fix articles 304017, dayton ohio
Stop Circus Animal Suffering – Protestors Urge Audiences to Shun the Wild Animal Circus (tags)
Protestors to shun Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey in Dayton, Ohio
908 Environmentalists Have Been Murdered in Brazil, Many Elsewhere As Well (tags)
Chico Mendes, Santos Rodrigues, Ohio nun Dorothy Stang are some of the nearly 1000 environmentalists murdered in Brazil by cattle ranchers, loggers, and other financial interests.
Links Re Many Instances Of Police Killings And Beatings (tags)
Video cams and cellphones have been equalizers and democratizers in exposing blue violence.
Videos, Lawsuits Will Hopefully End Unjustified Police Killings And Beatings (tags)
Violence is not increasing, but the awareness of the violence, through video cams, cellphones, and social media is increasing.