fix articles 307178, fsa Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : fsa


Gov Susana Martinez petitions court to reject Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache Tribe's legal re (tags)

he tribe while waiting on the Governor to comply with the law is operating their popular open to the public travel center on its reservation at Akela Flats, 17 miles east of Deming on interstate 10 in Luna County. There is a full-service café, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. While you are there check out the Indian jewelry, tobacco, beer and wine and other tax free liquor. There’s a boutique museum featuring old photos of Geronimo and early history of the tribe.

Where is Geronimo (tags)

Headlight File Photo in 2008, Governor Bill Richardson ordered the New Mexico State Police to form a blockade at the Apache Homelands Casino property in new Mexico

Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)


The CIA, Qatar, and the Creation of Syria’s Jabhat al Nusra (tags)

Sending arms to the FSA is equivalent to helping the same group that planned the 9/11 attacks against the U.S. In our hurry to play hero and topple the Assad government of Syria by arming the rebels the U.S. government is providing material assiatance to the al Nusra organization that is itself allied with al Queda.

The Syrian revolt enters a new phase (tags)

The armed segments of the revolution appear to be inflicting blows on sections of the security apparatus and taking over major cities: the revolution is turning a corner. Robert Fisk reports that a crucial dynamic now is the fracturing of an alliance between the Sunni middle class and the Alawite regime, signalled by the spread of the revolt to Aleppo. And defections from the state-capitalist power bloc continue. Indeed, Juan Cole has suggested that such divisions must run deep in the Syrian state for the opposition to be capable of planting a bomb that can kill a senior minister.

FSA-Caracas 2006: Respuesta y debate desde la izquierda antiautoritaria (tags)

* Del 23 al 29/01/2006, 10 organizaciones sociales y políticas venezolanas decidimos dar una respuesta por partida doble a través del Foro Social Alternativo (FSA). Grande o pequeño, lo realizado durante esa semana representó nuestra real capacidad de organización, independiente y autogestionada, acumulada tras años de actuación en este contexto tan particular.

About the FSA-Caracas 2006 and the venezuelan situation (tags)

º In this interview with the mexican alternative news group La Rosa Negra (LRN-ci), the CRA from Venezuela explains the importance of the Alternative Social Forum, which will take place in a few days, and comments about their activity as an anarchist group.

Al habla sobre el FSA-Caracas/2006 y la situación venezolana (tags)

º En entrevista con La Rosa Negra - contrainformación de México, la CRA de Venezuela expone la importancia del Foro Social Alternativo a realizarse dentro de poco y comenta aspectos significativos de su actividad como grupo libertario.

L@s libertari@s y el FSA-Caracas/enero 2006 (tags)

* Desde el movimiento anarquista venezolano se invita a participar en el Foro Social Alternativo de Caracas en enero de 2006, un encuentro de movimientos sociales antagónicos en respuesta al burocrático Foro Social Mundial auspiciado por el Estado venezolano.

Foro Social Alternativo - Caracas, enero 2006 (tags)

* Desde Venezuela se lanza la invitación para realizar un evento internacional desde y para los movimientos sociales antagonistas, como opción consecuente frente al espectáculo burocrático en que ha derivado el Foro Social Mundial.

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