fix articles 30362, at Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : at


Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)

Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.

Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)

Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.

Senate Advances Anti-Consumer Trade Bill Fast Track Authority: Debate Shifts to House (tags)


One of History's Greatest Crimes (tags)

Iraq as it was no longer exists

"Capitalism has Failed" (tags)

"The investments of businesses are ridiculously low, as low as after the Second World. The reason for this may be the immense indebtedness of private households. The only thing that blossomed in the US in the last years was Wall Street-that is now killing itself.."

Community Centers as a New Beginning (tags)

With $1 billion, the US could build 4000 community centers at a quarter-million dollars each. The network of community centers in Vancouver Canada could be our model. Public spirit could arise to counter the exploding inequality.

MP3 AUDIO – Interview with UCLA Student on Protesting the Regents (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 18, 2009 - UC Regents held their second day of meetings on the UCLA campus today. Demonstrations both inside the meeting and outside the building went on throughout the day. At one point civil disobedience action inside brought a temporary halt to the meeting. At least a dozen students were arrested today during the protests.

11:15 pm - Prop 8 Protests Continuing (tags)

A large march numbering in the 1,000s began in West Hollywood tonight around 8:00 pm. Estimates range from a low of 2,000 to a high of 10,000. At last report the march still numbering in the 1000s had marched to Hollywood and Highland and is now returning to West Hollywood. And there are reports of small marches in the area.

Prison on Lockdown and Eric McDavid in the Hole after Alleged IED Found (tags)

Eric McDavid is in the hole...


The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) congratulates and highly commends the militant action of all the individuals and organizations that joined the thousands who came out for the emergency response and mobilization last night, Januar 6, 2008 at the Israeli Embassy. Their all out support and their militant call to STOP THE MASSACRE AND SIEGE OF GAZA and FREE PALESTINE! reverberates throughout the world. Not only on the streets of Los Angeles

The Battle Of The River (tags)

A Fiction

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

Recession and Repression (tags)

The real inflation rate including energy and food amounted to 7.4 percent in January. The number of purchased homes reached an historic low. The compulsory auctions by banks have nearly doubled compared to the preceding twelve months.

At the River I Stand: Black History Month Film Showing (tags)

This film shows how the determination of low-paid Black workers in 1968 in Memphis, Tenn. transformed a local labor dispute into a pivotal point in the civil rights and union movements.

Save Our State Publicly Supports Nazi Skinheads (tags)

On a video posted on Youtube several Save Our State members thank Nazi skinheads for their patriotism.

Protest Giuliani's GOP Fundrai$er, Irvine, Sun., June 10! (tags)



vigil at lapd/sw to join witherspoon family protesting lapd murder of they son jamar, 18.

Personal Account & Photos of the Los Angeles J27 Protest (tags)

A firsthand account of the January 27, 2007 antiwar march in Downtown Los Angeles, with 12 photos taken on the route.

Kyl speaks at the Jewish Center (tags)

Photos of the canidates who talked at the political event at the Jewish Center in Tempe on Sunday

KPFK off the air, tech problems (tags)

At 2:25 pm 7/7/06 KPFK has been of the air since about 6:30 AM

National Guard Not Allowed? (tags)

reposted from right wingersite

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · IOF shot dead a Palestinian woman the West Bank and extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip. · Two Palestinians were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Bethlehem. · 17 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were wounded by IOF gunfire. ·

Huge Month of Demonstrations (tags)

Not to mention the immigration bill protests, March saw massive demonstrations all over the world. Two international action days - International Woman's Day, and the Iraq War anniversary - brought hundreds of thousands out protesting the war and the Bush Administration.

Vigil for clemency at gates to Gov's estate (tags)

Saturday, Dec 10th - A vigil was held in front of the gates to the governors mansion in Brentwood today calling for clemency for Tookie Williams.


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Report from Campo - Anti-MM Action (7/23) (tags)

Approximately 60 activists from around the region converged on the border area south of Campo, CA to peacefully make the point that the Minutemen are not welcome in California.

