fix articles 30708, james bovard
get us BACK those faked BAIL OUTS ! right now ! (tags)
We have clearly not been heard nor heeded. We have written, called, demanded accountability from our govt and rec'd what ? ignore-ance...been ignored and bankers, financiers are paid off instead on OUR saved scarce money. NO BAILOUTS !!! Get It back ! Here are some pertinent and clever quotes to copy & paste out to use to send to your own government officials. Speak and Write your own version. Dont let 'them' all rob us...and let us not be blind. Never ! Watch it ! our $$$$ all go down the hollow dark hole - black hole of universal corruption.....
La Brea Tar Pits: A Metaphor for the America Republic? (tags)
President George W. Bush now has the power, thanks to a mostly cowardly Congress, to declare “Martial Law!” The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 gave him the green light. All he needs is a Reichstag-like incident and our Republic will be history. Like the animals who were trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, it has been sinking for years. Author Chalmers Johnson is convinced the U.S. Empire is headed the way of Greece’s and Rome’s.
Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)
So this is America???
Archives affirm Bush Nazi Connection (tags)
All kinds of people are defending Bush saying that he is "No Nazi," and that it is wrong to protest, but archives in Berkely and every other school, show where the ties really bind him.
Bumper stickers aren't enough! (tags)
Anyone with a computer and some tape, go go go.