fix articles 30703, for bush
Discussion is an alternative to lone-nuts.
Washington support for second Musharraf coup.
The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)
"Bush has declared himself to be the "decider." The "decider" decides whether Americans have any rights under the Constitution and whether Iran has any rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. As the "decider" has decided that Iran has no such rights, the "decider" decides whether to attack Iran. No one else has any say about it. The people’s representatives are just so much chaff in the wind. "
The War Criminal in the Living Room (tags)
The media is silent. Congress is absent. Americans are distracted as George W Bush prepares aggression against Iran.
Mythic Figures Spooking Dubya (tags)
President George W. Bush, the quintessential warmonger, is on the defensive! If you look close enough, you can see the fear in his eyes. Since 2005, Cindy Sheehan, an “Earth Mother,” has been challenging him to a face-to-face meeting. The cowardly Bush has declined. Meanwhile, other splendid activists, like the “Hero/Patriot” from the mythic past, are demanding the impeachment by the U.S. Congress of both Bush and V. P. Dick Cheney.
Report tells Bush to get out of Iraq! Will George W. Hitler Listen? (tags)
Report confronts the president with a powerful argument that his policy in Iraq is not working and that he must move toward disengagement.
There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of "Islamofascism" and the "Global War on Terrorism"--when "terrorism" has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush's handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world's oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers' expedition becomes a Crusade.
Behind Bush’s “truce” plan: the drive towards a wider Middle East war (tags)
US President George W. Bush on Monday declared his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of Lebanon.
osama my buddy where are you (tags)
Osama my buddy where are you. No phone number, no e-mail, no address. I wanna talk to you. First let me talk about a serious personal grievance.
Bush vs Putin - Adults only... (tags)
Extra: below you will find FPF's Secret audio - 'For Your Ears Only' - 55 seconds soundtrack - (adults only) :-) - * A Bushwhackers sound bite of 'bringing democracy'.
Bush vs Putin - Adults only... (tags)
Extra: FPF's Secret audio - 'For Your Ears Only' - 55 seconds soundtrack - (adults only) :-) - * Bushwhackers soundbite of 'bringing democracy'.
Bush May Be Sneaking Into Baghdad Again This Thanksgiving (tags)
President Bush may be heading to Iraq. He cut short his news conference in Colombia. As of 7:16 p.m. Central Time, he surprisingly has not been reported as landing in Texas. Bush no doubt would consider it a real coup to repeat the surprise visit he made last Thanksgiving to the troops in Iraq. Probably he is more eager this year, after his victory and as he kicks off four more years. Also, it has been a bad year for morale in Iraq. This trip is a must. His schedule and the secret plans for last year provide clues to this year, as explained below.
God Help America! Norman Mailer Interview (tags)
Reagan understood what America needed, `spin'. Hearing that we are healthy was more important than being healthy. Bush and his advisor Rove expand this insight one dimension by acting as though our security were extremely endangered.
Growing Collection of Vote Fraud links (tags)
The list of evidence is growing that the US election was anything but a fair vote. Who could possibly think that all of these voting problems are just a minor aberation? The long lines are always in Democratic counties, that the computer ’glitches’ always favor Bush, and the new e-machines were made by a Bush ’Pioneer’ (top donor) that pledged to deliver for Bush. Funny how Diebold makes bank machines which print paper receipts millions of times daily, but they couldn’t get the printer to work in the voting machines. (large collection of links follows)
So it is written, so it shall be done (tags)
Traitor evil lawless bushite enemy, die for us instead of our good families of innocent men women and children.
Contracts will be signed, and bushites will die (tags)
No respect for the American flag, nor the Constitution, while acquiescing to the, oh well, unaddressed rapes and torture of those evidenced innocent, while PUBLICLY claiming the rights to steal most everything, as the official definition of being lawwlessly "pro-Iraqi", while attacking any or all those demanding fair representation, or who honorably hold truces. Just imagine what the bushite's pro-Amerka will be like,
Bush at Mount Rushmore: The Shrine of Hypocrisy (tags)
Teddy Roosevelt deserves a special mention because of his racist attitude towards Indians and others. As Roosevelt wrote in his book "The Winning of the West", "American and Indian“ .... wrote, "it is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant races of the world."
There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.
Bush plan for Iraq is years of civil war (tags)
President Bush's speech of May 24, 2004 proclaimed that his solution to the Iraq problem will be to instigate a perpetual civil war. The US will train Iraqis to kill other Iraqis.
Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)
So this is America???
White House bans news coverage of coffins returning from Iraq (tags)
“Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of US soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped coffins,” wrote the Post’s White House reporter Dana Milbank. “To this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution: It has ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers’ homecomings on all military bases.”
HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (June 1, 2003 version) (tags)
Cheney is Qaeda. Qaeda is Cheney.
The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)
I miss Ronald Reagan.
The Anti War Movement: Why, How and Where (tags)
Constructive Criticism of the Anti War Movement: To a movement that is based on ideals of democracy, and that has constantly attacked the current administration for not listening to dissenting voices – to the voices of people – I am sure that such criticism will be welcomed. I present this criticism with the hope that it will lead to the evolution of stronger democracies within communities, of greater involvement by the citizens of USA in issues of equality, peace and justice.
Let's Call Bush on his Bogus Terror Threats (tags)
The resistance is growing to the mind numbing propaganda from sources like CNN...
Let's Call Bush On His Bogus Terror Threats (tags)
Bush elevated the color-coded terrorism threat level to orange last week in response to the possibility of a chemical or biological attack. Ridge told reporters the other day the terrorism alert issued last week is "the most significant" since 911. "The threat is real," he warned. Yeah, right.
Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version) (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.
Have A Last Stroke & Die (Oct.31, 2002 version (tags)
Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.