Report from Campo - Anti-MM action (tags)

Report from the border as of 9PM Saturday From a 1st hand source

United Resistance (tags)

Chicano Artist commemorates flag to Alhambra Resistance

What happened In Victorville (SOS rally) (tags)

The SOS was in Victorville on Saturday. The picture quality is real bad but it's all we've got. Check below for the rundown of what happened.

The Security Mania (tags)

Since Margaret Thatcher's brazen slogan `I dont know any society-only individuals', the old pre-fascist social Darwinism has become socially acceptable again..The wolf is praised as exemplary for our future economy.

For English, please press '1' (tags)

Another Women Dead On The Border (tags)

Another woman has been found dead in the area of Ciudad Juarez, in the Mexican State of Chihuahua, along the border with the US. At least 300 women have been abducted and killed in the area since 1993. Hundreds are also missing.

Grocery strike impressions (tags)

Grocery strike shows So Calif has not moved to the right.

Breakaway March update Hollywood (tags)

Police Brutality at the Oscars

Civil disobedience at Raytheon shows American & Iraqi casualties of war (tags)

Civil disobedience targets weapons manufacturer in El Segundo.

Pacifica Coverage of FEB 15 *** 8 Hours, in 30 min MP3s // PROGRAM DRIVER PAGE (tags)

Pacifica Radio coverage of Feb. 15, 2003. MP3 files for download or streaming.

Building Bridges Radio-Rev Herbert Daughtry on Labor and the War (tags)

Building Bridges:Community and Labor Report presents this 29 min radio program. Building Bridges is broadcast Mon.s 4-5pm PT TO LISTEN TO THIS PROGRAM CLICK ON INDYMEDIA LINK

At least a few soldiers there believe that 9/11 was a military OP carried out by the US go (tags)

At least a few soldiers there believe that 9/11 was a military OP carried out by the US government.

AT THE GATES OF FT. BENNING - NO to the Global Bully - Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer (tags)

AT THE GATES OF FT. BENNING: WE’RE HERE TO SAY NO TO THE GLOBAL BULLY Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer (Nov. 16, 2002) Author of School of Assassins: Guns, Greed and Globalization, spoke to thousands at the gates of Ft. Benning, the Columbus, GA-based Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC), formerly SOA. Asst. prof of justice and peace studies (U. of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN)), Nelson-Pallmeyer called for disciplined, active, non-violent civil resistance, and added, “Do not fight in the upcoming unjust wars. Do not fight!” 8 minutes

Protest world Leaders at the Bakersfield Business Conferance. (tags)

Bakersfield Business Conferance Protest Sat oct 12 in front of Stern Library 12.00 noon Cal State Bakersfield University 9001 Stockdale hwy Bakersfield California.

A Day at the Mall (in response to 9-11-02) (tags)

When this poem originally circulated on e-mail, it was headed "in response to the day." And the e-mail itself was titled "nine eleven."

Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action (tags)

"We can not remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc

Protest pResident BUSH -- Saturday, 9am Ontario CA (tags)

At 9 am tomorrow there will be an EMERGENCY ANTI-WAR PROTEST outside the Ontario Convention Center where President Bush will be speaking.

Common feelings …… (tags)

At the LAPD headquarter

Police Account of Demonstrations Not Based in Reality (tags)

Police did not live up to the terms of their dispersal order at the Human Needs Not Corporate Greed, March for Our Lives festival at the DNC and violently attacked demonstrators who were dispersing from the area (audio, listen in, 26:00).

LAPD Threatens Removal of Border Crosses (tags)

Saturday August 12: activists installed over 450 “border crosses” at the United Methodist Church, just up the street from the Staples center. The installation is “ a memorial to the migrants who have died crossing the border”. Dozens of police cars were at the church Saturday morning as the installation got underway. Officers converged on the church parking lot, questioned participants, and threatened to confiscate the crosses. At one point police threatened to enter church property to seize the crosses.

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