fix articles 3044, autonomous
By the Bullet or the Burning Ballot (tags)
The week of June 7, 2015, Mexico´s midterm elections, saw an unprecedented surge in anti-government rebellion stemming from an electoral boycott and disruption called for by a diverse coalition of militant resistance groups. The legitimacy of government itself lay at stake in intense actions that signified state destitution. Among the manifestations, the indigenous autonomous pueblo of Álvaro Obregón called on anarchists to converge and help defend the community against the political party and police apparatus seeking to retake the territory. This piece outlines the regional events that unfolded, the general context of plummeting government legitimacy, and a firsthand account of anarchist-indigenous collaboration in defense of autonomous territory.
Communique from the Communal Autnomous Council of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico (tags)
Communique from the Communal Autnomous Council of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico
International Day of Action in Solidarity with San Juan Copala (tags)
International Day of Action in Solidarity with the Autonomous Municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico
Switzerland: Short film on Zurich's Autonomous School (tags)
On 19 April, a barrack on a plot belonging to the freight depot of Zurich's railway station was squatted and revived. The barrack has been empty for more than a year. The Canton of Zurich plans to build a new police and justice center for 570 million Swiss francs (US$ 500 million) on the plot.
CPDF; No fee for campaign (tags)
The EPCC NEWS learned today that an official of the Cordillera People’s Democratic Front (CPDF) said guerrilla leaders would allow political candidates to campaign in Cordillera villages where communist rebels operate without paying permit to campaign (PTC) fees. Simon Naogsan, spokesman of the CPDF, the local political arm of the National Democratic Front, said New People’s Army (NPA) rebels have never forced candidates to pay the NPA in exchange for access to so-called rebel territories.
Living Without Borders encuentro * Nov 6-8, 2009 * Las Vegas, Nevada * Pass it on! (tags)
The 2nd annual Living Without Borders encuentro will be held from Friday, November 6 to Sunday, November 8, 2009, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the campus of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Workshops, presentations, film showings, tabling by community artists and organizations, and conversation. * Keynotes by RINKU SEN (author, The Accidental American) and HILDA GARCIA (from La Mujer Obrera autonomous women's community in El Paso, Texas). * A free show with Pan de Sal, Fe with Rebel Diaz, Paria B, EarthStone, and DUWOPRose The Vinylist. * Free breakfast and lunch will be provided for those who register in advance. All are welcome!
Film Night: Venezuelan Autonomous Social Movements (tags)
FILM NIGHT!!! VENEZUELAN AUTONOMOUS SOCIAL MOVEMENTS Thursday, Oct. 1st, 2009 7:30 PM KIWA 3471 W 8th St. K-Town 90005
Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair (tags)
Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair
Revolutionary Autonomous Communities' Food Program (tags)
The Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC), has created a food program where we are empowering ourselves and others to become self-sustainable.
Revolutionary Autonomous Communities / Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias Zine #1 (tags)
1st Zine of the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities Primera Revista Zine de las Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias
Thousands of “build rather than plead” organizations, collectives and communities are already emerging all over the planet and as they rise against subjugation and greed they strengthen and multiply. It the Zapatistas in Mexico and the Sans-Papiers (Sin Papeles) in Europe, it is the farmers in Brazil (Movemiento Sin Tierra) and the Basques in Catalonia, it is the indigenous people in Ecuador and the Palestinians in Gaza, it is the squatters in London, and the Mapuche in Chile, it is Via Campesina in Central America and In Our Hearts in New York City, it is Indy Media in Los Angeles and the Red Ponchos in Bolivia… It is a global movement that is not loyal to any authority, ruler, nation or religion, but rather to the calling of the heart. And don’t let the corporate media make you think that we are few, small and powerless. This global movement is 2.5 billion strong and rising fast.
