fix articles 302986, all god
Quotes On Universal Or Dietary Nonviolence (tags)
The thoughts of many crystallized into words on nonviolent food and lifestyle
All God's Children Are Psychic (tags)
all psychic matters have been repressed viciously and deemed "evil" or "sinful" by those who sought to maintain control over their "brothers." Such persecution led to secrecy
Paul Robeson honored with postage stamp (tags)
CHICAGO – Bowing to a six-year grassroots campaign, the U.S. Postal Service has announced that it will issue a stamp commemorating the life of Paul Robeson. The announcement is being greeted with joy in the ranks of those who fought for its issuance.
Mom, Drugs, and Apple Pie (tags)
The War On Drugs has gone on for a good thirty-five years since the Sixties. It's as real as professional wrestling. Well, almost. What do we have to show for it? Nothing. Nothing. You can get any drug you have heard of, and some you haven't, from your daughter in high school.