse constituencies stretching across the US.

'Pro-War' Movement Springs Into Action (tags)

"We decided we can't sit idly by while President Bush's agenda, specifically his continuing efforts on the war on terror, specifically Iraq ... while they ... Democrats, the left wing and Hollywood ... conduct a well-coordinated, well organized, well-financed effort to undo the president and really to destroy him, because that's their goal," David Bossie, president of Citizens United, told

Temescal Canyon students protest military recruiters (tags)

The students of Temescal Canyon High School's erstwhile peace club stood up to military recruiters, while outside the rain and another event conspired to turn a planned demonstration into a mini-protest.

Hunger Strike Commences outside Taco Bell World Headquarters (tags)

Report from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) on the progress of their struggle to win decent wages for the workers who pick tomatoes for Taco Bell.

Rain or shine, Students will protest Tomorrow at Saddleback College (tags)








Iranian Students Human Rights Report (tags)

Three Students have been transferred to unknown location, UN Human Rights inspectors still investigate

Remembering The White Rose (tags)

Not All voices remained mute under the Third Reich. Will you oppose the Fourth? Remembering the "White Rose" 60 years ago, on Feb. 22 1943, three students of the Munich-based resistance group “White Rose” were executed for inciting young people to rise against Hitler - a fact that many young Germans today are unaware of.

Temescal Canyon HS Admins: "Yes to Military Recruiters, No to Peace Club" (tags)

Temescal Canyon High School's administration will do anything to stop the Peace Club from meeting. But they gladly allow military recruiters on campus.

CSULB Protest against Young Republican rally (tags)

This happened today.. 2/18/2003







L.A.C.E.S. Students Protest War (tags)

Over 200 students of LACES, an LAUSD magnet school, walked out to protest the impending war.

L.A.C.E.S. Students Protest War (tags)

Over 200 students of LACES, an LAUSD magnet school, walked out to protest the impending war.

L.A.C.E.S. Students Protest War (tags)

Over 200 students of LACES, an LAUSD magnet school, walked out to protest the impending war. Many other students didn't walk out but protested the war from behind the fence.

L.A.C.E.S. Students Protest War (tags)

L.A.C.E.S., a special 6th thru 12th grade school for college prep, students walked out Feb 6th at 11:40 AM to Protest Iraq war.



East L.A. Students Against the War! (tags)

A Student anti-war protest and walk out has been called for the Students of East Los Angeles. The action is to take place on Feb. 7th.

Hour of Resistance: L.A. School Walkouts (tags)




Anti-War Protest @ The Nixon Library This Sat. Jan 18 !! (tags)


Who funds the left? (tags)

Surprise! The major source of funding for the left is the 1% of richest Americans. They give more to the Democrats than to the Republicans.

nixon library anti-war protest this sat. jan 18 !! (tags)










Anti-War Protest @ Nixon Library Next Saturday Jan. Saturday Jan 18 !!! (tags)


West Coast Anti-war Student Conference (tags)

Update on West Coast anti-war Student Conference at San Francisco State.

Osama Mama (tags)

Why is Osama Moma, Patty Murray, getting the kid glove treatment from the press? Only FOX is speaking out. Is the rest of the press just the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party?





West Coast Anti-war Student Conference (tags)

Students Against War at San Francisco State are sponsoring a West Coast anti-war student conference.

Anti-War Protest @ Nixon Library Sat. Jan 18 !! (tags)


Anti-War Protest in Orange County @ Nixon Library Sat. Jan 18 !! (tags)




Nixon Library Anti-War Protest Sat. Jan 18 (tags)








Baltimore Report Back from Bogota (tags)

What we learned during this trip was shocking, moving, and inspiring. Let us dedicate ourselves to the same fight whether it is stopping the Iraq war fighting racism fighting against State budget cuts or building solidarity for our sisters and brothers in Colombia. Stop plan Colombia! End U.S. imperialism! Justice for the Colombian workers!