Cannon fodder for the market (tags)
The government of Georgia would never have launched its armed forces against the capital of the Autonomous Republic of South Ossetia in the dawn of August 8, engaged in what it called the re-establishing of constitutional order, without previous coordination with Bush
Call for Screenings of Film: "We're Still Here! We NeverLeft " (tags)
The Revolutionary Autonomous Communities is putting out a call for their film, "We're Still Here, We Never Left" to be screened at your university, community center, church and anywhere else.
Venezuela 2008: A libertarian proposal for the current situation (tags)
* The Collective Editorship of El Libertario,, expounds its vision of which path to follow in the current situation in Venezuela, summed up in the slogan, “Against the (B)oligarchy, demagoguery and corruption: Autonomous struggle of the underdogs!
Venezuela: ... Autonomous struggle from the ground up! (tags)
* Issue #52 of El Libertario is out In its editorial we reaffirm the commitment of this voice of Venezuelan anarchism to maintain a critical viewpoint on the country's realities, as well as our stand in solidarity with the struggle for liberty and equality.
2nd Screening of Videoactivism and Independent Documentaries, Caracas January 2008 (tags)
* The collective editors of the Venezuelan journal El Libertario and the Organizacion Nelson Garrido, have issued a call out for filmmakers and video activists from all over the world to present their recent autonomous works concerning active social movements in struggle. This will be held in Caracas, Venezuela, between the 21st and the 28th of January 2008.
Manifesto of solidarity with Venezuelan anarchists and social movements (tags)
* The newspaper Tierra y Libertad, mouthpiece of the Iberian Anarchist Federation, published in edition 227 of June 2007 this manifesto of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA; in support of those who in Venezuela today confront the bureaucratic capitalist project of the Chavez government as well as their social democrat and right wing opponents.
Venezuela: Interview with El Libertario (tags)
* Interview with indonesian anarchist journal EMPTY HEAVEN - May 2007 ( -- EMPTY HEAVEN collective website; -- indonesian anarchist/autonomist archive). More info in english & spanish about El Libertario: RP Failed to Redeem Self from 2004 Scandal - Int’l Observers (tags)
The Philippine government failed to redeem itself from suspicions that it "benefited" from such illegal practices in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in 2004 with rampant irregularities "allowed" in the region in the May 14 midterm polls. This was the conclusion reached by the People's International Observers' Mission (IOM), whose members admitted they are now questioning their belief that the Philippines is a democratic country. "What were very obvious and undeniable was that the government failed to redeem itself from the wide belief that it benefited from these illegal practices in Lanao del Sur in particular and the entire Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao in general in 2004," IOM said. “The Commission on Elections (Comelec), by sins of commission and omission, presided yet again over abominably chaotic elections."
Low Intensity War in Chiapas (tags)
The situation in Chiapas is very tense and everyday it worsens. This letter is an invitation for all of us, in each of our places and in our own way, to do everything possible to stop paramilitary aggressions in Chiapas. Here in Northern California we are organizing ourselves to spread the word as much as possible and pressure the Mexican government through international public opinion. Below you will find an article explaining the situation. Please send it out to as many people as possible. There is also, in Radio Zapatista's webpage (www.radiozapatista) audios from Morelia's Good Government Council and from the autonomous Municipal Council of Vicente Guerrero, as well as recent programs (in English and in Spanish) on the situation.
MILF denies agreeing to plebiscite (tags)
A senior leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has denied having said the Front agreed to holding of a plebiscite in new areas to be added to the present territory of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Ghazali Jaafar, MILF deputy chairman for political affairs, was reacting to a news article published in the Philippine Daily Inquirer (PDI) today, bylined by Jeffrey Maitum and Charlie Seòase, quoting him as saying, “We are for the constitutional process, if that’s what they (meaning, the government) want…."
++Zapatistas: Intergalactic encounter++ (tags)
The Zapatistas from Chiapas, Mexico, announce their plans for a intergalactic encounter “from below and from the left”. Intergalactic because they struggle for “a world in which all worlds can fit”.
Zapatistas: Intergalactic encounter (tags)
The Zapatistas from Chiapas, Mexico, announce their plans for a intergalactic encounter “from below and from the left”. Intergalactic because they struggle for “a world in which all worlds can fit”.
