fix articles 3039, maoists
Maoist Popularity Wanes in Nepal Election (tags)
Results for Nepal's national elections show its Maoist party has plummeted in popularity, coming in a distant third and suggesting the former rebels' influence has diminished in the South Asian nation.
Nepal Maoists continue the struggle (tags)
Updates on the situation in Nepal
Maoist Leadership in Nepal Bans Strikes (tags)
As a strike wave sweeps the country, the Maoist leadership agrees to banning strikes.
Critique of Harpers Magazine Hitpiece on Nepal Maoists (tags)
Refuting the lies of "It's Not Easy Here in Katmandu: Caught between the Maoist Rebels and the king"
News of the Revolution in Nepal (tags)
Peace talks fail in Nepal; war likely to resume (tags)
A Maoist negotiator was arrested, causing the Maoists to close their Kathmandu contact office. The King is now hiring mercenaries to be trained by US advisors, while both sides stockpile weapons...
Maoists accuse US of interference (tags)
Prachanda said, “ The United States wants to extend its hold in Nepal, thereby furthering its own interests and influence on India, China and ultimately over whole of South Asia.”
Fighting erupts in Nepal as US, India back King (tags)
US agrees to help fight 'terrorism' in Nepal, as India offers military support to the Royal Nepal Army. A shootout between Maoist and RNA forces leaves several casualities, more
"The Maoists are doing very well...The situation in Nepal is really not looking very good", said U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Christina Rocca. The Maoists are fighting a tyrannical King just like we did!
US prepares for intervention in Nepal? 6 'terrorists' released (tags)
The United States is alarmed at the success of Maoist rebels in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal; the Supreme Court Tuesday ordered the releases of six more Maoists suspects detained by police and administration under the Terrorist and Desructive Activities Act...
Maoist General Strike in Nepal (tags)
Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)
Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.
U.S. supports repressive regime in Nepal (tags)
In order to continue the "state of emergency" against the wishes of parliament, King Gyanendra dissolved parliament. The press is under strict censorship, and government security forces have been acting with impunity, engaging in torture and summary execution, and killing of noncombatants. Yet the U.S. has increased support for the Nepali state.
9 nepalese police killed by rebels (tags)
Maoist rebels kill 27 police and free political prisoners (tags)
Maoists killed 27 policeman at a Nepalese airport and in a separate incident took over a prison and freed all the prisoners, mostly Maoist comrades.
Nepal: Maoists Launch Daring New Offensive (tags)
King declares state of emergency, sends in army Nepal: Maoists Launch Daring New Offensive!
Rebels in Nepal target Coca Cola (tags)
Maoist insurgents stage attack
update on nepals ongoing upsurge