fix articles 30821, las vegans Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : las vegans

las vegans

Las Vegans speak out against expensive SNWA pipeline project (tags)

Anyone who wishes to comment to the Nevada State Engineer to protest the SNWA pipeline project and help protect endemic spring snails from extinction can do so today on this website link. The SNWA pipeline has been described as an economic stimulus plan for developers at the expense of ratepayers, rural people and spring fed ecosystems.

Leaving Las Vegas for a healthier state of being? (tags)

Since Nevada is no longer a frontier state, a fundamental rethinking of health care is in order; "The libertarian attitude has to evolve" else "we should all leave"

Libraries are good (tags)

Every libertarian diehard who decries the government's involvement in anything beyond military defense is an avid user of public streets and highways--and thankful for their existence. The same can be said for national parks and libraries.

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