From A Buenas Noches Brigade... (tags) a Buenas Noches Army! A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Rise of Fascism and Racism In Our Communities A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Borders That Capitalism Depends On This is a call to all people who will be converging on the San Diego/Tijuana, Campo and Calexico/Mexicali regions to engage in autonomous direct action to stop the Minutemen, document it and share it with the world.
To the People of Mexico / To the Peoples of the World June 19, 2005 / Brothers and Sisters: As of today, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared, throughout all rebel territory, a GENERAL RED ALERT Based on this, we are informing you:
Zapatistas: War in Chiapas likely to resume (tags)
Last Sunday, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has put her regular army and her militia on red alert. Dozens of members of autonomous regional zapatista governments, the Councils of Good Government, fled to the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico’s southernmost state. From now on they work in a clandestine and nomadic manner. The offices of the autonomous municipalities and regions have been closed. Members of civil society who are in Chiapas right now are urged to leave rebelious territory, or stay at their own risk. The motivations for the red alert are unknown right now. It is very likely that the shooting war, that cost hundreds of lives in january of 1994, will be resumed.
Autonomous Picnin in Los Angeles (tags)
Alternative Gathering Collective presents- "Autonomous Picnic" Sunday, October 3rd, 2004 at Lafayette Park 625 S. La Fayette Park Pl. Los Angeles starts at 1pm -veggie potluck -swap meet / trade circle -skill share -literatures -games -acoustic guitar / drum circle / spoken word poetry
Antelope Valley (truly) Free Market - call for support (tags)
This is a call out for support by anyone who can either 1) make it up to the AV for November 26 and lend (Wo)man power 2) Support us with actual items for the Free Market or 3) Help us with any and all information or ideas you may have that will help us with this event.
occupied territory autonomous center (tags)
Bored With Third Party Politics (tags)
Where Our Focus Should Lie
AVC serving first Antelope Valley FNB (tags)
serving FNB this sat. the 17th at Eastide park lancaster 5pm
Update with CA Anarchist Gathering Fresno June 04 (tags)
Occupied Territory CA Anarchist Gathering Fresno June 04 (tags)
Occupied Territory is an anarchist gathering happeing in Fresno 2004 June 18-20. The gathering wil focus on local and regional collectives, building an autonomous village, and creating dialog for greater organization.
Basque petition for justice and peace (tags)
Petition is to highlight the Basque conflict to the media and the public. It is to show that Basques want peace and justice. Please read, sign, and pass on this petition!
CCRI-CG of the EZLN and the Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities of Chiapas
Autonomous Art Collective (tags)
We need artists! Artists from all walks of life and from all corners of the planet are welcome to join. We will also need cyber-punks and technical gurus to help facilitate the website and archival systems. We have already procured server space for media storage and are ready to start recruiting dedicated humans to help fight for justice in a unique and fun way. If this sounds like you and you are willing to donate autonomous works to the collective free of charge then we are interested in seeing some of your work and discussing your personal views when concerning activism and change.
Build Your Own FM Transmitter Workshop - Tucson, AZ 5/31/03 (tags)
Supporting free radio projects in the southwest US and northern Mexico.
Call to action for countrywide shopping mall protests on Winter Solstice, December 21, the last Saturday before Christmas
Running Down The Walls!!! Oct 19(9am-4pm) (tags)
Fundraising Run/Jog/Walk in Griffith Park, for U.S. Political Prisoners/Prisoners of War and the Autonomous Settllement of Maclovio Rojas in Northern Mexico
Fundraising Run/Jog/Walk in Griffith Park, for US Political Prisoners and the Autonomous Settlement of Maclovio Rojas in Northern Mexico.
Anarchist Black Cross Network 2002 Conference Next Week (tags)
The first Anarchist Black Cross conference in North America since 1994 will be held July 26-28, 2002, in Austin, Texas.
A6-S14: A Call to Action (tags)
a call to direct action against the US war in Iraq