EMERGENCY: Protest in Long Beach over Student tuition increase (tags)

Protest in Long Beach. 8 a.m. on Monday, December 16 at the Chancellor’s Office located at 400 Golden Shore Avenue in downtown Long Beach.

The Fight for Iran's Democratic Ideals (tags)

Over the weekend thousands of Iranian students continued their protests to demand political reform. Their voices were raised in support of Hashem Aghajari, the college professor who has been sentenced to death for blasphemy. But the student movement is broader than dissent over one injustice.

Student Anti-War Conference in Toronto, Canada (tags)

Students Against Sanctions & War in Iraq (SASWI) would like to invite all students from across Canada and Québec (and the US) to participate in the Pan-Canadian Student Anti-War Conference at the University of Toronto from January 30 to February 2, 2003.

pbnberkeley news notice - 12/4/02 (tags)

Publishing, republishing and compiling community news and event information promoting global peace and working class solidarity!

Report Backs/ N20 Not In Our Name Youth (tags)

more reports coming in

Fighting for peace and justice (tags)

Students join with labor / Youth flexes power to stop war

Spain; Students on the Streets against right wing (tags)


UNANIMOUS! Teach-ins on Iraq in Oakland Schools! (tags)

The Oakland School Board Unanimously (with one abstention) passed a resolution to plan teach-ins throughout the School District on the war on Iraq Here is the FRONT PAGE! Oakland Tribune article and below is the School Board Resolution, cosponsored by Board Member Dan Siegel and Oakland Education Association president Sheila Quintana.

Free Speech Under Attack by Pro-Israel Lobby (tags)

Free Speech Under Attack at Berkeley Law Foundation

Nov20 National Day of Student/Youth ACTION (tags)


Muslim Public Affairs Council's Profiles of California Candidates (tags)

MPAC cannot endorse candidates, but it will provide a profile of the candidates running for constitutional offices in the state of California. The profiles include races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and Superintendent for Public Instruction. MPAC analysts took a close look on the candidates' stands on civil liberties, education, homelessness, and labor:

The Spirit of La Magdalena- Fighting Campesinos (tags)


Lyndon LaRouche - The New Jim Jones? (tags)

A political party that guarantees to screw up your life?!? Appearantly so. Lyndon Larouche is a menace, and he's come to california, the home of all great cults, to try the competition...

War Protest at Cal State Fullerton (tags)

Details of a war Protest at CSU Fullerton on Tuesday Oct. 29th 3-6 p.m.

Hate Crime Wave Drifts North: Bay Area Teens Slay Transgender Girl, Age 17 (tags)

The recent wave of hate crimes against queer folk has worsened, and spread to Northern California, as the following LA Times story reports:


What Nativism & Xenophobia have to do with Bilingual / Bicultural Education in America

Narco News Offers Journalism Scholarship (tags)

The Narco News website is offering a journalism class to several aspiring journalists.

Medical Marijuana Protest in Sacramento on Monday (tags)

Thousands of patients, caregivers, students and concerned citizens will march to the state capital this Monday, Sept 23 to decry the Ashcroft Justice Department’s accelerated war on state approved and licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in California which serve mostly terminally ill patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other ailments.

“Africa Need Not Suffer” - Canadian Puzzled as World Hoards Wealth of Knowledg (tags)

Shelvan Kannuthurai wants to give the poor a fighting chance. He and the CCBC team have pioneered Professeurs Pour Liberté, which is utilizing the education portal,, to provide post-secondary education to as many as 92 million African students at no cost to them.


The policy of the University of Haifa seeks to end Palestinian student political activism on campus. This policy will continue unless massive protest persuades the University that it is unacceptable for an institution of Higher Learning. We therefore call on members of the academic community - students and professors - as well as others, to protest the suppression of political activities of Arab students at the University of Haifa and demand that the University revoke the suspensions imposed on the student activists and respect students' basic democratic right to express their political views.

School Revolutionary Party (tags)

the creation of the school revolutionary party, a struggle for student rights and revolution of our school system

History Lesson (tags)

How well do you know your real history?

Honky Wanna Cracker? A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism (tags)

Forwarded by Tom Gorman. The article's on the mark, and easy to read. -jk

FBI, CIA Worked Covertly to Harass UC Students, Faculty, President (tags)

The FBI, working covertly with the CIA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California. A 17-year legal challenge brought by a Chronicle reporter under the Freedom of Information Act forced the agency to release more than 200,000 pages of confidential records covering the 1940s to the 1970s.

FBI, CIA Worked Covertly to Harass UC Students, Faculty, President (tags)

The FBI, working covertly with the CIA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California. A 17-year legal challenge brought by a Chronicle reporter under the Freedom of Information Act forced the agency to release more than 200,000 pages of confidential records covering the 1940s to the 1970s.

1000 Students March for the Homeless (tags)

This is a record of the political players who state they have committed to ending homeless in Los Angeles. This march was initiated by students. April 21, 2002. Approx 17 min

Rally in Leimart Park Square May 25th 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. (tags)

LAUSD has failed to address the educational needs of African American children. Our children deserve and need help.

May 4, 1970: Kent State Massacre (tags)

32 years ago 4 Kent State University students were shot dead on campus by the Ohio National Guard, some just walking to class. 8 others were wounded.

PCC Students, Faculty, Staff, & Community United May 2 (tags)

Students, Faculty, Staff and Community Members unite at the May 2 PCC march.

Students, Faculty, Staff March at PCC May 2 (tags)

300 Faculty, Staff, Students and Community Members march in support of all workers and with a theme of unity.

May Day Protest at Pasadena City College: Dolores Huerta Supports Campus Labor (tags)

300 students, staff, and faculty march in solidarity with workers around the world on May 2.

Hip Hop Conference in Madison, Wisconsin (tags)

From Madison, Wisconsin

Demonstration tomorrow at 4 pm (tags)

Protest poor school conditions and racially-discriminatory standardized tests! Demonstration - Coalition for Educational Justice Thursday, April 18, 4:00pm Washington High School, 108th and Denker

Report on the Student Coalition Against Labor Exploitation's (SCALE) USC Action (tags)

Twelve USC students occupied the university President's office for over five hours this afternoon, demanding that USC end its ties to sweatshops. After a lengthy negotiation, the students, who were willing to face arrest, emerged with an a major concession from the adminstration: The university, which heretofore had stonewalled the student-body on the issue of sweatshops, would make a decision by May 9th on the demonstrators primary demand -- whether USC would join the Workers Rights Consortium (WRC), which is widely recognized as "the only effective labor monitoring organization that fights sweatshop conditions globally."

USC Students Occupy President's Office: Demand End to Sweatshop Labor (tags)

Twelve USC students occupied the office of University President Dr. Steven Sample for over five hours today, demanding that the school join the Workers Rights Consortium to insure that the school apparel is not produced by sweatshop labor.

In search of a few good teachers and Students (tags)

read on

how to fight the ISO, the republicans and the democrats all with one stone (tags)

add your suggestions

Sparks fly at Jurupa School Board meeting over campus officer's conduct (tags)

On the same day, that 20 African-American students were being peppersprayed by police at Sultana High School in Hesperia, An African American PTA president was nearly arrested in the parking lot by another campus safety officer from the Riverside Sheriff's Department. The question begs to be asked, are we turning our public schools populated mostly by students of color into police-states?

latest on antiwar teen katie sierra (tags)

Update on the case for 12-6-01. Click on link below for all links to stories about Katie Sierra

Student plans to keep fighting (tags)

update on anti-war teen in west virginia

International strike against war, December 5 (tags)

INTERNATIONAL STRIKE AGAINST WAR, DECEMBER 5 The call for an international strike of pupils and students against war for December 5 spreads internationally. Some collectives created to prepare it ; others are in creation now. There are contacts in 16 French towns, and also in Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech, Eire, Germany, Great-Britain, Hungary, Italy, Nederland, New-Zealand, Niger, Portugal, Russia, Rwanda and USA.

Police officers pepperspray black students at Sultana High during sit-in (tags)

On Oct. 23, a group of white students demanded that the black students give up their table at lunch, and the black students said no. What followed could have been a chapter taken out of the civil rights movement, as these students faced a barrage of racial slurs, pepperspray and arrests by the white students, school officials and the local police department.

Lets play a game. Analyze the ISO all free thinkers (tags)

please understand

Occidental College students organize hunger strike (tags)

In direct opposition to the bombing of Afghanistan, and the belligerent nationalism sweeping the U.S., student organizers are fighting back. Students at Occidental College organized a hunger strike against the war, supported by over 40 faculty members, that has swept across campuses and high schools all over the U.S.

October 22 - The People's Day (tags)

October 22 was the people's day!

Anti-War Protest in S. Korea #1 (tags)

Not to be seen on your nightly news.

The Peace Movement Continues - Report-back Oct. 13th in Westwood (tags)

As the drumbeat of war persists and American bombs continue to fall on Afghanistan, the peace movement here at home persists in sending a message that many Americans are in strong opposition to this war.

Protesters set NGOs offices ablaze (tags)

excerpt: "They said that Jehad against America and non-Muslims had been begun. They were ready to sacrifice their lives in way of Islam, JUI leaders vowed. They asked the people to inlist their names for Jehad with their respective Ulemas of mosques."


Marathon westside teach-in explores peaceful solutions to, and examines roots of, terrorism.

Students Call for Nonviolent Justice (tags)

Harvard University senior Molly McOwen of Northfield, Mass., holds a sign during a peace rally on the school's campus in Cambridge, Mass. Thursday, Sept. 20, 2001. Students called for non-violent justice, not revenge, for last week's terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)



March in Solidarity With Immigrant Students Seeking Higher Education (tags)

(This is a flyer distributed by CHIRLA calling for new state education laws that will allow long term undocumented immigrants to pay in-state fees.)

A Call for a Student Strike- 09/28 (tags)

On Friday, September 28, 2001- a call for a student strike.

Cal State LA Turns Away Students (tags)

"Perhaps I was blind to the facts, but I was promised an education for my time and efforts. But now I feel stabbed in the back by the program. I'm trying to look to the future and leave all my past behind me but it's hard when people keep shutting the door in my face. All I'm trying to do is get an education. I'm tired of seeing my family and friends stuck in the ghetto with no way out. I'm trying to make a difference, but you're making it hard for us." Richard Valencia

Students At Locke High Demand An Education (tags)

This is the second in a series of articles about Locke High School in South Central Los Angeles, where humiliating random searches are carried out against the students on a daily basis and where a teacher was fired for standing up for her students.

Four Deaths in Papau New Guinea July 1st (tags)

In order to keep our recent history in mind, the first global murders of the current period occurred at the beginning of this bloody summer in Papua New Guinea.

Some More Bush Family Lore -- Sensational Revelations! (tags)

Turns out our first family is a little better travelled than we've been led to believe. Apologies in advance for the tabloid tone; but they say this stuff sells, makes you wonder why the corporate media probably won't pick this up.

Taco Bell Demonstration in East LA (tags)

Hundreds honked as a contingent of students and activists picketed a Taco Bell to raise awareness of the national boycott.

Locke High Teacher Speaks Out (tags)

Safety means protecting what you value from harm. How is it possible to create any form of safety at schools, which do not value their community members enough to treat their children with respect?

Colombians protest IMF policies (tags)

Workers and students have joined forces in Colombia to protest strucuture adjustment programs being imposed by the International Monetary Fund.

Protest in a Ritzy part of San Diego by UCSD students in Solidarity w/ Janitors. (tags)

UCSD students blocked La Jolla Village Drive and La Jolla Villa the entrance to UCSD from the Interstate 5 Freeway and then were threatened by police and their rabid like dogs, while Univision was the only local news media channel that covered the event fairly. Then Students were arrested, and then later released by the police when people from the Labor Union paid for their Bail. The students are now out, alive and well, just a little bit tired from the physical strain of chanting and protesting.

UCSD students and workers stop traffic in La Jolla (tags)

Students and workers carried out a civil disobedience action in the middle of la Jolla Village Drive today, stopping traffic for more than 30 minutes. Several students and workers were arrested.




The UCSD Students For Economic Justice (SEJ) will hold a major demo continue the immense pressure on the administration at UCSD.



UCSD students at FTAA Protest (bilingüe) (tags)

Foto de estudiantes de la Universidad de California en San Diego (localizado en La Jolla), demostrando solidaridad y protestan contra el ALCA tambien.... Picture of University of California, San Diego (in La Jolla) students protesting against the FTAA in San Diego, and showing their solidarity in protest against the FTAA

San Diego High School Principal Removed (tags)

San Diego High School Principal abruptly removed 6 weeks before graduation. Parents, students and community members outraged at another "behind the scenes" unilateral decision and complete disregard for students. Top 2 Vice Principals will also be gone by June 30th.


March followed a live performance from OZOMATLI; Students demanded to rehire unlawfully fired worker, and living wages.

Cal Arts TA May Day events (tags)

addressing the neglect of the institution, Art School TAs planned on stricking to raise voice of a polity. In bringing class concioussness and anarchist history from abstract discourse to practice in this small elitist, private art universityl, Art TAs wrote a plan of action. Yet due to the fact that some felt that the conversation was to new, the strike was postponed Instead, the decision was made to continue talking, expanding the circle of conversation talking

Students on Democracy Now re: Sodexho-Marriott and Private Prisons (tags)

American University and Oberlin students garner press after both universities cancel food contracts with Sodexho-Marriott over ties to private prisons.

American University Severs Food Contract Citing Social Responsibility (tags)




Wellesley Students Protest College's Lack of Commitment to Multiculturalism (tags)

A diverse group of students at Wellesley College is protesting the institution's protracted neglect of curricular and student life issues concerning its largest minority population, Asian and Asian American students.

Students Storm Office, Deliver vote of no confidence to School Adminstration (tags)

Students Press for Adminastrative Reform and demand Alternative Models.

COUP WATCH: Yale Law Students: Florida Common Law And Election "Irregularities" (tags)

The latest from Red Rock Eater News Service. Messages about legal aspects of the irregularities in the Florida elections from the Yale Law Students Campaign For A Legal Election. More links.



Censored student journalists publish on the Web (tags)

More than a decade after a 1988 Supreme Court decision affirmed the right of school administrators to censor student articles, many high-school newspapers are finding a new and long-coveted sphere of freedom on the Internet, transforming the very nature of free speech for students, The Washington Post reported Tuesday.

MEChA meets SAL CASTRO (DNC Guest) (tags)

This is a photo of two Cal Poly MEChA students (Jessica and Esther wearing mecha shirts)with Sal Castro. He is a high school teacher for Belmont HS. Back in the 60s (1968)he was incarcerated for advising students to organize against the racism within the school system. The documentary called "CHICANO!" has footage and interviews with Sal Castro. After the blowouts in East LA and the release of Sal Castro, MEChA was founded at a conference at UC Santa Barbara in 1969. How ironic is that!

MEChA students meet Sal Castro (tags)

Esther and Jessica of Cal Poly Pomona (wearing MEChA shirts)meet Sal Castro on the streets of LA Thurday August 17 at approx 9pm. Sal was invited by Gloria Molina to attend the DNC. Sal Castro, a highschool teacher at Belmont HS was arrested in 1968 for conspiracy as he advised and helped Chicana and Chicano students organize protest against the racist education system. One year later as a result of these blowouts, MEChA was founded... what a coincidence. See link on bottom for more history on Sal Castro and the Chicano Movement.


Stationing of California Highway Patrol Officers at UCLA dormitories has created an inhospitable environment for students.

Students on the Rise for Mumia. 8/13/00 (tags)

With fists in the air and shouts of "Freedom!" on their lips, a contingent of students head out of Pershing Square on a march through the streets of Los Angeles.

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags